Current Issue

Nature and culture have hundreds of aspects and manifestations in modern societies. Volume 7 of the Yearbook of the Balkan and Baltic Studies aims to highlight some of the trends emerging and results achieved in the field of cultural studies, demonstrating how culture and nature interrelate and complement each other. The volume contains a series of articles on religion, human-nature relations, linguistic phenomena, crises, specific spheres of folklore, activities of the Tartu-Moscow School, and the mindscape of a notable individual.
Full Issue
The Yearbook of Balkan and Baltic Studies (YBBS) is a peer-reviewed annual English language journal for the study of humanities (incl. ethnology, folklore, religiosity, and migration studies), global relations and influences of the past events and modern developments in the area. YBBS welcomes contributions in the fields of critical and comparative analyses of cultural history.
No charges are applied either for submissing, reviewing or processing articles for publication.
The journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Scopus.
ISSN (print) 2613-7844 (online) 2613-7852 YBBS is a joint publication of Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian Academies of Sciences, Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Estonian Literary Museum, Lithuanian Institute of History, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia.
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