Лаур Валликиви
Лаур Валликиви – эстонский антрополог, получил образование в Тартуском университете, и в Кембридже в исследовательском институте Скотт Полар, где был докторантом, в 2011 г. Защитил диссертацию по специализации Антропология религии в Кембридже, под руководством Пиерса Витебского. Докторское исследование было посвящено обращению ненцев в протестантизм. Организовывал длинные полевые работы у ненецких оленеводов европейской части России. Основная проблематика вопросы идентичности у народов Севера Республики Саха (Юкагиры).
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Электронная почта
Учреждения и должности
Тартуский университет, Факультет Гуманитарных наук и искусств, Институт Культурологии, Старщий научный сотрудник кафедры этнологии (1,00)
Тартуский университет, Факультет философии, Институт культурологии и искусств, отдел этнологии, научный сотрудник
Тартуский университет, Факультет философии, Институт культурологии и искусств, отдел этнологии, Преподаватель (0,50)
Тартуский университет, Факультет философии, Институт культурологии и искусств, отдел этнологии, Научный сотрудник (0,50)
Тартуский университет, Факультет философии, Институт культурологии и искусств, отдел этнологии, преподаватель (0,50)
Эстонский национальный музей, научный сотрудник (1,00)
Университет Кембриджа, Докторант в социальной антропологии и полярских исследований
Тартуский университет, этнология PhD
Тартуский университет, MA этнология
Тартуский университет, BA этнология
Laur Vallikivi, PhD, 2011, (под рук,) Piers Vitebsky, “Words and Silence: Nenets Reindeer Herders’ Conversion to Evangelical Christianity”, Университет Кембридж.
Laur Vallikivi, MA, 2004, (под рук.) Liivo Niglas, Arktika nomaadid šamanismi ja kristluse vahel: Jamb-to neenetsite pöördumine baptismi, Тартуский университет, Факультет философии, Институт культурологии и искусств, отдел этнологии.
Исследовательская область
Классификация ETIS: 2. Культура и общество; 2.4. Культурологические исследования; CERCS классификация: S220 Культурная антропология, этнология
ENG = по-английски
EST = по-эстонски
RUS = по-русски
FRA = по-французски
ITA = по-итальянски
DEU = по-немецки
CZE = по-чешски
Vallikivi = book
Vallikivi Laur О закамских удмуртах.
ITA Vallikivi, Laur (2020). Le renne mantengono in vita la lingua nenets. Il polo, 75 (2), 30−46.
EST Vallikivi, Laur (2020). Kevad neenetsi tundras. GO Reisiajakiri (66−67). Tallinn: OÜ Matkaajakiri.
EST Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (2020). Pühapaikade eluring. Pühakohad Kama-taguste udmurtide juures. Tähelepanekuid Baškiiriast. Sirp (40−40).03.04.2020 Tallinn.
FRA Vallikivi, Laur (2019). Des Finno-ougriens convertissent des Finno-ougriens: foi, parenté et langue dans la rencontre missionnaire. Etudes finno-ougriennes, 49-50, 137−199.
ITA Leete, Art; Vallikivi, Laur; Koosa, Piret (2019). Pentecostali e protestanti carismatici nella Repubblica di Komi e nella tundra Nenet. Il polo, 74 (2), 33−39.
ENG Vallikiv, Laur (2019). What Does Matter?: Idols and Icons in the Nenets Tundra. In: Peedu, Indrek; Arukask, Madis (Ed.). Estonian Study of Religion: A Reader (302−330). Tartu: University of Tartu Press.
EST Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (2019). Udmurtide kogukondlikud ohvripalvused. (32−32). 28.06.2019.
ENG Toulouze, Eva; Sadikov, Ranus; Vallikivi, Laur; Niglas, Liivo; Anisimov, Nikolai (2018). Continuity and revitalisation in sacrificial rituals by the Eastern Udmurt part I. The collective sacrificial rituals by the Bashkortostan Udmurt: rooted in tradition. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 72, 203−218.10.7592/FEJF2018.72.udmurt1.
ENG Toulouze, Eva; Sadikov, Ranus; Vallikivi, Laur; Niglas, Liivo; Anisimov, Nikolai (2018). Continuity and revitalisation in sacrificial rituals by the Eastern Udmurt. Part II Collective Sacrificial Rituals by the Bashkortostan Udmurt: Revitalisation and innovation. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 73, 117−144.10.7592/FEJF2018.73.udmurt2.
