Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 1st Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP07 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP,2008
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 2nd Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP08 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP,2009
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 3rd Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP09 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP,2010 ISBN 978-989-96592-0-9
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 4th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP10 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP,2011 ISBN 978-989-96592-6-1
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 5th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP11 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP,2012 ISBN 978-989-96592-7-8
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 6th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP12 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP,2013 ISBN 978-989-96592-9-2
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 7th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP13 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2014 ISBN 978-989-98685-1-9
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 8th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP14 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2015 ISBN 978-989-98685-4-0
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 9th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP15 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2016 ISBN 978-989-98685-6-4
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 10th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP16 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2017 ISBN 978-989-98685-7-1
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 11th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP17 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2018 ISBN 978-989-98685-8-8
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 12th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP18 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2019 ISBN 978-989-20-9786-2
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 13th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP19 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2020 ISBN 978-989-33-1021-2
Soares, Rui (ed.) 14th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP19 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2021 ISBN 978-989-53395-0-1
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 15th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP21 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2022 ISBN 978-989-53395-2-5
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 16th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP22 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2023 ISBN 978-989-53395-3-2
Soares, Rui & Lauhakangas, Outi (eds) 17th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, ACTAS ICP23 Proceedings. Tavira: AIP-IAP, 2024 ISBN 978-989-53395-6-3
January 2025, compiled by the duo from Finland: Liisa Granbom-Herranen & Outi Lauhakangas
© Copyright 2008‒2024 Liisa Granbom-Herranen & Outi Lauhakangas
Surname | first name | co-writers | country | Title of the article | cc | pages | keyword1 | keyword2 | keyword3 | keyword4 | keyword5 | keyword6 | keyword7 | keyword8 | keywordsX |
Abdullaeva | Nargiza | Uzbekistan | On mutual understanding of Uzbek and English national proverbs containing graduonymic relations | 2020 | 287-307 | proverb | paremiology | graduonymy | graduonymic relation | equivalent | |||||
Abdullaeva | Nargiza | Uzbekistan | Translation of Uzbek poetic proverbs into English | 2021 | 44-52 | proverb | paremiology | poetic structure | shyme | parallelism | translation | equivalent | |||
Abdullaeva | Nargiza | Uzbekistan | Proverb and transaction | 2022 | 386-392 | proverb | communication | speech | language unit | speech unit | transaction | ||||
Abdullaeva | Nargiza | Uzbekistan | Usage of Uzbek proverbs and sayings in Utkir Hoshimov's “Daftar hoshiyasidagi bitiklar” | 2023 | 250-256 | proverb | saying | belles-lettres style | short story | didactic role | pragmatic intention | pragmatic potential | sociolinguistic role | ||
Abdullaeva | Nargiza | Uzbekistan | "Rome was not built in a day - Samarqandning tarixi uzun": linguo-cultural issues in finding equivalents of proverbs | 2024 | 286-293 | proverb | paremiological dictionary | equivalent | linguo-cultural study | cultureme | |||||
Abedian Kasgari | Ali Akbar | Iran | The paremiologic influence of the Persian language on the Urdu language | 2017 | 216-240 | Persian | Urdu | proverbs | paremiologic influence | language contact | |||||
Abedian Kasgari | Ali Akbar | Iran | Paremiologic survey of some homogeneous Persian and Danish proverbs | 2018 | 498-510 | anti-value | beliefs | Danish and Persian proverbs | paremiologic survey | value | |||||
Abramowicz | Zofia | Poland | Stereotype of a Jew in Polish and Russian proverbs and idioms | 2011 | 416-425 | ||||||||||
Abramowicz | Zofia | Poland | Stereotype of a Jew as recorded in Polish and Ukrainian phraseologies | 2013 | 144-156 | ||||||||||
Abreu | António | Portugal | Proverb and prophecy in the sermons of priest António Vieira | 2009 | 25-36 | ||||||||||
Abreu | António | Portugal | Provérbio e profecia nos sermões do padre António Vieira | 2009 | 15-25 | ||||||||||
Abreu | Estela dos Santos | Brasil | Como traduzir provérbios: um dicionário multilíngüe (Francês/Português/Inglês) | 2009 | 71-76 | dicionário multilingüe | provérbios | traduҫão | provérbios em francês | provérbios em português | provérbios em inglês | ||||
Abreu | Estela dos Santos | Brasil | How to translate proverbs: a multilingual (French/Portuguese/English) dictionary | 2009 | 76-82 | multilingual dictionary | proverbs | translation | French proverbs | Portuguese proverbs | English proverbs | ||||
Aleksa | Melita | Croatia | Finding anti-proverbs in large-scale corpora: automatic corpus analysis with NSP | 2008 | 298-308 | anti-proverbs | corpus analysis | NSP | lemmatization | ||||||
Aleksa | Melita | Croatia | The reception of anti-proverbs in the German language area | 2009 | 83-98 | anti-proverbs | German humour | sociolinguistics | pilot study | German speaking asea | evaluation | funniness | |||
Aleksa Varga | Melita | Valentina Majdenić Irena Vodopija | Croatia | Croatian proverbs in use | 2012 | 519-530 | Croatian proverbs | anti-proverbs | research | Croatian textbooks | |||||
Aleksa Varga | Melita | Valentina Majdenić | Croatia | “He who works is not afraid of being fired” - Corpus analysis of Croatian proverbs and anti-proverbs in primary schools | 2016 | 228-236 | proverbs | anti-proverbs | qualitative and quantitative corpus analysis | ||||||
Alexander | Tamar | Yaakov Bentolila | Israel | “Quien madruga el Dió le ayuda - between a Spanish proverb and a Sephardic proverb” | 2010 | 327-339 | proverb | Spanish | Sephardic | Haketia | affinity | Uniqueness | Parallelism | Adaptation | |
Aliçka | Ylljet | Bisej Kapo | Albania | The use of proverbial inheritance from political rhetoric and "regenerative capacity" of political slogans to gain the status of a proverb - Albanian case | 2016 | 97-107 | Albanian proverbial heritage | political slogan | status of popular adage | ||||||
Almeida | Onésimo | USA | O provérbio dinâmico - as voltas criativas que os provérbios podem levar | 2016 | 13-22 | provérbios | humor | saber tradicional | |||||||
Almqvist | Bo | Ireland | The proverb repertoire of a blasket fisherman: collecting and studying the proverbs of the Gaelic poet and storyteller Mícheál Ó Gaoithín | 2012 | 14-27 | wellerisms | tales | legends | storyteller | ||||||
Álvarez Díaz | Juan José | Spain | Proverbs dealing with the relationship of the clergy and the prostitute trade with soldiers and weaponry | 2011 | 515-528 | ||||||||||
Álvarez Díaz | Juan José | Spain | Refranes españoles de mozas y soldados | 2012 | 441-451 | soldados | amor | mozas | refranes | ||||||
Álvarez Díaz | Juan José | Spain | Spanish sayings and proverbs about country women and soldiers | 2012 | 430-441 | soldiers | love | girls | sayings and proverbs | ||||||
Álvarez Díaz | Juan José | Spain | The recruitment of soldiers in the Spanish proverbs | 2013 | 209-217 | Recruitment | levies | soldiers | proverbs | ||||||
Álvarez Díaz | Juan José | Spain | Sayings of swords | 2015 | 555-560 | sword | saying | proverb | |||||||
Álvarez Díaz | Juan José | Spain | Honor and fame in proverbs | 2017 | 577-585 | honor | fame | proverbs | sayings | ||||||
Álvarez Díaz | Juan José | Spain | The struggle for life in Spanish proverbs | 2019 | 530-538 | courage | effort | proverbs | saying | struggle | |||||
Álvarez Díaz | Juan José | Portugal | Maxima for the war in the work “Ab urbe condita” of Tito Lívio | 2022 | 489-499 | war | maxims | paremias | Tito Livius | ||||||
Alves Junior | Marcelino Costa | Brasil | Os provérbios populares nas aulas de filosofia | 2017 | 428-433 | filosofia | reflexão | sabedoria popular | |||||||
Alves Junior | Marcelino | Marcia Jardim Rodrigues | Brasil | Os provérbios na música popular brasileira | 2019 | 614-617 | música popular | identidade | cultura | provérbios | |||||
Alves Junior | Marcelino | Marcia Jardim Rodrigues | Brasil | The proverbs in the Brazilian popular music | 2019 | 618-621 | popular music | identity | culture | values | |||||
Amadeu-Sabino | Marilei | Brasil | “Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se os pensamentos”: estereótipos da mulher em provérbios de várias culturas | 2013 | 157-171 | provérbios | papéis sociais | preconceitos | imagem estereotipada da mulher | ||||||
Amadeu-Sabino | Marilei | Brasil | “Times change, thoughts change”: the stereotyped image of woman in proverbs of several cultures | 2013 | 172-178 | proverbs | social roles | prejudices | stereotyped image of woman | ||||||
Amaral | Maria Leonor | Portugal | ""Faz do teu limão uma limonada"": provérbios e sentido das aprendizagens | 2011 | 178-192 | ||||||||||
Amaral | Paulo | Portugal | Análise da fundamentação agronómica dos provérbios agrícolas portugueses | 2016 | 217-222 | paremiologia | provérbio | agronomia | ruralidade | ||||||
Amaral | Paulo | Portugal | Analysis of the agricultural fundaments of the agriculture Portuguese proverbs | 2016 | 222-227 | paremiology | proverb | agronomy | rural life | ||||||
Amaral Xavier | Pedro | Portugal | Paint me a proverb!: an interdisciplinary path | 2024 | 126-138 | art | heritage | interdisciplinarity | mentality | proverb | |||||
André | Sandra | Cristina Garcia, Conceição Graça, Marinela Soares, Rui Soares, Cidália Teixeira | Portugal | Projecto de actividades educativas | 2020 | 559-573 | viagem | universo proverbial | cidadania | ||||||
Antão | Celeste | Portugal | Provérbios e promoção da saúde | 2016 | 23-30 | provérbio | saúde e promoção da saúde | ||||||||
Apostolova | Ivanka | Republic of North Macedonia | Proverbs in the plays by Jugoslav Petrovski (Macedonian playwright) | 2021 | 88-99 | Eleshnik | Vase Porcelain | Jugoslav Petrovski | theater plays | Macedonian contemporary theater | Macedonian archaic proverbs | proverbial archaisms of fear, sun, moon, wind, dead men | |||
Araújo, de | Luis Manuel | Portugal | Paremiologia maética: a sapiência proverbial do antigo Egipto | 2011 | 13-23 | provérbios | antigo Egito | sabedoria | maet | ||||||
Araújo, de | Luis Manuel | Portugal | Paremiology maat: the proverbial wisdom of ancient Egypt | 2011 | 23-29 | proverbs | ancient Egypt | wisdom | maat | ||||||
Araújo, de | Luís Manuel | A maet proverbial do antigo Egito | 2014 | 76-80 | |||||||||||
Araújo, de | Luís Manuel | Portugal | Sentenҫas proverbiais de timbre político-militar no antigo Egito | 2015 | 486-491 | provérbios | guerra | Antigo Egito | |||||||
Araújo, de | Luís Manuel | Portugal | Proverbial sentences of political-military tone in the Ancient Egypt | 2015 | 492-498 | proverbs | war | Ancient Egypt | |||||||
Araújo | Luís | Portugal | Erotismo e sentenças concupiscentes no Antigo Egito | 2016 | 404-410 | potẽncia sexual | erotismo | concupiscẽncia | |||||||
Araújo | Luís | Portugal | Erotism and concupiscent sentences in ancient Egypt | 2016 | 411-415 | sexual power | eroticism | lust | |||||||
Attolino | Paola | Italy | From “I have a dream” to “I can’t breathe”: Black protest and phraseology | 2022 | 327-329 | racism | Black Protest | civil disobedience | |||||||
Attolino | Paola | Paolo Rondinelli | Italy | “Gettare il proprio corpo nella lotta": Pasolini, civil passion and phraseology | 2023 | 499-509 | counterpower | poetry | African American culture | phraseology | political slogan | ||||
Augusto | Maria Celeste | Netherlands | Wellerims in Dutch and in Portuguese | 2015 | 429-443 | wellerisms | Portuguese | Dutch | |||||||
Augusto | Maria Celeste | Netherlands | Provérbios de tipo 'wellerismo' nas línguas holandesa e portuguesa | 2014 | 416-429 | wellerismos hollandese | wellerismos portugueses | ||||||||
Augustyn | Rafał | Portugal | Fixedness vs. variation: a cognitive linguistic analysis of the creative use of selected Polish and English proverbs | 2013 | 386-396 | Cognitive Linguistics | Conceptual Blending | Current Discourse Space | idioms | linguistic creativity | proverbial expressions | ||||
Avelino Jesus | Manuel | Portugal | No poupar é que está o ganho | 2017 | 241-243 | crescimento | politicos | poupança | próverbio | teoria económica | |||||
Babič | Saša | Slovenia | The use of proverbs in Slovene language | 2011 | 426-435 | short folklore forms | proverb | folklore event | folklore moment | commercial | advertisement | ||||
Babič | Saša | Slovenia | Proverbs in Slovenian newspapers (The Newspaper Project) | 2013 | 282-290 | proverbs | newspaper language | metaphor | |||||||
Babič | Saša | Slovenia | Wolf doesn't attack other wolf, dog doesn't bite other dog: predators as a characterizing element in proverbs | 2023 | 204-217 | proverb | animal | beast | folklore | short folklore forms | |||||
Bădescu | Laura | Romania | Política e politheia nos provérbios romenos do século XVIII | 2012 | 158-177 | política | inventário | colecções de provérbios | |||||||
Badridinova | Aziza | Uzbekistan | The linguo-pragmatic peculiarities of Uzbek - Proverbs that represent recommendation and warning in context | 2024 | 265-268 | proverb | linguo-pragmatics | speech act | literary context | pragmatic intention | |||||
Bagheri | Mehri | Iran | Proverbs as verbal heritage throughout generations | 2019 | 86-94 | collective memory | dependent proverbs | independent proverbs | literary proverbs | verbal heritage | |||||
Bamisile | Sunday Adetunji | Portugal | Sexist prejudices in Yoruba, English and Portuguese proverbs | 2010 | 133-146 | Misogamist proverbs | language and patriarchal oppression | ||||||||
Bamisile | Sunday Adetunji | Portugal | Provérbios como fontes históricas em língua Ioruba | 2013 | 218-228 | Provérbios | informação histórica | ||||||||
Baños | Josep-E. | Elena Guardiola | Spain | Usus magister est optimus: Learning the meaning of pain through Spanish proverbs | 2015 | 76-88 | Spain | pain | Spanish proverbs | headache | toothache | ||||
Baptista | Jorge | Sónia Reis | Portugal | O uso de provérbios no ensino de Português | 2017 | 521-539 | disponibilidade lexical | ensino de lingua | manuais escolares | processamento da linguagem natural (PLN) | provérbios portuqueses | ||||
Baptista | Jorge | Sónia Reis | Portugal | Estudo das estruturas proverbiais com sujeito indefinido - provérbio ou EF? | 2019 | 166-185 | corpora | classifição sintáctica | expressões fixas | Processamento da Linguagem Natural | próverbios | ||||
Baptista | Jorge | Sónia Reis | Portugal | As intenções comunicativas no uso de provérbios | 2020 | 363-376 | provérbio | funções pragmáticas | intenção comunicativa | ||||||
Baptista | Jorge | Sónia Reis | Portugal | Desenvolvendo jogos didático-pedagógicos a partir de recursos lexicais: As relações semânticas entre palavras nos provérbios | 2022 | 26-43 | provérbios | jogos | relaqҫões semânticas entre palavras | recursos linguisticos | |||||
Baptista | Jorge | Nuno Mamede Sónia Reis | Portugal | Antiprovérbios: desafios a identificação automática de expressões criativas de provérbios | 2023 | 79-88 | provérbios | "variaҫão criativa" | identifiҫão automática | textos | |||||
Baptista | Jorge | Sónia Reis | Portugal | Uso da tecnologia GPT (3.5) no ensino de proverbios e expressoes fixas | 2024 | 60-90 | provérbios | expressões fixas | ensino de português | chat GPT | |||||
Baran | Anneli | Estonia | Phraseological units in online-media: visualisation as a tool for processing of figurative units | 2012 | 391-399 | journalism | online-media | internet-language | phraseological expressions | political discourse | |||||
Baran | Anneli | Estonia | Weather paremias – a special case of proverbiality | 2016 | 315-327 | sayings | weather proverbs | superstitions | Estonian calendars | ||||||
Bazenga | Aline | Portugal | Complexidade das expressões formulaicas de tipo proverbial. Para bom entendedor, meia palavra basta, um ato perlocutório intertextual situado | 2016 | 70-83 | expressões formulaica de tipo proverbial | ato pragmático multidimensional | ato perlocutório intertextual | sentido alusive | Grice | |||||
Bazenga | Aline | Portugal | Proverbs as complex formulaic expressions. To the wise, half a word is enough as an intertextual perlocutionary situated act | 2016 | 83-93 | proverbs as complex formulaic expressions | multidimensional description | intertextual perlocutionary act | allusive meaning | Grice | |||||
Bazenga | Aline | Justine Rodrigues | Portugal | Linguajar madeirense-3. Continuação do estudo sobre os provérbios do arquipélago da Madeira | 2019 | 345-353 | ditos populares | gentílicos | madeirensidade | provérbios | Arquipélago da Madeira | ||||
Barros-Oliveira | José Henrique | Portugal | Proverbs about aging and the old age: educative applications | 2008 | 318-322 | proverbs | aging | elderly | |||||||
Bekmurodova | Firuzabonu | Uzbekistan | Linguapragmatic translatability of Uzbek proverbs with cultural references into English | 2023 | 450-456 | pragmatics | culture-specific proverbs | equivalence | translation | ||||||
Belinko | Lital | Israel | A comparative analysis of Argentinean and Spanish proverbs | 2013 | 410-420 | proverbs | linguistics | Spanish | dialects | Argentina | Spain | ||||
Bentolila | Yaakov | Tamar Alexander | Israel | “Quien madruga el Dió le ayuda - between a Spanish proverb and a Sephardic proverb” | 2010 | 327-339 | proverb | Spanish | Sephardic | Haketia | affinity | Uniqueness | Parallelism | Adaptation | |
Biela-Wołońciej | Aleksandra | Mariusz Wołońciej, Michał Wilczeski | Poland | Paremiology in the study of cultural aspects of depression: the case of Polish proverbs | 2020 | 414-433 | depression | proverbs | culture optimism/pessimism | paremiology | |||||
Biber | Hanno | Austria | A corpus-based study of proverbs and proverbial expressions | 2010 | 106-110 | ||||||||||
Biber | Hanno | Austria | How to find proverbs in the AAC - Austrian Academy Corpus | 2011 | 345-348 | ||||||||||
Bobkina | Jelena | Spain | Clothing, sayings and proverbs taken through the prism of the Russian old-believers | 2011 | 531-538 | Melnikov-Pecherski | Russian old-believers | clothing sayings and proverbs | |||||||
Bragança Júnior | Álvaro Alfredo | Brazil | Paremiologia latina medieval e Sacro Império: semas e temas em análise interdisciplinar | 2018 | 531-538 | história medieval | Chinese traditional medicine | latim medieval | |||||||
Bùi Viêt | Hoa | Finland | Proverbs in the Kalevala and in descendant of Mon man | 2011 | 61-71 | ||||||||||
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | El proverbio como elemento intercultural en la clase de lengua: un análisis sobre la condición humana y los valores | 2008 | 512-524 | adagio | aforismo | actor social | cultural | cibersociedad | condición humana | cultura | crisis | dichos lengua materna (Lengua 1) lengua extranjero (Lengua 2) locuciones proverbios relaciones interpersonales valores | |
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | The proverbs as an intercultural element | 2008 | 498-511 | adagio | social | cultural | educational actor | aphorism | cybersociety | human condition | culture | crisis sayings mother language or L1 foreign language or L2 locutions proverbs interpersonal relations values (ethics) | |
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | El uso de los proverbios, vehículo comunicador de gran impacto en ead: el espacio del proverbio en un mundo paradigmatico | 2010 | 96-106 | proverbio | Cambio, cambio de época | comunicación, conexión | cultura, diálogo escucha, habla, educación | emocionar | ético-educativo, fragilidad, herencia, paradigma, paremia, proceso- comunicacional, proverbio, Tics., (Tics = NCIs) | ||||
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | The use of proverbs, a communicational vehicle with a great impact on the EAD: the place of proverbs in a world of paradigms | 2010 | 85-95 | proverb | dialogue, communication process, connection | culture, ethical-educational | emotion | fragility | heritage, listening, speech, paradigm, NCIs (Tics) | ||||
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | Presencia intercultural de dos mundos en el bicentenario Argentino: una mirada holística de la literatura Gauchesca, a partir de dichos de ""Martín Fierro"" | 2011 | 460-483 | civilicaión | dos mundos | Españolismo | Gaucho | Hernández | interculturas | Martin Fierro | romances | versos octosílabos | |
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | The world intercultural precense in the Argentine bi-centennial anniversary: a view into the gaucho literature and sayings of the Martín Fierro | 2011 | 435-459 | civilization | two worlds | Spanishism | Gaucho | Hernández | intercultures | Martin Fierro | romances | octosyllabic verses | |
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | Análisis holístico del habla campestre centrada en la naturaleza, distintas réplicas universales en que se espejan y las dificultades de su transferencia idiomática | 2012 | 267-283 | Caballo | campestre | criollo | dicho | habla | interculturalidad | lengua viva | origen | traducción | |
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | Holistic analysis of rural speech centered in nature, different universal replicas in which they reflect and difficulties in the idiomatic transference | 2012 | 251-266 | horse | creole culture | said | speaking | intercultural | living language | origin | translation | ||
