     Koolipärimus     Lasteaiapärimus     International activity            

Survey 2022 "Me and my animals - Animal names"

In 2022 and 2023, we look forward to participating and recalling our experiences on several different topics.

We would like to start together with the names of animals and the relationship with them and the environment, and then move on to the next topic in a few weeks. We recommend responding via the Internet. Of course, the answers can be recorded and sent by email or by mail. As the next topic, we kindly ask you to provide answers on the topic of celebration and important events of the ritual year, and then move on to another experience.

We recommend responding online. Of course, the answers can also be emailed or mailed, but in any case, we recommend keeping the questions in mind as a guide. Each period is unique. We collect data to see what changes have occurred compared to 2018 and how much the situation differs from 1922, when such data was collected for the first time.

The long-term goal of the current study is a comparative survey of Estonian and other ethnic groups.

The personal data you have entered are visible only in the scientific archive, are not displayed publicly and are not disclosed without your consent.

Best wishes and looking forward to hearing from you
Folkloristics department of the Estonian Literary Museum and school lore working group

NB! Prizes are reserved for the best!

The collection work is supported by the Estonian Literary Museum, Department of Folkloristics and the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies The School lore working group. The Virumaa part is supported by the Estonian Centre of Folk Culture


Võistluse korraldajaks on Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi folkloristika osakond

Mare Kõiva, mare@folklore.ee, 7377740
Getri Tomson 
Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum
Vanemuise 42
Tartu 51003
E-post: kp@folklore.ee

Koolipärimuse pilootprojekti läbiviimist on toetanud Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond Eesti-uuringute Tippkeskuse kaudu

IUT 22-5, EKKM 14-344 © cps '17