Medical anthropology conference
An international and interdisciplinary forum

Medica 15
"Loneliness and its shades"

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Medica 15 TEAMS

The international conference "Loneliness and its shades", which will take place on December 6-7, 2022, combining different disciplines. The 15th MEDICA conference will take place in the Estonian Literary Museum (Vanemuise 42, Tartu) and MS TEAMS environment.

Presentations in video format are here!

Loneliness and the various aspects associated with it (social, cultural, geographical, medical, age and gender, fame, social determinants) are at the heart of the conference. Social isolation is receiving increasing attention and has serious consequences for health and coping. Loneliness may be the result of a different vision of social position (Peplau & Perlman, 1982, Hawkley & Cacioppo 2010), it can arise from a lack of intimacy and social contacts, for economic and other reasons.

At the same time, it is not a thoroughly painful and negative condition but has a positive side too that has been considered in philosophy and anthropology. We need loneliness to create, to sharpen perceptions.

Older people, children, young people and women, certain population groups, celebrities and heroes are particularly at risk of loneliness, but migration and isolation also pose problems. The different manifestations and stages of loneliness and ways of coping with it are reflected in folklore and literature (Lhmus 2022), it has been viewed in relation to migration and health (Plattner, Brandsttter ja Paal 2021).

We are waiting for presentations:

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Medica conference series

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Medica XV, Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum, Eesti-uuringute Tippkeskuse usundi-uurimise trhm, 2022
Medica XV, Estonian Litereary Museum, The Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies, 2022

Medica 15
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