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | “The book of moral proverbs by Alonso de Barros” from the perspective of paremiogical, creations as ethical tools | 2013 | 570-604 | Comparative investigation | DNA | human condition | didactic | ethics | legacy | tool | heritage | moral proverbs power proverbial contextualization re-created | |
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | Professorship needs on the application of new educational tools for the teaching of South American paroemias | 2014 | 246-258 | Andalusian | comparative investigation | educational contents | key professorship competences | debates | didactics | applied phraseology | heritage | paroemias, collective imagination, translation | |
Cabezudo De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | Paremiological mediation learning strategies to promote brain training and the development of Executive Functions throughout the life | 2016 | 459-487 | brain-training | FE (Executive Functions) | strategies-paremiological mediation | neuroeducation | neurosciences | |||||
Cabezudo Sánchez De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | Contribution on the use of Rebaudi Cards and INECO form in the neurocognitive diagnosis including proverbs interpretation | 2017 | 460-477 | brain | Rebaudi cognitive cards (RC) | executive functions (FE-FF EE) | INECO Form | interdisciplinary role | test | proverbs | |||
Cabezudo De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | Neuroscience and proverbial work inspired in “Refranero” (by Moya to enrich the “Rebaudi Cards”). | 2018 | 437-453 | BI (brain injury) | game | paremiology | memory | neurosciences | Rebaudi Cards (RC) | sayings collection | research+time, vernacular memory | ||
Cabezudo De Rebaudi | Maria Isabel | Argentina | New youth expressions in the RC: ‘When the game is a serious matter’. A new contribution to the interdiciplinary use of neurocognitive evaluations. | 2019 | 389-404 | abstraction | BI brain injures | excutive functions | game | memory | neuroeducation | ||||
Caetano | Carmen | Aires Carvalho | Portugal | Aldeia Sustentável – Projeto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Integrado e Inclusivo | 2018 | 165-168 | ambiente | desenvolvimento sustentável | eduҫão | património | próverbios | ||||
Caetano | Carmen | Aires Carvalho | Portugal | Sustainable Village - Integrated and Inclusive Sustainable Development Project | 2018 | 168-180 | environment | sustainable development | education | patrimony | proverbs | ||||
Calvarro | Jesús Marín | Spain | Clusters of proverbs and polyseic terms in Otello, the moor of Venice: analysis and translation | 2010 | 486-497 | Shakespeare | language | proverbs | translation | Spanish | |||||
Camões | José | Portugal | Proverbs and Exempla take the stage | 2019 | 150-163 | early modern theatre | Portugal | exemplum | |||||||
Capponi | Paola | Spain | Names of celestial objects in popular tradition: proverbs as sources | 2011 | 210- 222 | proverbs | astronomy | linquistics | lexicology | Italian dialects | popular oral tradition | ||||
Capponi | Paola | Spain | On the analysis of popular references to the sky | 2012 | 238-246 | research methodology | linguistics | astronomical lexicon | popular tradition | ||||||
Capponi | Paola | Spain | Silence, words and acts: threating in th proverbs | 2015 | 199-203 | threat | proverb | silence | words | actions | fear | future | semantics | ||
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Northern Ireland UK | Proverbs in seminal English-Irish dictionary | 2009 | 109-117 | bilingual | common | corpus | de Bhaldraithe | Dinneen | English proverbs | equivalent | European | Harrap's Irish oral tradition parallel proverb sources translation variant version | |
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Northern Ireland UK | ‘Life, against its better judgment, goes on…chick lit and proverbs and their spread, with reference to marian keyes’ much-translated Dublin-based best seller Watermelon’ | 2010 | 415-427 | alliteration | anti-proverbs | best seller | chick lit | circulation | classic proverbs | contemporary proverbs | currency | dialogue | |
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Northern Ireland UK | Proverb pairs, with particular regard to Irish material | 2012 | 187-202 | Bible | conjunction | contemporary | contradictory pair | contrast | English / Irish / Scottish | wellerism | parallel proverb | parody | |
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Northern Ireland UK | All roads lead to...?- proverbs containing place-names and their contemporary use | 2014 | 443-451 | China | city | European corpus | language | proverb | place-name | fool | Rome | variant, version | |
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Northern Ireland UK | Proverbs in three Belfast Almanacs of the 1860s | 2015 | 340-346 | almanac | Ulster dialect | anecdotes | sayings | ||||||
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Ireland | A contemporary haul of proverbs from Ireland | 2017 | 587-593 | oral tradition | recent | Ireland | schoolgirls | local | English-language | ||||
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Ireland | Behind every good man … Ireland’s first female paremiologist | 2018 | 469-477 | Ireland | County Down | nineteenth-century | Hume | manuscript | essay | collection | Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) | ||
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Ireland | The exotic in proverbs in Ireland | 2019 | 444-455 | 1930s | silk, satin, velvet | America | the Bible | oral tradition | animals | wine | |||
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Ireland | ‘Silk and satin on Siobhán…’ Cloth and clothes in proverbs in Ireland and beyond | 2020 | 478-485 | oral tradition | Ireland | Arabic | biblical | 1930s | |||||
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Ireland | From mouth to hand: the use of proverbs and sayings in contemporary campaigns | 2021 | 113-122 | altered form | Belfast | campaign | contemporary | conventional fom | discourse | English | flyer | highflyer, humour, illustration, leaflet, learning, memory, message, new proverb, Northern lreland, organisation, original fom, photo, re-use, saying, standard form, transmission. use, uncdnventional form. written context | |
Carson Williams | Fionnuala | Ireland | Ukufi, the handful of Kiswahili proverbs in Johnson's 1939 dictionary | 2024 | 418-428 | current | dictionary | East Africa | Healey | Johnson | Kiswahili, Swahili | Knappert | Madan | proverb, universal | |
Carter | Elena | USA | “Melting the ice of the Cold War”: Nikita Khrushchev’s proverbial rhetoric in America | 2015 | 184-198 | Nikita Khrushchev | the Soviet Union | US | the Cold War | the Iron Curtain | peaceful coexistence | proverb / proverbial expression | proverbial speech | rhetoric | |
Carter | Elena | Russia | “God Knows”: Nikita Khrushchev’s use of Biblical proverbs in America | 2016 | 145-156 | Nikita Khrushchev | the Soviet Union | the United States | the Bible | Biblical metaphor | proverb | proverbial expression | proverbial speech | rhetoric | |
Carter | Elena | Russia | “Two birds with one stone”: English proverbs in foreign-language acquisition | 2017 | 59-67 | English-language instructor | English proverb | foreign-language curriculum | methodological way | pedagogical practice | |||||
Carter | Elena | Russia | “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”: Paremiological Minimum and Foreign-Language Teaching | 2018 | 113-124 | Anglo-American proverbs | cultural literacy | English-language instructor | familiarity test | paremiological minimum | |||||
Carter | Elena | Russia | Seeing is Believing: the didactic nature of the Russian Animated Proverbial Series | 2019 | 192-202 | animated proverbial series | cartoons | didactic tool | Russian proverbs | translation challenges | |||||
Carter | Elena | Russia | Russia “Horn of plenty”: mythological echoes in Nikita Khrushchev’s political discourse | 2020 | 122-132 | memoirs | mythology | Nikita Khrushchev | political speeches | proverbial texts | |||||
Carter | Elena | Russia | Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today: students' insights on the proverbial wisdom in the time of the pandemic | 2021 | 245-255 | essay | pandemic | procrastination | proverb | student | time management | ||||
Carter | Elena | Russia | “Crack a tough nut”: Vegetal paremias in Nikita Khrushchev’s memoirs | 2022 | 146-155 | comparative analysis | memoirs | Nikita Khrushchev | political discourse | vegetal paremia | |||||
Carvalho | Aires | Carmen Caetano | Portugal | Aldeia Sustentável – Projeto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Integrado e Inclusivo | 2018 | 165-168 | ambiente | desenvolvimento sustentável | eduҫão | património | próverbios | ||||
Carvalho | Aires | Carmen Caetano | Portugal | Sustainable Village - Integrated and Inclusive Sustainable Development Project | 2018 | 168-180 | environment | sustainable development | education | patrimony | proverbs | ||||
Carvalho | Aires | Portugal | Jogos e proverbios: Uma estrategia de inclusao social | 2024 | 469-473 | ODS | ONU | provérbios | desenvolvimente sustentável | dominó | inclusâo social | ||||
Carvalho | Sérgio Luís de | Portugal | A origem histórica das expressões populares portuguesas | 2012 | 179-183 | origem histórica | expressões populares portuguesas | ||||||||
Carvalho | Sérgio Luís de | Portugal | The historical origin of portuguese popular expressions | 2012 | 183-186 | historical origin | Portuguese popular expressions | ||||||||
Cazelato | Sandra | Brasil | Interpretation of proverbs: the sociocognitive journey in the relation of meaning among proverbs carried out by aphasic subjects | 2014 | 52-63 | aphasia | proverbs | interpretation | signification | linguistic | cognition | ||||
Celis Villalba | Isabel | Ramon Marti Solano | Spain | Proverb in everyday speech versus frozen proverbs in dictionaries and texts: a lexicographic and corpus based study | 2023 | 475-486 | Spanish proverbs | orally transmitted proverbs | variant forms | proverb modifications | semantic shift | corpus-based analysis | |||
Čermák | František | Czech Republik | Proverbs - linguistic and lexicographic approaches versus ethnographic logical onomasiological and other | 2008 | 193-207 | lexicography | meaning, function and usage of proverbs | onomasiology | |||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Frequent proverbs and their meaning: a proposal of a linguistic description (the core and paremiological minima described) | 2010 | 40-65 | proverbs | paremiological minima | meaning and function of proverbs | lexico-semantic classification | ||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republik | Dog and cat proverbs: a comparison of English, Czech, Finnish and other languages | 2011 | 131-140 | proverb | proverbs in corpora | language comparison | descriptive metalanguage | ||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Lexical foundations of proverbs, based on data from English, German, French and Czech | 2012 | 203-217 | animal proverbs | dog-proverbs | English | French | German | Czech | lexical word-stock | |||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Lexical origins of proverbs: lexicon and proverbs | 2013 | 229-238 | ||||||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Pragmatics of proverbs: basic types of evaluation | 2014 | 259-266 | ||||||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Numbers in proverbs | 2015 | 298-305 | proverbs | numbers | corpus | polyfunctional use of numbers | ||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Laugh proverbs. Do they really capture laughing? | 2016 | 291-298 | proverbs | laughter | distribution and actores | |||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Reason and Thought: Pillars of Intelligent Behaviour in Proverbs | 2017 | 149-160 | reason | thought | intelligent baviour | proverbs | ||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Proverbs on friends and friendship | 2018 | 15-27 | international proverb | contrastive paremiology | Marcus Tullius Cicero | dictionaries | ||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Basic English proverbs: their variability and corpus-based aspects | 2019 | 52-69 | basic proverbs | English | corpus (BNC) | Matti Kuusi | ||||||
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Proverbs on being stupid and clever | 2020 | 102-119 | stupid | clever | wisdom | tradition | Erasmus | Cipolla | apron | boot | cloth, coat, cobbler, contemporary, dress, County Monaghan, shirt, shoe, silk, tailor, wool | |
Čermák | František | Czech Republic | Yiddish proverbs in culture and times: obvious and less obvious types | 2021 | 128-147 | Yiddish proverbs | Jewish proverbs | inventory | old Egypt | Middle East | Central and West Europe | ||||
Changshan | Ma | China | A brief introduction of Chinese contemporary satirical proverbs | 2014 | 289-294 | ||||||||||
Chelmi | Evlampia | Greece | A panorama of modern Greek paremiography and paremiology | 2008 | 231-239 | paremiography | paremiology | ||||||||
Chen | Chu-Hsien | Taiwan / Germany | When wisdom became a dictionary: the poster’s monologue | 2010 | 428-434 | proverbs | Taiwan | Taiwanese language | 陳主顯(Chu-Hsien Chen) | ||||||
Chen | Chu-Hsien | Taiwan / Germany | ""A water-scorpion dreams of becoming a dragonfly"": combating poverty and social exclusion as seen from Taiwanese proverbs | 2011 | 51-61 | Taiwanese proverbs | wisdom instruction | poverty | social exclusion | corruption | |||||
Choudhury | Sanghamitra | Pratima Neogi | India | Reflections of rural values through the “Fokora Jujona”, Assamese proverbs from India’s north-east | 2013 | 555-560 | Assam | Assamese | Lakshminath Bezbarua | folk life | North-East | India | |||
Choudhury | Sanghamitra | India | Learning proverbs through folktales: ‘Burhi air Sadhu’ - grandmas tales from Assam, India | 2013 | 61-72 | Assam | Assamese | Lakshminath Bezbarua | folk life | proverbs | North-East | India | |||
Choudhury | Sanghamitra | Jhanin Mushahary Kwrwmdao Wary | India | Understanding Bodo tribal society through batra bhao (proverb) | 2023 | 168-177 | Assam | Bhatra Bhao | Bodo | proverb | North-East India | ||||
Ciolfi | Lorenzo Maria | France | The Apostoloi: a family of modern paremiologists in the XVIth century (part I) | 2014 | 174-184 | Greek proverbs | Byzantine culture | Renaissance | Michael and Arsenius Apostolis | ||||||
Cocco | Francesca | Italy | Quando o próverbio faz vender, publicidade paremiológica na Itália | 2014 | 279-287 | provérbios | linguística | Italiano | publicidade | slogan | Itália | ||||
Colagrossi Bordoni | Luciana | Italy | Computational approaches for studying proverbs | 2009 | 99-108 | disambiguation | ontology | proverb classification | |||||||
Conde | Josefa | Angola | O nome nos Mwajimbo (linhagem Cokwe): nome-provérbio em Cokwe | 2012 | 340-346 | Mwajimbo | linhagem | provérbio | nome | circunstância | |||||
Conde | Josefa | Pedro Costa Pereira Eugénia Kossi | Angola | Cixima Ca Ngungu | 2013 | 605-610 | Provérbio | estórias | utópico | distópico | chefes e comandados | ||||
Costa | Cecilia | Portugal | The mathematical culture hidden in Portuguese popular proverbs | 2021 | 327-340 | basic education | elementary mathematics | ethnomathematics | mathematical categorization of proverbs | Portuguese popular proverbs | |||||
Costa Batista | Maria Aida | Portugal | Adelaide cunea e margarida Victória - mulheres que ousaram afrontar o universo femining dos provérbios | 2023 | 512-519 | género | conceitos | linguagens | |||||||
Costa Ferreira | Anete | Brasil | Ditos populares sobre os bichos da Amazónia | 2017 | 435-451 | Amazônia | Brasil | ditos populares | provérbios | ||||||
Costa Ferreira | Anete | Brasil | Popular sayings about Amazon animals | 2017 | 451-458 | Amazon | Brasil | popular sayings | proverbs | ||||||
Costa Ferreira | Anete | Brasil | As gírias e o Jogo do Bicho | 2019 | 364-370 | gírias | Jogo do Bicho | apostador | palpite | ||||||
Costa Ferreira | Anete | Brasil | Antes ou depois da chuva? | 2021 | 423-431 | chuva | Amazónia | provérbios | banho | região | |||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo da | Angola | Óscar Ribas e os provérbios em Kimbundu. A mulher na colecҫão de provérbios recolhidos por Óscar Ribas | 2009 | 117-128 | ||||||||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo da | Angola | O mais velho: reparem como sou sábio (A sabedoria dos mais velhos ou os provérbios como estratégia de poder) | 2012 | 319-328 | provérbios ambundos | sábio | sabedoria | |||||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo da | Josefa Conde Eugénia Kossi | Angola | Cixima Ca Ngungu | 2013 | 605-610 | Provérbio | estórias | utópico | distópico | chefes e comandados | ||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo | Angola | A literatura sapiencial entre os Kibala | 2016 | 429-443 | funçao implícita | provérbios | adivinhas | literatura sapiencial | ||||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo | Angola | “Esperto” com “esperto” não caça ratos /// Malin and malin can’t hunt mice | 2017 | 303-307 | armadilha | caçar | "esperto" | ratos | saberes | |||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo | Angola | O teimoso leva as fezes no cabo do machado | 2018 | 332-339 | cultura | ensino e aprendizagem de lingua estrangeira | provérbios | tradiҫão oral | traduҫão | |||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo | Angola | The stubborn takes the feces in the axe handle | 2018 | 340-346 | culture | teaching and learning of a foreign language | proverbs | oral tradition | translation | |||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo | Josefa Mige | Angola | Canzanga mucima kakhulu mbinga. A coruja tudo quanto quis foi ter cornos. | 2019 | 332-338 | presciência | sabedoria | clarividente | sábia | |||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo | Josefa Mige | Angola | The Owl, everything he wanted was to have horns | 2019 | 338-344 | foreknowledge | wisdom | clairvoyant | wise | |||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo Jorge | Angola | Angola Sabho ya Shinjambumba: a lenda da lagu de Xinjambumba | 2020 | 382-391 | lenda | versão | provérbio | interditos | função implícita | |||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo Jorge | Angola | Sabho ya Shinjambumba: the legend of Xinjambumba | 2020 | 392-401 | legend | version | proverb | forbidden | implicit function | |||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo | Angola | O mito urbano | 2021 | 406-409 | Musseques | Mito urbano | literatura sapiencial | provérbios | contos | |||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo | Angola | A sabedoria nos provérbios Mbundu | 2022 | 240-255 | funҫão implicita | regras de comportamento | provérbios | infomantes | ||||||
Costa Pereira | Pedro Ãngelo | Angola | Wisdom in Mbundu proverbs | 2022 | 255-270 | implicit function | rules of behavior | proverbs | informants | ||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | The heart is a beach: proverbs and ""improverbs"" in Mia Couto's stories | 2008 | 484-489 | Mia Couto | improverbs | Mozambique | |||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Do ritual aos provérbios | 2009 | 129-133 | provérbios africanos | rituais | comunidade Ghangana | |||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | From ritual to proverbs | 2009 | 133-138 | African proverbs | rituals | Changana community | |||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Proverbs, we wear them | 2010 | 472-477 | ||||||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Vestindo provérbios | 2010 | 466-472 | ||||||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | The paremiological base of Akan symbols | 2011 | 483-488 | Africa | Akan people | gold weights | |||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | The wisdom of African music and dance: “the way you sing shows in the way you dance” | 2012 | 231-237 | Africa | oral tradition | music | dance | proverb | |||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Four proverbs to explain the world | 2013 | 206-208 | ||||||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Wise ways of Carolina Maria De Jesus´ life | 2014 | 453-458 | ||||||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Sung proverbs:Finason from Cabo Verde | 2015 | 524-527 | Africa | African dinner | African music | batuque | Cape Vert | finason | proverb | sun | ||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Loneliness, the human desert | 2016 | 444-446 | loneliness | solitude | cinema | proverbs | ||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | A lembrança eterna | 2017 | 543-546 | México | morte | Dia dos Mortos | provérbios | sabedoria | |||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | The celebration of eternal remembrance | 2017 | 546-549 | Mexico | death | day of dead | proverb | wisdom | |||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Oferendas, a generosidade de dar | 2018 | 236-239 | oferendas | hinduismo | budismo | generosidade | sabedoria | |||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Offers, the generosity of giving | 2018 | 240-243 | offers | giving | hinduism | buddhism | generosity | wisdom | ||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Fecha-se uma porta, abre-se uma janela: 52 portas e janelas tem um ano | 2019 | 509-513 | casa | janela | mundo | porta | sabedoria | |||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | One door closes, one window opens: 52 doors and windows has a year | 2019 | 513-518 | door | home | window | wisdom | world | |||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Descobrir mundos | 2020 | 540-543 | mão | sabedoria | provérbios | |||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Discover worlds | 2020 | 544-547 | hand | wisdom | proverbs | |||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | A vida está nos detalhes | 2021 | 418-420 | detalhes | provérbio | vida | sabedoria | ||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Life is in details | 2021 | 420-422 | details | proverbs | life | wisdom | ||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Dor e resiliência vivem juntas | 2022 | 309-311 | resiliência | dor | provérbios | sabedoria popular | ||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Grief and resilience live together | 2022 | 311-313 | resilience | grief | proverbs | popular wisdom | ||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Azulejos e provérbios | 2024 | 312-319 | Azulejos | Portugal | La Fontaine | Provérbios | ||||||
Coutinho | Maria João | Portugal | Tiles and proverbs | 2024 | 320-327 | Tiles | Portugal | La Fontaine | Proverbs | ||||||
Couvaneiro | Amílcar | Angola | Aforismos e desigualdades de género | 2010 | 251-262 | Provérbios | crença | desigualdades | sexismo | estereotipia | discriminação | ||||