EST Vallikivi, Laur (2018). Soome-ugri misjon: Eesti kristlaste hõimutöö Venemaal. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi Aastaraamat (154−181). Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur; Sidorova, Lena (2017). The Rebirth of a People: Reincarnation Cosmology among the Tundra Yukaghir of the Lower Kolyma, Northeast Siberia. Arctic Anthropology, 54 (2), 24−39.10.3368/aa.54.2.24.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Taking religion seriously Fieldwork among Animists and Evangelical Christians in Arctic Russia. Forum for Anthropology and Culture, 13, 112−121.
RUS Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Принимать религию всерьез: полевая работа с анимистами и христианами-евангелистами в российской Арктике. Antropologicheskij Forum, 34, 49−59.
EST Annist, Aet; Kaaristo, Maarja; Koppel, Helleka; Vallikivi, Laur; Uibu, Marko; Mets, Triinu; Jõesalu, Kirsti; Plaan, Joonas; Alekand, Katrin; Gross, Toomas; Järv, Ehti; Koppel, Katre; Kesküla, Eeva; Ermel, Marje; Cubero, Carlo; Raudne, Riina; Kõresaar, Ene (2017). Sissejuhatus sotsiaal- ja kultuurantropoloogiasse [Introduction to social and cultural anthropology]. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus.
ENG Sidorova, Lena; Ferguson, Jenanne; Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Signs of Non-recognition: Colonized Linguistic Landscapes and Indigenous Peoples in Chersky, Northeastern Siberia. In: Fondahl, Gail; Wilson, Gary N (Ed.). Northern Sustainabilities: Understanding and Addressing Change in the Circumpolar World (135−149). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46150-2_11.
EST Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur; Niglas, Liivo; Anisimov, Nikolai (2017). Udmurdi ohvripapp Nazip Sadrijev. Raudalainen, Taisto-Kalevi (Toim.). Soome-ugri sõlmed 2016 (119−125). Tallinn: Fenno-Ugria.
ENG Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur; Leete, Art (2017). The Cultural Bases in the North: Sovietisation and Indigenous Resistance. In: Kotljarchuk, Andrej; Sundström, Olle (Ed.). Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Stalin’s Soviet Union: New Dimensions of Research (199−223). Huddinge: Södertörn University. (Södertörn Academic Studies ; 72).
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Silence acts: Negotiation practices among Nenets reindeer herders. In: Sounds and Silences: Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in the North The Eighth Tartu University Arctic Workshop (15−15).Sounds and Silences: Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in the North The Eighth Tartu University Arctic Workshop 26–27 May 2017. Tartu. Tartu.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2017). The Life and Death of Spirit Objects: Nenets Reindeer Herders’ Relations with the khekhe in Arctic Russia. In: Lyngdoh, Margaret; Punzi, Valentina; Valk, Ülo (_EditorsAbbr). Deities, Spirits and Demons in Vernacular Beliefs and Rituals in Asia (57−57).Deities, Spirits and Demons in Vernacular Beliefs and Rituals in Asia November 8–10, 2017, Tartu. Tartu.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2017). The life cycle of the khekhe: Nenets reindeer herders and their sacred objects in the early 21st century. In: International Conference Expanding Boundaries: Ethnicity, Materiality and Spirituality (72−73).Expanding Boundaries: Ethnicity, Materiality and Spirituality. 1st — 4th December 2017, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, Hanoi. Hanoi.
ENG Sidorova, Lena; Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Seeking for recognition: Yukaghir reincarnation cosmology and ethnic revival in the Lower Kolyma. In: ICASS IX: Full session programme with abstracts.Ninth International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences: People and Place (ICASS IX). Umea.
FRA CASEN DUGAST,Marie ; MOINE, Aleksi; PARÉ,Jean-Yves; POIBEAU, Thierry ; TOULOUZE, Eva; VALLIKIVI, Laur (2016). Le XIIe Congrès international des finno-ougristes (Oulu, 17-21 août 2015). Etudes finno-ougriennes, 47, 251−262.
