9 variants

Question: By moving two matches you’ve got to get the rubbish out of the dustpan from there?
Archive reference: EFA I 15, 37 (4)
Location: Mar
Date: 1996
Subject: match exercises
Question: How to get out of the dustbin so that the dustbin would remain intact? Only two matches can be moved!
Archive reference: Kalmre 32 ja 34
Location: 0
Date: 1995
Subject: match exercises
Question: Move two matches so that the rubbish in the dustbin would stay out!
Archive reference: RKM II 426, 445
Location: Vil Viljandi 4. Kk
Date: 1988
Subject: match exercises
Question: Four matches must be placed in this position and something in the middle of them. For example the matches make up a dustpan and the thing in the middle is rubbish. How to get rubbish out of the dustpan so that the dustpan would remain intact (only two matches can be moved)?
Archive reference: RKM, KP 8, 122 (1)
Location: Tln Tallinna 7. Kk, 6. kl
Date: 1992
Subject: match exercises
Question: Take the rubbish out of the dustpan! Matches can be moved twice.
Archive reference: RKM II 362, 143 (4)
Location: Ote, Koavere k
Date: 1982
Subject: match exercises
Question: How can one take the crumbs out of the glass, when the glass is made up from the matches?
Answer: You only need to look at it from the other side.
Archive reference: RKM II 389, 256 (99)
Location: PJg Are 8-kl Kool
Date: 1985
Subject: match exercises
Question: How many matches have to be moved, so that the rubbish would stay out of the dustpan?
Answer: Two. The vertical match is slid upwards by half a match and the one that remained single is placed so that a new dustpan would form
Archive reference: RKM, KP 7, 654 (2)
Location: Iis Iisaku Kk, 8. kl
Date: 1992
Subject: match exercises
Question: Move two matches so, that the apple would stay out of the dustpan!
Archive reference: RKM II 426, 446
Location: Vil Viljandi 4. Kk
Date: 1988
Subject: match exercises
Question: Move two matches and help the fly get out of the glass!
Archive reference: EFA I 4, 41 (2e)
Location: Tln Tallinna Bakalauresuse Kool
Date: 1995
Subject: match exercises