Couvaneiro | M. Conceiҫão H. S. | Portugal | ""Filho és, pai séras"" - provérbios: os mitos e a praxis | 2009 | 493-502 | ||||||||||
Couvaneiro | M. Conceiҫão H. S. | Portugal | ""Filho és, pai séras"" (You are a son, You'll be father) -proverbs: the myths and praxis | 2009 | 502-511 | ||||||||||
Crespo Jiménez | Maria Rosalia | Spain | Reflections on doors: a contrastive analysis of English/Spanish proverbs | 2009 | 139-148 | proverbs | doors | constarstive analysis | popular culture | ||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal | The linguistic creativity in Romanian proverbs | 2008 | 490-498 | Coseriu | energueia | language | culture | creativity | Romania | ||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal / Romania | By hand with God | 2009 | 154-162 | ||||||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal / Romania | De mãos dadas com Deus | 2009 | 148-154 | ||||||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal / Romania | Language and proverbs | 2010 | 461-466 | ||||||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal / Romania | Linguagem e provérbios | 2010 | 455-461 | ||||||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal / Romania | On the stream of wisdom | 2011 | 489- 492 | death | limit | culture | |||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal / Romania | Love in proverbs | 2012 | 491-498 | love | human being | life | |||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal / Romania | The proverbs in the learning of languages | 2013 | 273-281 | ||||||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal / Romania | From oral to written proverbs | 2014 | 144-156 | paremiology | Eugenio Coseriu | culture | |||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Portugal / Romania | The proverbial "tip" | 2015 | 274-282 | proverbs | human constant | metaphorical process | |||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Romania | Os animais nos provérbios | 2016 | 173-179 | animal | tradição | simbolo | função cultural | ||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Romania | Animals on proverbs | 2016 | 180-188 | animal | tradition | symbol | cultural function | ||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Romania | A lógica dos provérbios | 2017 | 371-377 | Coseriu | lógica | sentido | significado | designação | |||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Romania | AThe logics of proverbs | 2017 | 377-383 | Coseriu | logics | proverbs | sense | meaning | designation | ||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Romania | O enquadramento paremiológico da abstinência | 2018 | 195-198 | abstinência | enquadramento paremiólogico | religião | tradiҫão | sabedoria | |||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Romania | Constantin Brâncuși e a consistência paremiológica da sua arte | 2019 | 252-264 | Constantin Brâncuși | ditos da cultura popular romena | próverbios | |||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Romania | The sculptor Constantin Brâncuși and the paremiological consistence of his art | 2019 | 264-282 | Constantin Brâncuși | maxims | proverbs | sentences | ||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Romania | Os números falam | 2020 | 206-216 | números | treze | paremiologia | Coseriu | ||||||
Cristea | Simion Doru | Romania | Numbers speak | 2020 | 216-225 | numbers | believe | paremiology | Coseriu | ||||||
Cruz | José | Luis Pereira; Francisca Silva | Portugal | A ocasião faz o ladrão | 2021 | 152-157 | provérbio | festa | fortuna | teatro | rábula | ||||
Cymbron | José Manuel | Portugal | Think, act, celebrate: sowers of dreams | 2014 | 241-244 | ||||||||||
Dias Salvado | Isabel | Lyudmyla Mestre Marinela Soares Rui Soares | Portugal | "No feito esta o proveito" – um caso de boas praticas | 2023 | 551-559 | cidadania | cooperação | arquivo | provérbios | |||||
Díaz Ferrero | Ana Maria | Enrique F. Quero Gervilla | Spain | A avaliaҫão negativa da mulher nas parémia das línguas portuguesa e russa | 2015 | 101-109 | mulher | paremiologia portuquesa | paremiologia russa valorizaҫão | ||||||
Di Venosa | Elena | Italy | Black and white in medieval proverbs of Germanic area. Examples from the Thesaurus Proverbiorum Medii Aevi | 2024 | 357-367 | proverbs | colours | black | white | Germanic languages | Middle Ages | ||||
Dixon | Izabela | Poland | "Evil is as vil does": image-schematic superstitious proverbs and sayings | 2015 | 283-295 | superstitions | sayings | figures of speech | idioms | ||||||
Dixon | Izabela | Poland | Duality is the spice of life | 2016 | 391-401 | duality | good and evil | cognitive study | |||||||
Dixon | Izabela | Harald Ulland | Poland | 'He who sleeps…', formal and semantic typology of implication proverbs: a cross-linguistic study | 2017 | 206-214 | implication proverbs | morality (sleeping and drinking) | semantic typology | syllogisms | |||||
Dixon | Izabela | Harald Ulland | Poland | Implication proverbs | 2018 | 278-288 | implication | sentence structure | subordination | syndetic and asyndetic coordination | |||||
Dixon | Izabela | Harald Ulland | Poland | On the concept of change: Brexit in proverbs and proverbial expressions | 2019 | 40-51 | proverb(s) | change | Brexit | phraseology | discource | ||||
Dixon | Isabel | Harald Ulland | Poland | When proverbial "enough is enough" in politics | 2023 | 116-127 | enough is enough | politics | tautology | proverbs | equivalents of "enough is enough" | ||||
Djalilova | Khurshida | Uzbekistan | The role of folk proverbs in Uzbek Jadid literature | 2023 | 297-305 | proverb | wise words | travelogue | fiction | Uzbec Jadid literature | freedom | patriotism | enlightment | ||
Djalilova | Khurshida | Uzbekistan | The use of folk proverbs in the works of Abdulla Avloni (by the example of travel diary) | 2024 | 371-376 | travel | travel diary | proverb | national character | Uzbek literature | enlightenment | ||||
Dobrovol'skij | Dmitrij | Russia | Criteria for distinguishing between proverbs and sentential phrasemes of other type | 2011 | 97-105 | proverbs | sentential phrasemes | sayings | speech formula | phraseology | |||||
Doru Cristea | Simion | Romania | The paremiological frame of the abstinence | 2018 | 198-202 | abstinence | paremiological frame | religion | tradition | wisdom | |||||
Doru Cristea | Simion | Romania | A dimensão clássica dos provérbios | 2023 | 434-441 | coseriu | energueia | clássico | provérbio | ||||||
Doru Cristea | Simion | Romania | The classic dimension of proverbs | 2023 | 441-448 | coseriu | enérgeia | classic | proverb | ||||||
Doru Cristea | Simion | Romania-Portugal | Fé e provérbios | 2024 | 163-170 | Coseriu | energueia | fé | provérbio | ||||||
Doru Cristea | Simion | Romania-Portugal | Faith and proverbs | 2024 | 170-177 | Coseriu | enérgeia | faith | proverb | ||||||
Džekčioriūtė-Medeišienė | Vita | Lithuania | Relations between proverbs. Proverbial phrases and beliefs in Lithuanian folklore | 2021 | 222-241 | paremiology | proverbs | proverbial phrases | folklore genres | beliefs | |||||
Duarte | Rui | Portugal | One century later: proverbs and World War I | 2015 | 589-602 | war proverbs | World War I | ||||||||
Duarte | Rui | Francisca Silva | Portugal | Proverbs in A Bee in the Rain by Carlos de Oliveira | 2016 | 671-676 | Portuguese proverbs | A Bee in the Rain | Carlos de Oliveira | neorealism | rural society | ||||
Ďurčo | Peter | Slovakia | The concepts of paremiological minimum and paremiological optimum | 2015 | 326-339 | paremiological minimum | paremiological optimum | demoscopic research | corpus based research | ||||||
Ďurčo | Peter | Slovakia | The complex model of equivalence in idiomatics and paremiology | 2016 | 31-49 | equivalence | phraseology | paremiology | extension | intension | suprasemantics | diasystem | |||
Egorova | Anna | Russia | Evaluation potential of English and Russian proverbs | 2008 | 277-284 | ethics | mentality | polyassosiative semantics | morally-ethical attitude and proverbs | ||||||
Elchinova | Magdalena | Bulgaria | Pragmatics of Bulgarian proverb: proverbs and golk narratives | 2011 | 84-97 | proverbs | Bulgarian folklore | pragmatics | function | folk narratives | |||||
Ennaji | Moho | Morocco | Masculinity and language: a sociocultural study of proverbs about Moroccan women | 2020 | 527-539 | language | masculinity | women | proverbs | Morocco | |||||
Espada | Maria de Jesus | China | Provérbios e lendas remotos – reflexos etnoculturais da comunidade de Tugu, Indonésia | 2017 | 124-138 | herança cultural | identidade | lusodescendência | oralidade | provérbios | |||||
Estibeira | Maria do Céu | Portugal | Máximas, provérbios e aforismos na produção literária de Fernando Pessoa | 2018 | 154-163 | aforismo | Fernando Pessoa | próverbio | quadra | traduҫão | |||||
Ferrari | Patricio | Portugal / Argentina | Proverbs in Fernando Pessoa’s works | 2013 | 46-60 | Pessoa | proverbs | perverbs | archive | private library | |||||
Ferreira | Tomás | Portugal | Provérbios e tradição em O Senhor dos Anéis | 2022 | 351-361 | Tolkien | provérbios | O Senhor dos Anéis | |||||||
Ferreira | Tomás | Portugal | Proverbs and lore in The Lord of the Rings | 2022 | 361-371 | Tolkien | proverbs | The Lord of the Rings | |||||||
Fiedler | Sabine | Germany | Proverbs in Esperanto | 2010 | 146-156 | Proverbs | Esperanto | planned language | phraseology | ||||||
Filary | Magdalena | Camelia Zabava | Poland | Moral values reflected in proverbs – with application on Romanian and Polish proverbs | 2021 | 395-405 | paremiology | proverbs | Romanian proverbs | Polish proverbs | morality | ||||
Filary | Magdalena | Elena-Camelia Zăbavă | Romania | Expression of opposition in Romanian and Polish paremiology | 2022 | 395-401 | semantic opposition | antithesis | paremiology | Polish | Romanian | ||||
Frazão | Maria Fernanda | Natali Nascimiento | Portugal | O “Baralho dos provérbios” e alguns elementos da história das cartas de jogar em Portugal | 2017 | 562-570 | provérbios | cartas de jogar | cultura portuguesa | património imaterial | jogo | história | |||
Frazão | Maria Fernanda | Natali Nascimiento | Portugal | The “Card deck of proverbs” and some elements of the history of playing cards in Portugal | 2017 | 570-576 | proverbs | playing cards | Portuguese culture | intagnible heritage | games | history | |||
Frazão | Fernanda | Portugal | Provérbios. Definições e variações | 2018 | 420-426 | provérbio | conceitos | lingua portuguesa | |||||||
Freire | António Abreu | Portugal | Os provérbios na literatura de Cordel | 2010 | 544-550 | ||||||||||
Freitas Rodrigues | Manuel Justino | Portugal | Linguajar madeirense. Pequenos contributos para o estudo dos Provérbios da Região Autónoma da Madeira | 2016 | 501-519 | provérbios | variedades madeirenses do português | Arquipélago da Madeira | |||||||
Freitas Rodrigues | Manuel Justino | Portugal | "Linguajar Madeirense" Contininuaçã0 do estudo sobre os provérbios do arquipélago de Madeira | 2017 | 308-319 | provérbios | usos proverbiais | agricultura | madeirensidade | Arquipélago da Madeira | |||||
Freitas Rodrigues | Manuel Justino | Portugal | Contributos para o estudo de alguns provérbios Africanos | 2022 | 342-349 | anexins | provérbios | África | |||||||
Funk | Günther Matthias Andreas | Portugal | Game theoretical models to describe the frame of proverbial usage | 2008 | 239-247 | game theory | social interaction | proverbial rules | ""tit for tat""-strategy | ||||||
Funk | Günther Matthias Andreas | Portugal | Correlation betweeb proverbial knowledge and location of habitation | 2009 | 174-180 | Azorean community | proverbial minimum | clique analysis | |||||||
Funk | Maria Gabriela Cabral Berardo | Portugal | How to use a practical dictionary of Portuguese proverbs - aims and methodology | 2008 | 17-29 | dictionary | proverb | cultural meaning | methodology | ||||||
Funk | Maria Gabriela Cabral Berardo | Portugal | Indicadores estruturais da funҫão textual do proérbio | 2009 | 162-173 | pragmatics | polyphony | text vs. context | functions | proverbial relevance | |||||
Funk | Maria Gabriela Cabral Berardo | Portugal | Women in the Portuguese proverbs: facts and myths | 2010 | 435-442 | women | Portuguese proverbs | pragmatics | popularity | ||||||
Gameiro | Luís | Portugal | A propósito do anexim ‘O rei no torno, o marquês de trono. | 2019 | 595-604 | teatro | politica | história | rei | Terramoto | |||||
Gameiro | Luís | Portugal | On the subject of the saying ‘The king on the lathe, the marquis on the throne’ | 2019 | 605-613 | theatre | politics | history | king | earthquake | |||||
Garcia | Cristina | Sandra André, Conceição Graça, Marinela Soares, Rui Soares, Cidália Teixeira | Portugal | Projecto de actividades educativas | 2020 | 559-573 | viagem | universo proverbial | cidadania | ||||||
García González | José Manuel | Lúcia Rodríguez González | Spain | O Livro de Ouro de Séneca / Liber Aureus Senecae | 2016 | 237-251 | Séneca | aforismos | máximas | provérbios | filosofia | ||||
García González | José Manuel | Lúcia Rodríguez González | Spain | Gold book from Séneca / Liber Aureus Senecae | 2016 | 252-270 | Séneca | aphorism | sentences | proverbs | philosophy | ||||
Gargallo Gil | José Enrique | Spain | Results of the project ParemioRom (paremiología romance: refranes meteorológicos y territorio) | 2017 | 105-122 | database | geolinguistics | paremiology | proverb types | romance | |||||
Gaski | Harald | Norway | The Sami view of themselves and their neighbors | 2016 | 62-69 | Sami proverbs | Sami traditions | ||||||||
Ghitescu | Micaela | Romania | Pecularities of Romanian proverbs as compared to those of other Romance languages | 2008 | 180-186 | equivalents of proverbs | proverb dictionary | aphoristic creation | |||||||
Ghitescu | Micaela | Romania | Pastores versus marinheros nos provérbios Romenos e Portugueses | 2009 | 180-183 | navegaҫão | pastoreio | saudade | dor | ||||||
Ghitescu | Micaela | Romania | Shepherds vs. seafarers in Romanian and Portuguese proverbs | 2009 | 184-187 | sea-faring | grazing | saudade | dor | ||||||
González | Raúl E. | Mexico | Proverbs in the Mexican folk song | 2009 | 511-520 | ||||||||||
Gonzáles-Rey | Maria Isabel | Spain | The problem of the metalanguage of phraseology and the need for homogenisation | 2023 | 459-473 | phraseology | paremiology | metalanguage | Unesco | ||||||
Grabski | Stepan | Armenia | Language teaching through the study of proverbs | 2023 | 324-332 | proverb | aquisition | cultural-linguistic approach | intercultural communication | linguo-culturology | dialogue of cultures | cultural diversity | |||
Graça | Conceição | Sandra André, Cristina Garcia, Marinela Soares, Rui Soares, Cidália Teixeira | Portugal | Projecto de actividades educativas | 2020 | 559-573 | viagem | universo proverbial | cidadania | ||||||
García González | José Manuel | Lúcia Rodríguez González | Spain | O Livro de Ouro de Séneca / Liber Aureus Senecae | 2016 | 237-251 | Séneca | aforismos | máximas | provérbios | filosofia | ||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Proverbs and meanings | 2009 | 188-200 | proverb | metaphor | possible world semantic | meaning | standard proverbial interpretation | |||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Is a proverb always a proverb? | 2010 | 215-221 | phrase | proverb | quotation | saying | ||||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | ""Grandmother gave us the guidelines of life"" - proverbs from childhood | 2011 | 106-118 | childhood | pedagogical discourse | proverb | upbringing at home | ||||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Women’s place in Finnish proverbs from childhood | 2012 | 284-294 | everyday life | childhood | proverb | woman | ||||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Some paremiological notes of proverbs in a Finnish newspaper (The Newspaper Project) | 2013 | 315-328 | proverb | newspaper | ||||||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Family proverbs – three generations looking at proverbs | 2014 | 295-303 | family | proverb | proverbial utterance | upbringing | ||||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Some paremiologic notes of proverbs in three Finnish newspapers (Newspaper Group -2) | 2015 | 405-414 | proverb | reference to proverb | Bible quotation | newspaper | TV | vernacular | ||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Challenges in international and often multidisciplinary paremiologic co-operation | 2016 | 571-581 | research process | newspapers | proverbs | proverbial expressions | Estonia | Finland | Slovenia | |||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Proverbs, songs and singing | 2017 | 273-283 | proverb | singing | song | tradition | ||||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Proverbs participate in the nation building | 2018 | 369-379 | Finnishness | folkloristic paremiology | meanings | nationalism | proverb | proverb as a symbol | ||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Contemporarily used proverbs in SMS messages sent to a Finnish daily paper | 2019 | 406-416 | colloquial written language | everyday life | interpretation | meaning | newspapers | proverbial utterance | possible worlds semantics | proverbial speech | SMS message, text message, vernacular | |
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Proverbs in the best known textbook in Finland – What and why? | 2020 | 230-240 | educational power | everyday life | language | nationalism | proverb | textbook | translation | |||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Edward Westermarck – a scientist and explorer with proverbs in Morocco | 2021 | 56-64 | Edward Westermarck | Morocco | proverb | paremiography | ||||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Why has nature been relevant in Finnish proverbs? | 2022 | 318-324 | language | nationalism | paremiography | paremiology | proverb as a symbol | theory of climate | ||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | The life cycle of a proverb | 2023 | 73-78 | folklore-products | paremiography | paremiology | proverb as a symbol | ||||||
Granbom-Herranen | Liisa | Finland | Notes in the study of proverbs in vernacular used in everyday communication | 2024 | 350-356 | folklore studies | everyday life | paremiography | paremiology | proverb | vernacular | ||||
Grandl | Christian | Germany | ""There is no son of pharaon at night"" - the ""lost proverbs"" of ancient Egypt | 2009 | 201-213 | ancient Egyptian proverb | identification | meaning and context | parallel and variants | polygenesis | |||||
Grandl | Christian | Germany | Demotic wellerisms | 2011 | 502-505 | ancient Egypt | demotic | wellerism | |||||||
Grandl | Christian | Germany | Velerismos demóticos | 2011 | 498-501 | antigo Egipto | demótico | velerismo | |||||||
Grandl | Christian | Germany | Low German wellerisms and proverbs on beer coasters from Schleswig-Holstein (poster) | 2013 | 624-626 | ||||||||||
Grzybek | Peter | Austria | The popularity of proverbs. A case study of the frequency-familiarity relation for German | 2009 | 214-229 | ||||||||||
Grzybek | Peter | Austria | Proverb variants and variations: a new old problem? | 2012 | 136-152 | variants | variations | proverbs classification | familiarity | ||||||
Grzybek | Peter | Austria | On whether weather proverbs are weather proverbs. Towards a fresh look at weather lore and meteo-prognostic paroemias | 2016 | 273-290 | proverbs about climate | meteo-prognostic paremia | paremiological framework | |||||||
Guardiola | Elena | Josep-E. Baños | Spain | Usus magister est optimus: Learning the meaning of pain through Spanish proverbs | 2015 | 76-88 | Spain | pain | Spanish proverbs | headache | toothache | ||||
Gusset | Marco | Germany | Ancient Orient proverbs go eLearning | 2022 | 382-385 | ancient orient proverbs | educational goals | eLearning | learning theories | social media | |||||
Gusset | Marco | Germany | Orality as link for ancient proveres to connect to the digital age | 2023 | 194-201 | ancient orient proverbs | digital age | e-learning | social media | orality | secondary orality | ||||
Gusset | Marco | Germany | Ancient orient proverbs go E-learning - presentation of design principles for proverbs in E-learning and the research methodology to test and refine these principles | 2024 | 269-274 | ancient orient proverbs | e-learning | research methodology | design-based research | ||||||
Guy | Leah | United Kingdom | Proverbs as orature in labour rebellions of Cuba & Tobago (1876-1959) | 2023 | 179-188 | orature | Caribbean proverbs | Tobago | Cuba | labor rebellions | |||||
Hakamies | Pekka | Finland | Cognitive approach to proverbs: a universal mode of thinking | 2008 | 156-164 | universality of proverbs | definition of the genre | cognitive research | schema | prototype | |||||
Hakamies | Pekka | Finland | Food and eating represented in Finnish proverbs | 2009 | 230-237 | Finnish proverbs | cultural schemas | cultural models | corollaries of expressions | ||||||
Hakamies | Pekka | Finland | Word order, information structure and the perception of proverbiality in Finnish proverbs | 2010 | 208-214 | ||||||||||
Hakamies | Pekka | Finland | Aspects on proverb genre | 2013 | 542-554 | proverb | genre | category | etic | emic | |||||
Haraldsson | Helgi | Norway | Proverbs and paremiology in Iceland | 2011 | 119-130 | paremiology | Icelandic sagas | quotations | fatalism | winged words versus proverbs proper | |||||
Harris | Richard | Canada | The road to Norse wisdom: finding paremiological patterning in the Icelandic sagas | 2023 | 232-248 | Icelandic Sagas | paremiology | paremiological cognitive patterning | |||||||
Hasan-Rokem | Galit | Israel | Proverbs as cultural capital: a structural and functional analysis with special reference to judeo-persian and georgian jewish examples | 2010 | 29-40 | proverbs | Jewish folklore | inter-textuality | classical Persian poetry | classical Persian poetry | |||||
Havlin | Tetiana | Germany | Socio- cultural changes of the female and male representations in the German proverbial and anti- proverbial contexts | 2012 | 295-309 | proverbs | anti-proverbs | gender | gender representation | ||||||
Henriques | Claudio Cezar | Brasil | Parêmias em mutaҫão: variantes dos provérbios como recurso expressivo | 2015 | 214-226 | aloprovérbios | discurso | estructura | léxico | ||||||
Herdade Lucas | Margarida | Miguel Portela | Portugal | José Malhoa, com a arte na alma | 2013 | 441-450 | José Malhoa | Pintura | Provérbios | ||||||
Herdade Lucas | Margarida | Miguel Portela | Portugal | José Malhoa, with art in the soul | 2013 | 450-458 | José Malhoa | painting | Proverbs | ||||||
