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2. novembril seminar hingedepäeva uskumustest ja kommetest

Head seminarihuvilised!
2. november on hingedepäev. Tähistame seda Kirjandusmuuseumi seminaride sarjas ingliskeelse ettekandekoosolekuga, kus vaatleme hingedeajaga seotud kujutelmi ja tegevusi pealtnäha täiesti erinevates kultuurides – Eesti ja Mehhiko traditsioone võrreldes.
Ettekannetega esinevad
Lisseth Pedroza Fuentes: "Day of the Dead in Mexico, a shared heritage"
Mare Kõiva: "The soul in Estonian tradition"
Reet Hiiemäe: "Gendered and located communication with the souls"
Ettekannete tutvustuseks:
Lisseth Pedroza Fuentes, "Day of the Dead in Mexico, a shared heritage".
The annual festivals framed in the cult of the deceased are currently commemorated on November 2, in different countries around the world. In Mexico this tradition has a pre-Hispanic origin.
These festivities were part of rituals that had the goal of directing the dead to the underworld, venerating them, and maintaining a relationship with them through memory. We will talk about the tradition that is commemorated in Mexico, its origins, its meanings, and its transformation through the centuries.
In Estonia a similar commemoration occurs, on November 2 Hingedeaeg time of the soul is celebrated, where the souls of the ancestors visit the homes again, the souls are awaited.
But is it a commemoration with pagan roots like in Mexico? Which elements are shared, and which are unique? Whether in Mexico or Estonia, without a doubt this commemoration reflects the memory of us, the living, for our deceased whose material expressions are the reflection of our beliefs, and traditions which are in a constant movement.
Mare Kõiva, "The Soul in Estonian tradition".
The lecture explores the perception of a soul: a multi-layered, related to different ideas, asking souls to come home and giving them food, but also about customs visiting homes (as masked souls).
Reet Hiiemäe, "Gendered and located communication with the souls"
Communication with the souls of the deceased is a frequent topic in Estonian folklore.
This presentation will look at the gender and location aspect of such folklore: Do women communicate more with the souls of women? Do women narrate more about such communication? Are there gendered differences in times and methods of communicating with the deceased? And are post-mortem locations gendered in Estonian folklore, e.g., can we find gender balance in hell or heaven?
Seminar Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi IV korruse seminaritoas 2. novembril 2023 kell 12.00. Kaugosalemine on võimalik.
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