Folklore, Religiosity, Language.Transcultural and vernacular aspects

Estonian Literary Museum Deparment of Folcloristics, The Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 20.12.2018-20.12.2023. Leaders: Mare Kõiva, Tadziana Valodzina (Tatjana Volodina).

Projekt käsitleb vernakulaarseid praktikaid ja teooriaid, samuti lokaalse identiteedi loomist Valgevene ja Eesti näitel. Võrdlevate uuringutega määratakse üldised ja erinevad trendid mõlema maa näitel, kasutades uusi välitööde andmeid, ühiselt arendatakse folkloristika empiirilisi, metoodilisi ja analüütilisi võtteid.

Ühisporjektiga valmistatakse ette akadeemilisi väljaandeid ja arendatakse mõlema poole arhiive (EFITA, BELA).

The joint investigations in the field past and contemporary cultural processes, religiosity, folklore in Belarus and Estonia. In the frame of the project will be continued research about important subtopics (Belarus diaspora in Estonia, Belarus minority in Estonia, belief narratives, incantations, ethnolinguistics, religious movements, etc.).

The project is aimed to the study the place of a vernacular culture, creativity and theory in the state paradigms in Belorus and Estonia, as well as the processes of building of local identity.

Comparative character of the project will allow underlying of general and different trends in folklore manifestation in the two countries on the basis of new fieldwork data, as well as the development of empirical, methodological and analytical capabilities in the field of folklore studies in the Belarus and Estonian sciences.

Aim of the cooperation is connected with preparation of common publications and development of archives (EFITA, BELA).

Department of Folkloristics ELMThe Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research, NASB
Mare Kõiva, Piret Voolaid, Andres Kuperjanov, Liisi Laineste, Katre Kikas, Reet Hiiemäe, Eda Kalmre, Liisa Vesik, Tõnno Jonuks, Nikolay Kuznetsov, Mare Kalda, Anastasiya Fiadotova Tatjana Volodina, Elena Boganeva, Nikolai Antropov, Irina Vassiljeva, Irina Smirnova, Juras Vnukovich, Juras, Paciupo, Yanina Hrynevich, Alena Pavlova, Alena Leshkevich, Aleksei Hllyshko.


Ajakirja Folklore: EJF erinumber/Special number of Folklore: EJF

Venekeelne aastaraamat SATOR 19. МИССИЯ ВЫПОЛНИМА Перспективы изучения фольклора/Yearbook in Russian language SATOR 19. МИССИЯ ВЫПОЛНИМА Перспективы изучения фольклора