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EKM Teaduskirjastus

Estonia and Poland. Creativity and tradition in cultural communication. Volume 2: Perspectives on national and regional identity.


A set of comparative articles about creativity and tradition in cultural
communication in Estonia and Poland has been published by ELM Scolarly
Press. The set consists of two volumes, Volume 1 concentrating on jokes and
humour, and Volume 2 on identity creation.

ISBN 978-9949-490-77-6 (Vol. 2, printed version)
ISBN 978-9949-490-78-3 (Vol. 2, web version)

Key words: identity, narratives, media, folklore, cultural sudies

Paperback: 248 pages

Language: English

Editors: Liisi Laineste, Dorota Brzozowska & Władysław Chłopicki

Tartu: ELM Scholarly Press
Published: May 2013

The focus of the book is on the role of creativity and tradition in
contemporary Eastern Europe, with Estonia and Poland as cases in point. The
volume of articles addresses diverse narratives in the Eastern European
cultural space as they occur in various types of media. Parallel research
articles by scholars from a wide range of fields seek to provide a novel
perspective on the ongoing discussions of identity in these rapidly
changing societies. Research material for Volume 2: "Perspectives on
national and regional identity” is drawn from a variety of sources, both
contemporary, e.g. advertisement campaigns, urban legends, cookbooks, etc,
and archival, especially folkloric. The analysis of culturally significant
narratives helps to specify their role in the construction of collective
identity. The results of the studies demonstrate that both national and
regional identities are at least partly determined by concepts and stories
shared by the people, but at the same time they are the products of
external variables, such as public policies or globalisation.
