fl070FX000480 | Folklore vol. 70 | |
| Small Places, Large Issues | Guest eds: Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski |
| Article: | “Invisible Places, Hidden History”: The Role of the Former “Russian Airport” in Telling Stories about the Front in the South Vértes Region |
Author: | István Sántha |
Link: | doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.santha |
Sántha, István 2017. “Invisible Places, Hidden History”: The Role of the Former “Russian Airport” in Telling Stories about the Front in the South Vértes Region. Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore vol. 70. Editors Mare Kõiva, Andres Kuperjanov, Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski. Folk Belief and Media Group of Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu. doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.santha |