Hrisztova-Gotthardt | Hristzalina | Switzerland | Print dictionaries and collections of proverbs versus a multilingual proverb database | 2008 | 187-192 | paremiology | lexicography | proverbs | collections | dictionaries | online database | ||||
Hrisztova-Gotthardt | Hrisztalina | Hungary | ""A proverb comes not from nothing"" On the origin of Bulgarian proverbs | 2009 | 238-246 | Bulgarian proverbs | origin | common European and country specific sources | |||||||
Hrisztova-Gotthardt | Hrisztalina | Hungary | The reception of anti-proverbs in the German language area | 2009 | 83-98 | anti-proverbs | German humour | sociolinguistics | pilo study | German speaking asea | evaluation | funniness | |||
Hulin | John | United Kingdom | Ode to a proverb | 2008 | 459-466 | ode | proverb | rhyme | advice | truth | deceit | history | modern | translation computer | |
Hulin | John | United Kingdom | “The pen is mightier than the sword” – the European Union explained through proverbs | 2010 | 442-444 | ||||||||||
Hulin | John | United Kingdom | ""Great oaks from little acorns grow"" - The Portuguese explained through proverbs | 2011 | 493-498 | ||||||||||
Hulin | John | United Kingdom | The use of computer databases in proverbs research | 2012 | 400-403 | computer databases | proverbs characteristics | ||||||||
Hulin | John | United Kingdom | The Japanese writing system, as learned through the proverbial card game “Iroha Karuta” | 2013 | 382-384 | Japan | Iroha | Karuta | Hiragana | ||||||
Iida | Hidetoshi | Japan | The standardized PS lists | 2011 | 371-376 | PS list | standardized PS lists | Paremiological Spectrum | comparison of proverbs | comparative paremiology | |||||
Ivanova | Elizaveta | Russia | On modelling proverbial conceptualisation | 2020 | 501-510 | proverb | conceptualisation | concept | prototype | modelling | cross-linguistic analysis | ||||
Iványi | Bence | Hungary | Towards a dramaturgy of proverbs: a short overview from Lope de Vega to Eric Rohmer | 2023 | 268-281 | dramatic situation | dramaturgy | proverbe dramatique | proverbs in drama fiction | proverbs in film | scriptwriting | theatre | |||
Jaime Lorén | José María de | Spain | José de Jaime Gómez. Paremiólogo espanhol (1928-2014). In memoriam. | 2016 | 108-110 | paremiologia | ditados | metodologia paremiológica | literatura paremiológica | José de Gómez | |||||
Jaime Lorén | José María de | Pilar de Jaime Ruiz | Spain | Psychiatric proverb collection | 2016 | 608-622 | paremiologia | sayings | psychiatry | madness | mental illnesses | ||||
Jaime Lorén | José María de | Raquel Lacuesta Gilaberte | Spain | Proverbs, a teaching tool in computer science. Automatic proverb reversion | 2016 | 623-634 | paremiology | proverb | saying | computer science | peripherals | new technologies | |||
Jaime Ruiz | Pilar de | José Maríade Jaime Lorén | Spain | Psychiatric proverb collection | 2016 | 608-622 | paremiologia | sayings | psychiatry | madness | mental illnesses | ||||
Jardim Rodrigues | Márcia | Marcelino Alves Júnior | Brazil | Os provérbios na música popular brasileira | 2019 | 614-617 | música popular | identidade | cultura | provérbios | |||||
Jardim Rodrigues | Márcia | Marcelino Alves Júnior | Brazil | The proverbs in the Brazilian popular music | 2019 | 618-621 | popular music | identity | culture | values | |||||
Jeong | Jisuk | Japan | Comparative paremiology and PS lists | 2011 | 359-371 | comparison of proverbs | comparative paremiology | Paremiological Spectrum | PS list | Korean proverbs | Japanese proverbs | proverb literacy | |||
Jiménez | Rosalía Crespo | Spain | Bible doors | 2010 | 498-509 | Biblical analysis | computer tools | terminology | |||||||
Jóhannsson | Ellert Thór | Thórdis Úlfarsdóttir | Iceland | Icelandic proverbs and their European counterparts | 2024 | 405-417 | proverbs | Islandic | historical collections | metaphoric language | medieval sources | ||||
Jorge | Guilhermina | Portugal | Mais vale um provérbio livre do que dois cativos (reflexões sobre a tradução da linguagem proverbial) | 2019 | 106-128 | provérbio | forma-provérbio | sentido metafórico | tradução | criadução proverbial | |||||
Jorge | Guilhermina | Portugal | Slowly through the paths of paremiology | 2020 | 194-205 | paremiology | biblographic database | typologies | |||||||
Jurczyk-Duarte | Adriana | Poland | Auto-aprendizagem de portugués língua estrangeira e o papel dos provérbios no conhecimento da mentalidade portuquesa | 2014 | 157-172 | self-learning | Portuguese language | proverbs | Portuguese mentality | ||||||
Järv | Risto | Estonia | Are eggs smarter than chickens — or are they not? contrasting opinions in proverbs | 2023 | 258-265 | proverbs | Estonia | proverb publications | contradicting proverbs | ||||||
Kapchits | Georgy | Russia | On Somali paremias based on numbers | 2018 | 70-78 | classification | numbers | paremias | Somali | ||||||
Kapchits | Georgy | Russia | On the artistic features of Somali paremias | 2019 | 186-191 | Somali | paremias | alliteration | |||||||
Kaplanoglou | Marianthi | Greece | Some paremiological micro-data from my great-grandfather | 2016 | 157-172 | personal corpus of proverbs | family lore | folk political economy | proverbs on moral issues | expansion of proverbs' meaning | |||||
Kaplanoglou | Marianthi | Georgios Tserpes | Greece | Facing (and fighting) reality with proverbs: Two cases of proverb contextualization during the first and the second period of the lockdown in Greece due to the Covid-19 pandemic. | 2022 | 289-299 | (anti)proverbs | devil | oral speech | social media | folklore during the Covid pandemic | ||||
Kaplanoglou | Marianthi | Georgios Tserpes | Greece | Epidemic diseases in modern Greek proverbial discourse | 2023 | 282-296 | proverbs | folklore | genres | intetextuality | aesthetics | ethics | |||
Kapo | Bisej | Ylljet Aliçka | Albania | The use of proverbial inheritance from political rhetoric and "regenerative capacity" of political slogans to gain the status of a proverb - Albanian case | 2016 | 97-107 | Albanian proverbial heritage | political slogan | status of popular adage | ||||||
Karpova | Olga | Russia | Dictionaries of Shakespeare proverbs and quotations | 2008 | 271-277 | proverb | quotation | dictionary | author | writer | lexicography | glossary | concordance | index encyclopedia | |
Katrinaki | Emmanouela | Georgios Tserpes | Greece | Proverbs in Greek Tall tales (ATU 1875-1899): A surrealistic use of metaphors | 2024 | 378-387 | folkloristic genre | proverbs | ATU | Tall tales | variants | ||||
Kats | Pavel | Outi Lauhakangas | Israel | Proverbial databases, variety and challenges | 2010 | 110-120 | proverbs | databases | proverb types | classification of proverbs | |||||
Keawe | Lia O'Neil M. A. | USA | "Ike kupuna": Proverbs as knowledge systems | 2015 | 231-243 | Õlelo no'eau | Hawaiin proverb | ancestral wisdom | Kamaka Maoli knowledge system | ||||||
Kirilova | Yoanna | Bulgaria | The soul and its metaphors found in the Bulgarian proverbs as a marker for the concept’s axiological value (as compared to mind) | 2020 | 468-477 | proverb | soul | Bulgarian | concept | ||||||
Kivimäki | Arto | Finland | How did some Latin maxims become so called old Finnish sayings? | 2020 | 43-55 | Latin | Aristotle | Phaedrus | swallow | fox | |||||
Klégr | Aleš | Czech Republik | Paradigmatic relations between English proverbs | 2011 | 267-289 | proverbs | synonymy | frequence | thematic classification | synonymization | dictionary | ||||
Klégr | Aleš | Czech Republic | Proverbs from a discourse function perspective | 2012 | 349-363 | wisdom | discourse functions | BNC (British National Corpus) | |||||||
Klégr | Aleš | Czech Republic | Proverbs and Death. The message of proverbs containing the word death. | 2019 | 461-478 | Czech proverbs | the word death | different readings | English and Portuguese proverbs | similarities and differences | |||||
Kochman-Haładyj | Bożena | Poland | American proverb lore about weather – an attempt of semantic interpretation and categorization | 2018 | 481-497 | weather proverbs | weather signs | semantic interpretation | categorization | ||||||
Kolpakova (O’Byrne) | Anna | Marina Kotova | United Kingdom | Russian-Bulgarian-English Proverbial Parallels on Wealth and Poverty | 2018 | 392-403 | Bulgarian proverbs | English proverbs | Russian proverbs | paremiogical minimum | Internet context | lacunae | |||
Kondakova | Irina | Russia | Place-name meaning change within a proverb | 2017 | 618-624 | place-name | metaphor | metonymy | metaphtonymy | phantom' meaning | |||||
Kossi | Eugénia | Pedro Costa Pereira Josefa Conde | Angola | Cixima Ca Ngungu | 2013 | 605-610 | Provérbio | estórias | utópico | distópico | chefes e comandados | ||||
Kotova | Marina | Anna Kolpakova (O’Byrne) | United Kingdom | Russian-Bulgarian-English Proverbial Parallels on Wealth and Poverty | 2018 | 392-403 | Bulgarian proverbs | English proverbs | Russian proverbs | paremiogical minimum | Internet context | lacunae | |||
Kotova | Marina Yu | Russia | The significanсe of the Matti Kuusi International type system of proverbs for the contrastive Slavonic paremiology | 2019 | 129-137 | Matti Kuusi | G. L. Permyakov | Slavonic paremiology | |||||||
Kotova | Marina Yu | Irina Zimonyi | Russia | Hungarian proverbs with the components concerning food and hospitality | 2020 | 631-637 | thematic groups of proverbs | Central-European linguistic area | food | hospitality | Hungarian | Czech | Slovak | Slovenian | |
Kotova | Marina Yu | Olga Raina | Russia | Phenomenon of antonymy at the paremiological level of language | 2020 | 75-86 | paremiological antonymy | G. L. Permyakov | proverbial representation of the world | Russian | Slavonic | thematic classification | |||
Kotova | Marina | Russia | The paremiological polysemy in the electronic dictionary of current active East Slavonic proverbs | 2021 | 291-294 | East Slavonic proverbs | electronic dictionary | paremiological polysemy | thematic multiplicity | ||||||
Kovář | Michal | Czech Republic | Sami proverbs | 2015 | 64-70 | Sami culture | Sami folklore | meaning of Sami proverbs | context of Sami proverbs | origin of Sami proverbs | |||||
Kovář | Michal | Czech Republic | Proverbs in Faravidin maa | 2016 | 299-304 | Meänkieli literature | Meänkieli proverbs | Bengt Pohjanen | the novel Faravidin maa | genology and proverbs | |||||
Kovář | Michal | Czech Republic | Foreign proverbs in Czech periodicals | 2017 | 480-486 | Czech periodicals | Meänkieli proverbs | foreign proverbs | non-Slavic proverbs | adaptation of proverbs | proverbial context | ||||
Kovář | Michal | Czech Republic | North Finland's proverbs in the archive of Samuli Paulaharju | 2018 | 271-276 | Samuli Pailaharju's archive | proverbs from the North | Sami proverbs | Finnish proverbs | ||||||
Krikmann | Arvo | Estonia | Imagenary of proverbs: the great chain of being as the background of personificatory and personificatory metaphors in proverbs and elsewhere | 2008 | 29-68 | GCB theory | evolution | metaphorical transfers | mental modules | sentential metaphors and proverbs | |||||
Krikmann | Arvo | Estonia | Balto-Finnic proverb lores as a mirror of folkloric, ethnic and linguistic relationships | 2009 | 247-275 | ||||||||||
Krikmann | Arvo | Estonia | Metaphor vs. joke? Figurativeness vs. funniness? | 2010 | 300-309 | figurative speech | metaphor | metonymy | humour | joke | punch line | resolution | incongruity | script schema blend(ing) | |
Krikmann | Arvo | Estonia | An attempt at multidimensional structural classification of American proverbs | 2011 | 231-245 | ||||||||||
Krikmann | Arvo | Estonia | The problem of “motivating power” of proverbs | 2013 | 459-468 | types of metaphors | axiological statements | ethical world view in proverbs | |||||||
Krumes | Irena | Croatia | Variants of proverbs and paremiological forms in lexicographic units - diachronic approach | 2019 | 562-581 | diachronical lexicography | archaical proverbs | proverbial variants | lexicographic unit | ||||||
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republik | What exactly is ""proverbial""? | 2011 | 257-267 | proverb | phraseme | proverbial | |||||||
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republic | What meets the eye and the brain: punctuality, hospitality caretaker’s mentality and other proverbial attributes | 2012 | 404-414 | proverbial | national characteristics | ||||||||
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republic | Proverbs and grammar: the Czech case | 2013 | 397-409 | proverb | grammatical categories | number | case | gender | person | tense | mood | passive voice active voice degree of comparison | |
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republik | Jan Ámos Komenský: a man in search of peace, wisdom – and proverbs | 2014 | 65-73 | ||||||||||
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republik | Czech proverbs in the 17th century and now | 2015 | 160-168 | Czech proverbs | 17th century | positive | comparative | superlative | imperative | length of proverbs | person in verbs | ||
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republik | Proverbs as advice and instructions for life: on a neglected 19th-century collection of Czech proverbs | 2016 | 383-390 | Czech proverbs | 19th century | Czech national revival | nationalism | instructions for life | |||||
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republik | Types and functions of personal and geographical names in Czech proverbs | 2017 | 177-185 | Czech proverb | proper names | personal names | geographical names | ||||||
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republik | Proverbs under the Five-pointed Star, the Sickle and the Hammer | 2019 | 322-331 | antiproverbs | communism | Nazism | proverbs | socialism | totalitarianism | vocal folklore | |||
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republik | The never-never proverbs: provebs that should not exist | 2020 | 486-490 | proverbs | never | never-never | repetitions | ||||||
Kučera | Karel | Czech Republik | What is good, what is better and what is the best | 2021 | 123-127 | proverbs | degrees: positive, comparative, superlative | collections of proverbs | internet data | ||||||
Kumar | Santosh | India | Proverbial wisdom about persons with disabilities | 2013 | 269-272 | Hindustani proverbs | disability | linguistic construction | power | proverbial wisdom | |||||
Lacuesta Gilaberte | Raquel | José María de Jaime Lorén | Spain | Proverbs, a teaching tool in computer science. Automatic proverb reversion | 2016 | 623-634 | paremiology | proverb | saying | computer science | peripherals | new technologies | |||
Lajes | Maria A. A. | Portugal | A contribution to the study of proverbs: educational context | 2008 | 208-219 | proverbs | educational context | Portuguese school books | primary education | ||||||
Lajes | Maria A. A. | Portugal | Contibuiҫão para o estudo dos provérbios: contexto educativo | 2008 | 219-230 | provérbios | contexto educativo | livros escolares de Português | educaҫão básica | ||||||
Lambertini | Vincenzo | Italy | The “crossproverbs”: in search of lost form. proposition of conceptual categorization of proverbs | 2014 | 353-365 | Proverbs | conceptualization | categories | onomasiological search | interpreting | translation | ||||
Lambertini | Vincenzo | Italy | “Os provérbios cruzados”: em busca da forma perdida. Proposta de uma categorização conceptual de provérbios | 2014 | 349-353 | Provérbios | conceptualização | categorias | pesquisa onomasiológica | interpretação | tradução | ||||
Lambertini | Vincenzo | Italy | Se “Todos os caminhos levam a Tavira”, então “A paremiologia não foi construída num dia”. Abordagens corpus-driven e abordagens contrastivas no estudo de provérbios | 2016 | 328-339 | linguística de corpus | abordagem corpus-driven | provérbios | provérbios modificados e novos | genericidade dos provérbios | |||||
Lambertini | Vincenzo | Italy | Top-down paremiology versus bottom-up paremiology: new approaches to the study of proverbs | 2017 | 489-500 | paremiology | semantics of proverbs | corpus linguistics | bottom-up or corpus-driven arroach | ||||||
Lambertini | Vincenzo | Italy | Proverbs and dialogue interpreting teaching | 2020 | 434-445 | proverbs | Dialoque Interpreting | ordinary speech | corpus linguistics | foreign language acquisition | French as foreign language | ||||
Lampinen | Nina | Finland | The Matti Kuusi international type system of proverbs in practice | 2008 | 361-273 | classification system | Don Quixote proverbs | translations | paremiological correspondence | ||||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | The functions of proverbs in social interactions | 2008 | 123-132 | use of proverbs | social strategies | framing | authority | rhetoric skills | unity of a social group | ||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | From old folk poetry to discussion in internet | 2009 | 37-50 | proverb use | functions of proverbs | social skills | oral poetry | internet | eceryday contexts | ||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Pavel Kats | Finland | Proverbial databases, variety and challenges | 2010 | 110-120 | proverbs | databases | proverb types | classification of proverbs | |||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Discussion forums on the internet as the substratum of proverbs | 2011 | 399-416 | proverb types | anonymity of proverbs | internet | discussion forums | speech research | group identity | functions of proverb use | |||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Personifications in proverbs | 2012 | 466-480 | Finnish proverbs | functions of proverbs | wellerisms | genres of folklore | social interaction | social strategies | ||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Proverbs in the most widely read Finnish newspaper (The Newspaper Project) | 2013 | 421-440 | newspaper texts | functions of proverbs | proverbs in modern media context | moulds of proverbs | proverb-like expressions | |||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Reappraisal of some classics of paremiology | 2014 | 132-143 | proverbs | A. Taylor | G. L. Permyakov | Matti Kuusi | Arvo Krikmann | ICP proceedings | ||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Proverbs as precision guided humor | 2015 | 531-541 | proverbs and humor | irony | wellerisms | identity | laughing | mocking | ||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Generalization and proverbs | 2016 | 598-607 | social functions of proverbs | generalizing | rhetoric | stereotypes | ||||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Dictionary of European proverbs by Emanuel Strauss | 2017 | 501-508 | European proverbs | Emmanuel Strauss | Matti Kuusi | thematical classification | ||||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Searching for differences in status of proverb lore. Era, culture, means of communication | 2018 | 455-468 | social status of proverbs | social history | diachronic cultural change | functions of proverb use | attitudes | |||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | The functions of animal metaphors in proverbs | 2019 | 582-594 | animal proverbs | typology | Matti Kuusi | international type system of proverbs | Arvo Krikmann | |||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Proverbs as responding speech | 2020 | 665-678 | functions of proverb use | social expectations | answering | dialogue | conversations | |||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Proverbs of Finno-Ugric cognate languages under comparison | 2021 | 100-109 | proverb types | proverb ideas | Baltic-Finnic languages | Finno-Ugric cognate languages | comparative research | typology | ||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Educative snubbing and raising children with proverbs. An analysis of a social media discussion | 2022 | 203-212 | educational sayings | snubbing | humor | discussion on social media | proverbs | |||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Place and ownership in proverb lore | 2023 | 57-72 | proverb typology | place identity | social psychology | own place | own community | ownership | ||||
Lauhakangas | Outi | Finland | Proverbs as naming of situations | 2024 | 275-283 | use of proverbs | proverbs as concepts | experience | ambiguous situations | ||||||
Lavrador | Ana | Portugal | O “Mural do provérbio”, um exemplo de experiência educativa colaborativa | 2017 | 509-519 | centro educativo | colaboraçao | educaçao | formação | interdisciplinaridade | provérbios | mural | |||
Lelli | Emanuele | Italy | The Apostoloi: A family of modern paremiologists in the XVIth century (part II) | 2014 | 186-192 | Michael Apostolis | Arsenius Apostolis | Erasmus | ancient paremiology | ||||||
Lemghari | El Mustapha | Morocco | On the role of proverbs and proverbial expressions such as vector of social conflicts | 2013 | 621-623 | Proverbs | stereotype | tension | tyranny | ||||||
Lemghari | El Mustapha | Morocco | Literal proverbs / Metaphoric proverbs: a contradictory theoretical basis of proverbiality | 2016 | 560-570 | literal / metaphorical proverb | metaphorical / metonymical mapping | paradox | |||||||
Liapis | Vayos | Cypros | The devil's arsehole. On the prehistory of a modern Greek proverbial expression | 2023 | 319-323 | modern Greek proverbs | Greek scatologic curses | Greek eschatology | |||||||
Lindroos | Hilkka | Czech Republik | Dog and cat proverbs: a comparison of English, Czech, Finnish and other languages | 2011 | 131-140 | proverb | proverbs in corpora | language comparison | descriptive metalanguage | ||||||
Litovkina | Anna | Hungary | A proverb a day keeps boredom away: proverbs and ati-proverbs in the language classroom | 2008 | 133-145 | proverbs | anti-proverbs | Anglo-American | tales | language classroom | books | dictionaries | varying | stories exercise | |
Ljubičić | Maslina | Croatia | Proverbs on idleness and diligence: stereotypes and kinship metaphors as a part of European heritage | 2016 | 341-368 | proverbs | idleness | diligence | stereotypes | kinship metaphors | |||||
Ljubičić | Maslina | Antonio Sammartino | Croatia | Proverbs of an endangered language – Molise Croatian in contact with Italian | 2017 | 284-302 | Molice Croatian | Italian | Croatian | proverbs | European cultural heritage | ||||
Ljubičić | Maslina | Croatia | Grammatical gender and conceptualisation through kinship metaphor in the language proverbs: spouses and parents | 2019 | 303-311 | proverbs | kinship metaphor | stereotypes | metaphorical spouces | metaphorical parents | |||||
Ljubičić | Maslina | Croatia | Croatia The influence of grammatical gender upon the metaphorization in proverbs | 2020 | 56-74 | grammatical gender | metaphorization | Latin | Italian Database | Croatian | |||||
Ljubičić | Maslina | Croatia | About some binomial and trinomial expressions in Italian and Croatian proverbs | 2022 | 270-287 | binomial | trinomial | proverb | Italian | Croatim | |||||