FRA Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (2016). Les langues dans un miroir déformant: Que reflète le recensement russe de 2010 en matière de langues finno-ougriennes? Etudes finno-ougriennes, 47, 7−43.
ENG Toulouze,Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (2016). The Sacred places of the Bashkortostan Udmurt. Ежегодник финно-угорских исследований, 10 (3), 146−155.
ENG Västrik, Ergo-Hart (editor-in-chief); Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (guest editors); Järv, Risto; Jääts, Indrek; Leete, Art; Runnel, Pille; Särg, Taive; Valk, Ülo (eds.) (2016). Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, Vol. 10, No. 1. De Gruyter Open.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2016). Heaven’s Gate and its keepers: Strategies of gatekeeping in the Nenets tundra. x−x.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2016). How to do Christians with words? Language in an evangelical mission encounter in the Russian Arctic. 22−23.
ENG Leete, Art; Koosa, Piret; Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Pentecostals and Charismatic Protestants in the Republic of Komi and Nenets Tundra. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 61, 185−192.10.7592/FEJF2015.61.report.
EST Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Järelsõna: Marcel Maussi and. Essee kingist: vahetustegevuse vorm ja mõte arhailistes ühiskondades (269−302). Tallinn: TLÜ. (Bibliotheca anthropologica).
EST Toulouze, Eva; Niglas, Liivo; Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Baškiirimaa udmurtide ohvripalvused ja ohvripapid. Soome-ugri sõlmed, 2014, 75−83.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Words and persons in the language ideology of Nenets reindeer herders. Book of Abstracts: Congressus Duodecimus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Oulu 2015: The XII International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, University of Oulu, August 17–21, 2015.. _EditorsAbbr Mantila, Harri; Sivonen, Jari; Brunni, Sisko; Leinonen, Kaisa; Palviainen, Santeri. Oulu: Oulu University Press, 181−181.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Nenets reindeer herders’ relations with predatory animals and spirits in Arctic Russia. In: Book of Abstracts. ISARS (International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism). (58−59).»Sacred Landscapes and Conflict Transformation. History, Space, Place and Power in Shamanism”, Delphi, Greece, October 9th-13th 2015.. Delphi: ISARS.
ENG Karm, Svetlana; Jääts, Indrek; Vallikivi, Laur; Liiv, Jane (2015). Finno-Ugric and Samoyed Peoples (Exhibition). In: ..
FRA Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Les rennes maintiennent la langue nenets en vie. Etudes finno-ougriennes, 45, 169−194.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2014). On the Edge of Space and Time: Evangelical Missionaries in the Tundra of Arctic Russia. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, 8 (2), 95−120.
RUS Сидорова, Л.; Фергюсон, Д.; Валликиви, Л. (2014). Лингвистический ландшафт северного поселка как продукт культурных индустрий (на примере п. Черский Республики Саха (Якутия)). Магидович, М.Л. (отв. ред.). Современные модели развития культурных индустрий в регионах России: Сборник научный статей (195−204).. Санкт-Петербург: РГПУ им. А.Герцена. .
ENG Vallikivi, L. (2014). Distant words and religious intimacy: mission encounter in Nenets reindeer herders’ camps in Arctic Russia. In: Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution — innovation and continuity in an interconnected world (166−166).EASA 2014, European Association of Social Anthropologists 13th Biennial Conference, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia 31st July — 3rd August, 2014 (Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution — innovation and continuity in an interconnected world). Tartu Ülikool.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Nenets language ideology: harmful words and vulnerable affections. In: n.d. (_EditorsAbbr). The 5th International Conference on Samoyedology (33−33).The 5th International Conference on Samoyedology, Helsinki 21.-23.10.2014.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Nganasan. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (500−504).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Enets. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (255−257).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Selkup. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (648−652).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Yukaghir. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (773−776).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Nenets. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (494−498).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Mansi. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (471−473).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.
ENG Vallikivi, L. (2013). Binding words and powerful things: verbal communication between Christian missionaries and Nenets pastoralists in Arctic Russia. Symposium Genres of Belief from a Folkloristic Perspective. Abstracts.: Symposium Genres of Belief from a Folkloristic Perspective; Guwahati, India; February 4-5, 2013. _EditorsAbbr Baishya, Dinesh; Valk, Ülo. Ri-Bhoi, Tartu: University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya; University of Tartu, 72−72.
RUS Vallikivi, Laur (2013). Head antropoloogiks saamist! (8−8)..
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2012). The power of silence and words: language ideologies in the mission encounter between Russian Baptists and Nenets reindeer herders. In, Out and In Between: Dynamics of Cultural Borders: Program and Abstracts: Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory V Autumn Conference, Tallinn, October 18-19, 2012. _EditorsAbbr Rattasepp, Silver. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool, 33−33.
RUS Vallikivi, Laur (2012). Tagasi Eestis. Õpetajate Leht (7−7).. Tallinn: SA Kultuurileht.
RUS Karm, Svetlana; Jääts, Indrek; Vallikivi, Laur (2012). Soome-ugri ja samojeedi rahvad (rändnäitus). .
ENG Leete, Art; Vallikivi, Laur (2011). Adapting Christianity on the Siberian Edge during the Early Soviet Period. Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore, 49, 131−146.
ENG Leete, Art; Vallikivi, Laur (2011). Imitating Enemies or Friends: Comparative Notes on Christianity in the Indigenous Russian Arctic during the Early Soviet Period. Asian Ethnology, 70 (1), 81−104.
ENG Leete, A.; Seljamaa, E.-H.; Vallikivi, L. (2011). A Few Impressions and Reflections American Anthropological Association: 109th Annual Meeting. November 17-21, 2010. New Orleans. Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore, 47, 185−190.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2011). What does matter?: Idols and icons in the Nenets tundra. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, 5 (1), 75−95.
ENG Vallikivi, L. (2011). Everyday translating: Russian-speaking missionaries among the Nenets in the Arctic Russia. In: New movements in religion: theories and trends: 10th conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (110−110).New movements in religion: theories and trends: 10th conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, 18-22 September, 2011, Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religions.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2010). Meeting abstract. In: American Anthropological Association 109th Annual Meeting Abstracts (Circulation) (827−827).American Anthropological Association 109th Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA, USA; November 17-21, 2010. New Orleans: Amer Anthropological Assoc.
ENG Vallikivi, L. (2009). Christianisation of words and selves: Nenets reindeer herders joining the state through conversion. In: Pelkmans, M. (_EditorsAbbr). Conversion After Socialism: Disruptions, Modernities and the Technologies of Faith (59−83).. Oxford, New York: Berghahn.
ENG Toulouze, E.; Vagramenko, T.; Vallikivi, L. (2008). Becoming Christians «at the end of the land»: Missionary encounters between Protestants and Nenets in the Russian Arctic. Book of abstracts. Arctic social sciences: Prospects for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 era and beyond: 6th International Congress of the Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI); Nuuk; August 22-26, 2008. _EditorsAbbr Poppel, B. Nuuk: International Arctic Social Sciences Association; Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland, 137.
DEU Vallikivi, L.; Broz, L.; Tutr, V. (2008). Saman je ten, kdo vidi do jine reality. Rozhovor s Piersem Vitebskym. Dingir, 4, 134−136.
EST Vallikivi, L. (2008). Laur Vallikivi elu neenetsite seas. GoDiscover, 5, 16−24.
CZE Vallikivi, L. (2007). Die Christianisierung der Nenzen. Stolberg, E.-M.. Sibirische Völker. Transkulturelle Beziehungen und Identitäten in Nordasien (81−103).. Münster: Lit-Verlag. (Periplus. Jahrbuch für aussereuropäische Geschichte; 17).
EST Vallikivi, Laur; Toulouze, Eva (2007). Põhjarahvad ja nõukogude võim. .
EST Karm, Svetlana; Vallikivi, Laur; Liiv, Jane (2007). Soomeugrilased ja samojeedid (näitus). . Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
EST Vallikivi, L. (2006). Religioonietnoloogiast: etnoloogid ja shamaanid kui meediumid. Sirp, -.
EST Vallikivi, L. (2005). Arktika nomaadid šamanismi ja kristluse vahel: Jamb-to neenetsite pöördumine baptismi. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2005). Two wars in conflict: Resistance among Nenets reindeer herders in the 1940s. Studies in Folk Culture, 5, 14−54.
