
Лаур Валликиви
Date of birth: 11.03.1978
Phone: 737 5654

Laur Vallikivi is an Estonian anthropologist, who has been trained both in Tartu University and in Cambridge, at Scott Polar institute, as a doctoral student. He obtained his PhD in Cambridge in 2011, under the supervision of Piers Vitebsky.
He specialised in anthropology of religion and he particularly followed and analysed the conversion of Nenets to evangelical Christianity. He has made long fieldwork with Siberian reindeer herders in the European part of Russia, and has investigated as well questions of identity by the minority peoples of the North in Yakutia (Yukaghir).



Institutions and positions

University of Tartu, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Institute of Cultural Research, Senior Research Fellow in Ethnology (1,00)

University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Culture Studies and Arts, Department of Ethnology, Researcher

University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Culture Studies and Arts, Department of Ethnology, Lecturer (0,50)

University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Culture Studies and Arts, Department of Ethnology, Researcher (0,50)

University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Culture Studies and Arts, Department of Ethnology, Hourly paid lecturer (0,50)

Estonian National Museum, Researcher (1,00)



University of Cambridge, PhD studies in Social Anthropology and Polar Studies

University of Tartu, PhD studies in Ethnology

University of Tartu, MA studies in Ethnology

University of Tartu, BA studies in Ethnology



Academic degrees

Laur Vallikivi, Doctor’s Degree, 2011, (sup) Piers Vitebsky, Words and Silence: Nenets Reindeer Herders’ Conversion to Evangelical Christianity, University of Cambridge.

Laur Vallikivi, Research Master’s Degree, 2004, (sup) Liivo Niglas, Arktika nomaadid šamanismi ja kristluse vahel: Jamb-to neenetsite pöördumine baptismi (Arctic nomads between shamanism and Christianity: conversion of Yamb-to Nenets to Baptism), University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Culture Studies and Arts, Department of Ethnology.


Honours & awards

2011, Laur Vallikivi, First Prize in the national student competition of the Estonian Republic (for PhD thesis, 09.12.2011)

2005, Laur Vallikivi, Gates Cambridge Scholarship

2004, Laur Vallikivi, First Prize in the student competition of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (for MA thesis, 26.10.2004)

2002, Laur Vallikivi, Münster-Preis (Germany) (for BA thesis, 02.12.2002)

2002, Laur Vallikivi, Estonian-Revelia Academic Fund (ERAF Harald Raudsep scholarship) (10.10. 2002)

2001, Laur Vallikivi, Third Prize in the national student competition of the Estonian Ministry of Education (BA thesis, 14.12.2001)

2001, Laur Vallikivi, Estonian National Culture Foundation scholarship (27.09.2001)

2000, Laur Vallikivi, The Prize of the Estonian Polar Fund (01.12.2000)

2000, Laur Vallikivi, Estonian Students Fund in USA (John J. Tiivel scholarship) (26.05.2000)

1999, Laur Vallikivi, Estonian National Culture Foundation scholarship (14.09.1999)

1999, Laur Vallikivi, Rotalia Foundation scholarship (20.08.1999)

1998, Laur Vallikivi, Johan Laidoner scholarship of Viljandi town (28.08.1998)


Fields of research

ETIS CLASSIFICATION: 2. Culture and Society; 2.4. Cultures Research; CERCS CLASSIFICATION: S220 Cultural anthropology, ethnology



ENG = in English
EST = in Estonian
RUS = in Russian
FRA = in French
ITA = in Italian
DEU = in German
CZE = in Czech
Vallikivi = book
Vallikivi Laur About Udmurt questions

ITA    Vallikivi, Laur (2020). Le renne mantengono in vita la lingua nenets. Il polo, 75 (2), 30−46.

EST   Vallikivi, Laur (2020). Kevad neenetsi tundras. GO Reisiajakiri (66−67). Tallinn: OÜ Matkaajakiri.

EST   Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (2020). Pühapaikade eluring. Pühakohad Kama-taguste udmurtide juures. Tähelepanekuid Baškiiriast. Sirp (40−40).03.04.2020 Tallinn.

FRA   Vallikivi, Laur (2019). Des Finno-ougriens convertissent des Finno-ougriens: foi, parenté et langue dans la rencontre missionnaire. Etudes finno-ougriennes, 49-50, 137−199.

ITA   Leete, Art; Vallikivi, Laur; Koosa, Piret (2019). Pentecostali e protestanti carismatici nella Repubblica di Komi e nella tundra Nenet. Il polo, 74 (2), 33−39.

