3 variants

Question: V kakšne sode neče vino teči?
Answer: V polne
Archival reference: UnS 424
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: vino, sod
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: V katere sode ne moremo vina vlivati?
Answer: V polne
Archival reference: UnS 424
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: vino, sod
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: V katero steklenico ne moreš vina natočiti?
Answer: V polno
Archival reference: UnS 429
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: vino, sod
Subcategory: True riddle