Bulgaaria: Rituaalne aasta Kirilluse ja Metodiuse päev BlagojevgradisKirillus ja ta vanem vend Metodius sündisid Salonikas (praeguses Thessalonikis), väidetavalt olnud nende ema bulgarlane. Nende loodud kiri glagoolitsa, mida nad kasutasid Moraavia slaavlaste ristiusustamisel, oli küllalt keeruline, lisaks omaloomingule oli laenatud tähti Heebrea, Kopti ja Armeenia tekstidest. Peale Metodiuse surma 885. aastal keelas paavst slaavikeelse teenistuse. |
Bulgaria: Ritual Year Cyril and Methodius Day in BlagoevgradCyril and his older brother Methodius were born in Salonika (now Thessaloniki), their mother is said to have been Bulgarian. The Glagolitic script created by them and used by them to convert the Moravian Slavs to Christianity, was quite complex; apart from their own creation, letters were borrowed from Hebrew, Coptic and Armenian texts. After the death of Methodius in 885, the Pope prohibited the Slavonic service. |
Kirilluse ja Metodius St Cyril and Methodius |
Õpilaste paraad Students procession |
863. aastal võttis Boris I vastu idakristluse ja alustas selle levitamist paganlikest slaavlastest bulgarite ja allesjäänud traaklaste seas, lootes slaavi keelest ja glagoolitsast abi edasise iseseivuse tagamiseks. 10 sajandi esimesel poolel kirja lihtsustati, ning see muutus kirillitsaks, mis oli vahendiks slaavi rahvaste ristiusustamisel. Kirillitsa on üheks Bulgaaria identiteedi aluseks, mistõttu 19. sajandi keskel asuti nende päeva (11 mai) tähistama ning Bulgaaria riigi taastamise (1878) järel kujunes sellest Bulgaaria kirjanduse ja kultuuri päev. Praegu tähistatakse Kirilluse ja Metodiuse päeva uue kalendri järgi 24. mail, ning see on haridusele pühendatud riigipüha.
In 863, Boris I adopted Eastern Christianity and began to spread it among the pagan Slavic Bulgarians and the remaining Thracians, hoping that the Slavic language and the Glagolitic script would enable to ensure further independence. In the first half of the 10th century, the script was simplified, and it became Cyrillic, being a means of Christianizing the Slavic peoples.
The Cyrillic script is one of the foundations of Bulgarian identity, so in the middle of the 19th century, its day (May 11) was started to be celebrated, and after the restoration of the Bulgarian state (1878), it became the day of Bulgarian literature and culture. Cyril and Methodius Day is presently celebrated on May 24 according to the new calendar, and is a public holiday dedicated to education.
Valmistumine koolihoovil Preparing on the Schoolyard |
Rahvast jätkub Crowd on the central street |
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Bulgaaria: Kabelid ja koopad Püha Jüri kabel Boboshevos |
Bulgaria: Chapels and caves St George's chapel in Boboshevo |
Püha Jüri kabel | St George's chapel |
Väikesed kabelid (blg параклис, sõna pärineb kreeka keelest Παρεκκλήσ) on Bulgaarias üsna sagedased ja nad on püstitatud kohalikule kaitsepühakule. Sel aastal jäädvustasime Boboshevo küla Püha Jüri kabelit. |
Small chapels (Bulg. параклис, the word comes from the Greek Παρεκκλήσ) are quite common in Bulgaria and are dedicated to a local patron saint. This year we recorded the St. George's Chapel in the village of Boboshevo. |
Rila Ivani koobas Skrinos | Cave of Ivan Rilski in Skrino |
Lisaks koobaskabelitele ja koobaskloostritele on Bulgaarias ka koopad, mis on olnud eremiitide elupaikadeks. Rila Ivani tuntuim koobas, kus ta elas 7 aastat, asub Rila kloostri lähistel, kuid see ei ole ainus. Kjustendili lähistel Skrino küla kohal asub koobas, kus ta oma mungaelu alustas. Koopa lähistel paikneb praegu Rueni Ivan Rilski nimeline klooster, mis on ehitatud 1995-2002. endise märter Dimitar Solunski kloostri varemetele. |