ENG   Vallikiv, Laur (2019). What Does Matter?: Idols and Icons in the Nenets Tundra. In: Peedu, Indrek; Arukask, Madis (Ed.). Estonian Study of Religion: A Reader (302−330). Tartu: University of Tartu Press.

EST   Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (2019). Udmurtide kogukondlikud ohvripalvused. (32−32). 28.06.2019.

ENG   Toulouze, Eva; Sadikov, Ranus; Vallikivi, Laur; Niglas, Liivo; Anisimov, Nikolai (2018). Continuity and revitalisation in sacrificial rituals by the Eastern Udmurt part I. The collective sacrificial rituals by the Bashkortostan Udmurt: rooted in tradition. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 72, 203−218.10.7592/FEJF2018.72.udmurt1.

ENG   Toulouze, Eva; Sadikov, Ranus; Vallikivi, Laur; Niglas, Liivo; Anisimov, Nikolai (2018). Continuity and revitalisation in sacrificial rituals by the Eastern Udmurt. Part II Collective Sacrificial Rituals by the Bashkortostan Udmurt: Revitalisation and innovation. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 73, 117−144.10.7592/FEJF2018.73.udmurt2.

EST   Vallikivi, Laur (2018). Soome-ugri misjon: Eesti kristlaste hõimutöö Venemaal. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi Aastaraamat (154−181). Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur; Sidorova, Lena (2017). The Rebirth of a People: Reincarnation Cosmology among the Tundra Yukaghir of the Lower Kolyma, Northeast Siberia. Arctic Anthropology, 54 (2), 24−39.10.3368/aa.54.2.24.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Taking religion seriously Fieldwork among Animists and Evangelical Christians in Arctic Russia. Forum for Anthropology and Culture, 13, 112−121.

RUS    Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Принимать религию всерьез: полевая работа с анимистами и христианами-евангелистами в российской Арктике. Antropologicheskij Forum, 34, 49−59.

EST    Annist, Aet; Kaaristo, Maarja; Koppel, Helleka; Vallikivi, Laur; Uibu, Marko; Mets, Triinu; Jõesalu, Kirsti; Plaan, Joonas; Alekand, Katrin; Gross, Toomas; Järv, Ehti; Koppel, Katre; Kesküla, Eeva; Ermel, Marje; Cubero, Carlo; Raudne, Riina; Kõresaar, Ene (2017). Sissejuhatus sotsiaal- ja kultuurantropoloogiasse [Introduction to social and cultural anthropology]. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus.

ENG   Sidorova, Lena; Ferguson, Jenanne; Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Signs of Non-recognition: Colonized Linguistic Landscapes and Indigenous Peoples in Chersky, Northeastern Siberia. In: Fondahl, Gail; Wilson, Gary N (Ed.). Northern Sustainabilities: Understanding and Addressing Change in the Circumpolar World (135−149). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46150-2_11.

EST    Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur; Niglas, Liivo; Anisimov, Nikolai (2017). Udmurdi ohvripapp Nazip Sadrijev. Raudalainen, Taisto-Kalevi (Toim.). Soome-ugri sõlmed 2016 (119−125). Tallinn: Fenno-Ugria.

ENG   Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur; Leete, Art (2017). The Cultural Bases in the North: Sovietisation and Indigenous Resistance. In: Kotljarchuk, Andrej; Sundström, Olle (Ed.). Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Stalin’s Soviet Union: New Dimensions of Research (199−223). Huddinge: Södertörn University. (Södertörn Academic Studies ; 72).

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Silence acts: Negotiation practices among Nenets reindeer herders. In: Sounds and Silences: Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in the North The Eighth Tartu University Arctic Workshop (15−15).Sounds and Silences: Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in the North The Eighth Tartu University Arctic Workshop 26–27 May 2017. Tartu. Tartu.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2017). The Life and Death of Spirit Objects: Nenets Reindeer Herders’ Relations with the khekhe in Arctic Russia. In: Lyngdoh, Margaret; Punzi, Valentina; Valk, Ülo (_EditorsAbbr). Deities, Spirits and Demons in Vernacular Beliefs and Rituals in Asia (57−57).Deities, Spirits and Demons in Vernacular Beliefs and Rituals in Asia November 8–10, 2017, Tartu. Tartu.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2017). The life cycle of the khekhe: Nenets reindeer herders and their sacred objects in the early 21st century. In: International Conference Expanding Boundaries: Ethnicity, Materiality and Spirituality (72−73).Expanding Boundaries: Ethnicity, Materiality and Spirituality. 1st – 4th December 2017, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, Hanoi. Hanoi.

