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EKM Teaduskirjastus

Medica VIII

Medical Pluralism in the Era of Digimodernism


Koostaja: Mare Kõiva

ISBN: 978-9949-490-03-5

Ilmumisaeg: 2011

Medica VIII. Medical Pluralism in the Era of Digimodernism.
Editor: Mare Kõiva
Language editor: Maarja Villandi
Layout: Liisa Vesik
The general aim of our annual meetings called Medica has been to analyse public and self-referential representations of health and illness in various contexts and to bring together local and international scholars.The 8th Medica conference concentrates on pluralism in medical contexts. This time we particularly look forward to papers dealing with pluralism issues, which actually was also the topic of EASA conference (Medical Pluralism: Techniques, Politics, Institutions, Rome 7%10 September 2011).