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17. aprilli teisipäevaseminar digitaalsest huumorist

Teisipäev 17. aprillil kl 12 kõneleb Jarno Hietalahti teemal "Digitaalsuse ja huumori ristteedel". Juttu tuleb tehisintellekti naljatama õpetamise võimalikkusest.
LÜHIKOKKUVÕTE. Jarno Hietalahti, On the crossroads of "digital" and "humour"
There are researchers who think that humor is “the final barrier” for artificial intelligence, and computational humor has taken great steps forward in recent years. Researchers have created different kinds of algorithms which are able to recognize sarcasm, and speculation runs heated on how artificial intelligence should create the funniest possible jokes. The amount of data on human behavior is pivotal for this; in this setting humor is seen, eventually, mathematics, and something that can be calculated.
It will be suggested that technologies and humanities can and should be brought together. Digital humanities have an important role in measuring humorous human behavior, and logically, our ways of having fun.
This, it is will be claimed, helps to reveal deep insights about human beings, even if it fails to lead to the creation of funny machines.
Seminar toimub Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi IV korruse seminaritoas.
Kõik on oodatud kuulama ja arutlema
Seminari toetavad Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond (Eesti-uuringute Tippkeskus) ja IUT 22-5. Üritust finantseerib Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond (Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi ASTRA projekt EKMDHUM)/ The event is supported by the European Union (ASTRA project of Estonian Literary Museum, EKMDHUM).

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