ENG   Sidorova, Lena; Vallikivi, Laur (2017). Seeking for recognition: Yukaghir reincarnation cosmology and ethnic revival in the Lower Kolyma. In: ICASS IX: Full session programme with abstracts.Ninth International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences: People and Place (ICASS IX). Umea.

FRA   CASEN DUGAST,Marie ; MOINE, Aleksi; PARÉ,Jean-Yves; POIBEAU, Thierry ; TOULOUZE, Eva; VALLIKIVI, Laur (2016). Le XIIe Congrès international des finno-ougristes (Oulu, 17-21 août 2015). Etudes finno-ougriennes, 47, 251−262.

FRA   Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (2016). Les langues dans un miroir déformant: Que reflète le recensement russe de 2010 en matière de langues finno-ougriennes? Etudes finno-ougriennes, 47, 7−43.

ENG   Toulouze,Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (2016). The Sacred places of the Bashkortostan Udmurt. Ежегодник финно-угорских исследований, 10 (3), 146−155.

ENG   Västrik, Ergo-Hart (editor-in-chief); Toulouze, Eva; Vallikivi, Laur (guest editors); Järv, Risto; Jääts, Indrek; Leete, Art; Runnel, Pille; Särg, Taive; Valk, Ülo (eds.) (2016). Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, Vol. 10, No. 1. De Gruyter Open.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2016). Heaven’s Gate and its keepers: Strategies of gatekeeping in the Nenets tundra. x−x.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2016). How to do Christians with words? Language in an evangelical mission encounter in the Russian Arctic. 22−23.

ENG   Leete, Art; Koosa, Piret; Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Pentecostals and Charismatic Protestants in the Republic of Komi and Nenets Tundra. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 61, 185−192.10.7592/

EST   Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Järelsõna: Marcel Maussi and. Essee kingist: vahetustegevuse vorm ja mõte arhailistes ühiskondades (269−302). Tallinn: TLÜ. (Bibliotheca anthropologica).

EST   Toulouze, Eva; Niglas, Liivo; Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Baškiirimaa udmurtide ohvripalvused ja ohvripapid. Soome-ugri sõlmed, 2014, 75−83.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Words and persons in the language ideology of Nenets reindeer herders. Book of Abstracts: Congressus Duodecimus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Oulu 2015: The XII International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, University of Oulu, August 17–21, 2015.. _EditorsAbbr Mantila, Harri; Sivonen, Jari; Brunni, Sisko; Leinonen, Kaisa; Palviainen, Santeri. Oulu: Oulu University Press, 181−181.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2015). Nenets reindeer herders’ relations with predatory animals and spirits in Arctic Russia. In: Book of Abstracts. ISARS (International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism). (58−59).”Sacred Landscapes and Conflict Transformation. History, Space, Place and Power in Shamanism”, Delphi, Greece, October 9th-13th 2015.. Delphi: ISARS.

ENG   Karm, Svetlana; Jääts, Indrek; Vallikivi, Laur; Liiv, Jane (2015). Finno-Ugric and Samoyed Peoples (Exhibition). In: ..

FRA   Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Les rennes maintiennent la langue nenets en vie. Etudes finno-ougriennes, 45, 169−194.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2014). On the Edge of Space and Time: Evangelical Missionaries in the Tundra of Arctic Russia. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, 8 (2), 95−120.

RUS   Сидорова, Л.; Фергюсон, Д.; Валликиви, Л. (2014). Лингвистический ландшафт северного поселка как продукт культурных индустрий (на примере п. Черский Республики Саха (Якутия)). Магидович, М.Л. (отв. ред.). Современные модели развития культурных индустрий в регионах России: Сборник научный статей (195−204).. Санкт-Петербург: РГПУ им. А.Герцена. .

ENG   Vallikivi, L. (2014). Distant words and religious intimacy: mission encounter in Nenets reindeer herders’ camps in Arctic Russia. In: Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution – innovation and continuity in an interconnected world (166−166).EASA 2014, European Association of Social Anthropologists 13th Biennial Conference, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia 31st July – 3rd August, 2014 (Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution – innovation and continuity in an interconnected world). Tartu Ülikool.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Nenets language ideology: harmful words and vulnerable affections. In: n.d. (_EditorsAbbr). The 5th International Conference on Samoyedology (33−33).The 5th International Conference on Samoyedology, Helsinki 21.-23.10.2014.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Nganasan. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (500−504).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Enets. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (255−257).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Selkup. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (648−652).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Yukaghir. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (773−776).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Nenets. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (494−498).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2014). Mansi. In: Hund, Andrew (_EditorsAbbr). Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth’s Polar Regions (471−473).. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.

