PICTURES OF THE last day of the CONFERENCE by Arp Karm HERE!
Intercultural encounters accompanying the movement of individuals and groups receive a variety of expressions and call for a debate in an interdisciplinary context. The conference aims at investigating aspects of culture, language and literature in the context of a world made more mobile than ever before. The organizers of the conference wish to invite scholars in humanities, esp. literature, linguistics, communication, folkloristics, media, cultural studies, humour studies, translation and interpreting, teaching methodology, to a discussion on the broad subject of cultural neighbourhood, especially related to:
minority cultures and literature, migration and narration, the Other, autobiography and identity;
communication styles, pragmatics of intercultural communication, communication in institutions, folkloric communication, ethnolinguistics;
humour and irony in cultural context;
cross-cultural aspects of translation and (language) teaching, English as an international lingua franca, language contacts, culture and the teaching of languages, global learning, innovation in education;
contemporary culture and media, transnational / transmedial cultural texts, cultural and linguistic globalization / localization.
The FINAL PROGRAMME is now ready, check the programme page for presentation titles!
March 15
We have great news! With Estonian National Museum as the co-organiser, the third day of the conference is going to be held at the new building of the Estonian National Musuem.
For all those who wanted to sign up for the conference, but didn't manage to do so before December 20, the new deadline is January 20, 2017!
December 6
All the keynotes are now confirmed! Keep signing up for the conference, the deadline is Deceber 20. And keep an eye on the news posted on the conference Facebook page!
November 16
We are happy to announce a workshop about global education and teaching by Manju Nair
October 1
Call for papers has been announced. For a pdf version. click HERE!
July 12
The location for Across Borders biannual conference has been decided. Welcome to Estonia! Organising committee:
Prof. Grzegorz Przebinda, Rector, Krosno State College, Jagiellonian University,
Prof. Fritz König, Krosno State College
Dr. Władysław Chłopicki, Krosno State College, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Dr. Bartosz Gołąbek, Krosno State College, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Prof. Władysław Witalisz, Krosno State College, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Dr. Pille Runnel, Estonian National Museum, Tartu
Dr. Liisi Laineste, Center of Excellence for Estonian Studies, Estonian Literary
Museum, Tartu