Lopes Nunes | Natália Maria | Portugal | Uma mulher virtuosa, quem a poderá encontrar? | 2009 | 382-392 | ||||||||||
Lu | Chiarung | Taiwan | The distribution of cultural values among East Asian proverbs | 2016 | 520-535 | cultural value | East Asian proverbs | cultural typology | Taiwanese | Chinese | Japanese | English | |||
Mac Coinnigh | Marcas | Ireland | Blason populaire in Irishproverbial expressions: categorisation and analysis | 2009 | 289-302 | Blason populaire | stereotypes | slurs | prejudice | proverbial humour | Irish language | ||||
Mac Coinnigh | Marcas | Ireland | Exploring an ancestral Irish adage | 2016 | 194-204 | Irish proverbs | Irish paremiology | Jests | Jest-tales | Blason populaire | |||||
Madaeva | Shahnoza | Uzbekistan | Proverb as the basis for identification of the Uzbek literary language | 2023 | 408-414 | proverb | Uzbek literary | national identity | folklore | ||||||
Madiyorova | Valida | Uzbekistan | Archaic words in the context of English and Uzbek proverbs | 2023 | 128-134 | proverbs | archaic words | obsolete words | semantics | Old English | Middle English | ||||
Mafela | Munzhedzi James | South Africa | Marriage practices of Vhavenḓa as seen through their proverbs | 2018 | 427-435 | African marriage | Christian marriage | marriage practices | proverbs | Tshivenḓa | |||||
Mafela | Munzhedzi James | South Africa | The role of proverbs in dispute management among the Vhavenḓa | 2019 | 481-490 | culture dictionary | dispute management | family | traditional leader | traditional court | western court | ||||
Mafela | Munzhedzi James | South Africa | Proverbs and the aspect of fear: a reflection in Tshivenḓa | 2020 | 491-500 | proverb | African societies | death | dictionary | fear | pain | Vhavenḓa | |||
Mafela | Munzhedzi James | South Africa | Vhavenḓa traditional leaders: a perception through the lens of Tshivenḓa proverbs | 2021 | 65-74 | African | king | leadership | nation | queen | royal house | traditional leader | Vhavenḓa | ||
Mafela | Munzhedzi James | South Africa | A reflection of parent-child interdependency in some Tshivenḓa proverbs | 2022 | 300-308 | African | child | interdependency | parent | proverbs | relationship | Vhavenḓa | |||
Mafela | Munzhedzi James | South Africa | An interpretation of the novel Vuhosi vhu tou bebelwa through the lens of a proverb | 2024 | 296-307 | Chieftainship | dispute | heir | traditional leader | Tshivenḍa tradition | novel | proverb | |||
Maia | Maria & Manuel | Portugal | A propósito de provérbios e lenga-lengas da Beira Transmontana. O anti clericalismo do séc. XIX e o seu reflexo na cultura do séc. XX | 2010 | 157-160 | ||||||||||
Maia | Maria & Manuel | Portugal | About proverbs and riddles from Beira Transmontana. Anticlerical thoughts of the 19th century and their survival during the 20th c. | 2010 | 160-163 | ||||||||||
Majdenić | Valentina | Melita Aleksa Varga Irena Vodopija | Croatia | Croatian proverbs in use | 2012 | 519-530 | Croatian proverbs | anti-proverbs | research | Croatian textbooks | |||||
Majdenić | Valentina | Melita Aleksa Varga | Croatia | “He who works is not afraid of being fired” - Corpus analysis of Croatian proverbs and anti-proverbs in primary schools | 2016 | 228-236 | proverbs | anti-proverbs | qualitative and quantitative corpus analysis | ||||||
Mamede | Nuno | Jorge Baptista Sónia Reis | Portugal | Antiprovérbios: desafios á identificação automática de expressões criativas de provérbios | 2023 | 79-88 | provérbios | "variaҫão criativa" | identifiҫão automática | textos | |||||
Mandziuk | Justyna | Poland | Once bitten, twice smitten. traditional proverbs born anew | 2017 | 408-421 | anti-proverbs | modified proverbs | perverbs | pseudo-proverbs | quasi-proverbs | twisted proverbs | linguistic modifications | paremiology | ||
Manjate | Teresa | Mozambic | A imagem da mulher nos provérbios moçambicanos: entre a centralidade e a periferia | 2014 | 267-278 | provérbios | mulher | matrilinearidade | patrilinearidade | ||||||
Marcano | Isabel | Portugal | The yin and yang of Portuguese proverbs the paradox as a form of culture, knowledge and education | 2024 | 456-463 | paradox | proverb | complementarity | knowledge | education | culture | society | |||
Marinović | Anamarija | Portugal / Sérvia | An overview of men, women and children in popular Serbian and Portuguese proverbs | 2009 | 311-322 | question of gender | discrimination | difference | cultural stereotypes | social roles | family relations | ||||
Marinović | Anamarija | Portugal / Sérvia | Visão dos homens, mulheres e crianҫas nos provérbios populares Sérvios e Portugueses | 2009 | 302-311 | questão do género | discriminiҫão | diferenҫa | estereótipos culturais | homens | mulheres | crianҫas | papéis sociais | relaҫões familiares | |
Marinović | Anamarija | Serbia /Portugal | In the beginning was the word: Portuguese and Serbian proverbs about language, word and similar concepts | 2010 | 196-207 | word | language | promise | offense | , God´s word | gossip | communication | proverb | ||
Marinović | Anamarija | Serbia /Portugal | No início era a palavra: provérbios portugueses e sérvios sobre a língua, a palavra e conceitos aproximados | 2010 | 185-195 | palavra | língua | promessa | ofensa | palavra de Deus | fofoca | comunicação | provérbio | ||
Marinović | Anamarija | Portugal / Sérvia | Diálogo moralizador: uma análise contrastiva entre o Diálogo de la lengua de Juan de Valdése e o Diálogo em louvor da nossa linguagem de João de Barros | 2011 | 289-299 | ||||||||||
Marinović | Anamarija | Portugal / Sérvia | Moralizing dialog: a contrastive analysis between Diálogo de la lengua de Juan de Valdése and Diálogo em louvor da nossa linguagem de João de Barros | 2011 | 299-307 | ||||||||||
Marques | Joaquim | Portugal | A sabedoria popular e a gestão | 2022 | 19-24 | provérbios | adágios | gestáo | empresas | marketing | |||||
Marques Soares | Lina Maria | Portugal | O amor na tradição portuguesa | 2016 | 539-544 | amor | quadras | lenda | provérbios | ||||||
Marti Solano | Ramon | France | ‘As the saying (or whatever) goes’: sayings and pseudo-sayings in the American press | 2012 | 377-388 | introductory phrase | lexicalisation | proverbs | quotations | journalistic discourse | |||||
Marti Solano | Ramon | Isabel Celis Villalba | Spain | Proverb in everyday speech versus frozen proverbs in dictionaries and texts: a lexicographic and corpus based study | 2023 | 475-486 | Spanish proverbs | orally transmitted proverbs | variant forms | proverb modifications | semantic shift | corpus-based analysis | |||
Martin | Gustavo Adolfo Rodriguez | Spain | Modified biblical proverbs in the Plays of Bernard Shaw | 2010 | 478-486 | Shaw | Bible | Proverbs | Discourse Analysis | Stylistics | |||||
Martinez | Béatrice | Spain | In the land of the laics, God is the king. Divine proverbs in France and Spain | 2009 | 323-330 | God | devil | proverbs | Franch | Spanish | |||||
Martins | António | Portugal | Arte de envelhecer e diálogo entre gerações. leitura cruzada entre provérbios bíblicos e provérbios populares algarvios | 2013 | 27-43 | envelhecimento | simbolismo cultural | entidade linguística | |||||||
Martins | Pedro Silva Correia | Italy | Dura lex, sed lex: reminiscências proverbiais Latinas no direito Português temporâneo | 2009 | 330-338 | paremiologia | direito Romano | Direito Português | |||||||
Martins | Pedro Silva Correia | Italia | O provérbio em contexto didáctico: proposta de trabalho | 2010 | 509-519- | Paremiologia | Didáctica | Português Língua-Estrangeira | |||||||
Martins | Pedro Silva Correia | Italy / Portugal | Da traduҫão do provérbio na obra de José Saramago: análise de Ensaio sobre a cegueira (Blindness) | 2011 | 200-210 | paremiologia | traduҫão | José Saramago | |||||||
Martí Solano | Ramón | France | Towards a typology of variant forms in Spanish proverbs from a diachronic perspective | 2016 | 489-500 | Hermán Núñez | Spanish proverbs | diachronic variant forms | truncation | lexico-grammatical changes | |||||
Marti Solano | Ramón | Paolo Rondinelli | France | 'Comparisons are odious': How comparable are equivalent proverbs across languages? | 2021 | 207-221 | contrastive paremiology | equivalent proverbs | corpus linguistics | frequency of use | variation in meaning | ||||
Masango | Charles | South Africa | Indigenous proverbs of the Bakossi tribe of Cameroon vis-à-vis potential failure to adhere to secret traditional initiation norms | 2018 | 289-300 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Cameroon | secret traditional initation norms | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) | copyright | ||||
Masango | Charles | Stella Emade Ngeh | South Africa | Possible to claim indigenous proverb as a trade mark within a tribe or nation? Some Bakossi proverbs of Cameroon and Zulu proverbs of South Africa | 2019 | 312-321 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Cameroon | Zulu nations | South Africa | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) trade mark | |||
Masango | Charles | Stella Emade Ngeh | South Africa | Copyright issues within Indigenous proverbs: Some Bakossi proverbs of Cameroon | 2020 | 243-258 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Cameroon | esoteric and non-esoteric epistemology | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) copyright | ||||
Masango | Charles | Stella Emade Ngeh | South Africa | Indigenous proverbs designed at moulding the character of children: does the element of "fear" play a role? | 2021 | 75-87 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Cameroon | children | culture | language | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) copyright | ||
Masango | Charles | Stella Emade Ngeh | South Africa | Does indigenous proverb infuse fear when attached to An african traditional event? Some Bakossi indigenous proverbs of Cameroon | 2022 | 406-417 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Cameroon | African traditional dance | culture | language | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) | copyright | |
Masango | Charles Akwe | Stella Emade Ngeh | South Africa | Indigenous proverbs designed for a cultural event: Some Bakossi proverbs of Cameroon | 2024 | 251-262 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Muankom | Cameroon | sex | culture | societal beliefs | Intellectual Property Rights | copyright |
Matos | Gaspar | Portugal | A task for public libraries to transmit traditional oral literature: proverbs in public libraries for teenagers and young adults | 2008 | 324-334 | oral literature | public libraries | proverbs | teenagers | young adults | |||||
Matos | Gaspar | Portugal | Assim como cada qual é, assim ensina: provérbios em bibliotecas públicas para adolescentes e jovens adultos | 2008 | 334-341 | literatura oral | bibliotecas públicas | provérbios | adolescentes | jovens | |||||
Matsumura | Hisahsi | Japan | Significance of proverbs in the Japanese-Portuguese dictionary (Nippo Jisho) | 2009 | 339-345 | ||||||||||
Matsumura | Hisashi | Japan | A brief history of Japanese paremiological study and problems we are facing: how can the Japanese contribute to the realization of international cooperation in proverbial studies? | 2010 | 66-75 | proverbs | Japanese proverbs | Chinese culture | The international type-system of Matti Kuusi | ||||||
Matsumura | Yumi | Japan | Food culture reflected in Japanese proverbs | 2010 | 381-388 | ||||||||||
Mbangale | Machozi | Democratic Republic of Congo | Reflections of proverbs in popular culture Nande (R.D.Congo) | 2014 | 374-382 | ||||||||||
McKenna | Kevin | United States of America | `Better bread and water than cake and trouble': a proverb-key for unlocking the meaning of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's novel, In the first circle | 2021 | 192-206 | Solzhenitsyn | 1972 Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature | Russian proverb | In the First Circle | gulag | zek | sharashka | polyphony | ||
McKenna | Kevin | United States of America | Proverbial wisdom of the ‘Pravednik’ / ‘righteous person’ in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's early fiction | 2022 | 176-188 | Solzhenitsyn | 1972 Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature | Russian proverb | Kuzyomin | In the First Circle | gulag | zek | sharashka | pravednik / pravednitso, polyphony | |
Meira | Maria José | Portugal | A presença de provérbios japoneses em textos de Wenceslau de Moraes: relance de provérbios japoneses na escrita de Wenceslau de Moraes | 2012 | 481-490 | provérbio Japonês | Wenceslau de Moraes | identidade cultural | |||||||
Mendes Pinto | Paulo | Portugal | Palavras que nos perseguem, ou como sistematizar a intolerância: religião e preconceito para um momento de diálogo | 2017 | 52-57 | diálogo | intolenrância | religiôes | respeito | ||||||
Mendonça | José Luís | Angola | Pelo resgate do provérbio Bantu no sistema de ensino em Angola | 2022 | 229-238 | provérbio bantu | resgate de valores | ensino das linguas africanas | lingua bantu co-oficial | ||||||
Mendonça | Lina | Portugal | Achegas para o estudo dos provérbios tradicionais Madeirenses | 2023 | 523-538 | provérbio | recolha | madeirense | tradiҫão | ||||||
Mestre | Lyudmyla | Isabel Dias Salvado Marinela Soares Rui Soares | Ukraine | "No feito esta o proveito" – um caso de boas praticas | 2023 | 551-559 | cidadania | cooperação | arquivo | provérbios | |||||
Miansaryan | Anna | Armenia | On some aspects of colour symbols in Spanish and English | 2009 | 346-351 | ||||||||||
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | ""New proverbs run deep"": prolegomena to a dictionary of modern Anglo-America proverbs | 2008 | 69-87 | anti-proverbs | proverbial status | proverb-like statements | lexicography | ||||||
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | ""I'm absolutely sure about - the golden rule"" Barack Obama's proverbial, audacity of hope | 2009 | 52-71 | American | Barak Obama | proverbs | proverbial expressions | politics | rhetoric | tradition | metaphor | communication language folklore folk speech culture modernity | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | “Proverbs and poetry are like two peas in a pod”: the proverbial language of modern mini-poems | 2010 | 263-289 | American | allusion | anti-proverb | English | literature | mini-poem | modernity | paremiology | poetry proverb poem title variation | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | ""I have a dream"": Martin Luther King's proverbial hope for a better future | 2011 | 29-51 | African American | American | Bible | civil rights | communication | ethics | golden rule | human rights | justice Martin Luther King metaphor politics proverb rhetoric sermon speech | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | “Beating swords into plowshares”: proverbial wisdom on war and peace | 2012 | 92-120 | American / Anglo-American | Bible | metaphor | paremiological minimum | peace / war | United Nations | politics | secularization | Abigail Adams / Winston S. Churchill / Frederick Douglass / Michael Jackson/ Martin Luther King / John Lennon / Abraham Lincoln / Harry S. Truman / George Washington | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | Idleness is the beginning of all philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche's aphoristic anti-proverbs | 2013 | 108-129 | Anti-proverb | aphorism | Bible | ethics | folk speech | German | innovation | language | literature morality Friedrich Nietzsche parody | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | “M(r)ight makes r(m)ight”: The sociopolitical history of a contradictory proverb pair | 2014 | 108-131 | Anglo-American | attitude | context | contradictory proverb | doublet | history | intertextuality | literature | politics, proverb duel, proverb pair, semantics, sociopolitics, strategy, truth, wisdom | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | "Different ways to make life's gold": three valedictory messages of a university course on proverbs | 2015 | 123-147 | curriculum/ education | foreign language | instruction | Martin Luther King | lecture / Barak Obama | paremiography /paremiology | pedagogy /Golden Rule | student /syllabus | teaching /textbook /university course | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | “Concordia domi, foris pax”: Willy Brandt’s non-German proverbial rhetoric | 2016 | 114-144 | Abraham Lincoln | American | Anglo-American | Bible | communication | European | foreign language | German | interview, John F. Kennedy, loan translation, metaphor, politics, rhetoric, speech, stylistics, translation, Willy Brandt | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | “Stringing proverbs together”: proverbial barrages in Cervantes's Don Quixote | 2017 | 16-51 | amassment | Miguel de Cervantes Saaverda | context | discourse | Don Quixote | indirection | literature | novél | performance, proverb, proverb duel, sign, Spanish, strategy, wisdom | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | “We must treat others as we would like to be treated” Bernie Sanders’ proverbial rhetoric for an American sociopolitical revolution | 2018 | 38-69 | American | democratic sociaism | discourse | golden rule | leitmotif | oligarchy | political campaign | politics | poverty, revolution, rhetoric, Bernie Sanders, sociopolit | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | In Proverbiis Non Semper Veritas: Reflections on the Reprint of an Anti-Semitic Proverb Collection | 2019 | 16-38 | Blason popular | German | Hebrew | Ernst Hiemer | Jewish | manipulation | National Socialism | paremiography | prejudice, pseudo-proverb, stereotype, truth, Yiddish | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | "Love is just a four-letter word": Sexuality and Scatology in Modern Anglo-American Proverbs | 2020 | 15-40 | Anglo-American | anti-proverb | body parts | feminism | flatulence | fuck | gender | graffiti | intercourse, love, marriage, obscenity, scatology, sex, sexism, sexuality, shit, slang | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | "There's nothing better than a healthy mush of lies and phrases": proverbial language in the diaries of Joseph Goebbels | 2021 | 161-191 | Anti-Semitism | diary | German language | Joseph Goebbels | Adolf Hitler | Jews | Victor Klemperer | leitmotif | National Socialism, propaganda, proverb, proverbial expression, rhetoric, somatism, war | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | “There is no such thing as a free lunch”: new structures for modern proverbs | 2022 | 157-175 | Anglo-American | anti-proverb | collection | model | modern | pattern | proverb | proverbiality | structure, variant | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | Proverbially "nothing can beat a proverb". English poetic proverb collages | 2023 | 18-56 | anti-proverb | collage | literature | manipulation | play | poetry | proverb halves | pseudo-proverb | song, transformation | |
Mieder | Wolfgang | United States of America | "Freedom is Indivisible” John F. Kennedy's reliance on proverbs | 2024 | 20-52 | American | Bible | communication | democracy | government | John F. Kennedy | politics | proverb | rhetoric, speech, worldview | |
Mierzwińska-Hajnos | Agnieszka | Poland | Instances of conceptual blending in selected Polish and English modified proverbs | 2014 | 427-441 | modified proverbs | conceptual blending theory | cognitive linguistics | paremiology | advertising | |||||
Mige | Josefa | Pedro Ângelo Costa Pereira | Angola | O teimoso leva as fezes no cabo do machado | 2018 | 332-339 | cultura | ensino e aprendizagem de lingua estrangeira | provérbios | tradiҫão oral | traduҫão | ||||
Mige | Josefa | Pedro Ângelo Costa Pereira | Angola | The stubborn takes the feces in the axe handle | 2018 | 340-346 | culture | teaching and learning of a foreign language | proverbs | oral tradition | translation | ||||
Mige | Josefa | Pedro Costa Pereira | Angola | Canzanga mucima kakhulu mbinga. A coruja tudo quanto quis foi ter cornos. | 2019 | 332-338 | presciência | sabedoria | clarividente | sábia | |||||
Mige | Josefa | Pedro Costa Pereira | Angola | The Owl, everything he wanted was to have horns | 2019 | 338-344 | foreknowledge | wisdom | clairvoyant | wise | |||||
Mige | Josefa | Angola | Os provérbios e as escolas iniciáticas | 2020 | 402-413 | escolas | iniciáticas | educação | provérbios | pedagogo | |||||
Miggins | Devonne | Trinidad & Tobaco | Tobago proverbs on tiktok: what happens when Tobagonlans are asked to use local proverbs to create video content on TikTok | 2023 | 425-433 | Tobago proverbs | TikTok | video | content | content creation | |||||
Millar | Suzanna | United Kingdom | How biblical sages understand and change their world through proverbs | 2017 | 320-327 | Biblical proverbs | function | strategy | |||||||
Mimoso | Anabela | Portugal | Portraits of women in the 16th and 17th centuries | 2011 | 326-342 | ||||||||||
Mimoso | Anabela | Portugal | Provérbios no feminino: imagens da mulher nos séculos XVI e XVII | 2011 | 308-325 | ||||||||||
Mineiro | Ana | Portugal | Aspects of the Portuguese nautical language: the role of proverbs | 2014 | 27-38 | ||||||||||
Mirsagatova | Pokiza | Uzbekistan | National and cultural originality of phraseological units and proverbs in comparative languages | 2024 | 198-201 | phraseology | phraseological units | cultural | idiomaticity | linguoculturological | cultural interpretation | ||||
Mogli | Marina | Rachel Stevenson, Peter Unseth, Edward Zellem | Greece | The role of proverbs in facilitating refugee integration and language learning: Afghanistan case studies | 2022 | 191-201 | Afghanistan | refugees | proverbs | applied paremiology | |||||
Mokienko | Valery | Russian Federation | The problems of Slavic paremiology: linguistical aspects | 2013 | 82-107 | Slavic paremiology | phraseology | linguistic | paremiography | ||||||
Mokienko | Valery | Russian Federation | Paremiological thesaurus yesterday and today: the problems of constructing | 2014 | 83-106 | paremiology | paremiography | paremiological thesaurus | proverbs, sayings, paremias | classification of proverbs and sayings | oppositions of proverbial typology | ||||
Molina Plaza | Silvia | Julia Sevilla Muñoz Ana Laura Rodríguez Redondo | Spain | English proverbs in the multilingual paremiological database | 2010 | 445-454 | Paremiology | Multilingual | Multicultural | ||||||
Molnar | Draženka | Croatia | Cognitive mechanisms in creation and interpretation of proverbs: a study of Croatian and English words of wisdom | 2009 | 352-365 | proverb creation and interpretation | cognitive mechanisms | cultural settings | |||||||
Montarroyos | Sylvia | Brasil | Provérbios dos povos indígenas | 2012 | 499-504 | provérbios pré- colombianos | história | cultura Maia | |||||||
