
Folklore vol. 57

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  History Culture and Selected PastsGuest eds: Anne Heimo, Ene Kõresaar, Pauliina Latvala


‘On Election Day the Husband Tied His Wife to a Table Leg to Stop Her from Voting’. Political Narratives, Gender and Archived Heritage in Finland


Pauliina Latvala


Latvala, Pauliina 2014. ‘On Election Day the Husband Tied His Wife to a Table Leg to Stop Her from Voting’. Political Narratives, Gender and Archived Heritage in Finland. Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore vol. 57. Editors Mare Kõiva, Andres Kuperjanov, Anne Heimo, Ene Kõresaar, Pauliina Latvala. Folk Belief and Media Group of Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu. doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.57.latvala