Folklore vol. 49

Electronic Journal of Folklore

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  2011/03 ISSN 1406-0949

World Routes
Guest editors: Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel

Introduction: World Routes in the Arctic 7
Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel


Movement in an Insular Community: the Faeroe Islands’ case 13
Toomas Lapp


Yuri Vella on the move: driving a Uazik in Western Siberia 31
Liivo Niglas


Mapping Evenki Land: The Study of Mobility Patterns in Eastern Siberia 71
Tatiana Safonova, István Sántha


Movement and Enlightenment in the Russian North 97
Eva Toulouze


Siberian movements: how Money and Goods travel in and out of Northwestern Sakha 113
Aimar Ventsel


Adapting Christianity on the Siberian Edge during the Early Soviet Period 131
Art Leete, Laur Vallikivi


 News in brief
First Meeting of Ethnobiologists working in Eastern Europe – Padise, Estonia - Renata Sõukand [147]
International Conference of Paremiology in Paris. - Anneli Baran [149]
International Summer School for Humour Research (ISS11) at the Estonian Literary Museum, Estonia - Liisi Laineste [151]
 Book review
Substance of a Russian Skinhead - Aimar Ventsel [156]
 List of contributors
Our Authors 159

Electronic Journal of Folklore
vol. 49. 2011

ISSN 1406-0949
Published by: FB and Media Group of LM
Edited by Mare Kõiva & Andres Kuperjanov
© Folk Belief and Media Group of Estonian Literary Museum

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