Moore-Miggins | Deborah | Trinidad & Tobaco | The socio-economic and cultural symbolism of Tobago proverbs | 2023 | 416-423 | Tobago | proverbs | cultural symbolism | plantation | family cohesion | resistence | ||||
Mori | Yoko | Japan | Japanese proverbs in traditional art compared to Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Netherlandish Proverbs (1559) | 2015 | 43-59 | Flemish Netherlandish and Japanese proverbs | Blue Cloak | Sebastiaan Vrancks | proverbs | Kuwagata / Keisai / Santo Kyoden / Toba School / Kawanabe Kyōsai | Pieter Bruegel the Elder / Frans Hogenberg / Erasmus / Donaes Idinau (Jan David) / Anna Bijns | ||||
Mushahary | Jhanin | Sanghamitra Choudhury Kwrwmdao Wary | India | Understanding Bodo tribal society through batra bhao (proverb) | 2023 | 168-177 | Assam | Bhatra Bhao | Bodo | proverb | North-East India | ||||
Naciscione | Anita | Latvia | A cognitive stylistic perspective of proverbs: a discourse-based approach | 2013 | 16-26 | base form | core use | instantial stylistic use | |||||||
Nascimiento | Natali | Maria Fernanda Frazão | Portugal | O “Baralho dos provérbios” e alguns elementos da história das cartas de jogar em Portugal | 2017 | 562-570 | provérbios | cartas de jogar | gcultura portuguesa | património imaterial | jogo | história | |||
Nascimiento | Natali | Maria Fernanda Frazão | Portugal | The “Card deck of proverbs” and some elements of the history of playing cards in Portugal | 2017 | 570-576 | proverbs | playing cards | Portuguese culture | intagnible heritage | games | history | |||
Neogi | Pratima | Sanghamitra Choudhury | India | Reflections of rural values through the “Fokora Jujona”, Assamese proverbs from India’s north-east | 2013 | 555-560 | Assam | Assamese | Lakshminath Bezbarua | folk life | North-East | India | |||
Neto | Félix | Portugal | Conceptualizations of forgiveness in proverbs among young people | 2010 | 405-414 | conceptualizations | forgiveness | proverbs | |||||||
Neto | Felix F. M. | Portugal | Conceptualizations of forgiveness conveyed by saying about forgiveness | 2009 | 366-381 | conceptualizations | forgiveness | proverbs | |||||||
Neto | Félix F.M. | Portugal | Cores do amor veiculadas por provérbios sobre o amor | 2008 | 356-362 | amor | estilos de amor | provérbios | |||||||
Neto | Félix F.M. | Portugal | The colours of love conveyed by sayings about love | 2008 | 348-355 | love | love styles | proverbs | |||||||
Neto | Félix | Portugal | Dimensions of proveras on saudade | 2023 | 308-316 | dimensions | feelings | Portuguese culture | proverbs | saudade | |||||
Neto Lopes | Filipe | Portugal | Cabritos para uma prisão | 2018 | 203-209 | justiҫã | direito | próverbios | caso de estudo | poder | |||||
Neto Lopes | Filipe | Portugal | Goats to a prison | 2018 | 210-214 | justice | law | proverbs | case study | power | |||||
Neto Lopes | Filipe | Portugal | O princípio "Pacta Sunt Servanda" à luz proverbial | 2019 | 371-379 | justiça | direito | provérbios | Pacta Sunt Servanda | jurisprudência | |||||
Neto Lopes | Filipe | Portugal | The principle “Pacta Sunt Servanda” in the proverbial perspective | 2019 | 379-387 | justice | law | proverbs | Pacta Sunt Servanda | jurisprudence | |||||
Neto Lopes | Filipe | Portugal | Fábuas de L'Animaux | 2020 | 446-458 | animais | fábulas | provérbios | senso comun | ||||||
Neto Lopes | Filipe | Portugal | L'Animaux's fables | 2020 | 459-466 | animals | fables | proverbs | common sense | ||||||
Ngeh | Stella Emade | Charles Masango | South Africa | Possible to claim indigenous proverb as a trade mark within a tribe or nation? Some Bakossi proverbs of Cameroon and Zulu proverbs of South Africa | 2019 | 312-321 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Cameroon | Zulu nations | South Africa | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) trade mark | |||
Ngeh | Stella Emade | Charles Masango | South Africa | Copyright issues within Indigenous proverbs: Some Bakossi proverbs of Cameroon | 2020 | 243-258 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Cameroon | esoteric and non-esoteric epistemology | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) copyright | ||||
Ngeh | Stella Emade | Munzhedzi James Mafela | South Africa | Indigenous proverbs designed at moulding the character of children: does the element of "fear" play a role? | 2021 | 75-85 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Cameroon | children | culture | language | Intellectual property rights IPR | ||
Ngeh | Stella Emade | Charles Masango | South Africa | Does indigenous proverb infuse fear when attached to An african traditional event? Some Bakossi indigenous proverbs of Cameroon | 2022 | 406-417 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Cameroon | African traditional dance | culture | language | Intellectual property rights IPR | copyright | |
Ngeh | Stella Emade | Charles Akwe Masango | South Africa | Indigenous proverbs designed for a cultural event: Some Bakossi proverbs of Cameroon | 2024 | 251-262 | indigenous proverbs | Bakossi tribe | Muankom | Cameroon | sex | culture | societal beliefs | Intellectual Property Rights | copyright |
Nunes | Natália Maria Lopes | Portugal | ""Aquele que procura Deus é masculino"" - a anulaҫão do sexo no provérbio Sufi (uma aproximaҫão com o ""evangelho de Tomé"" | 2011 | 168-177 | Sufismo | mística | mulher | Rābi'a al-'Adawiyya | Maria Madalena | Ibn Arabī | ||||
Nunes Nunes | Naidea | Portugal | Linguaem popular e provérbios recolhidos na Madeira por Alfredo Vieira de Freitas | 2023 | 381-405 | Alfredo Vieira de Freitas | linguagem popular | paremiologia | sociedade e cultura madeirence | património linguístíco-etnográfico | |||||
Nwachukwu-Agbada | Justus O.J. | Nigeria | The proverb as a historical resource: the case in Igbo | 2010 | 531-544 | ||||||||||
Nyota | Shumirai | Zimbabwe | Shona proverbs as drivers of sustainable development goals | 2022 | 500-512 | culture | enablers | lifelong education | Shona proverbs | sustainability | |||||
O'Callaghan | Kate | Japan | Local color in Uchinaguchi proverbs | 2010 | 289-299 | Proverbs | Okinawa | Ryukyu islands | local colour | ||||||
O'Callaghan | Kate | Japan | Food imagery embodied by Okinawan proverbs | 2011 | 192-200 | Okinawan | Ryukyuan | endangered language | proverbs | food | |||||
Oliveira | Alan Santos | Brazil | A circulação dos provérbios africanos na cultura afrobrasileira | 2016 | 416-427 | provérbios | cultura | África | Brasil | diáspora | |||||
Oliveira | Lina Maria M. | Portugal | A ciencia emblematica como fonte textual, iconografica e iconologica e suas aplicagoes | 2024 | 431-449 | emblema | fonte | imagem | mensagem | simbolo | |||||
Oprica | Alexandra | Maria del Carmen Ugarte Carcía | Spain | The wine in the Mediterranean culture. An approach through proverbs | 2014 | 383-397 | proverbs | wine | Mediterranean culture | Romance languages | Italian | French | Portuguese | Romanian Spanish | |
Orímóògùnjé | Óládélé Caleb | Nigeria | Yorùbá proverbs: an insight into the indigenous healthcare delivery system and education | 2010 | 551-559 | ||||||||||
Outila | Virpi | Finland | Trust but verify: Making sense of empowerment in Russia through proverbs | 2018 | 101-112 | empowerment | proverbs | Russia | sense-making | ||||||
Oxóssi | Mãe Stella de | Brasil | Ówe | 2013 | 471-474 | ||||||||||
Paczolay | Gyula | Hungary | Literary sources of European and Far-Eastern proverbs | 2008 | 87-101 | Bible | Chinese | Confucius | Erasmus | European | Far-Eastern | historical records (Shi Ji) | Japanese | Korean Medieval Latin | |
Paczolay | Gyula | Hungary | Some decades of works on proverbs | 2010 | 13-28 | proverbs | comparative study | European languages | languages of the Far-East | ||||||
Paczolay | Gyula | Hungary | Some notes on Malan's notes on the book of proverbs | 2013 | 73-81 | European proverbs | Far-Eastern proverbs | Indian proverbs | Bible | Book of Proverbs | Waldesians | Körösi Csoma A. | Duka T. | Oxford Calcutta Broadwindsor | |
Paczolay | Gyula | Hungary | On the proverbs of count Nicholas Zrínyi | 2017 | 246-272 | Nicholas Zrinyi | proverbs | Hungarian | |||||||
Pamies | António | Spain | El árbol y el pez en el lenguaje figurado y la visión lingüística del mundo | 2012 | 28-41 | simbolismo cultural | motivación metafórica | paremiología contrastiva fraseología contrastiva | ictionimia | fitonimia | |||||
Passarinho | Ana | Portugal | A esperança | 2024 | 153-157 | esperança | empirismo | cultura | |||||||
Passarinho | Ana | Portugal | Hope | 2024 | 158-162 | hope | empirism | culture | |||||||
Patricio | Lurdes | Portugal | Exemplos antigos. Paremiologia e fraseologia no teatro Português quinhentista | 2021 | 149-151 | platforma digital | cruzamento de dados | teatro quinhentista | Examplos Antigos | ||||||
Patricio | Lurdes | Portugal | Exemplos antigos paremiologia e fraseologia no teatro Portuguȇs DO século XVI: provérbios, ditados, adágios, anexins, rifões e outros ditos e sentenҫas quinhentistas | 2022 | 314-315 | teatro quinhentista | autores | obras | provérbios | cruzamento de dados | |||||
Paulo | Dália | Portugal | ""Passo a passo se anda um bom pedaço"": nasverdadesno património cultural immaterial | 2014 | 13-21 | ||||||||||
Pegulescu | Anca-Mariana | Romania | Meaning, Deferred Interpretation and Equivalence in Romanian Proverbs’ Translation | 2018 | 404-419 | communicative strategy | text | value | interaction | version | |||||
Pereira | Ana Marques | Portugal | As palavras são como as cerejas | 2015 | 31-39 | provérbios alimentares | licores tradicionais | "ginjinha" | |||||||
Pereira | Helena | Portugal | Chinese and Portuguese proverbs: a contribution to the understanding of the relationship between Traditional Chinese Medicine and popular wisdom | 2018 | 348-354 | proverb | Chinese traditional medicine | energy (chi) | health | posture | |||||
Pereira | Luis | José Cruz; Francisca Silva | Portugal | A ocasião faz o ladrão | 2021 | 152-157 | provérbio | festa | fortuna | teatro | rábula | ||||
Pereira | Pedro Costa | Antunes Vunge | Angola | Os desperdícios | 2015 | 514-521 | provérbios ambundos | desperdícios | sabedoria | mais velhos | |||||
Pereira | Maria Helena | Portugal | How to access the intelligence/wisdom of the heart | 2024 | 328-334 | heart | heart intelligence | heart coherence | heart brain | meditation | inner peace | intuition | |||
Pereira-Müller | Maria Margarida | Portugal | A universalidade dos provérbios e dos contos tradicionais africanos | 2015 | 89-100 | tales | Africa | universality | sayings | moral | |||||
Pérez Ávila | Elena Alonsi | Italy | Computational approaches for studying proverbs | 2009 | 99-108 | disambiguation | ontology | proverb classification | |||||||
Piirainen | Elisabeth | Germany | Widespread idioms in Europe and beyond: new insights into figurative language | 2015 | 15-30 | widespread idiom | cross-linguistic similarities | figurative language | |||||||
Pikalova | Viktoriya | Russia | Ethno-cultural norms of speech behavior in the paremiological units of English and Russian linguistic cultures | 2014 | 193-203 | linguistic culture | paremiological units | concept | verbal behavior norms | images of reality | perception of the world | outlook | |||
Pinto | Óscar | Isabel Salvado | Portugal | Provérbios, heráldica e arquivos: uma parceria improvável? | 2018 | 245-254 | próverbios | arquivos | heráldica | ||||||
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | Memorial do convento e os provérbios na criatividade literári de Saramago | 2008 | 476-484 | provérbio | conhecimento | sociedade | Saramago | Memorial do convento | análise | crítica | recriaҫão literária | memória verbalizar juízo | |
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | Memorial of the convent and sayings in the literary creativity of Saramago | 2008 | 467-476 | proverb | knowledge | society | Saramago | memorial | analysis | criticism | literary recreation | memory verbalize judgement | |
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | A funҫão da recriҫão proverbial em ""Memeorial do convento"" | 2009 | 393-401 | funҫão | conhecimento | sociedade | Saramago | Memorial of the Convent | análise | crítica | literariedade | recriaҫão proverbial memória verbalizar juízo metaficҫão histórica | |
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | The function of proverbial recreation in ""Memorial of the convent"" | 2009 | 401-409 | function | knowledge | society | Saramago | Memorial of the Convent | analysis | cricism | literary | proverbial recreation memory speaking judgement historical matafiction | |
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis: situações cogitacionais proverbializadas | 2010 | 120-132 | ||||||||||
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | “O que tem de ser tem de ser e tem muita força”: pensar com provérbios em “O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis” | 2012 | 505-518 | Conhecimento | Fernando Pessoa | O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis | fraseologia e funcionalidade proverbial | ficção e representação | história e memória | Saramago | século XX | regimes politicos sociedade e cultura | |
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | Proverbialidade em “Ensaio sobre a Cegueira” de Saramago | 2013 | 337-359 | proverbialidade | cegueira | alegoria | narrativa social | Saramago | |||||
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | Proverbiality in the work “Blindness” by Saramago | 2013 | 359-381 | proverbiality | blindness | allegory | social narrative | Saramago | |||||
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | Rationalization and proverbiality in Ensaio sobre a lucidez by José Saramago | 2014 | 327-347 | proverbiality | lucidity-blindness | allegory | Saramago | ||||||
Pires | Filipe da Conceiҫão | Portugal | Racionalização e proverbialidade emEnsaio sobre a luzidezde José Saramago | 2014 | 304-325 | proverbialidade | lucidez-cegueira | alegoria | Saramago | ||||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Luzidece e cegueira en Saramago: visão identitária ficcionada com provérbios | 2015 | 448-467 | alegoria | cegueira | identidade humana | lucidez | provérbio | Saramago | ||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Lucidity and blindness in Saramago: identitarian fictionalized vision with proverbs | 2015 | 467-485 | allegory | blindness | human identity | lucidity | saying | Saramago | ||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | A mediação de expressôes proverbiais em "A viagem do Elefante" de José Saramago | 2016 | 635-650 | mediação proverbial | crítica sociocultural | Saramago | narrativa histórica | fantasia cómica | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Mediation of proverbial expressions in "The Elephant´s Journey" of José Saramago | 2016 | 650-664 | proverbial mediation | socio-cultural criticism | Saramago | historical narrative | comic fantasy | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | A mobilidade da afirmação paremiológica em a “História do Cerco de Lisboa” de José Saramago | 2017 | 328-349 | narrativa | história metaficcional | Saramago | mobilidade | provérbio | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | The mobility of paremiological statement in the “History of the Siege of Lisbon” by José Saramago | 2017 | 349-370 | narrative | metfictional history | Saramago | mobility | proverb | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Definição ousada de provérbio: referências saramaguianas | 2018 | 125-139 | Saramago | próverbio | definiҫões | |||||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Daring proverb definition: Saramagian references | 2018 | 125-139 | Saramago | proverbs | definitions | |||||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Reflexos paremiológicos da transigência de Saramago em Caim | 2019 | 203-227 | Caim | fábula | ficção | história | próverbio | Saramago | ||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Paremiological reflections on the Saramago’s compromise in Cain | 2019 | 227-251 | Cain | fable | fiction | history | proverb | Saramago | ||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | O Evangelho com provérbios de José Saramago | 2020 | 133-165 | Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo | ficção | história | Saramago | provérbio | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | The gospel with proverbs by José Saramago | 2020 | 165-192 | The gospel according to Jesus Christ | fiction | history | Saramago | proverb | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Os proverbios por detrais da escrita em In Nomine Dei de Jose Saramago | 2021 | 361-377 | In Nomine dei | Jose Saramago | Reforma | anabatistas | proverbios em entrelinhas | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Proverbs behind the writing in Jose Saramago 's In Nomine Dei | 2021 | 378-394 | In Nomine dei | dramatic genre | Reform | Anabaptists | proverbs between the lines | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Os provérbios na criação ficcional de todos os nomes por José Saramago | 2022 | 59-92 | Todos os Nomes | José Saramago | autor/narrador | narrativa moderna e mitos | linguagem proverbiologia | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | The proverbs in the fictional creation of all names by José Saramago | 2022 | 92-122 | All the names | José Saramago | author/narrator | modern narrative and myths | language | proverbs | ||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | A palavra comprometida com provérbios a caverna de José Saramago | 2023 | 135-152 | A Caverna | José Saramago | cultura | narrativa | mito | saber proverbial | ||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | The word committed to proverbs in the cave by José Saramago | 2023 | 152-167 | The Cave | José Saramago | culture | narrative | myth | proverbial knowledge | ||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Reflexos paremiologicos do religioso em Jose Saramago: Deus em questao | 2024 | 202-229 | José Saramago | Deus | escrita | ficção | provérbios | |||||
Pires | Filipe | Portugal | Paremiological reflections of the religious in Jose Saramago: God in question | 2024 | 230-249 | José Saramago | God | writing | fiction | proverbs | |||||
Portela | Miguel | Margarida Herdade Lucas | Portugal | José Malhoa, com a arte na alma | 2013 | 441-450 | José Malhoa | Pintura | Provérbios | ||||||
Portela | Miguel | Margarida Herdade Lucas | Portugal | José Malhoa, with art in the soul | 2013 | 450-458 | José Malhoa | painting | Proverbs | ||||||
Possa-Mogoera | Rethabile | South Africa | Rape culture: are our proverbs perpetuating it? | 2019 | 70-83 | rape culture | taboos | proverbs | |||||||
Prędota | Stanisław | Poland | Introductory remarks on Dutch wellerisms | 2009 | 410-420 | ||||||||||
Prędota | Stanisław | Poland | On the meaning of Reyer Gheurtz’s Adagia (1552) for Dutch paroemiography | 2010 | 76-84 | proverbs and phraseologisms | Dutch paroemiography | ||||||||
Prędota | Stanisław | Poland | On German equivalents of Dutch priamels | 2012 | 57-70 | priamels | Dutch-German equivalence | ||||||||
Prędota | Stanisław | Poland | On the Lexicographic assumptions ofKleinAfrikaans-Poolse spreekwoordeboek | 2014 | 417-426 | ||||||||||
Queiroz Da Silva | Vladimir | Brasil | O proverbial aguaceiro do sertão | 2013 | 475-492 | provérbios | ditos populares | comunicação popular | memória coletiva | ||||||
Queiroz Da Silva | Vladimir | Brasil | The proverbial downpour of the sertão (backlands) | 2013 | 492-509 | proverbs | sayings | popular communication | collective memory | ||||||
Raina | Olga | Marina Yu Kotova | Russia | Phenomenon of antonymy at the paremiological level of language | 2020 | 75-86 | paremiological antonymy | G. L. Permyakov | proverbial representation of the world | Russian | Slavonic | thematic classification | |||
Raji-Oyelade | Ademi | Nigeria | Classifying the unclassified: the challenge of postproverbiality in international proverb scholarship | 2008 | 146-155 | postproverbiality | Yoruba | transgressive speech acts | alternations | taxonomy | |||||
Ramos | Ana Margarida | Portugal | Traição e tradiçao: as edições de proverbios destinadas á infância | 2014 | 39-50 | ||||||||||
Randall | Tony | United Kingdom | Updating proverbs as a resource for language learning | 2014 | 367-373 | ||||||||||
Real | Miguel | Portugal | O provérbio – modo cultural de pensar | 2012 | 153-157 | provérbio | memória colectiva | ||||||||
Reis | Sónia | Jorge Baptista | Portugal | O uso de provérbios no ensino de Português | 2017 | 521-539 | disponibilidade lexical | ensino de lingua | manuais escolares | processamento da linguagem natural (PLN) | provérbios portuqueses | ||||
Reis | Sónia | Jorge Baptista | Portugal | Estudo das estruturas proverbiais com sujeito indefinido - provérbio ou EF? | 2019 | 166-185 | corpora | classifição sintáctica | expressões fixas | Processamento da Linguagem Natural | próverbios | ||||
Reis | Sónia | Jorge Baptista | Portugal | As intenções comunicativas no uso de provérbios | 2020 | 363-376 | provérbio | funções pragmáticas | intenção comunicativa | ||||||
Reis | Sónia | Jorge Baptista | Portugal | Desenvolvendo jogos didático-pedagógicos a partir de recursos lexicais: As relações semânticas entre palavras nos provérbios | 2022 | 26-43 | provérbios | jogos | relaqҫões semânticas entre palavras | recursos linguisticos | |||||
Reis | Sónia | Jorge Baptista Nuno Mamede | Portugal | Antiprovérbios: desafios á identificação automática de expressões criativas de provérbios | 2023 | 79-88 | provérbios | "variaҫão criativa" | identifiҫão automática | textos | |||||