ENG   Vallikivi, L. (2013). Binding words and powerful things: verbal communication between Christian missionaries and Nenets pastoralists in Arctic Russia. Symposium Genres of Belief from a Folkloristic Perspective. Abstracts.: Symposium Genres of Belief from a Folkloristic Perspective; Guwahati, India; February 4-5, 2013. _EditorsAbbr Baishya, Dinesh; Valk, Ülo. Ri-Bhoi, Tartu: University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya; University of Tartu, 72−72.

RUS   Vallikivi, Laur (2013). Head antropoloogiks saamist! (8−8)..

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2012). The power of silence and words: language ideologies in the mission encounter between Russian Baptists and Nenets reindeer herders. In, Out and In Between: Dynamics of Cultural Borders: Program and Abstracts: Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory V Autumn Conference, Tallinn, October 18-19, 2012. _EditorsAbbr Rattasepp, Silver. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool, 33−33.

RUS   Vallikivi, Laur (2012). Tagasi Eestis. Õpetajate Leht (7−7).. Tallinn: SA Kultuurileht.

RUS   Karm, Svetlana; Jääts, Indrek; Vallikivi, Laur (2012). Soome-ugri ja samojeedi rahvad (rändnäitus). .

ENG   Leete, Art; Vallikivi, Laur (2011). Adapting Christianity on the Siberian Edge during the Early Soviet Period. Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore, 49, 131−146.

ENG   Leete, Art; Vallikivi, Laur (2011). Imitating Enemies or Friends: Comparative Notes on Christianity in the Indigenous Russian Arctic during the Early Soviet Period. Asian Ethnology, 70 (1), 81−104.

ENG   Leete, A.; Seljamaa, E.-H.; Vallikivi, L. (2011). A Few Impressions and Reflections American Anthropological Association: 109th Annual Meeting. November 17-21, 2010. New Orleans. Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore, 47, 185−190.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2011). What does matter?: Idols and icons in the Nenets tundra. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, 5 (1), 75−95.

ENG   Vallikivi, L. (2011). Everyday translating: Russian-speaking missionaries among the Nenets in the Arctic Russia. In: New movements in religion: theories and trends: 10th conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (110−110).New movements in religion: theories and trends: 10th conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, 18-22 September, 2011, Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religions.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2010). Meeting abstract. In: American Anthropological Association 109th Annual Meeting Abstracts (Circulation) (827−827).American Anthropological Association 109th Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA, USA; November 17-21, 2010. New Orleans: Amer Anthropological Assoc.

ENG   Vallikivi, L. (2009). Christianisation of words and selves: Nenets reindeer herders joining the state through conversion. In: Pelkmans, M. (_EditorsAbbr). Conversion After Socialism: Disruptions, Modernities and the Technologies of Faith (59−83).. Oxford, New York: Berghahn.

ENG   Toulouze, E.; Vagramenko, T.; Vallikivi, L. (2008). Becoming Christians “at the end of the land”: Missionary encounters between Protestants and Nenets in the Russian Arctic. Book of abstracts. Arctic social sciences: Prospects for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 era and beyond: 6th International Congress of the Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI); Nuuk; August 22-26, 2008. _EditorsAbbr Poppel, B. Nuuk: International Arctic Social Sciences Association; Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland, 137.

DEU   Vallikivi, L.; Broz, L.; Tutr, V. (2008). Saman je ten, kdo vidi do jine reality. Rozhovor s Piersem Vitebskym. Dingir, 4, 134−136.

EST   Vallikivi, L. (2008). Laur Vallikivi elu neenetsite seas. GoDiscover, 5, 16−24.

CZE   Vallikivi, L. (2007). Die Christianisierung der Nenzen. Stolberg, E.-M.. Sibirische Völker. Transkulturelle Beziehungen und Identitäten in Nordasien (81−103).. Münster: Lit-Verlag. (Periplus. Jahrbuch für aussereuropäische Geschichte; 17).

EST   Vallikivi, Laur; Toulouze, Eva (2007). Põhjarahvad ja nõukogude võim. .

EST   Karm, Svetlana; Vallikivi, Laur; Liiv, Jane (2007). Soomeugrilased ja samojeedid (näitus). . Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

EST   Vallikivi, L. (2006). Religioonietnoloogiast: etnoloogid ja shamaanid kui meediumid. Sirp, -.

EST   Vallikivi, L. (2005). Arktika nomaadid šamanismi ja kristluse vahel: Jamb-to neenetsite pöördumine baptismi. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.

