Rituaalne aasta Bolgar. |
Ritual Year Bolgar |
Uus kompleks/New Complex | Khaani mausoleum ja minarett/Khans mausoleum and manara |
Kuldhordi provintsipealinn/Capital of province within the Golden Horde Rituaalse aasta konverentsi raames toimunud välitööd: bolgarite mälestised. Seda linna peetakse Volga bulgaarlaste esmaseks pealinnaks. Nõukogude perioodil ei olnud võimalik palverännak Mekasse, mistõttu sealsed muhameedlased korraldasid palverännakuid Bolgarisse. |
Suurim koraan/Biggest Quran Fieldworks connected with Ritual Year conference: monuments of bolghars. The medieval city was probably the capital of Volga Bulgaria from as early as the 8th century. During the Soviet period, Bolgar was a center of a local Islamic movement known as The Little Hajj: Muslims from Tatarstan and other parts of the Soviet Union could not participate in the hajj to Mecca, so they travelled instead to Bolgar. |
Rituaalne aasta Kaasan. |
Ritual Year Kazan |
Kaasan (Tatarstani Vabariik, Venemaa): Rituaalse aasta konverentsi raames toimunud välitööd: linnakultuur. |
Fieldworks connected with Ritual Year conference. Fieldwork in Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan, Russia): urban culture. |
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Community art, City scapes, wooden idols Jekaterinburg, Venemaa |
Community art, City scapes, wooden idols Ekaterinburg, Russia |
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Korralised välitööd Bulgaarias VratsaMare Kõiva, Andres Kuperjanov |
Annual fieldwork in Bulgaria VratsaMare Kõiva, Andres Kuperjanov |
Vratsata |
Sgorigrad Vratsast on leitud suurim Traakia aare. Rooma ja Bulgaaria esimese impeeriumi ajal oli Vratsa strateegiliselt oluline. Juuni algul on Vratsas Botevi päevad.
Hristo Botev History of Vratsa is connected with the largest Thracian treasures. Botev Days are held annually in the city, culminating in the rally-dawn on June 1, held at Hristo Botev Square, as well as the national worship on June 2 at Mount Okolchitsa.
Vidin |
Vidin |
Linnavärv/Town Gate
Baba Vida
Kesklinn/City center
Vidin on Doonau jõesadam, Serbia ja Rumeenia piiril. Algselt keldi asula, hiljem Rooma kindluslinn. Baba Vida kindlust ehitati 10st 14nda sajandini. |
Vidin is a river port town, close to the borders with Romania and Serbia, as well as town of the Metropolitan of Vidin (since 870). It is an old Celtic settlement, later Roman fortified town. The Baba Vida fortress, was built in the period from the 10th to the 14th century, and has a famous history until today. |
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Maa päev Roomas |
Earth day in Rome |
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Etnobotaanika |
Ethnobotany |
Etnobotaanika välitööd Kosovos (8.-18.01.), Rumeenias ja Ukrainas (Bukovina; 18.–29. 05), Saaremaal (5.–21. 06). |
Ethnobotanical fieldwork in Kosovo (January 8-18), Romania and Ukraine (Bukovina; May 18-29), Saaremaa (June 5-21). |