Reis | Sónia | Jorge Baptista | Portugal | Uso da tecnologia GPT (3.5) no ensino de proverbios e expressoes fixas | 2024 | 60-90 | provérbios | expressões fixas | ensino de português | chat GPT | |||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | A "mobilidade" contemplada nos provérbios em Portugal | 2015 | 306-316 | provérbios portugueses | mobilidade | migraҫões | |||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | "Mobility" in Portuguese proverbs | 2015 | 316-325 | Portuguese proverbs | mobility | migration | |||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | «Árvore das patacas» – origem, conteúdo e utilização da expressão em âmbito migratório | 2017 | 186-195 | Portugal | mobilidae | migraçôes | árvore das patacas | enriquecimento rápido e fácil | |||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | «Árvore das patacas» – origin, content and use of the phrase in a migratory context | 2017 | 195-205 | Portugal | mobility | migrations | the "tree of patacas" | quick and easy enrichment | |||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Preconceitos e Estereótipos | 2018 | 301-315 | preconceitos | estereótipos | caricaturas | expressões mimicas | ||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Prejudice and Stereotypes | 2018 | 316-331 | prejudice | stereotypes | cartoon | mimicking expressions | ||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Migrações portuguesas - Políticas de captação de poupança | 2019 | 417-430 | dupla pertença | marketing | migrações portuguesas | poupanças/depósitos | ||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Portuguese Migrations - Savings Attraction Policies | 2019 | 430-443 | dual belonging | marketing | Portuguese migrations | savings/deposits | ||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Potencialidade simbólica da imagem no quadro do percurso migratório | 2020 | 575-602 | imagem | pecurso migratório | paremiologia | |||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Symbolic potentiality of the image in the migratory phenomen | 2020 | 602-628 | image | migratory phenomen | paremiology | |||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Os provérbios na actividade comercial | 2021 | 341-350 | comerćio local | paremiologia | publicidade | vivências de bairro | ||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Proverbs in marketing | 2021 | 350-360 | local commerce | paremiology | advertising | neighborhood experiences | ||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Sonhos de pedra e cal: espaços e tempos | 2022 | 123-134 | espaços | migrantes | provérbios | sonhos | tempo | |||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Dreams of stone and lime: spaces and times | 2022 | 134-135 | dreams | migrants | proverbs | time | ||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | Homenagear quem parte | 2023 | 333-356 | celebraҫões e festas | homenagens públicas | migraҫões | monumentos | ||||||
Rocha-Trindade | Maria Beatriz | Portugal | To honor those who leave | 2023 | 357-380 | celebrations and festivals | public tributes | migrations | monuments | ||||||
Rodrigues | Francisco Amado | Portugal | A musicalidade do exército português no contexto das invasões francesas – uma manifestação de património imaterial e um meio de construção proverbial | 2012 | 123-134 | musicalidade | exército | património immaterial | |||||||
Rodrigues | Justino | Aline Bazenga | Portugal | Linguajar madeirense-3. Continuação do estudo sobre os provérbios do arquipélago da Madeira | 2019 | 345-353 | ditos populares | gentílicos | madeirensidade | provérbios | Arquipélago da Madeira | ||||
Rodrigues | Manuel Justino de Freitas | Portugal | Usos proverbiais ao ar livre. Acampamentos | 2021 | 411-417 | Anexins | Covid-19 | Lei de Murphy | usos proverbiais | acampamento | escutismo | ||||
Rodrigues | Márcia Jardim | Brasil | Os provérbios no universo cultural da etnia Karipuna da aldeia do Manga / Oiapoque / Amapá / Amazônia / Brasil | 2017 | 422-426 | Amazônia | Amapá | diversidade cultural | etnia | patrimonio imaterial | |||||
Rodríguez González | Lúcia | José Manuel García González | Spain | O Livro de Ouro de Séneca / Liber Aureus Senecae | 2016 | 237-251 | Séneca | aforismos | máximas | provérbios | filosofia | ||||
Rodríguez González | Lúcia | José Manuel García González | Spain | Gold book from Séneca / Liber Aureus Senecae | 2016 | 252-270 | Séneca | aphorism | sentences | proverbs | philosophy | ||||
Rodríguez Martín | Gustavo Adolfo | Spain | Modified proverbs in the plays of Bernard Shaw | 2008 | 386-395 | proverbs | deautomation | phraseo-stylistics | Bernard Shaw | drama | |||||
Rodríguez Redondo | Ana Laura | Julia Sevilla Muñoz Silvia Molina Plaza | Spain | English proverbs in the multilingual paremiological database | 2010 | 445-454 | Paremiology | Multilingual | Multicultural | ||||||
Rondinelli | Paolo | Italy | The Europe of proverbs through Francesco Serdonati’s collection. Some examples from the database Proverbi Italiani. | 2020 | 268-278 | Comparative Paremiology | Diachronic Perspective | Europe | Italian Database | ||||||
Rondinelli | Paolo | Ramon Marti Solano | Italy | 'Comparisons are odious': how comparable are equivalent proverbs across languages? | 2021 | 207-221 | contrastive paremiology | equivalent proverbs | corpus linguistics | frequency of use | variation in meaning | ||||
Rondinelli | Paolo | Paola Attolino | Italy | “Gettare il proprio corpo nella lotta": Pasolini, civil passion and phraseology | 2023 | 499-509 | counterpower | poetry | African American culture | phraseology | political slogan | ||||
Rosa | Fernanda | Portugal | Da expressão proverbial à poesia | 2013 | 239-248 | provérbio | poesia | relações intergeracionais | |||||||
Rosa | Fernanda | Portugal | O uso de provérbios e expresses proverbiais em algumas vivências de uma breve passage pela vida | 2018 | 511-516 | aprender | presenҫa | provérbio | sorriso | vida | |||||
Rosário | Mariana Especiosa | Paulo Serra | Portugal | Um provérbio, dois povos | 2022 | 449-462 | provérbio | cultura popular | português | tétum | |||||
Salapata | Gina | New Zealand | Celebrating cultures through proverbs: Activity 1: Provide similar or opposite proverbs; Activity 2: Sketch a proverb. | 2019 | 139-149 | communitu engagement | multiculturalism | opposite proverbs | proverb collectig | similar proverbs | creativity | illustrating proverbs | visual literacy | ||
Salapata | Gina | New Zealand | “Proverbial” activities to benefit older adults | 2020 | 259-267 | activities with proverbs | cognitive functions | multiculturalism | seniors | social engagement | |||||
Salapata | Gina | New Zealand | Taking proverbs to the community | 2022 | 435-448 | multiculturalism | cultural diversity | community projects | proverbs on artworks | immigrants | |||||
Saliba | Charles Daniel | Malta | Maltese proverbs: a reflection of Mediterranean history and culture? | 2012 | 71-91 | Malta | Gozo | Maltese language | culture and history | Mediterranean | Semitic language | language habits | Maltese/ Arabic / Italian / Sicilian / English proverbs | ||
Saliba | Charles Daniel | Malta | Maltese proverbs on women | 2017 | 68-104 | Maltese proverbs | women | gender | stereotypes | inventory | |||||
Salvado | Isabel | Óscar Pinto | Portugal | Provérbios, heráldica e arquivos: uma parceria improvável? | 2018 | 245-254 | próverbios | arquivos | heráldica | ||||||
Sammartino | Antonio | Maslina Ljubičić | Italy | Proverbs of an endangered language – Molise Croatian in contact with Italian | 2017 | 284-302 | Molice Croatian | Italian | Croatian | proverbs | European cultural heritage | ||||
Sánchez de Rebauldi | Maria Isabel Cabeduzo | Argentina | Flaubert's language in the novel "Madame Bovary": The unique nature of realism through an examination of Emma's world | 2015 | 573-588 | bourgeoisie | fixed expressions | human condition | linguistic heritage | maximn | tragedy | ||||
Santos-Mendonça | Lina | Portugal | “Palavras leva-as o vento”: a recolha de provérbios no concelho de Reguengos de Monsaraz | 2013 | 304-313 | recolha | provérbios | Reguengos de Monsaraz | |||||||
Sardelli | Maria Antonella | Spain | ""Paremias"" in Júan de Timoneda's ""Sobremesa y alivio de caminantes"" (1563: Use and function | 2008 | 374-385 | Timoneda | ""paremias"" | function | use | ||||||
Sardelli | Maria Antonella | Spain | Culture and intercultural studies throughout proverbs: work in Spanish, Italian and English | 2009 | 421-438 | ||||||||||
Satatima | Ibrahim Garba | Nigeria | A study of metaphors in selected Hausa proverbial discourse | 2019 | 539-553 | metaphor | proverb | conceptual domain | intertextual coherence | intratextual coherence | contextual meaning | ||||
Savin | Petronela | Romania | Dictionary of Romanian proverbs and proverbial expressions: the onomasiological field of human nourishment. Aims and methodology | 2011 | 378-389 | dictionary | proverbs and proverbial expressions | onomasiological field | human nourishment | systematic organization | |||||
Schellbach-Kopra | Ingrid | Germany | ""To travel is better than rest"" - Sami proverbs in discourse | 2008 | 165-180 | Sami culture | Sami folklore | image of Lapland | proverb collections | translation of proverbs | |||||
Schipper | Mineke | The Netherlands | “Never marry a woman with big feet”: gendered proverbial wisdom in a global context | 2012 | 42-56 | oral traditions | gender matters | the local and the global | humanity’s cultural history | human universals | |||||
Schipper | Mineke | The Netherlands | A womb makes a woman: fertility, pregnancy and childbirth in proverbs from around the world | 2018 | 28-37 | oral traditions | gender matters | the local and the global | human universals | ||||||
Schrijvers | Tom | The Netherlands | Proverbs in papercutting | 2017 | 162-166 | Holland | scissorswork | proverbs | exhibition | Westerbork-Museum | |||||
Sereno | Maria Helena Sampaio | Portugal | José Saramago, a proverb master | 2010 | 397-405 | proverb | functions | discourse | Saramago | ||||||
Sereno | Maria Helena Sampaio | Portugal | José Saramago, ensinando provérbios | 2010 | 389-397 | provérbio | função | discurso | Saramago | ||||||
Serra | Paulo | Mariana Especiosa Rosário | Portugal | Um provérbio, dois povos | 2022 | 449-462 | provérbio | cultura popular | português | tétum | |||||
Sevilla Muñoz | Julia | Ana Laura Rodríguez Redondo Silvia Molina Plaza | Spain | English proverbs in the multilingual paremiological database | 2010 | 445-454 | Paremiology | Multilingual | Multicultural | ||||||
Sevilla-Muñoz | Julia | Spain | El caballo en los refranes Francese, Italianos, Españoles e Ingleses | 2008 | 113-122 | paremiologia comparada | técnicas de traducción | correspondencias | Español | Francés | Italiano | Inglés | |||
Sevilla-Muñoz | Julia | Spain | The horse in French, Italian, Spanish and English proverbs | 2008 | 101-112 | compared paremiology | translating techniques | correspondence | Spanish | French | Italian | English | |||
Sevilla-Muñoz | Julia | Spain | The challenges of paremiology in the XX1 century | 2009 | 439-449 | paremiology | history | the 21st century | |||||||
Silva | Francisca | Rui Duarte | Portugal | Proverbs in A Bee in the Rain by Carlos de Oliveira | 2016 | 671-676 | Portuguese proverbs | A Bee in the Rain | Carlos de Oliveira | neorealism | rural society | ||||
Silva | Francisca | José Cruz; Luis Pereira | Portugal | A ocasião faz o ladrão | 2021 | 152-157 | provérbio | festa | fortuna | teatro | rábula | ||||
Silva | Maria Henriqueta | Portugal | Recordar … num tempo fora de tempo … ""os robertos"" | 2014 | 204-208 | ||||||||||
Silva da | Valmor | Brazil | Bater ou não bater nos filhos: debate com provérbios da Bíblia e da atualidade | 2019 | 493-505 | crianças | filhos | educaçao | |||||||
Silva Valente, da | Carla Marisa | Italy | A tradução paremiológica. Traduzir o intraduzível nas obras de Mia Couto com o auxílio de modernos mecanismos tecnológicos e cibernéticos | 2015 | 357-366 | tradução | estratégias tradutoras | tecnologia na tradução | Mia Couto | proverbiós | paremiology | ||||
Silva Valente, da | Carla Marisa | Italy | The paremiological translation. Translating the untranslatable in the works of Mia Couto with the aid of modern technologies and cyber-mechanisma | 2015 | 367-375 | translation | translator strategies | technology in translation | Mia Couto | sayings | paremiology | ||||
Soares | Lina Maria | Portugal | Novembro em Portugal: das tradições aos provérbios | 2010 | 320-326 | Martinho | magusto | vinho | castanhas | santos | finados | tradições | provérbios | ||
Soares | Lina Maria | Portugal | Festividades cíclicas cristãs: provérbios e tradiҫões | 2011 | 222-230 | cultos | festididades | provérbios | tradiҫões | ||||||
Soares | Lina Maria Marques | Portugal | Os santos casamenteiros na tradição portuguesa | 2012 | 329-336 | santo | casamenteiro | tradição portuguesa | quadras populares | provérbio | |||||
Soares | Lina Maria Marques | Portugal | The matchmaker Saints in the Portuguese tradition | 2012 | 337-339 | saint | matchmaker | Portuguese tradition | popular quatrains | sayings | |||||
Soares | Lina Maria Marques | Portugal | Lobos e ovelhas entre lendas e provérbios | 2013 | 510-520 | lobo | ovelha | Lupa | Imaginário | provérbios | |||||
Soares | Lina Maria Marques | Portugal | Wolves and sheep between legends and proverbs | 2013 | 520-524 | wolf | sheep | Lupa | Imaginary | proverbs | |||||
Soares | Lina Maria Marques | Portugal | Em torno do ""Vaso de Tavira"": uma leitura proverbial | 2014 | 209-228 | vaso | Tavira | cerâmica | berbere | abluções | al-Andaluz | simbólica | próverbio | ||
Soares | Lina | Portugal | O vinho na tradiҫão portuguesa | 2015 | 172-180 | provérbios | quadras | religião | tradiҫão | vinho | |||||
Soares | Lina Maria | Portugal | O velho, o rapaz e o burro: da fábula ao conto tradicional | 2017 | 608-615 | Bocage | burro conto | fábula | provérbios | ||||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Memórias do sal: os provérbios | 2008 | 426-437 | salt | história | provérbios | |||||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Salt memories: the proverbs | 2008 | 415-425 | salt | history | proverbs | |||||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Re … encontros com provérbios | 2009 | 449-460 | identidade | interculturalidade | memória cultural | migraҫões | provérvios | |||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Provérbios e economia em tempo de crise | 2010 | 351-369 | provérbios | economia | educação | metodologia | ||||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Proverbs and economy at the crisis epoch | 2010 | 351-369 | proverbs | economy | education | methodology | ||||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Da mesa ao mais belo naco literário: o pão e os provérbios | 2011 | 538-547 | pão | provérbio | educaҫão | cidadania | ||||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Viagem ao mundo dos ofícios … através das expressões proverbiais | 2012 | 310-318 | ofícios | património imaterial | literatura popular | |||||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Os provérbios na tradição marítima portuguesa | 2013 | 190-197 | mar | descobrimentos | expressões proverbiais | |||||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Proverbs in the Portuguese maritime tradition | 2013 | 198-205 | sea | discoveries | proverbials expressions | |||||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Around the Mediterranean: - the proverbs and the traditional flavors | 2014 | 410-415 | flavors | food | eating habits | landlocked | proverbial wisdom | |||||
Soares | Marinela C.R. | Portugal | Ao redor do Mediterrâneo: os provérbios e os sabores tradicionais | 2014 | 398-410 | sabores | alimentos | hábitos alimentares | mediterraneidade | sabedoria proverbial | |||||
Soares | Marinela | Portugal | Os provërbios na rota dos monumentos - um projecto cultural no Algarve | 2015 | 386-396 | cultura | memórias | monumentos | provérbios | rotas | |||||
Soares | Marinela | Portugal | The proverbs on the route of monuments - a project in Algarve | 2015 | 397-402 | culture | memories | monuments | proverbs | routes | |||||
Soares | Marinela | Portugal | A transversalidade dos provérbios (The transversality of proverbs) | 2016 | 547-559 | paremiologia | diálogo intergeracional | plataforma educational | transversalidade | princípio da multipicidade | intercultural | cidadania | |||
Soares | Marinela | Portugal | As estações do ano e os ensinamentos proverbiais | 2017 | 384-401 | estaçôes do ano | provérbios | ensinamentos | politica educativa | conteúdos curriculares | cultura | ||||
Soares | Marinela | Portugal | O adagiário da água e a sua universalidade | 2018 | 215-222 | água | provérbios | sabedoria | |||||||
Soares | Marinela | Rui Soares | Portugal | Vozes de Sabedoria: uma viagem pelas estações da vida de uma Associação | 2019 | 622-628 | sabedoria | paremiologia | provérbios | atividades | metodologias | ||||
Soares | Marinela | Sandra André, Cristina Garcia, Conceição Graça, Rui Soares, Cidália Teixeira | Portugal | Projecto de actividades educativas | 2020 | 559-573 | viagem | universo proverbial | cidadania | ||||||
García González | José Manuel | Lúcia Rodríguez González | Spain | O Livro de Ouro de Séneca / Liber Aureus Senecae | 2016 | 237-251 | Séneca | aforismos | máximas | provérbios | filosofia | ||||
Soares | Marinela | Rui Soares | Portugal | Os sabera proverbiais nas falas de outras linguas: a importância dos projetos e dos arquivos na divulgação | 2020 | 548-558 | colecção de provérbios | línguas indigenas | arquivo | ano internacional | |||||
Soares | Marinela | Rui Soares | Portugal | O despertar dos proverbios em tempo de pandemia | 2021 | 295-312 | expressões proverbiais | pandemia | televisäo | comunicação social | |||||
Soares | Marinela | Rui Soares | Portugal | The awakening of proverbs in pandemic time | 2021 | 312-326 | proverbial expressions | pandemia | television | media | |||||
Soares | Marinela | Rui Soares | Portugal | Serão os provérbios parentes pobres neste milénio? | 2022 | 517-529 | provérbio | cultura | educaçâo | conhecimento | aprendizagem | parentes pobres | |||
Soares | Marinela | Isabel Dias Salvado Lyudmyla Mestre Rui Soares | Portugal | "No feito esta o proveito" – um caso de boas praticas | 2023 | 551-559 | cidadania | cooperação | arquivo | provérbios | |||||
Soares | Marinela | Rui Soares | Portugal | A cultura proverbial e o turismo. Sugestões com base nos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável | 2024 | 475-494 | Turismo cultural | Turismo proverbial | Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) | Património proverbial | |||||
Soares | Marinela | Rui Soares | Portugal | The proverbial culture and tourism. Suggestions based on the sustainable development goals | 2024 | 494-513 | cultural tourism | proverbial tourism | Sustainable Development Goals | proverbial heritage | |||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | Matemática, incerteza e ditos: princípios comuns | 2008 | 448-459 | correspondência | equivalência | expressões proverbiais | incerteza | matemática | realidade | ||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | Mathematics, unceratinty and sayings: common principles | 2008 | 438-447 | mathematics | correspondence | equivalence | reality | proverbial expressions | |||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | ""Praia baril"" só no barril (Tavira): provérbios Portuqueses na caractezaҫao toponímica | 2009 | 521-526 | ||||||||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | Other times, other manners | 2010 | 520-531 | ||||||||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | A sapiência proverbial na ""Didáctica magna"" | 2011 | 547-557 | sabedoria popular | harmonia | equilíbrio | conduta humana | educaҫão | Didáctica magna | ||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | Deveres e direitos em provérbios | 2012 | 452-465 | deveres | direitos | Declaração Universal | |||||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | A relação do homem com o Divino | 2013 | 561-568 | ||||||||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | Identity features of Mediterranean culture: some aspects | 2014 | 460-462 | ||||||||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | Matemática e parmiologia: aspectos comuns | 2015 | 603-609 | conta | medida | número | peso | diálogo interdisciplinar | |||||
Soares | Rui | Portugal | Ajuste proverbial ao Cancioneiro Popular Algarvio | 2016 | 677-682 | provérbios | quadras populares | multicultural | Cancioneiro Popular Algarvio | ||||||
Soares | Rui JB | Portugal | “Não há bela sem senão”: matemática, arte e provérbios | 2017 | 625-632 | arte | beleza | binómio de Newton | inter (cultural+disciplinar) | matemática | provérbios | ||||
Soares | Rui JB | Marinela Soares | Portugal | Vozes de Sabedoria: uma viagem pelas estações da vida de uma Associação | 2019 | 622-628 | sabedoria | paremiologia | provérbios | atividades | metodologias | ||||
Soares | Rui | Sandra André, Cristina Garcia, Conceição Graça, Marinela Soares, Cidália Teixeira | Portugal | Projecto de actividades educativas | 2020 | 559-573 | viagem | universo proverbial | cidadania | ||||||
García González | José Manuel | Lúcia Rodríguez González | Spain | O Livro de Ouro de Séneca / Liber Aureus Senecae | 2016 | 237-251 | Séneca | aforismos | máximas | provérbios | filosofia | ||||
Soares | Rui | Marinela Soares | Portugal | Os sabera proverbiais nas falas de outras linguas: a importância dos projetos e dos arquivos na divulgação | 2020 | 548-558 | colecção de provérbios | línguas indigenas | arquivo | ano internacional | |||||
Soares | Rui | Marinela Soares | Portugal | O despertar dos proverbios em tempo de pandemia | 2021 | 295-312 | expressões proverbiais | pandemia | televisäo | comunicação social | |||||
Soares | Rui | Marinela Soares | Portugal | The awakening of proverbs in pandemic time | 2021 | 312-326 | proverbial expressions | pandemia | television | media | |||||
Soares | Rui | Marinela Soares | Portugal | Serão os provérbios parentes pobres neste milénio? | 2022 | 517-529 | provérbio | cultura | educaçâo | conhecimento | aprendizagem | parentes pobres | |||
Soares | Rui | Isabel Dias Salvado Lyudmyla Mestre Marinela Soares | Portugal | "No feito esta o proveito" – um caso de boas praticas | 2023 | 551-559 | cidadania | cooperação | arquivo | provérbios | |||||
Soares | Rui | Marinela Soares | Portugal | A cultura proverbial e o turismo. Sugestões com base nos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável | 2024 | 475-494 | Turismo cultural | Turismo proverbial | Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) | Património proverbial | |||||
Soares | Rui | Marinela Soares | Portugal | The proverbial culture and tourism. Suggestions based on the sustainable development goals | 2024 | 494-513 | cultural tourism | proverbial tourism | Sustainable Development Goals | proverbial heritage | |||||
Solano | Ramon Marti | France | Proverbs in the press: from sentence-like units to word-like units | 2010 | 310-320 | Elliptical proverbs | lexical status | collocation | collocational framework | colligation | journalistic discourse. | ||||
Solis | Ron | United States of America | Kamali'i 'ike 'ole i ka helu põ:proverbs and reversing the usual intergenerational transfer of knowledge and language | 2015 | 244-258 | intergrational knowledge transfer | language revitalization | 'Õlelo no'eau | proverbs | ||||||
Solis | Ron | USA, Hawai'i | "Noʻeau, naʻauao, hoʻokāʻau": To be (specific) or not to be (specific), that is the question | 2016 | 665-670 | Hawaiian proverbs | 'õlelo no'eau | specific terms | |||||||
Stark | Eija | Finland | Proverbs and the estate society in the 19th century Finland | 2013 | 329-336 | Estate society | Finland | folk views | masters | the poor | |||||
Stark | Eija | Finland | Proverbs as historical media and messages | 2015 | 347-356 | literal usage of language | proverb scholarship | A. A. Koskenjaakko | subsistence economy | rural society | Finland | ||||
