Book Reviews

Herbert Tampere

Eesti rahvaviiside antoloogia I (The Anthology of Estonian Folk Tunes I). Tallinn 1999: The Institute of Estonian Language. 152 pp. ISBN 9985-851-94-3

Faximile edition of one of the most important works of H. Tampere, a versatile researcher of Estonian folklore and folk music, first published in 1935. The book contains a selection of runo poems from the western and central part of the South Estonian cultural region, i.e. Mulgimaa, Oandi and Mõnistemaa (the parishes of Halliste, Karksi, Paistu, Tarvastu, Helme, Rõngu, Rannu, Puhja, Nõo,; Kambja, Otepää, Kanepi, Urvaste, Sangaste, Karula and Hargla, and the western part of Rõuge parish). An extensive introduction outlines the peculiarities of songs and tunes, introduces the more important performers and characterises the style of singing in the region. Foreword of the new edition by I. Rüütel.