ENG   Vallikivi, Laur (2005). Two wars in conflict: Resistance among Nenets reindeer herders in the 1940s. Studies in Folk Culture, 5, 14−54.

ENG   Vallikivi, L. (2005). Conversion from animism to Protestantism: Nenets reindeer herders facing new religious perspectives. Religious conversion after Socialism: Religious conversion after Socialism; Halle, Germany; 7-9 April 2005. _EditorsAbbr Pelkmans, M.; Foszto, L.; Hilgers, I. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, 19−20.

EST   Vallikivi, L. (2005). Baptismi ja rahvausu dialoog neenetsi põhjapõdrakasvatajate juures. Eesti sotsiaalteaduste VI aastakonverents; Tallinna Ülikool; 4.-5. november 2005. Tallinna Ülikool,.

FRA   Vallikivi, L. (2004). De l’égarement et du salut: les Nenets, l’Etat et l’Eglise. Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo (101−113).. Palermo: Palermo Ülikool.

FRA   Toulouze, E.; Vallikivi, L. (2004). Compte-rendu. Jean-Luc Lambert, Sortir de la nuit. Essai sur le chamanisme nganassane (Arctique Sibérien). Études finno-ougriennes (225−231).. L’Harmattan, ADEFO.

RUS    Vallikivi, Laur (2004). Формирование и процессы адаптации группы ненцев Ямб-то в XX в. Культурное наследие народов Сибири и Севера. Материалы Пятых Сибирских чтении. Санкт-Петербург. 17–19 октября 2001 г. (199−202).. Санкт-Петербург: Российская Академии Наук, Музей Антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера).

ENG   Vallikivi, L.; Runnel, P. (2004). Culture and environments. In: Pro ethnologia (5−9). . Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

ENG   Anepaio, T. (acad. chief ed.); Runnel, P.; Vallikivi, L. (acad. acting eds.) (2004). Culture and environments. Pro Ethnologia 18. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

RUS    Vallikivi, L. (2004). Formirovanije i protsessy adaptatsii gruppy nentsev Jamb-to v XX v. 1: Культурное наследие народов Сибири и Севера. Материалы Пятых Сибирских чтении. Санкт-Петербург. 17–19 октября 2001 г.. Sankt-Peterburg: MAE RAH, 199−202.

EST    Vallikivi, L. (2004). Jamb-to neenetsite kummaline vastupanu sovetiseerimisele ja selle tagajärjed 20. sajandi lõpul ja tänapäeval. Estonian Social Science Online..

EST    Mägi, Kaur; Vallikivi, Laur (2004). Välitöödelt põhjarahvaste juurde (fotonäitus). . Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

EST    Vallikivi, Laur (2004). Traditsiooniline loovus Aafrikas (näitus). . Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

ENG    Vallikivi, L. (2003). Minority and Mission: Christianisation of the European Nenets. In: Runnel, P., et al. Multiethnic communities in the past and present (109−130).. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum. (Pro ethnologia : publications of Estonian National Museum; 15).

RUS    Vallikivi, Laur; Toulouze, Eva (2003). Как эхо голос тундры. Ненецкая литература (31−38).. Москва: Литературная Россия.

EST    Vallikivi, Laur (2003). Naître à une vie nouvelle: la conversion au christianisme des éleveurs de rennes nenets. Études finno-ougriennes (7−42).. Paris: Klincksieck.

EST    Vallikivi, L. (2002). Pilk põhjarahvastele läbi ajaloo. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi Aastaraamat (195−199).. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

EST    Vallikivi, Laur (2002). Vähemus ja misjon: Euroopa neenetsite ristiusustamine. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi 43. konverents “Etnilised ja kultuurilised vähemused” : Tartu, 11.-12.04.2002 : ettekannete kokkuvõtted: Etnilised ja kultuurilised vähemused: Tartu, 11.-12.04.2002. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 92−96.

ENG    Vallikivi, Laur (2001). Adaptation to the Other: Jamb-to Nenets in the 20th Century. Pro Ethnologia, 49−62.

EST    Vallikivi, Laur (2001). Kunstileksikon. Tallinn: Eesti Klassikakirjastus.

EST    Vallikivi, L. (2001). Jamb To neenetsid silmitsi muutustega. Etnoloogia hääled, 3. nooretnoloogide konverents; Tartu, Eesti; 29. märts 2001. _EditorsAbbr Sikka, T.; Leete, A.; Tammaru, I. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 10−13.

RUS   Vallikivi, Laur (2001). Компромисс между традицией и неизвестностью. Мир Севера, 5, 25−26.