12 variants

Question: 100 perstov, 100 nohtov, pa 5 glav?
Answer: Štirje nesejo merliča
Archival reference: Besednik 1869
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 1869
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Pet trupel, štiri duše …
Answer: Kadar štirje merliča neso
Archival reference: Mohorjev koledar 1881, str. 59; ŠZ 9/158, 26
Collector: Publikacija; Štrekelj, Karel
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 1881
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: 100 prstov, 100 nohtov, 4 duše pa 5 glav. Kaj je to?
Answer: Štirje nesejo mrliča
Archival reference: Novice XII. 1854: 172
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 1854
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Sto prstov, sto nohtov, štiri duše, pa pet glav. Kaj je to?
Answer: Štirje mrliča neso
Archival reference: Slov. Glasnik VII. 1861, 100; ŠZ 9/155, 55
Collector: Publikacija; Štrekelj, Karel
Place of collecting: Novo mesto
Date of collecting: 1861
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Sto prstov, pet glav, šteri pameti. Kaj je to?
Answer: Mrlič in 4 nosilci imajo 100 prstov, 5 glav in 4 pameti, mrtvi je nima
Archival reference: ŠZ 8/5, 2
Collector: Pegan Anton
Place of collecting: Goriško
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: 100 prstov, 100 nohtov, 4 duše pa 5 glav. Kaj je to?
Answer: Štirje nesejo mrliča
Archival reference: ŠZ 9/157, 31
Collector: Štrekelj, Karel
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: 100 perstov, 100 nohtov, pa 5 glav?
Answer: Štirje nesejo merliča
Archival reference: UnS 409
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: 100 prstov, 5 krstov, 4 duše, 5 glav?
Answer: Pogrebci z mrličem.
Archival reference: UnS 409
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Sto perstov, pet glav, štiri pameti?
Answer: Mrlič in 4 nosilci imajo v vsem skup 100 prstov, 5 glav, 4 pameti, mrtvi je nima
Archival reference: UnS 409
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Sto perstov, pet krstov, a samo štiri duš?
Answer: Mrlič in ljudje, ki ga neso
Archival reference: UnS 409
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Pet glav, 10 nog, 10 rok, 100 prstov pa samo 4 duše?
Answer: Mrlič in štirje, ki ga neso
Archival reference: UnS 409
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Štiri duše, pet teles?
Answer: Štirje neso mrliča
Archival reference: UnS 409
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: mrlič, pogreb
Subcategory: True riddle