Dear participants,
As it has proved extremely difficult to find the needed accommodation in Tartu in the middle of summer, the Baltic Tours travel agency has booked the following rooms for the conference. All hotels are located in Tartu.
Prices are given in Estonian kroons. The exchange rate is 1 Euro = 15,6 EEK
Accommodation is booked by:
Kairi Tamm, Baltic Tours Incoming, Pikk 31, 10133 Tallinn
tel +372 6300 463, fax +372 6300 451, e-mail kairi.tamm@baltictours.ee
Please contact the travel agent (on the subject line write: ISFNR participant), or if you choose another place to stay, directly the provider of the accommodation.
For further information see: http://turism.tartumaa.ee/linn.php?mis=majutus&lang=eng