Stevenson | Rachel | Marina Mogli, Peter Unseth, Edward Zellem | United States of America | The role of proverbs in facilitating refugee integration and language learning: Afghanistan case studies | 2022 | 191-201 | Afghanistan | refugees | proverbs | applied paremiology | |||||
Svobodová | Iva | Czech Republic | Animais nos Provérbios Portugueses | 2020 | 339-362 | próverbios portugueses | animais | análise semântica | |||||||
Svobodová | Iva | Czech Republic | Presenca da justica nos proverbios Portugueses e Checos | 2021 | 19-42 | provérbios checos | provérbios portugueses | campo lexical | campo semantico | justica | |||||
Svobodová | Iva | Czech Republic | Posição da mulher e do homem nos provérbios Portugueses e Checos | 2022 | 45-55 | provérbios | lingua portuguesa | lingua chega | mulher | homem | |||||
Szerszunowicz | Joanna | Poland | Evaluation in culture-bound proverbs and proverbial expressions as a translation problem | 2010 | 222-234 | proverb | culture-boundness | translation | |||||||
Szerszunowicz | Joanna | Poland | On anthroponymic constituents of Polis and Italian proverbs | 2011 | 72-83 | proverb | anthroponym | culture | Polish | Italian | |||||
Szerszunowicz | Joanna | Poland | On paremiological lacunae in a contrastive perspective | 2013 | 131-143 | proverb | lacuna / gap | equivalent | contrastive paremiology | ||||||
Szerszunowicz | Joanna | Poland | The universal and the specific: culturally salient proverbial expressions in a cross-linguistic perspective | 2016 | 447-457 | proverbs | culture-boundness | widespread proverbial expressions | cross-linguistic equivalents | ||||||
Szerszunowicz | Joanna | Poland | Proverbial expressions in brand image building: A case study of the Polish beer brand Żubr commercials | 2017 | 167-175 | proverbs | idioms | brand building | advertising | commercials | |||||
Szerszunowicz | Joanna | Poland | The notion of Cultureme in paremiological research | 2018 | 223-234 | cultureme | culture | modification | proverbs | schema | |||||
Szerszunowicz | Joanna | Poland | Political communication, winged words and proverbiality. A case study of the winners of the Silver Mouth competition | 2024 | 179-190 | idiom | phraseme | political communication | proverb | winged words | |||||
Szpila | Grzegorz | Poland | Micro- and macrofunctions of proverbs in literature | 2008 | 248- 254 | paremiostylistics | literary context | macro- and microfunction of paremias | general fictional themes | pragmatic potential | |||||
Teixeira | Cidália | Sandra André, Cristina Garcia, Conceição Graça, Marinela Soares, Rui Soares | Portugal | Projecto de actividades educativas | 2020 | 559-573 | viagem | universo proverbial | cidadania | ||||||
García González | José Manuel | Lúcia Rodríguez González | Spain | O Livro de Ouro de Séneca / Liber Aureus Senecae | 2016 | 237-251 | Séneca | aforismos | máximas | provérbios | filosofia | ||||
Teixeira | José | Portugal | Provérbios e publicidade: a força do implícito | 2016 | 51-61 | publicidae | provérbios | cognição | |||||||
Teixeira | José | Portugal | Mais importante que a verdade: o valor argumentativo dos provérbios | 2017 | 550-560 | argumentação | história da lingua portuguesa | provérbios | significado linguistico | ||||||
Teixeira | José | Portugal | As cores dos provérbios: significado linguístico e sinestesia | 2018 | 380-391 | linguagem e cogniҫão | significado linguistico | provérbios | sinestesia | termos de cor | |||||
Teixeira | José de Sousa | Portugal | Os provérbios como janelas: modos de viver e pencar de há mais de três séculos nos provérbios sobre o vinho | 2020 | 325-338 | próverbios | vinho | Vocabulário Bluteau | esterótipos | lingua e representaçöes sociais | |||||
Teixeira | José | Portugal | Iludindo a censura e a inquisicao com expressoes idiomaticas e proverbios no seculo XVIII em Portugal | 2024 | 97-108 | livro Enfermidades da Lingua | lingua e censura | lingua e normativismo | fraseologias | Manual José de Paiva | |||||
Teles Passarinho | Ana Maria | Portugal | "A Pintura e o desenvolvimento humano": paralelismo na expressão pictórica nos primórdios do ser humano a nivel individual e civilizacional | 2020 | 308-315 | linguagem pictórica | linguagem proverbial | ||||||||
Teles Passarinho | Ana Maria | Portugal | "Painting and Human development": Paraallelism in pictoric expression in the beginning of human beings at an individual and civilizational level | 2020 | 316-323 | pictorical language | proverbial language | ||||||||
Thorsteinsdottir | Rósa | Iceland | A 16th century book of rimur and proverbs | 2023 | 222-229 | Iceland | proverbs | 16th century | manuscripts | ||||||
Tomášková | Elena | Czech Republic | Ukrainian paremias in modern Russian political journalism | 2019 | 520-529 | paremia | politicalt publicism | Ukrainian language | Russian language | interlingual interference | |||||
Tomášková | Elena | Czech Republic | Internet communication vocabulary as a mirror of Post-Maydan confrontation | 2020 | 513-526 | post-Maydan confrontation | Internet discourse | neologisms | idioms | colloquial language | the language aggression | ||||
Topa | Francisco | Portugal | He that waits for the dead man’s shoes: From history to literature and cinema | 2019 | 95-105 | proverb | Machado de Assis | Rubem Fonseca | João César Monteiro | shoes | |||||
Topa | Francisco | Portugal | “Black is the coal merchant and white his money”. Some thoughts on this Portuguese proverb | 2022 | 482-488 | proverb | oral literature | colour symbology | racism | José Craveirinha | |||||
Topa | Francisco | Portugal | A Girl in Every Port - The proverbial expression and some of its manifestations | 2024 | 53-59 | sailors | proverbial expression | pop music | Machado de Assis | Luigi Pirandello | |||||
Tosina Fernández | Luis Jose | Spain | Paremiological creativity and visual representation of proverbs: an analysis of the use of proverbs in the adventures of Asterix the Gaul | 2021 | 256-276 | Asterix | translation | proverbs | visual proverbs | ||||||
Tosina Fernández | Luis Jesús | Spain | Paremiology as the perpetuator of the status quo: the example of Martinez Kleiser’s Refranero general ideológico | 2022 | 466-481 | folklore | paremiology | politics | status quo | tradition | |||||
Tosina Fernández | Luis Jesús | Spain | Proverb use in Francisco Franco's new year messages | 2023 | 487-497 | dictator | Franco | politics | proverbial language | speeches | |||||
Tosina Fernández | Luis Jesús | Spain | A Bourdieusian approach to paremiology | 2024 | 191-195 | Bourdieu | capital | communication | doxa | habitus | proverbs | ||||
Tóthmé-Litovkina | Anna | Hungary | Paronomasia, homonymy and homophony in Anglo-American anti-proverbs | 2009 | 275-288 | anti-proverbs | pun | homophone | homonym | paronym | |||||
Tóthmé-Litovkina | Anna | Hungary | The reception of anti-proverbs in the German language area | 2009 | 83-98 | anti-proverbs | German humour | sociolinguistics | pilo study | German speaking asea | evaluation | funniness | |||
Trabidou | Georgia | Greece | Biology in proverbs: A secondary education teaching scenario | 2019 | 357-363 | biology | proverbs | high school | teaching scenario | ||||||
Trulsson | Anders | Sweden | Who uses proverbs? | 2013 | 249-259 | Proverb | drama | quantitative | sociolinguistics | usage | |||||
Tserpes | George | Greece | Welcoming spring through proverbs: A teaching paradigm in Greek secondary education | 2016 | 205-216 | folklore | proverbs | language teaching | communication | ||||||
Tserpes | George | Greece | Comparing the proverbs of the Balkan peoples: questions of Theory and Methodology | 2018 | 181-194 | theory | methodology | historic and synchronic level comparison | proverbs | folklore | |||||
Tserpes | George | Greece | “Eat and drink with your relatives, do business with strangers”: The interconnection of family and economic relations in proverbs from the Balkans. A folkloristic approach. | 2020 | 87-101 | family | wealth | poverty | Balkans | folklore | |||||
Tserpes | Georgios | Marianthi Kaplanoglou | Greece | Facing (and fighting) reality with proverbs: Two cases of proverb contextualization during the first and the second period of the lockdown in Greece due to the Covid-19 pandemic. | 2022 | 289-299 | (anti)proverbs | devil | oral speech | social media | folklore during the Covid pandemic | ||||
Tserpes | Georgios | Marianthi Kaplanoglou | Greece | Epidemic diseases in modern Greek proverbial discourse | 2023 | 282-296 | proverbs | folklore | genres | intetextuality | aesthetics | ethics | |||
Tserpes | Georgios | Emmanouela Katrinaki | Greece | Proverbs in Greek Tall tales (ATU 1875-1899): A surrealistic use of metaphors | 2024 | 378-387 | folkloristic genre | proverbs | ATU | Tall tales | variants | ||||
Tukhvatullina | Indira | R.Gubaidullina, N.Pershina, R.Shakirzyanova | Tatarstan, Russia | The comparative review of metonymic paremia in English, Russian and Tatar languages | 2020 | 656-663 | paremia | metonymy | proverbs | sayings | |||||
Ugarte García | Maria del Carmen | Spain | Two different experiences, relating proverbs, among scholars (aged 612), in two different rural schools in Burgon (Spain) | 2008 | 285-296 | Ribera del Duero | proverbs | folk literature | school | children | didactics | ||||
Ugarte García | Maria del Carmen | Spain | ""Y yo La Horra, galán"" - a virtual community remembers theri proverbs on the internet | 2009 | 462-473 | La Horra | tradition | folklore | oral culture | proverbs | antiproverbs | paremiological minimum | |||
Ugarte García | Maria del Carmen | Spain | The role of proverbs in Miguel Delibe's novel: Five hours with Mario | 2011 | 390-399 | ||||||||||
Ugarte García | Maria del Carmen | Alexandra Oprica | Spain | The wine in the Mediterranean culture. An approach through proverbs | 2014 | 383-397 | proverbs | wine | Mediterranean culture | Romance languages | Italian | French | Portuguese | Romanian Spanish | |
Ugarte García | María del Carmen | Spain | Who teaches proverbs to our children? | 2010 | 243-250 | Proverbs | secondary school | age | gender | relationship | |||||
Ugarte García | María del Carmen | Spain | Proverbs and folk elements in the Spanish revolution | 2012 | 417-427 | slogans | proverbs | folk elements | folk lore | Spanish Revolution | 15-M movement | ||||
Ugarte García | María del Carmen | Spain | Spanish proverbs by the sea | 2016 | 583-596 | proverbs | Spanish sea proverbs | meteorological proverbs | forecasting | ||||||
Ugarte García | María del Carmen | Spain | Proverbs in the Spanish translations of Uma abelha na chuva | 2017 | 594-607 | paremias | translation | Portuguese and Spanish proverbs | |||||||
Ugarte García | María del Carmen | Spain | Gloria Fuertes: proverbs in her poetry for children | 2018 | 255-267 | children folk | children poetry | Gloria Fuertes | proverbs | ||||||
Ugarte García | María del Carmen | Spain | Proverbs in the school building of Becenil de Campos | 2024 | 337-345 | proverbs | children poetry | maxims | education | Becenil de Campos | Spanish | ||||
Úlfarsdóttir | Thórdis | Ellert Thór Jóhannsson | Iceland | Icelandic proverbs and their European counterparts | 2024 | 405-417 | proverbs | Islandic | historical collections | metaphoric language | medieval sources | ||||
Ulland | Harald | Norway | Proverb frequency in two varieties of Norwegian: bokmål and nynorsk | 2016 | 305-314 | Norwegian bokmål | Nynorsk | proverb frequency | |||||||
Ulland | Harald | Norway | 'He who sleeps…', formal and semantic typology of implication proverbs: a cross-linguistic study | 2017 | 206-214 | implication proverbs | morality (sleeping and drinking) | semantic typology | syllogisms | ||||||
Ulland | Harald | Norway | Implication proverbs | 2018 | 278-288 | implication | sentence structure | subordination | syndetic and asyndetic coordination | ||||||
Ulland | Harald | Izabela Dixon | Norway | On the concept of change: Brexit in proverbs and proverbial expressions | 2019 | 40-51 | proverb(s) | change | Brexit | phraseology | discource | ||||
Ulland | Harald | Isabel Dixon | Norway | When proverbial "enough is enough" in politics | 2023 | 116-127 | enough is enough | politics | tautology | proverbs | equivalents of "enough is enough" | ||||
Unseth | Peter | Marina Mogli, Rachel Stevenson, Edward Zellem | United States of America | The role of proverbs in facilitating refugee integration and language learning: Afghanistan case studies | 2022 | 191-201 | Afghanistan | refugees | proverbs | applied paremiology | |||||
Usta Tuzcu | Öznur | Turkey | What Happens When Proverbs Meet Change In Public Life? | 2019 | 283-297 | anti-proverb | change | culture | proverb | Turkish society | |||||
Vale | Luis | Portugal | Nomeadas colectiva: provérbios, ditos e rimad em Trás-os-Montes | 2024 | 109-116 | nomeadas colectivas | ditos e rimas | Trás-os-Montes | |||||||
Vale | Luis | Portugal | Collective nominees: proverbs, sayings and rhymes in Trás-os-Montes | 2024 | 117-124 | collective names | collective names, sayings and rhymes | Trás-os-Montes | |||||||
Vaz Duarte | Helena | Portugal | The ways how traditional / popular / oral / literature cross José Saramago's narrative production: tradition and modernity | 2008 | 396-406 | Saramago | multiple functions of proverbs | brief narration | oral charasteric in the written language | ||||||
Vaz Duarte | Helena | Portugal | Tradiҫão e modernidade: a presenҫa de provérbios nos romances de José Saramago | 2008 | 406-415 | ||||||||||
Vaz Sppezapria Dias | Maria de Lourdes | Brazil | A produção de significado em estruturas proverbiais | 2018 | 355-368 | intertextualidade | linguistica | próverbios | releitura | sociocogniҫão | |||||
Vega | Mária Luisa | Spain | Anglosaxon proverbs as an interdisciplinar link at university levels | 2008 | 309-317 | Anglosaxson proverbs | Englishness | proverbs as interdisciplinary link | |||||||
Vega | Mária Luisa | Spain | Proverbs sourced in spells, incantations, charms, and curses in Scots-Gaelic | 2009 | 474-481 | ||||||||||
Vega | Mária Luisa | Spain | Proverbs, refrains, and sayings on “Sound Counsel” | 2010 | 340-351 | ||||||||||
Vega | Mária Luisa | Spain | Mair weet, mair weey, waur wedder, waur wedder | 2011 | 508-514 | ||||||||||
Vidakivić Erdeljić | Dubravka | Croatia | Cognitive mechanisms in creation and interpretation of proverbs: a study of Croatian and English words of wisdom | 2009 | 352-365 | proverbcreation and interpretation | cognitive mechanisms | cultural settings | |||||||
Vilarinho | Manuel Eduardo Leal | Portugal | Os provérbios são universais | 2008 | 263-271 | ||||||||||
Vilarinho | Manuel Eduardo Leal | Portugal | Proverbs are universal | 2008 | 254-263 | European proverbs | universality of proverbs | French literature | |||||||
Villers | Damien | France | Zivaisms: the strategy and translation challenges behind proverb and idiom twisting in NCIS | 2015 | 259-273 | NCIS | Zivaism | proverbs | idioms | twisting | puns | ‘anti-proverbs’ | translation | ||
Villers | Damien | France | Proverbiogenesis: the phases of proverbial birth | 2016 | 369-380 | proverbiogenesis | proverbial birth | proverbialisation | dissemination | proverb origins | |||||
Võ Xuân | Que | Vietnam/Finland | Rhyme in Vietnamese proverbs | 2010 | 234-243 | ||||||||||
Võ Xuân | Que | Vietnam/Finland | Eating and drinking in Vietnamese proverbs | 2011 | 349-359 | ||||||||||
Vodopija | Irena | Melita Aleksa Varga Valentina Majdenić | Croatia | Croatian proverbs in use | 2012 | 519-530 | Croatian proverbs | anti-proverbs | research | Croatian textbooks | |||||
Voolaid | Piret | Estonia | Why is the floor squeaking? Because the wiser one gives in. On relations between Estonian conundrums and paremiology | 2011 | 245-257 | anti-proverbs | conundrums | Estonian proverbs | kennings | proverb parodies | paremiolgy | riddles | wellerisms | ||
Voolaid | Piret | Estonia | “An empty wall is an ugly wall”: on paremiological features in the public space of Tartu | 2012 | 364-376 | Anti-proverbs | graffiti | Loesje posters | paremiology | proverbs | proverb parodies | street art | wellerisms | ||
Voolaid | Piret | Estonia | On paremiological findings in the Estonian daily newspaper “postimees” (The Newspaper Project) | 2013 | 291-303 | Anti-proverbs | colloquial written language | familiar quotations | idiomatic expressions | proverbs in modern media context | proverb parodies | written speech / written oral language | |||
Voolaid | Piret | Estonia | New Estonian paremiological database: proverbs in graffiti | 2015 | 543-554 | collecting graffiti lore | genre typological database | paremic graffiti | proverbs | sayings | street art | ||||
Voolaid | Piret | Estonia | Who else will lift the dog’s tail? mockery and ridicule in Estonian proverbs | 2020 | 639-655 | proverbs | humour | contextual folkloristics | COVID-19-proverbs | disciplinary and rebellious humour | mocking | ||||
Voolaid | Piret | Estonia | “Thirst is greater than hunger”: A sociocultural view of Estonian proverbs on alcohol and drinking | 2022 | 214-218 | alcohol | ambivalence | drinking culture | Estonian proverbs | ethnolinguistics | national identity | stereotypes | |||
Voolaid | Piret | Estonia | "It's a struggle to grow old but life is good at old age." Representations of the autumn years and the elderly in Estonian proverbs: proverbs in the service of cultural gerontology | 2023 | 99-111 | ageing | cultural gerontology | Estonian proverbs | ethnolinguistics | folkloristics | old age | paremiology | stereotypes | ||
Vrajitoru | Ana | Portugal / Roménia | Definite / indefinite article in Portuguese and Romanian proverbs, phrases and expression | 2009 | 482-493 | ||||||||||
Vrajitoru | Ana | Romania | Provérbios na literatura: o universo dos provérbios em Quando tudo se desmorona, de Chinua Achebe | 2010 | 163-174 | criança | luz | fogo | lagarto | destino | |||||
Vrajitoru | Ana | Romania | Proverbs in literature: the use of proverbs in Chinua Achebe’s Things fall apart | 2010 | 174-184 | child | light | fire | animals | destiny | |||||
Vrajitoru | Ana | Romania | Reflections on friendship in proverbs | 2011 | 155-168 | relation | feeling | trust | affinity | reciprocity | |||||
Vrajitoru | Ana | Romania | Reflexões sobre amizade em provérbios | 2011 | 141-155 | relaҫão | sentimento | confianҫa | afinidade | reciprocidade | |||||
Vrajitoru | Ana | Romania | Death as a motif in myths, legends and proverbs | 2013 | 533-541 | death | God | angel | fear | death in honor | |||||
Vrajitoru | Ana | Romania | O tema da morte nalguns mitos, lendas e provérbios | 2013 | 525-533 | morte | Deus | anjo | medo | morte honrosa | |||||
Vunge | Antunes | Pedro Costa Pereira | Angola | Os desperdícios | 2015 | 514-521 | provérbios ambundos | desperdícios | sabedoria | mais velhos | |||||
Wary | Kwrwmdao | Jhanin Mushahary Sanghamitra Choudhury | India | Understanding Bodo tribal society through batra bhao (proverb) | 2023 | 168-177 | Assam | Bhatra Bhao | Bodo | proverb | North-East India | ||||
Widbäck | Anders | Sweden | What is a proverb? | 2017 | 140-148 | proverbs | definition | criteria | |||||||
Wilczeski | Michał | Aleksandra Biela-Wołońciej, Mariusz Wołońciej | Poland | Paremiology in the study of cultural aspects of depression: the case of Polish proverbs | 2020 | 414-433 | depression | proverbs | culture optimism/pessimism | paremiology | |||||
Zellem | Edward | United States of America | Crowdsourcing Afghan proverbs: exploring the paremiological minimum using 21st century social media | 2014 | 232-237 | Afghan proverbs and sayings | crowdsourcing proverbs methodology | Afghanistan | Dari proverbs | Pashto proverbs | ethnolinguistics | Afghan culture | Pashtun culture | proverbs and literacy | |
Wołońciej | Mariusz | Aleksandra Biela-Wołońciej, Michał Wilczeski | Poland | Paremiology in the study of cultural aspects of depression: the case of Polish proverbs | 2020 | 414-433 | depression | proverbs | culture optimism/pessimism | paremiology | |||||
Zellem | Edward | United States of America | Crowdsourcing Afghan proverbs: exploring the paremiological minimum using 21st century social media | 2014 | 232-237 | Afghan proverbs and sayings | crowdsourcing proverbs methodology | Afghanistan | Dari proverbs | Pashto proverbs | ethnolinguistics | Afghan culture | Pashtun culture | proverbs and literacy | |
Zabava | Camelia | Magdalena Filary | Romania | Moral values reflected in proverbs - with application on Romanian and Polish proverbs | 2021 | 395-405 | paremiology | proverbs | Romanian proverbs | Polish proverbs | morality | ||||
Zabăvă | Camelia | Magdalena Filary | Romania | Expression of opposition in Romanian and Polish paremiology | 2022 | 395-401 | semantic opposition | antithesis | paremiology | Polish | Romanian | ||||
Zellem | Edward | Marina Mogli, Rachel Stevenson, Peter Unseth | United States of America | The role of proverbs in facilitating refugee integration and language learning: Afghanistan case studies | 2022 | 191-201 | Afghanistan | refugees | proverbs | applied paremiology | |||||
Zimonyi-Kalinyina | Irina | Hungary | Hungarian Proverbial Parallels of the Russian-English Paremiological Core | 2019 | 554-561 | Hungarian proverbs | Matti Kuusi | Kotova | Paczolay | T. Litovkina | |||||
Zimonyi-Kalinyina | Irina | Marina Yu Kotova | Russia | Hungarian proverbs with the components concerning food and hospitality | 2020 | 631-637 | thematic groups of proverbs | Central-European linguistic area | food | hospitality | Hungarian | Czech | Slovak | Slovenian | |
Zimonyi-Kalinyina | Irina | Hungary | Fortune favours the bold. Courage and fear: Hungarian proverbial parallels to the Russian paremiological core | 2021 | 280-290 | courage | fear | Hungarian | proverbs | Russian | |||||
Zimonyi-Kalinyina | Irina | Hungary | “Fortune favours the bold”. Bible and the modern media discourse: phraseological units and proverbs of biblical origin in the iron logic Russian radio broadcast | 2022 | 372-380 | Bible | media | Micheyev | phraseological units | proverbs | Russian | ||||
Zimonyi-Kalinyina | Irina | Hungary | In vino veritas. An attempt of locating Portuguese parallels to the Hungarian proverbs with components “wine", "drunkeness" | 2023 | 540-547 | drunkennes | Hungarian | Portuguese | proverbs | wine | |||||
Zimonyi-Kalinyina | Irina | Hungary | Nikolai Gogol, The Inspector General: An attempt to analyse a classic play from a paremiological and phraseological point of view in Russian and Portuguese | 2024 | 389-398 | Gogol | paremiology | phraseology | Portuguese | Russian | |||||
Zhukov | Konstantin | Russia | Verbalization of concept of “friendship” in Russian, Swedish and English proverbs | 2012 | 218-229 | English proverbs | Russian proverbs | concept | friendship | human relations |
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