In addition to cave chapels and cave monasteries, there are also caves in Bulgaria that have been the residences of eremits. The most famous cave of Ivan Rilski, where he lived for 7 years, is located near the Rila Monastery, but it is not the only one. Above the village of Skrino, near Kyustendil, there is a cave where he started his monastic life. Presently the Ruen Monastery "St. Ivan Rilski", built in 1995-2002 on the ruins of the former Martyr Dimitar Solunski Monastery, is located near the cave. |
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Aiasmo park Stara Zagoras |
Ayazmo (The Metrpolitan Methodii Kusev Park) in Stara Zagora |
Aiasmo park Ayazmo Park |
Valge Vennaskonna ring Circle of the White Brotherhood |
Aiasmo park Stara Zagoras paikneb 3,2 ruutkilomeetril ja on loodud metropoliit Metodi Kusevi poolt XIX sajandi lõpus tähistamaks kohta, kus legendi järgi tsaar Boris I olevat ristitud 864 aastal. Selle järel kuulutati kristlus Bulgaarias ametlikuks religiooniks. Pargis on mitmesuguseid atraktsioone, väiksemaid pühamuid, sh Valge Vennaskonna (vt 2017 välitööd) rituaalipaik. |
Aiasmo park in Stara Zagora is 3.2-square-kilometer and was created by Metropolitan Metodi Kusev at the end of the nineteenth century to mark the place where, according to legend, Tsar Boris I was baptized in 864. After that, Christianity was declared the official religion in Bulgaria. The park offers a variety of attractions, smaller shrines, including the ritual site of the White Brotherhood (see 2017 fieldwork). |
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Bulgaaria: Megaliidid Liliach |
Bulgaaria: Megaliths |
Püha Jüri kirik Church Sveti Georgi Pobedonosets |
Jumalaema kabel Chapel Sveta Bogoroditsa |
Liliachi lähedal paikneva megaliitpühamu Proviraloto (Провиралото) peale on ehitatud kirik. Seda kohta on hakatud pidama kaasajal paganluse ja kristluse harmoonilise kooseksisteerimise paigaks. Ürgne pühamu on praegu ristitud jumalaema kabeliks.
Megaliitpühamuga on seotud legendi järgi olevat siin imperaator Justianus I (527-565) ja Teodora läbi viinud viljatuse vastase riituse.
Viljatuse vastane tegevus jätkub siin kaasajalgi.
A church is built on top of the megalithic shrine Proviraloto near Liliach. This place has been considered in modern times as a place of harmonious coexistence between paganism and Christianity. Recently, the primordial shrine has been baptized as the chapel of the Mother of Lord. According to a legend associated with the megalithic shrine, Emperor Justianus I (527-565) and Theodora performed a rite against infertility here. Rituals against infertility continue here up to date.
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Mehhiko, Oaxaca osariik Reet Hiiemäe, Andrus Tins (5.-15.06.2021) |
Mexico, Oaxaca region |
Oaxaca linn ja Teotitlan del Valle küla (sapoteegi põliselanike piirkonnad).
Oaxaca town and Teotitlan del Valle village (regions of the zapotec indigenous group).
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Udmurtia/Udmurtia. | |
Juulis osales Nikolai Anisimov välitöödel Varkled-Bodja külas (Agrõzi rajoon, Tatarstan), Srednij Kumor, Verhnjaja Jum’’ja külades (Kukmori rajoon, Tatarstan), Starõj Kušket külas (Baltasi rajoon, Tatarstan), Karamas-Pel’ga külas (Kijasovo rajoon, Udmurtia), Gožnja ja Bagraš-Bigra külades (Malaja Purga rajoon, Udmurtia). Uurimise põhiteemad: rahvalaulud, rahvakalendri rituaalid, matuse ja surnute mälestamise kombed. 10. oktoobril viibis Nikolai Anisimov välitöödel Hohrjaki küla kalmistul
(Zav’jalovo rajoon, Udmurtia), et uurida kalmistukultuuri. |