Konverentsid Bulgaarias
8-10. okt. 2008 toimus Sofias, Bulgaaria
Folkloori Instituudis, rahvusvaheline konverents "Balkan and Baltic States in
United Europe: History, Religions, and Cultures". Korraldaja: Ekaterina Anastasova.
30 ettekannet, sh:
- Karin Maria Rooleid "A few Aspects of making Bibliographical Indexes in Three Languages (On the Basis of the Present Model for International Bibliography of Ethnology)";
- Triinu Ojamaa - "Eurovision Song Contest in Estonian media: A case Study On Minorities and Majorities"
- Mare Kõiva - "Incantations. Time and Space";
- Marju Torp-Kõivupuu - "Cross-trees in Estonian Landscape";
- Andres Kuperjanov - "Astral Myths in Estonia."
- Stanoi Stanoev - "Post-socialist Transitions and Scientific paradigms;
- Mila Santova - "Towns, Republics: about some Forms of Reflection in Town milieu. On the material from Bulgaria and Lithuania."
- Vanya Mateeva - "The Blinds - Myths, Cultural Inheritance, Socialisation";
- Ruzha Nejkova - "Together Again - after Eighty Years (On the materials of the Nestinarstvo/Anastenaria);
- Ekaterina Anastasova "The Russian Old Believers in United Europe (On Materials from the balkan and the Baltic Region);
- Vesselina Koleva - "Time measuring and calendars in the Central Rhodopi Mountains",
- Nikolai Sivkov - "Astrosemnatic Markers on the Ritual Bread (On the material from middle Western Bulgaria).