ENG Vallikivi, L. (2005). Conversion from animism to Protestantism: Nenets reindeer herders facing new religious perspectives. Religious conversion after Socialism: Religious conversion after Socialism; Halle, Germany; 7-9 April 2005. _EditorsAbbr Pelkmans, M.; Foszto, L.; Hilgers, I. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, 19−20.
EST Vallikivi, L. (2005). Baptismi ja rahvausu dialoog neenetsi põhjapõdrakasvatajate juures. Eesti sotsiaalteaduste VI aastakonverents; Tallinna Ülikool; 4.-5. november 2005. Tallinna Ülikool,.
FRA Vallikivi, L. (2004). De l’égarement et du salut: les Nenets, l’Etat et l’Eglise. Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo (101−113).. Palermo: Palermo Ülikool.
FRA Toulouze, E.; Vallikivi, L. (2004). Compte-rendu. Jean-Luc Lambert, Sortir de la nuit. Essai sur le chamanisme nganassane (Arctique Sibérien). Études finno-ougriennes (225−231).. L’Harmattan, ADEFO.
RUS Vallikivi, Laur (2004). Формирование и процессы адаптации группы ненцев Ямб-то в XX в. Культурное наследие народов Сибири и Севера. Материалы Пятых Сибирских чтении. Санкт-Петербург. 17–19 октября 2001 г. (199−202).. Санкт-Петербург: Российская Академии Наук, Музей Антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера).
ENG Vallikivi, L.; Runnel, P. (2004). Culture and environments. In: Pro ethnologia (5−9). . Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
ENG Anepaio, T. (acad. chief ed.); Runnel, P.; Vallikivi, L. (acad. acting eds.) (2004). Culture and environments. Pro Ethnologia 18. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
RUS Vallikivi, L. (2004). Formirovanije i protsessy adaptatsii gruppy nentsev Jamb-to v XX v. 1: Культурное наследие народов Сибири и Севера. Материалы Пятых Сибирских чтении. Санкт-Петербург. 17–19 октября 2001 г.. Sankt-Peterburg: MAE RAH, 199−202.
EST Vallikivi, L. (2004). Jamb-to neenetsite kummaline vastupanu sovetiseerimisele ja selle tagajärjed 20. sajandi lõpul ja tänapäeval. Estonian Social Science Online..
EST Mägi, Kaur; Vallikivi, Laur (2004). Välitöödelt põhjarahvaste juurde (fotonäitus). . Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
EST Vallikivi, Laur (2004). Traditsiooniline loovus Aafrikas (näitus). . Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
ENG Vallikivi, L. (2003). Minority and Mission: Christianisation of the European Nenets. In: Runnel, P., et al. Multiethnic communities in the past and present (109−130).. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum. (Pro ethnologia : publications of Estonian National Museum; 15).
RUS Vallikivi, Laur; Toulouze, Eva (2003). Как эхо голос тундры. Ненецкая литература (31−38).. Москва: Литературная Россия.
EST Vallikivi, Laur (2003). Naître à une vie nouvelle: la conversion au christianisme des éleveurs de rennes nenets. Études finno-ougriennes (7−42).. Paris: Klincksieck.
EST Vallikivi, L. (2002). Pilk põhjarahvastele läbi ajaloo. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi Aastaraamat (195−199).. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
EST Vallikivi, Laur (2002). Vähemus ja misjon: Euroopa neenetsite ristiusustamine. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi 43. konverents «Etnilised ja kultuurilised vähemused» : Tartu, 11.-12.04.2002 : ettekannete kokkuvõtted: Etnilised ja kultuurilised vähemused: Tartu, 11.-12.04.2002. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 92−96.
ENG Vallikivi, Laur (2001). Adaptation to the Other: Jamb-to Nenets in the 20th Century. Pro Ethnologia, 49−62.
EST Vallikivi, Laur (2001). Kunstileksikon. Tallinn: Eesti Klassikakirjastus.
EST Vallikivi, L. (2001). Jamb To neenetsid silmitsi muutustega. Etnoloogia hääled, 3. nooretnoloogide konverents; Tartu, Eesti; 29. märts 2001. _EditorsAbbr Sikka, T.; Leete, A.; Tammaru, I. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 10−13.
RUS Vallikivi, Laur (2001). Компромисс между традицией и неизвестностью. Мир Севера, 5, 25−26.