6 variants

Answer: Eiffel Tower through the slot of a mailbox
Archive reference: RKM, KP 18, 2/3 (9)
Location: Mär Märjamaa kk, 8. kl
Date: 1992
Subject: keyhole
Answer: Eiffel Tower through the slot of a post-box
Archive reference: RKM, KP 11, 510 (7)
Location: Tln Tallinna 7. Kk, 9. kl
Date: 1992
Subject: keyhole
Question: What is in the picture?
Answer: Eiffel Tower through the slot of a mailbox
Archive reference: RKM, KP 9, 143 (4)
Location: Tln Tallinna 7. Kk, 7.b kl
Date: 1992
Subject: keyhole
Answer: Eiffel Tower seen through the slot of a mailbox
Archive reference: RKM, KP 19, 112 (5)
Location: Mär Märjamaa Kk, 10. kl
Date: 1992
Subject: keyhole
Answer: Eiffel Tower from the slot of a mailbox
Archive reference: RKM II 324, 145 (25)
Location: Tln
Date: 1976
Subject: keyhole
Question: What is in the picture?
Answer: Pisa tower seen through the slot of a mailbox
Archive reference: RKM, KP 9, 40 (6)
Location: Tln Tallinna 7. kk, 7.b kl
Date: 1992
Subject: keyhole