
Akadeemilise Rahvaluule Seltsi kõnekoosolek
Neljapäeval, 28. jaanuaril 2021, kell 16.15
Ülikooli 16, ruumis 212

Head ARSi liikmed, kolleegid ja sõbrad!

Akadeemilise Rahvaluule Seltsi kõnekoosolekul peab ettekande Alina Oprelianska teemal “Customary Law and (Pre)Marriage: What Drives the Kind Girl’s Journey in Ukrainian Variants of ATU 480 Tale”.

Alina Oprelianska on Tartu ülikooli folkloristika 2. aasta doktorant, kelle uurimisvaldkonnad on soosuhted ukraina muinasjuttudes ja ukraina rahvausund.

Ettekande teesid:
Marriage and beauty are considered to be an integral part of female fairy tales. However, the concept of the beauty might be different from what we got used to consider as “beautiful”, as well as fairy tale tasks performance might be of another meaning than merely “patriarchal” point of view on femininity.

The current paper is going to elucidate some matters of Ukrainian customary law in a context of ATU 480 “The Kind and the Unkind Girls”, or how it titles in Ukraine – “The Mare’s Head”. Some problems of the right to own property, matrilineal inheritance and dowry are going to be discussed. The right to own property will be revealed in connection with the concept of beauty. It aims to delineate how local customs and customary low might influence the meaning of the reward and the motivation of the journey.

Koosolekut on võimalik jälgida ka veebikeskkonnas, mille lingi saadame kordusteatega.

Lisainfo: Merili Metsvahi (merili.metsvahi@ut.ee)

Korraldajad: Tartu ülikooli eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule osakond, Akadeemiline Rahvaluule Selts