6 variants

Question: Ni bilo, ne bo in vendar je.
Answer: Današnji dan
Archival reference: Bibaugiba. Kamnik: Harlekin 1996.
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: Kamnik
Date of collecting: 1996
Key-words of answer: današnji dan
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Nikoli ni bilo, nikoli ne bo, pa vendar je.
Answer: Današnji dan
Archival reference: Koledarček 1862; ŠZ 9/144, 32
Collector: Publikacija; Štuhec Josip
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 1862
Key-words of answer: današnji dan
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Nikdar ni bilo, nikdar ne bo, pa je.
Answer: Današnji dan
Archival reference: Mohorjev koledar 1881, str. 59; ŠZ 9/158, 4
Collector: Publikacija; Štrekelj, Karel
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 1881
Key-words of answer: današnji dan
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Kaj še nikoli ni bilo na svete in nikole ne bode in pa je?
Answer: Dnešnji dan
Archival reference: ŠZ 9/142, 36
Collector: Matija Majar Ziljski
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: današnji dan
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Kaj je bilo včeraj, bode jutre in je vendar vselej samo?
Answer: Danes
Archival reference: UnS 340
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: današnji dan
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Kaj je včeraj bilo in jutri bo?
Answer: Nocojšnji dan
Archival reference: UnS 340
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting:
Date of collecting:
Key-words of answer: današnji dan
Subcategory: True riddle