3 variants

Question: On gre črn v toplice, pride pa rdeč nazaj.
Answer: Rak
Archival reference: Bibaugiba. Kamnik: Harlekin 1996.
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 1996
Key-words of answer: rak
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Kaj gre črno v vodo in pride rdeče iz vode?
Answer: Rak
Archival reference: UnS 414
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: rak
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: On gre črn v toplice, pride pa rdeč nazaj.
Answer: Rak
Archival reference: UnS 415
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: rak
Subcategory: True riddle