The deity of sky ...
Photos & Figures

Photo A Photo B Photo C Photo D Photo E

Group 1 or figures 1-4

The four-faced daemon, the jaguar-toad. the Recuai animal, the deity on back of a monster.

Group 2 or figures 5-9.

The deity with celestial spheres, the heavenly dragon, the deity holding a heavenly dragon, the deity fighting a dragon and a daemon, fights the dragon, the deity in heaven.

Group 3 or figures 10-17

The deity with a spud and a cornstalk among the stars, the deity with a spud and a cornstalk, the deity among plants and serpents, the deity with corncobs and the deity in front of corncobs, the deity with a cornstalk, a bag of seeds and two serpents and the deity with a spud and a sower-boy.