
YBBS volume 7 is online!


Nature and culture have hundreds of aspects and manifestations in modern societies. Volume 7 of the Yearbook of the Balkan and Baltic Studies aims to highlight some of the trends emerging and results achieved in the field of cultural studies.

Editors and team


Call for paper for YBBS 8, 2025 is open until September 30. The main topic is Nature, religion, and magic.


YBBS volume 6 finished 31.12.2023.


Please use the following format for your submissions:

  • Title of the proposed theme;
  • Editors (along with institutional affiliation);
  • Importance of proposed theme (at least two arguments in support of the proposal);
  • Please list the names of contributors, and the working titles of the articles, add short abstract (maximum 300 characters).

All papers received under go a double-blind peer-review process. In addition to scholars within the ethnonoloy, folkloristics, religious or migration studies the reports and elaboration of joint methodological frameworks, data bases, registers, etc. are strongly encouraged.

Contributions for the 7th volume are welcomed before September 30. For further details or inquiries you may contact the Editors.


ISSN (print) 2613-7844 (online) 2613-7852 YBBS is a joint publication of Bulgarian, Lithuanian,  Estonian and Latvian Academies of Sciences, Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Estonian Literary Museum, Lithuanian Institute of History, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia.