Index    Volume    Article    Author(s)    DOI    File    Year    Guest Editor(s)    Special Number   ColorCode 
fl001FX000001Folklore vol.1Some Possible origins of St. Georges Day customs and beliefsMall Hiiemäedoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.01.georgnr1/pdf/georg.pdf1996
fl001FX000002Folklore vol.1Fisherman's work and the sea in the Livonian folk calendarKristi Salvedoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.01.liivinr1/pdf/liivi.pdf1996
fl001FX000003Folklore vol.1Legends of the Afganistan WarEda Kalmredoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.01.afganr1/pdf/afga.pdf1996
fl001FX000004Folklore vol.1Hereditary transmission in Siberian Shamanism and the concept of the reality of legendsAado Lintropdoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.01.hereditnr1/pdf/heredit.pdf1996
fl001FX000005Folklore vol.1The Great Chain Metaphor: an open sesame for proverb semantics? Arvo Krikmanndoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.01.gcmnr1/pdf/gcm.pdf1996
fl001FX000006Folklore vol.1Traditional melody variations in Karksi parish (SOUTH-ESTONIA).Taive Särgdoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.01.taivemnr1/pdf/taivem.pdf1996
fl002FX000007Folklore vol.2The Incantations of Tubyaku KosterkinAado Lintropdoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.02.tubincvol2/pdf/tubinc.pdf1996
fl002FX000008Folklore vol.2Shamanism in a postmodern ageMihaly Hoppaldoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.02.hoppalvol2/pdf/hoppal.pdf1996
fl002FX000009Folklore vol.2The transmission of knowledge among Estonian Witch DoctorsMare Kõivadoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.02.docdocvol2/pdf/docdoc.pdf1996
fl002FX000009Folklore vol.2Manifestations of the Revenant in Estonian Folk Tradition Eha Viluojadoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.02.viluojavol2/pdf/viluoja.pdf1996
fl002FX000011Folklore vol.2The Tartu Research Group of ParemiologyArvo Krikmanndoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.02.miedervol2/pdf/mieder.pdf1996
fl002FX000012Folklore vol.2 Trade-off between quantity and stress in Estonian folksong performance?Jaan Rossdoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.02.rosslehivol2/pdf/rosslehi.pdf1996
fl002FX000013Folklore vol.2Cultural identity, nationalism and changes in singing traditionsKristin Kuutmadoi:10.7592/FEJF1996.02.identvol2/pdf/ident.pdf1996
fl003FX000014Folklore vol.3Little Mos'-woman: the story of a (fairy-)taleAado Lintropdoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.03.litlemosvol3/pdf/litlemos.pdf1997
fl003FX000015Folklore vol.3Oh, my pretty hairKristi Salvedoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.03.krisvol3/pdf/kris.pdf1997
fl003FX000016Folklore vol.3Some historical layers in the customs of St. Lawrence's DayMall Hiiemäedoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.03.laurvol3/pdf/laur.pdf1997
fl003FX000017Folklore vol.3The Colour and The WordVirve Sarapikdoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.03.redvol3/pdf/red.pdf1997
fl003FX000018Folklore vol.3Regarding the Way-Finding Habits of the Siberian peoples, considering the Khants as an exampleArt Leetedoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.03.soros4vol3/pdf/soros4.pdf1997
fl003FX000019Folklore vol.3 Time models in Estonian traditional and literary BalladsArne Merilaidoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.03.merilaivol3/pdf/merilai.pdf1997
fl004FX000020Folklore vol.4Natur worship in shamanismMihaly Hoppaldoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.04.hoppalvol4/pdf/hoppal.pdf1997
fl004FX000021Folklore vol.4Conceptions of soul in old-Estonian religion.Tarmo Kulmardoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.04.hingvol4/pdf/hing.pdf1997
fl004FX000022Folklore vol.4Relations between the living and the dead in Estonian folk religionEha Viluojadoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.04.relationvol4/pdf/relation.pdf1997
fl004FX000023Folklore vol.4Prolegomena to a history of story-telling around the Baltic Sea, c. 1550-1800Jürgen Beyerdoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.04.baltivol4/pdf/balti.pdf1997
fl004FX000024Folklore vol.4Folklore and identity: the situation of Latvia Aldis Putelisdoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.04.aldis1vol4/pdf/aldis1.pdf1997
fl004FX000025Folklore vol.4The shaman as the zoomorphic humanTriinu Ojamaadoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.04.triinuvol4/pdf/triinu.pdf1997
fl005FX000026Folklore vol.5The Significance of Baptism in Estonian Folk BeliefÜlo Valkdoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.05.ylorist1vol5/pdf/ylorist1.pdf1997
fl005FX000027Folklore vol.5Seven Votyak CharmsVladimir Napolskikhdoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.05.sevenvol5/pdf/seven.pdf1997
fl005FX000028Folklore vol.5Funeral customs of Caucasian estoniansMarika Mikkordoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.05.mikkovol5/pdf/mikko.pdf1997
fl005FX000029Folklore vol.5Childrens' political anecdotes - REGISTERKadi Sarvdoi:10.7592/FEJF1997.05.kadivol5/pdf/kadi.pdf1997
fl006FX000030Folklore vol.6Khanty Bear Feast songs collected by Wolfgang SteinitzAado Lintropdoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.06.steinitzvol6/pdf/steinitz.pdf1998
fl006FX000031Folklore vol.6On the Relationships of the Rhetorical, Modal, Logical, and Syntactic Planes in Estonian ProverbsArvo Krikmanndoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.06.syntvol6/pdf/synt.pdf1998
fl006FX000032Folklore vol.6Estonian folk music layers in the context of ethnic relationsIngrid Rüüteldoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.06.ruutelvol6/pdf/ruutel.pdf1998
fl006FX000033Folklore vol.6 Changes in folk culture and folklore ensemblesKristin Kuutmadoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.06.krifolk6vol6/pdf/krifolk6.pdf1998
fl006FX000034Folklore vol.6Rainbow, colours and science mythology Virve Sarapikdoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.06.rainbowvol6/pdf/rainbow.pdf1998
fl007FX000035Folklore vol.7The Position of the Woman in the Poetic EddaLoone Otsdoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.07.llone1vol7/pdf/llone1.pdf1998
fl007FX000036Folklore vol.7On the Funeral Customs of the Northern Khants in the Last Quarter of the 20th CenturyEdgar Saardoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.07.khantsvol7/pdf/khants.pdf1998
fl007FX000037Folklore vol.7Clothed Straw Puppets in Estonian Folk Calendar Tradition: a Shift From Cult To JokeErgo-Hart Västrikdoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.07.metsikxvol7/pdf/metsikx.pdf1998
fl007FX000038Folklore vol.7 Festival as communicative performance and celebration of ethnicityKristin Kuutmadoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.07.festivavol7/pdf/festiva.pdf1998
fl007FX000039Folklore vol.7Language and poetic metre in regilaul (runo song)Mari Sarvdoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.07.mariparvol7/pdf/maripar.pdf1998
fl008FX000040Folklore vol. 8Death and AfterwardsMadis Arukaskdoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.08.mdsvol8/pdf/mds.pdf1998
fl008FX000041Folklore vol. 8Palindromes and Letter Formulae: Some ReconsiderationsMare Kõivadoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.08.marevol8/pdf/mare.pdf1998
fl008FX000042Folklore vol. 8On the Relationships of the Rhetorical, Modal, Logical, and Syntactic Planes in Estonian ProverbsArvo Krikmanndoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.08.syntmod2vol8/pdf/syntmod2.pdf1998
fl008FX000043Folklore vol. 8Cinderellagame by Paul-Eerik Rummo as compared to Song games Harri Mürkdoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.08.cndrlvol8/pdf/cndrl.pdf1998
fl008FX000044Folklore vol. 8Orality vs. written text: mediaeval developments in Vedic ritual literature Klaus Karttunendoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.08.vedavol8/pdf/veda.pdf1998
fl008FX000045Folklore vol. 8Australian Folklore Yesterday and Today: Definitions and Practices John S. Ryandoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.08.aflorevol8/pdf/aflore.pdf1998
fl009FX000046Folklore vol. 9On the Demonology of PlotinusMarju Lepajõedoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.09.plotinusvol9/pdf/plotinus.pdf1998
fl009FX000047Folklore vol. 9Time in Finnish Folk NarrativesHenni Ilomäkidoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.09.finvol9/pdf/fin.pdf1998
fl009FX000048Folklore vol. 9Witch and Priest Juxtaposed: Two Figures from Irish Traditional Deirdre Nuttalldoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.09.witchvol9/pdf/witch.pdf1998
fl009FX000049Folklore vol. 9Witchcraft Denunciations in Late Imperial Russia: Peasant Reactions to the KoldunDaniel C. Ryandoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.09.koldunvol9/pdf/koldun.pdf1998
fl009FX000050Folklore vol. 9Charms, Change and Memory: Some Principles Underlying VariationJonathan Roperdoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.09.charmvol9/pdf/charm.pdf1998
fl009FX000051Folklore vol. 9On the Relationships of the Rhetorical, Modal, Logical, and Syntactic Planes in Estonian ProverbsArvo Krikmanndoi:10.7592/FEJF1998.09.syntmod3vol9/pdf/syntmod3.pdf1998
fl010FX000052Folklore vol. 10Man-Like Gods and Deified Men in Mexican CosmoloreAnna-Britta Hellbomdoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.10.mexicovol10/pdf/mexico.pdf1999
fl010FX000053Folklore vol. 10The deity of sky: One Way to Interpret the Moche IconographyTarmo Kulmardoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.10.skyvol10/pdf/sky.pdf1999
fl010FX000054Folklore vol. 10Shamanism and the image of the Teutonic Deity, ÓðinnAsbjørn Jøndoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.10.teutonvol10/pdf/teuton.pdf1999
fl010FX000055Folklore vol. 10Is Providing Proverbs a Tough Job?Risto Järvdoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.10.rjrvvol10/pdf/rjrv.pdf1999
fl010FX000056Folklore vol. 10Grecian Riddle-jokes: Formalistic and Functional Features of a New Minor FormEvangelos Gr. Avdikosdoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.10.minorfvol10/pdf/minorf.pdf1999
fl010FX000057Folklore vol. 10Regilaul: Clearing the alliterative hazeMari Sarvdoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.10.allitervol10/pdf/alliter.pdf1999
fl011FX000058Folklore vol. 11The Great Oak, the Weaving Maidens and the Red Boat, not to Mention a Lost BrushAado Lintropdoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.11.oakvol11/pdf/oak.pdf1999
fl011FX000059Folklore vol. 11Folktales of Meandash, the Mythic Sami ReindeerEnn Ernitsdoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.11.meandashvol11/pdf/meandash.pdf1999
fl011FX000060Folklore vol. 11Some Statistics About Rock-Carvings Of Lake OnegaVäino Poikalainendoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.11.carvingsvol11/pdf/carvings.pdf1999
fl011FX000061Folklore vol. 11Sámi Rock Engravings from the Mountains in Laponia, northern Sweden Tim Bayliss-Smith, Inga-Maria Mulkdoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.11.samivol11/pdf/sami.pdf1999
fl011FX000062Folklore vol. 11Cup-Marked Stones in EstoniaAndres Tvauridoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.11.stonesvol11/pdf/stones.pdf1999
fl012FX000063Folklore vol. 12On The Role Of Creation And Origin Myths In The Development Of Inca State And Religion Tarmo Kulmardoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.12.incavol12/pdf/inca.pdf1999
fl012FX000064Folklore vol. 12The Waters and Water Spirits in Votian Folk Belief Ergo-Hart Västrikdoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.12.spiritsvol12/pdf/spirits.pdf1999
fl012FX000065Folklore vol. 12Ways of Describing Nenets and Khanty "Character " in 19th Century Russian Ethnographic LiteratureArt Leetedoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.12.charactrvol12/pdf/charactr.pdf1999
fl012FX000066Folklore vol. 12Finnish 20th Century History in Oral NarrativesPauliina Latvaladoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.12.oralnarrvol12/pdf/oralnarr.pdf1999
fl012FX000067Folklore vol. 12Conflict, experience and nostalgia in family narratives. On the Example of Estonia and Finland Tiiu Jaagodoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.12.famnarrvol12/pdf/famnarr.pdf1999
fl012FX000068Folklore vol. 12On the Customs Related to Death in the Ersa- Mordvin Villages of Sabajevo and Povodimovo.Marika Mikkordoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.12.deathvol12/pdf/death.pdf1999
fl012FX000069Folklore vol. 12Automated Motif Identification in Folklore Text CorporaVilmos Voigt, Michael Preminger, László Ládi, Sándor Darányidoi:10.7592/FEJF1999.12.motifvol12/pdf/motif.pdf1999
fl013FX000070Folklore vol. 13Tales of Uude of Hulja Mall Hiiemäedoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.13.huljavol13/pdf/hulja.pdf2000
fl013FX000071Folklore vol. 13Old stories in contemporary times - a collecting experience in the Orava village in SiberiaRisto Järvdoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.13.oravavol13/pdf/orava.pdf2000
fl013FX000072Folklore vol. 13Folktales of Meandash, the Mythic Sami ReindeerEnn Ernitsdoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.13.meandashvol13/pdf/meandash.pdf2000
fl013FX000073Folklore vol. 13The Folk Tales of Bihar: an Anthropological PerspectiveSarita Sahaydoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.13.biharvol13/pdf/bihar.pdf2000
fl013FX000074Folklore vol. 13Telling Tales: The Use Of Oral Narratives In Religious Sermons In Kenya Ezekiel B. Alembidoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.13.kenyavol13/pdf/kenya.pdf2000
fl013FX000075Folklore vol. 13 On The Erza-Mordvinian Birth Customs in Sabajevo and Povodimovo VillagesMarika Mikkordoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.13.birthvol13/pdf/birth.pdf2000
fl014FX000076Folklore vol. 14Fish: Concerning Characters and ActionVirve Sarapikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.14.fishvol14/pdf/fish.pdf2000
fl014FX000077Folklore vol. 14Toward a Cognitive Theory of the Sacred: an Ethnographic ApproachVeikko Anttonendoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.14.sacredvol14/pdf/sacred.pdf2000
fl014FX000078Folklore vol. 14Popular Orthodoxy, Official Church and State in Finnish Border Karelia before World War IITeuvo Laitiladoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.14.kareliavol14/pdf/karelia.pdf2000
fl014FX000079Folklore vol. 14The Kind Tiger and the Truthful Cow: Folk Discourse in Oral and Written LiteratureMahendra Kumar Mishradoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.14.tigervol14/pdf/tiger.pdf2000
fl014FX000080Folklore vol. 14The Dagaaba-Frafra Joking RelationshipJoseph Yelepuo Wegrudoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.14.dagaabavol14/pdf/dagaaba.pdf2000
fl014FX000081Folklore vol. 14 Inventing the Text: A Critique of Folklore EditingDavid E. Gaydoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.14.editingvol14/pdf/editing.pdf2000
fl015FX000082Folklore vol. 15Science and Folk SentimentsUndo Uusdoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.15.sciencevol15/pdf/science.pdf2000
fl015FX000083Folklore vol. 15The Role of Perfecions in Inter-Religious DiscourseMart Raukasdoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.15.perfectvol15/pdf/perfect.pdf2000
fl015FX000084Folklore vol. 15Sounds of Silence. "Mystical" Paradox in the AtthakavaggaIlkka Pyysiäinendoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.15.paradoxvol15/pdf/paradox.pdf2000
fl015FX000085Folklore vol. 15Artist and MythVirve Sarapikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.15.mythvol15/pdf/myth.pdf2000
fl015FX000086Folklore vol. 15 Univocité, Équivocité et Analogie Mart Raukasdoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.15.analogievol15/pdf/analogie.pdf2000
fl015FX000087Folklore vol. 15Could Kalevipoeg Have Been Human?Henn Voolaiddoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.15.humanvol15/pdf/human.pdf2000
fl015FX000088Folklore vol. 15Ancient astrology as a common root for science and pseudo-scienceEnn Kasakdoi:10.7592/FEJF2000.15.ancientvol15/pdf/ancient.pdf2000
fl016FX000089Folklore vol. 16Understanding Planets in Ancient MesopotamiaEnn Kasak, Raul Veededoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.16.planetsvol16/planets.pdf2001
fl016FX000090Folklore vol. 16The Great Oak and Brother-SisterAado Lintropdoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.16.oak2vol16/oak2.pdf2001
fl016FX000091Folklore vol. 16Night Wailer and Night Mother in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Folk TraditionMare Kõivadoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.16.wailervol16/wailer.pdf2001
fl016FX000092Folklore vol. 16The 'River of Paradaise ' and the Legend about the City of Tbilisi: A Literary Source of the LegendConstantine B. Lernerdoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.16.tbilisivol16/tbilisi.pdf2001
fl016FX000093Folklore vol. 16Historical and Folkloric Elements in Fumo Liyongo's Epic Kitula King'eidoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.16.liyongovol16/liyongo.pdf2001
fl016FX000094Folklore vol. 16Aspects of Autobiography in the Classical Swahili Poetry: Problems of Identity of AuthorshipKitula King'eidoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.16.swahilivol16/swahili.pdf2001
fl016FX000095Folklore vol. 16Ethnic Perspective in Epics: the case of Hasan Bulliler Ismail Bozkurtdoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.16.bullilervol16/bulliler.pdf2001
fl016FX000096Folklore vol. 16Mulla or Hodja Nasreddin as seen by Cypriot Turks and GreeksHarid Fedaidoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.16.mullavol16/mulla.pdf2001
fl017FX000097Folklore vol. 17Proverbs On Animal Identity: Typological MemoirsArvo Krikmanndoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.17.proverbsvol17/proverbs.pdf2001
fl017FX000098Folklore vol. 17The History of Western Magic: Some ConsiderationsDieter Harmeningdoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.17.magicvol17/magic.pdf2001
fl017FX000099Folklore vol. 17Some Aspects Of Mordvin Mythology Tatiana Deviatkinadoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.17.mordmythvol17/mordmyth.pdf2001
fl017FX000099Folklore vol. 17Sacrificial Rites of the Udmurts on the Eastern Bank of the River KamaTatiana Minniakhmetovadoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.17.udmurtsvol17/udmurts.pdf2001
fl018FX000101Folklore vol. 18/19Palaeolithic Art from the Danube to Lake BaikalVäino Poikalainendoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.18/19.paleoartvol18/paleoart.pdf2001 Väino Poikalainen, Enn Ernits Prehistoric Art Special
fl018FX000102Folklore vol. 18/19Categorisation of Prehistoric Art Objects on the Example of Finno-Ugric areaEnn Ernitsdoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.18.categorvol18/categor.pdf2001 Väino Poikalainen, Enn Ernits Prehistoric Art Special
fl018FX000103Folklore vol. 18/19Milestones of Spiritual evolution in prehistoric KareliaAbram D. Stoliardoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.18.treasurevol18/treasure.pdf2001 Väino Poikalainen, Enn Ernits Prehistoric Art Special
fl018FX000104Folklore vol. 18/19New Discoveries on the Sculptures of Oleni Island, Lake OnegaTatiana Popovadoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.18.oleni_isvol18/oleni_is.pdf2001 Väino Poikalainen, Enn Ernits Prehistoric Art Special
fl018FX000105Folklore vol. 18/19Rock Paintings in Finland Pekka Kivikäsdoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.18.finlandvol18/finland.pdf2001 Väino Poikalainen, Enn Ernits Prehistoric Art Special
fl018FX000106Folklore vol. 18/19The Permian Animal Style Eero Autiodoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.18.permianvol18/permian.pdf2001 Väino Poikalainen, Enn Ernits Prehistoric Art Special
fl018FX000107Folklore vol. 18/19Statistics of Rock Art in the Tom Region Enn Ernitsdoi:10.7592/FEJF2001.18.tomrivervol18/tomriver.pdf2001 Väino Poikalainen, Enn Ernits Prehistoric Art Special
fl020FX000108Folklore vol. 20Where They Originated. Some Contemporary Legends and Their Literary OriginsRolf W. Brednichdoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.20.legendsvol20/legends.pdf2002
fl020FX000109Folklore vol. 20Ghosts, Animals, or Angels. Christian Story-Telling in a Modern WorldFred van Lieburgdoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.20.ghostsvol20/ghosts.pdf2002
fl020FX000110Folklore vol. 20Linguistic Biographies of Yiddish Speakers in EstoniaAnna Verschikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.20.yiddishvol20/yiddish.pdf2002
fl020FX000111Folklore vol. 20Narratives of Birth in Swedish Popular AutobiographyBo G. Nilssondoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.20.swedishvol20/swedish.pdf2002
fl020FX000112Folklore vol. 20Migration and Narration Brigitte Boenisch-Brednichdoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.20.brednichvol20/brednich.pdf2002
fl020FX000113Folklore vol. 20Words and Music: Oral and LiteraryJoe Allarddoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.20.literaryvol20/literary.pdf2002
fl021FX000114Folklore vol. 21Take it With a Grain of Salt: The Kernel of Truth in Topical JokesLiisi Lainestedoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.21.jokesvol21/jokes.pdf2002
fl021FX000115Folklore vol. 21'Hot-blooded' Estonians. On Estonians' folk category of emotionsEne Vainikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.21.emotionsvol21/emotions.pdf2002
fl021FX000116Folklore vol. 21The Wild and Homely Siberia. How Siberian Estonians Perceive their Natural EnvironmentAivar Jürgensondoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.21.siberiavol21/siberia.pdf2002
fl021FX000117Folklore vol. 21The Story of Life in Music: Autobiographical Songs of the NganasansTriinu Ojamaadoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.21.songsvol21/songs.pdf2002
fl021FX000118Folklore vol. 21The Big Snowstorm I. The Spreading of Personal Experience stories about Soviet Estonia among Estonians in SwedenMare Kõivadoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.21.swedesvol21/swedes.pdf2002
fl021FX000119Folklore vol. 21Animals in People's Mind and in the Language of FolkloreHenni Ilomäkidoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.21.animalsvol21/animals.pdf2002
fl022FX000120Folklore vol. 22One Tale for Four and New Morals for Old: The Construction and Themes of E. Nesbit's 'The Magician's Heart'Sanjay Sircardoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.22.nesbitvol22/nesbit.pdf2002
fl022FX000121Folklore vol. 22The Three Suitors of the King's Daughter: Character roles in the Estonian versions of The Dragon Slayer (AT 300)Risto Järvdoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.22.dragonsvol22/dragons.pdf2002
fl022FX000122Folklore vol. 22Names in Estonian Folk Astronomy - from 'Bird's Way' to 'Milky Way' Andres Kuperjanovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.22.milkywayvol22/milkyway.pdf2002
fl022FX000123Folklore vol. 22The Transformation of the Death Cult over Time: The Example of the Burial Customs in Historic Võrumaa CountyMarju Torp-Kõivupuudoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.22.burialvol22/burial.pdf2002
fl022FX000124Folklore vol. 22Awareness of Death: A Controllable Process or a Traumatic Experience?Argo Moordoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.22.deathvol22/death.pdf2002
fl022FX000125Folklore vol. 22Is Wedding Cake Valid Today? The Legal Function of Wedding Rites Hesi Siimets, Marju Lutsdoi:10.7592/FEJF2002.22.weddingvol22/wedding.pdf2002
fl023FX000126Folklore vol. 23Saints and the Demoniacs: Exorcistic Rites in Medieval Europe (11th - 13th Century)Marek Tammdoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.23.exorcismvol23/excorcism.pdf2003
fl023FX000127Folklore vol. 23Totalitarianism and the Role of Religion in the Inca StateTarmo Kulmardoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.23.incastatevol23/incastate.pdf2003
fl023FX000128Folklore vol. 23Neopaganism and New Age in RussiaAnne Ferlatdoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.23.newagevol23/newage.pdf2003
fl023FX000129Folklore vol. 23Echoes Of Ancient Cataclysms In The Baltic SeaAin Haas, Andres Peekna, Robert E. Walkerdoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.23.echoesvol23/echoes.pdf2003
fl023FX000130Folklore vol. 23Is There A Reason for the Existence of An independent Finno-Ugric Musicology?György Kádárdoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.23.compoundvol23/compound.pdf2003
fl023FX000131Folklore vol. 23 Dance and costume. From the tradition to performanceFilippou Filippos, Harahoussou Ivonni, Kabitsis Christos, Koleta Mariadoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.23.costumevol23/costume.pdf2003
fl024FX000132Folklore vol. 24Towards a Poetics, Rhetorics and Proxemics of Verbal Charms Jonathan Roperdoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.24.verbcharmvol24/verbcharm.pdf2003
fl024FX000133Folklore vol. 24English Orature, English Literature: the Case of CharmsJonathan Roperdoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.24.engcharmvol24/engcharm.pdf2003
fl024FX000134Folklore vol. 24Charms in the Context of Magic Practice. The Case of SloveniaMonika Kropejdoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.24.slovcharmvol24/slovcharm.pdf2003
fl024FX000135Folklore vol. 24The Calling and Work of Wellington Masatia Tambwa. A Traditional Healer From Bunyore, KenyaEzekiel Alembidoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.24.masatiavol24/masatia.pdf2003
fl024FX000136Folklore vol. 24The Social Contexts of Verbal Arts in Yoruba Indigenous Healthcare PracticesOladele Caleb Orimoogunjedoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.24.verbalartvol24/verbalart.pdf2003
fl025FX000137Folklore vol. 25Folkloristics Online. The Estonian ExperienceMare Kõivadoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.25.estonianvol25/estonian.pdf2003
fl025FX000138Folklore vol. 25Compilation of the Database of Estonian Phrases Katre Õim, Asta Õim, Anne Hussar, Anneli Barandoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.25.phrasesvol25/phrases.pdf2003
fl025FX000139Folklore vol. 25Analysis of a Media Channel Liisa Vesikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.25.channelvol25/channel.pdf2003
fl025FX000140Folklore vol. 25Constructing Digital Databases of the Periphery of Estonian Riddles. Database Estonian Droodles Piret Voolaiddoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.25.droodlesvol25/droodles.pdf2003
fl025FX000141Folklore vol. 25Researching Humor on the Internet Liisi Lainestedoi:10.7592/FEJF2003.25.humorvol25/humor.pdf2003
fl026FX000142Folklore vol. 26On the Udmurt Water Spirit and the Formation of the Concept 'Holy' among Permian PeoplesAado Lintropdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.26.lintropvol26/lintrop.pdf2004
fl026FX000143Folklore vol. 26Taarapita - the Great God of the OeseliansUrmas Sutropdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.26.sutropvol26/sutrop.pdf2004
fl026FX000144Folklore vol. 26Handling Collective Fear in Folklore Reet Hiiemäedoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.26.hiiemaevol26/hiiemae.pdf2004
fl026FX000145Folklore vol. 26Oral Epics in Kalahandi Mahedra Kumar Mishradoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.26.mishravol26/mishra.pdf2004
fl026FX000146Folklore vol. 26Folk Belief or Anecdote? On the Genre Logic of Rehepapp by Andrus Kivirähk in the Context of Folklore GenresOtt Heinapuu, Katre Kikasdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.26.rehepappvol26/rehepapp.pdf2004
fl026FX000147Folklore vol. 26Oral Literature of the Sukuma Immaculate Mirambodoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.26.mirambovol26/mirambo.pdf2004
fl027FX000148Folklore vol. 27From Stone Graves to Churchyards. Burial traditions in the Late Prehistoric and Early Medieval Island of SaaremaaMarika Mägidoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.27.magivol27/magi.pdf2004
fl027FX000149Folklore vol. 27Reflections on International Narrative Research on the Example of The Tale of the Three OrangesChristine Shojaei Kawandoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.27.kawanvol27/kawan.pdf2004
fl027FX000150Folklore vol. 27A Hearer's Insight into Deaf Sign Language Folklore Liina Paalesdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.27.paalesvol27/paales.pdf2004
fl027FX000151Folklore vol. 27Synonymic Relationships of Estonian Similes Related to the Concept "kiiresti"Katre Õimdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.27.oimvol27/oim.pdf2004
fl027FX000152Folklore vol. 27On Factors Affecting Folkloristic Fieldwork: On the Example of Estonians in SiberiaAnu Korbdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.27.korbvol27/korb.pdf2004
fl027FX000153Folklore vol. 27LEPP: The portal of South-Estonian folklore Mare Kõiva, Liisa Vesikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.27.koivavesikvol27/koivavesik.pdf2004
fl027FX000154Folklore vol. 27About Attitudes towards Death in the Light of PsychologyArgo Moordoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.27.moorvol27/moor.pdf2004
fl027FX000155Folklore vol. 27Folkore Studies and Ethnology in Slovenia IMare Kõiva, Andres Kuperjanovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.27.koivavol27/koiva.pdf2004
fl028FX000156Folklore vol. 28Rumor, Belief, and Contestation Amid the Conversion Movement to Orthodoxy in Northern Livonia, 1845-1848Daniel C. Ryandoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.28.livoniavol28/livonia.pdf2004 Ergo-Hart Västrik Popular Religion in Multiconfessional Environment
fl028FX000157Folklore vol. 28Pilgrims, Priest and Local Religion in Contemporary Russia: Contested Religious DiscoursesJeanne Korminadoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.28.pilgrimsvol28/pilgrims.pdf2004 Ergo-Hart Västrik Popular Religion in Multiconfessional Environment
fl028FX000158Folklore vol. 28The Self-Conception of the Setu Woman Ksenia Müürsepp Merili Metsvahidoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.28.conceptvol28/concept.pdf2004 Ergo-Hart Västrik Popular Religion in Multiconfessional Environment
fl028FX000159Folklore vol. 28The Traits of Cultural Contacts Between Orthodox and Lutheran Commemoration Practices Among Ingrian Finnish Womendoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.28.traitsvol28/traits.pdf2004 Ergo-Hart Västrik Popular Religion in Multiconfessional Environment
fl028FX000160Folklore vol. 28Strategies of Constructing a Group Identity: the Sectarian Community of the Subbotniki in the Staniza NovoprivolnaiaSergey Shtyrkovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.28.identityvol28/identity.pdf2004 Ergo-Hart Västrik Popular Religion in Multiconfessional Environment
fl028FX000161Folklore vol. 28New Religious Movements and the Study of Folklore: The Russian CaseAlexander Panchenkodoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.28.movementvol28/movement.pdf2004 Ergo-Hart Västrik Popular Religion in Multiconfessional Environment
fl028FX000162Folklore vol. 28Time, Sense and Meaning in Three Votic Songs (with Reference to Estonian and Setu Additions)Madis Arukaskdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.28.songsvol28/songs.pdf2004 Ergo-Hart Västrik Popular Religion in Multiconfessional Environment
fl028FX000163Folklore vol. 28On the Strategies of Maintaining and Transmitting Religious Tradition among Ingrian Finnish Seuralaiset-MovementErgo-Hart Västrikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2004.28.vastrikvol28/vastrik.pdf2004 Ergo-Hart Västrik Popular Religion in Multiconfessional Environment
fl029FX000164Folklore vol. 29Targets of Estonian Ethnic Jokes Within the Theory of Ethnic Humour (Ch. Davies)Liisi Lainestedoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.daviesvol29/davies.pdf2005
fl029FX000165Folklore vol. 29A Heroic Tale's Travel from Siberia to the Balto-Finnic PeoplesKristi Salvedoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.heroicvol29/heroic.pdf2005
fl029FX000166Folklore vol. 29The Gender of the Heroes, Storytellers and Collectors of Estonian Fairy TalesRisto Järvdoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.gendervol29/gender.pdf2005
fl029FX000167Folklore vol. 29Formation of Folk Tales in Kodavere Parish Mall Hiiemäedoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.kodaverevol29/kodavere.pdf2005
fl029FX000168Folklore vol. 29The Saga of the Voitka Brothers in the Estonian Press: The Rise and Fall of a Heroic LegendEda Kalmredoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.voitkavol29/voitka.pdf2005
fl029FX000169Folklore vol. 29Fear, Honour and Shame. Horror Fictions of the 1950s and 1960sMare Kõivadoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.fearvol29/fear.pdf2005
fl029FX000170Folklore vol. 29Literature in Cyberspace Piret Viiresdoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.cyberlitvol29/cyberlit.pdf2005
fl029FX000171Folklore vol. 29Paul Ariste and the Veps Folklore Kristi Salvedoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.vepsvol29/veps.pdf2005
fl029FX000172Folklore vol. 29Komi Folklore. Collected by Paul AristeNikolai Kuznetsovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.komivol29/komi.pdf2005
fl029FX000173Folklore vol. 29Characters in Estonian Ethnic Humour (1890-2004)Liisi Lainestedoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.humourvol29/humour.pdf2005
fl029FX000174Folklore vol. 29Folklore Studies and Ethnology in Slovenia 2Mare Kõiva, Andres Kuperjanovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.29.sloveniavol29/slovenia.pdf2005
fl030FX000175Folklore vol. 30Welcome to Estonia! From the Folk Theory of Emotions and Character Traits to Brand Estonia Ene Vainik, Heili Oravdoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.30.vainikvol30/vainik.pdf2005
fl030FX000176Folklore vol. 30Art Deco in Estonian and Latvian Graphic Design Journals Merle Talvikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.30.talvikvol30/talvik.pdf2005
fl030FX000177Folklore vol. 30Traditional Childcare and Treatment of Children's Diseases among the Besermian Yelena Popovadoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.30.popovavol30/popova.pdf2005
fl030FX000178Folklore vol. 30Forest Myths: A Brief Overview of Ideologies Before St. Stefan Pavel F. Limerovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.30.limerovvol30/limerov.pdf2005
fl030FX000179Folklore vol. 30Coitus in the Symbolic Language of Slavic Culture Aleksandr V. Guradoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.30.guravol30/gura.pdf2005
fl030FX000180Folklore vol. 30Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Yorùbá Ajibade George Olusoladoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.30.olusalavol30/olusala.pdf2005
fl030FX000181Folklore vol. 30Plants in Estonian Folk Medicine: Collection, Formation and Overview of Previous Research Renata Sõukand, Ain Raaldoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.30.soukandvol30/soukand.pdf2005
fl031FX000182Folklore vol. 31William Whiston, the Universal Deluge, and a Terrible Spectacle Roomet Jakapidoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.31.jakapivol31/jakapi.pdf2005
fl031FX000183Folklore vol. 31On Supreme Sky God from the Aspect of Religious History and in Prehistoric Estonian Material Tarmo Kulmardoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.31.kulmarvol31/kulmar.pdf2005
fl031FX000184Folklore vol. 31Development of Children's Knowledge: The Sky, the Earth and the Sun in Children's Explanations Eve Kikasdoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.31.kikasvol31/kikas.pdf2005
fl031FX000185Folklore vol. 31Mt. Ocharovatelnaya and Mt. Sinyaya in Altai: Legends and Reality Leonid Marsadolovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.31.marsadolovvol31/marsadolov.pdf2005
fl031FX000186Folklore vol. 31Cosmic Hunt: Variants of Siberian-North American Myth Yuri Berezkindoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.31.berezkinvol31/berezkin.pdf2005
fl031FX000187Folklore vol. 31Astronomical Practices and Ritual Calendar of Euro-Asian Nomads Nyssanbay M. Bekbassardoi:10.7592/FEJF2005.31.bekbassarvol31/bekbassar.pdf2005
fl032FX000188Folklore vol. 32Pseudomythological Constellation Maps Andres Kuperjanovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.32.cpsvol32/cps.pdf2006
fl032FX000189Folklore vol. 32Time as a Category of Traditional Besermian WorldviewYelena Popovadoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.32.popovavol32/popova.pdf2006
fl032FX000190Folklore vol. 32The Role of Legend in Constructing Annual CycleMirjam Mencejdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.32.mirjamvol32/mirjam.pdf2006
fl032FX000191Folklore vol. 32The Sun, the Moon and Firmament in Chukchi Mythology and on the Relations of Celestial Bodies and SacrificesÜlo Siimetsdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.32.siimetsvol32/siimets.pdf2006
fl032FX000192Folklore vol. 32The Moon in Lithuanian Folk Tradition Jonas Vaiškūnasdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.32.moonvol32/moon.pdf2006
fl032FX000193Folklore vol. 32On the Time-Space Context of Moon-Related BeliefsJaak Jaanistedoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.32.jaanistevol32/jaaniste.pdf2006
fl032FX000194Folklore vol. 32The Burial of the von Adlerbergs of Viru-Nigula in the Context of the 19th CenturyKristiina Johanson, Tõnno Jonuks, Jana Limbo-Simovartdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.32.vonvol32/von.pdf2006
fl033FX000195Folklore vol. 33Narratives, Space and Drama: Essential Spatial Aspects Involved in the Performance and Reception of Oral NarrativeTerry Gunnelldoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.33.terryvol33/terry.pdf2006 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices I
fl033FX000196Folklore vol. 33Contemporary Linguistic Theories of Humour Arvo Krikmanndoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.33.krikuvol33/kriku.pdf2006 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices I
fl033FX000197Folklore vol. 33Narrative Form and the Structure of Myth Emily Lyledoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.33.lylevol33/lyle.pdf2006 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices I
fl033FX000198Folklore vol. 33The Modern Genre of Finnish Mass Sermon Päivikki Antoladoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.33.antolavol33/antola.pdf2006 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices I
fl033FX000199Folklore vol. 33Poetry in Action: Verse and Narration in Everyday CommunicationRobin Gwyndafdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.33.gwyndafvol33/gwyndaf.pdf2006 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices I
fl033FX000200Folklore vol. 33The Karelia of Memories - Utopias of a PlaceOuti Fingerroosdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.33.fingerroosvol33/fingerroos.pdf2006 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices I
fl033FX000201Folklore vol. 33Manuscripts and Broadsheets. Narrative Genres and the Communication Circuit among Working-Class Youth in early 20th-Century FinlandKirsti Salmi-Niklanderdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.33.salmivol33/salmi.pdf2006 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices I
fl033FX000202Folklore vol. 33Paul Ariste Centre for Indigenous Finno-Ugric Peoples at the University of Tartu Has Been Active for Five Years (1999-2004)Kadi Sarvdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.33.kadivol33/kadi.pdf2006 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices I
fl034FX000203Folklore vol. 34Why the Literary Interpretation of a Tale is Not Popular? Little Red Riding HoodBronislava Kerbelytėdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.34.kerbelytevol34/kerbelyte.pdf2006
fl034FX000204Folklore vol. 34Loss of a Syncretic Theatrical Form Javaid Iqbal Bhatdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.34.bhatvol34/bhat.pdf2006
fl034FX000205Folklore vol. 34Ethnographic Legacies: Niko Kuret Ingrid Slavec Gradišnikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.34.kuretvol34/kuret.pdf2006
fl034FX000206Folklore vol. 34Sacred Image as a Local Patron? The Icon of St Nicholas of Mozhaisk in the Petseri Monastery in Setu FolkloreHelen Bomedoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.34.bomevol34/bome.pdf2006
fl034FX000207Folklore vol. 34Place Names about Life by the Sea – an Archaeological Perspective on the Estonian-Swedish LandscapeKristin Ilvesdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.34.ilvesvol34/ilves.pdf2006
fl034FX000208Folklore vol. 34Schools of Estonian Graphic Art in Journalism in the 1930s Merle Talvikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2006.34.talvikvol34/talvik.pdf2006
fl035FX000209Folklore vol. 35“The proof of the proverb is in the probing” Alan Dundes as Pioneering Paremiologist Wolfgang Miederdoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.35.miedervol35/mieder.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices II
fl035FX000210Folklore vol. 35Digging One's Own Grave Arvo Krikmanndoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.35.krikmannvol35/krikmann.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices II
fl035FX000211Folklore vol. 35 Some Interlinguistic Relationships in the First Hungarian Proverb Collection of 1598 Gyula Paczolaydoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.35.paczolayvol35/paczolay.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices II
fl035FX000212Folklore vol. 35 Use of Proverbs and Narrative Thought Outi Lauhakangasdoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.35.lauhakangasvol35/lauhakangas.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices II
fl035FX000213Folklore vol. 35 The Style of ‘Lokaabharan’ in Indian ProverbsBiplab Chakrabortydoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.35.biplabvol35/biplab.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices II
fl035FX000214Folklore vol. 35How Long Are Sayings?Anneli Barandoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.35.baranvol35/baran.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices II
fl035FX000215Folklore vol. 35Carrying a Wolf, a Goat, and a Cabbage across the Stream. Metamorphoses of ATU 1579Piret Voolaiddoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.35.voolaidvol35/voolaid.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices II
fl035FX000216Folklore vol. 35Riddles as a Community Psychological Phenomenon in Folklore: Myths, Fairytales, Personal Literature ArtAna Stefanovadoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.35.stefanovavol35/stefanova.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices II
fl036FX000217Folklore vol. 36The Roasted Cock Crows: Apocryphal Writings (Acts of Peter, the Ethiopic Book of the Cock, Coptic Fragments, the Gospel of Nicodemus) and Folklore TextsIlona Nagydoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.36.nagyvol36/nagy.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices III
fl036FX000218Folklore vol. 36 Making the Myth Real: The Genre of Hebrew Itineraries to the Holy Land in the 12th–13th CenturyAyelet Oettingerdoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.36.oettingervol36/oettinger.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices III
fl036FX000219Folklore vol. 36Dwarfs and Cranes. Baltic-Finnish Mythologies in Eurasian and American Perspective (70 years after Yrjö Toivonen)Yuri Berezkindoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.36.berezkinvol36/berezkin.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices III
fl036FX000220Folklore vol. 36The Neutralization of Tropes in Armenian Fairy Tale Narratives Alvard Jivanyandoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.36.jivanyanvol36/jivanyan.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices III
fl036FX000221Folklore vol. 36Structural-Semantic Analysis and Some Peculiarities of Lithuanian Novelle TalesRadvilė Racėnaitėdoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.36.racenaitevol36/racenaite.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices III
fl036FX000222Folklore vol. 36The ‘Bluebeard’ Dream – the Affinity between Female Dream Narratives and Fairy TalesRavit Raufmandoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.36.raufmanvol36/raufman.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices III
fl036FX000223Folklore vol. 36A Function of Dream Narratives in Fairy Tales Judit Gulyásdoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.36.gulyasvol36/gulyas.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices III
fl036FX000224Folklore vol. 36The Forbidden Love in Nature. Analysis of the “Animal Wife” Folktale in Terms of Content Level, Structural Level, and Semantic LevelFumihiko Kobayashidoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.36.kobayashivol36/kobayashi.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices III
fl037FX000225Folklore vol. 37Expanding Worlds: Into the Ethnography of NarratingUlf Palmenfeltdoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.37.palmenfeltvol37/palmenfelt.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices IV
fl037FX000226Folklore vol. 37 The Making of a Bewitchment Narrative Ágnes Heszdoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.37.heszvol37/hesz.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices IV
fl037FX000227Folklore vol. 37The Roles of Participants in a Storytelling Event Barbara Ivančič Kutindoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.37.kutinvol37/kutin.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices IV
fl037FX000228Folklore vol. 37(E)migrating Legends and Sea Change John Shawdoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.37.shawvol37/shaw.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices IV
fl037FX000229Folklore vol. 37Folk Narrative and the History of Culture Lene I. Jørgensendoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.37.jorgensenvol37/jorgensen.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices IV
fl037FX000230Folklore vol. 37Genre Space of Folk Narrative Tradition: The Russian CaseGeorgiy A. Levintondoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.37.levintonvol37/levinton.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices IV
fl037FX000231Folklore vol. 37The Revival of Prehistoric Burial Practices: Three Archaeological ExperimentsTõnno Jonuks, Marge Konsadoi:10.7592/FEJF2007.37.burialvol37/burial.pdf2007 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices IV
fl038FX000232Folklore vol. 38The Abanyole Dirge: “Escorting” the Dead with Song and DanceEzekiel Alembidoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.38.alembivol38/alembi.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices V
fl038FX000233Folklore vol. 38 Rituals around Sudden Death in Recent Years Anders Gustavssondoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.38.gustavssonvol38/gustavsson.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices V
fl038FX000234Folklore vol. 38 Conceptual Analysis and Variation in Belief Tradition: A Case of Death-Related BeingsKaarina Koskidoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.38.koskivol38/koski.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices V
fl038FX000235Folklore vol. 38“The First Buddhist Priest on the Baltic Coast”: Karlis Tennison and the Introduction of Buddhism in EstoniaMait Taltsdoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.38.taltsvol38/talts.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices V
fl038FX000236Folklore vol. 38A Wise Fool’s Anecdotal Cycle in Malta: A ReappraisalĠorġ (George) Mifsud-Chircopdoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.38.mifsudvol38/mifsud.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices V
fl038FX000237Folklore vol. 38On the Writing Systems of Ancient Peru: The Possibility of the Quellqa and the Quipu as an Instrument of Power of the IncasTarmo Kulmardoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.38.kulmarvol38/kulmar.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices V
fl039FX000238Folklore vol. 39Improvisation and Variation: Post-Communist Bulgaria Challenges National Folklore TraditionElka Agoston-Nikolovadoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.39.agostonvol39/agoston.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VI
fl039FX000239Folklore vol. 39 Complementarity of Sources in Studying Adaptation: An Oral History ViewpointTiiu Jaago, Ene Kõresaardoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.39.jaago_koresaarvol39/jaago_koresaar.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VI
fl039FX000240Folklore vol. 39 Remigration and Telling about It: Stories of Estonians from RussiaAnu Korbdoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.39.korbvol39/korb.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VI
fl039FX000241Folklore vol. 39Playing with Boundaries: Self and Dialogue in an Indian-American Fatana PerformanceChristine Garloughdoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.39.garloughvol39/garlough.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VI
fl039FX000242Folklore vol. 39Narratives and Emotions: Revealing and Concealing LaughterLena Marander-Eklunddoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.39.eklundvol39/eklund.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VI
fl039FX000243Folklore vol. 39Among Others in a World of One’s Own. Appropriation of Space in Modern Apartment Houses in the Early Post-War PeriodHåkan Berglund-Lakedoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.39.berglundvol39/berglund.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VI
fl040FX000244Folklore vol. 40Illustrations to the Folktale “The Fisherman and His Wife” (KHM 19, ATU 555)Hans-Jörg Utherdoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.40.uthervol40/uther.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VII
fl040FX000245Folklore vol. 40 From Folk Tales to Popular Culture: Poaching and Relevance in the Process of HistoryKinga Varga-Dobaidoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.40.vargavol40/varga.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VII
fl040FX000246Folklore vol. 40 The Life of Traditional Demonological Legends in Contemporary Urban Ukrainian CommunitiesInna Golovakha-Hicksdoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.40.golovakhavol40/golovakha.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VII
fl040FX000247Folklore vol. 40Landscape with a Whining Shinbone: On a Legend in the Estonian Folk Tale Anthology by Friedrich Reinhold KreutzwaldMare Kaldadoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.40.kaldavol40/kalda.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VII
fl040FX000248Folklore vol. 40Traces of Old Legends in a Modern Local Tradition: Preliminary considerations on a Greek insular communityMarilena Papachristophoroudoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.40.greecevol40/greek.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VII
fl040FX000249Folklore vol. 40Organization of Folk Athletic Games in Thrace Evangelos Albanidis, Dimitrios Goulimaris, Vasileios Serbezisdoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.40.thracevol40/thrace.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VII
fl040FX000250Folklore vol. 40The Spaciotemporal Patterns of Georgian Winter Solstice Festivals Nino Abakeliadoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.40.abakeliavol40/abakelia.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VII
fl040FX000251Folklore vol. 40Politics of Joking: Ethnic Jokes and Their Targets in Estonia (1890s–2007)Liisi Lainestedoi:10.7592/FEJF2008.40.lainestevol40/laineste.pdf2008 Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices VII
fl041FX000252Folklore vol. 41Introduction: Generation P in the Tundra. Young People and the Russian NorthAimar Ventseldoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.ventselvol41/ventsel.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000253Folklore vol. 41 Settlement Nenets on the Yamal Peninsula: Who Are They?Elena V. Liarskayadoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.liarskayavol41/liarskaya.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000254Folklore vol. 41 Mobile Phone Revolution in the Tundra? Technological Change among Russian Reindeer NomadsFlorian M. Stammlerdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.stammlervol41/stammler.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000255Folklore vol. 41From Drums to Frying Pans, From Party Membership Card to “Magic Branch” Withe: Three Generations of Nanai ShamansTatiana D. Bulgakovadoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.bulgakovavol41/bulgakova.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000256Folklore vol. 41Tibetan Landscapes in Chukotka: The Consumption of Esoteric Mass Production in the Community of Markovo VillageMarina Hakkarainendoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.hakkarainenvol41/hakkarainen.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000257Folklore vol. 41The Role of Pop Music and Other Phenomena of Modern Culture in the Preservation of Komi Language Nikolay Kuznetsovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.kuznetsovvol41/kuznetsov.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000258Folklore vol. 41Kickboxing, Breakdance and Pop Music versus Wrestling, Round Dance and Folk Music? Popular Culture in Buryatia TodayStefan Kristdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.kristvol41/krist.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000259Folklore vol. 41Dancing in the House of Koryak Culture Alexander D. Kingdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.kingvol41/king.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000260Folklore vol. 41“Bright Future?” The Knowledge, Practices and Strategies of the Young People in a South Siberian Evenki VillageIstván Sánthadoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.santhavol41/santha.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000261Folklore vol. 41Does Life Make More Sense Now? Young People’s Life Projects and the New Feeling of Stability in RussiaJoachim Otto Habeckdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.habeckvol41/habeck.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000262Folklore vol. 41A Tale of Two Sisters: Age, Agency and Tradition among the Yugan KhantyAndrew Wiget, Olga Balalaevadoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.khantyvol41/khanty.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl041FX000263Folklore vol. 41The Role of Young People in Resistance against the Soviet Rule among the Northern Peoples in the 1930s–1940sArt Leetedoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.41.leetevol41/leete.pdf2009 Aimar Ventsel Generation P in the Tundra: Youth in Siberia
fl042FX000264Folklore vol. 42Iron Age Cemeteries and Hiisi Sites: Is There a Connection?Anna Wessmandoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.42.wessmanvol42/wessman.pdf2009 Tõnno Jonuks Sacred Natural Places
fl042FX000265Folklore vol. 42 Hiis Sites in the Research History of Estonian Sacred Places Tõnno Jonuksdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.42.jonuksvol42/jonuks.pdf2009 Tõnno Jonuks Sacred Natural Places
fl042FX000266Folklore vol. 42 Sacred Natural Places of Estonia: Regional AspectsHeiki Valkdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.42.valkvol42/valk.pdf2009 Tõnno Jonuks Sacred Natural Places
fl042FX000267Folklore vol. 42 The Sacred Groves of the Curonian Ķoniņi: Past and PresentSandis Laimedoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.42.laimevol42/laime.pdf2009 Tõnno Jonuks Sacred Natural Places
fl042FX000268Folklore vol. 42 The Sacred Groves of the Balts: Lost History and Modern ResearchVykintas Vaitkevičiusdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.42.vaitkeviciusvol42/vaitkevicius.pdf2009 Tõnno Jonuks Sacred Natural Places
fl042FX000269Folklore vol. 42On a Grave Symbol from Northwest Belarus Andrei Prokhorovdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.42.prokhorovvol42/prokhorov.pdf2009 Tõnno Jonuks Sacred Natural Places
fl042FX000270Folklore vol. 42Die heiligen Wälder der Slawen in Pommern im frühen MittelalterAndrzej Kuczkowski, Kamil Kajkowskidoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.42.pommernvol42/pommern.pdf2009 Tõnno Jonuks Sacred Natural Places
fl042FX000271Folklore vol. 42The Changing Meaning of ‘Thunderbolts’ Kristiina Johansondoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.42.johansonvol42/johanson.pdf2009 Tõnno Jonuks Sacred Natural Places
fl043FX000272Folklore vol. 43 Adonis Revisited: Erotic Representations of the Male Body in Women’s Crime FictionBrigitte Frizzonidoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.43.frizzonivol43/frizzoni.pdf2009
fl043FX000273Folklore vol. 43 Jokes in Soviet Estonia Arvo Krikmanndoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.43.krikmannvol43/krikmann.pdf2009
fl043FX000274Folklore vol. 43 Death in a 19th-Century Peasant Society – Analysed by Means of a Peasant’s Diaries from a Rural Community on the Western Coast of SwedenAnders Gustavssondoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.43.gustavssonvol43/gustavsson.pdf2009
fl043FX000275Folklore vol. 43 Narrative Scholar and Narrated Lives: Life Writing and (Self-)RepresentationKristin Kuutmadoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.43.kuutmavol43/kuutma.pdf2009
fl043FX000276Folklore vol. 43The Narratives of Oskar Loorits and Paul Ariste and Their Problematic Dialogue with the ‘Popular’Madis Arukaskdoi:10.7592/FEJF2009.43.arukaskvol43/arukask.pdf2009
fl044FX000277Folklore vol. 44 On the Methods of Constructing a Mythological Text: Slavic Folk Beliefs regarding the Spots of the MoonAleksandr Guradoi:10.7592/FEJF2010.44.guravol44/gura.pdf2010
fl044FX000278Folklore vol. 44 The Churl’s Wagon Andres Kuperjanov doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.44.kuperjanovvol44/kuperjanov.pdf2010
fl044FX000279Folklore vol. 44 On the Cosmic Hunt in North Eurasian Rock Art Enn Ernits doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.44.ernitsvol44/ernits.pdf2010
fl044FX000280Folklore vol. 44 Bulgarian Wooden Calendars Vesselina Koleva doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.44.kolevavol44/koleva.pdf2010
fl044FX000281Folklore vol. 44Time and Cosmos: A Zoomorphic Cosmological Monument of the Late AntiquityNikolay Sivkov doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.44.sivkovvol44/sivkov.pdf2010
fl044FX000282Folklore vol. 44Children’s Thinking. Clouds, Rain, and Rainbow in Children’s ExplanationsEve Kikas doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.44.kikasvol44/kikas.pdf2010
fl044FX000283Folklore vol. 44The Last Minutes of Our Earth Mare Kõiva doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.44.koivavol44/koiva.pdf2010
fl044FX000284Folklore vol. 44Continuity, Identity and Folk Studies in Greece Evangelos Gr. Avdikos doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.44.avdikosvol44/avdikos.pdf2010
fl045FX000285Folklore vol. 45 Healers and Healing Skills in the Ryzhkovo Vironian Community Anu Korb doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.45.korbvol45/korb.pdf2010
fl045FX000286Folklore vol. 45 The Heavenly Cow Rupan and the Festival of Ceremonial Torture Gai-Goheri: Myth, Rituals and Sacrifice among the People of the Bhil Tribe of Western IndiaSarita Sahay doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.45.sahayvol45/sahay.pdf2010
fl045FX000287Folklore vol. 45 Dog Sacrifice in Ancient and Modern Greece: From the Sacrifice Ritual to Dog Torture (kynomartyrion)Manolis G. Sergis doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.45.sergisvol45/sergis.pdf2010
fl045FX000288Folklore vol. 45 The Moche Lima Beans Recording System, Revisited Tomi S. Melka doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.45.melkavol45/melka.pdf2010
fl045FX000289Folklore vol. 45About the Comparison of the State Authority and Social Organization by Incas and Aztecs Tarmo Kulmar doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.45.kulmarvol45/kulmar.pdf2010
fl045FX000290Folklore vol. 45Sagnagrunnur: A New Database of Icelandic Folk Legends in PrintTerry Gunnell doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.45.gunnellvol45/gunnell.pdf2010
fl045FX000291Folklore vol. 45Some Reflections on the Savara's Ethnomedicine L. Madan Mohan doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.45.mohanvol45/mohan.pdf2010
fl046FX000292Folklore vol. 46 How Humour Makes a Difference Seppo Knuuttila doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.46.knuuttilavol46/knuuttila.pdf2010 From Language to Mind 3
fl046FX000293Folklore vol. 46 Dumb Blondes and Democracy Stanoy Stanoev doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.46.stanoevvol46/stanoev.pdf2010 From Language to Mind 3
fl046FX000294Folklore vol. 46 Humorous Interpretations of Abbreviations as a Socio-Cultural PhenomenonPiret Voolaid doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.46.voolaidvol46/voolaid.pdf2010 From Language to Mind 3
fl046FX000295Folklore vol. 46Paremiological Correspondence and its After-Thoughts Outi Lauhakangas doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.46.lauhakangasvol46/lauhakangas.pdf2010 From Language to Mind 3
fl046FX000296Folklore vol. 46Women’s Place in Finnish Proverbs from Childhood Liisa Granbom-Herranen doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.46.granbomvol46/granbom.pdf2010 From Language to Mind 3
fl046FX000297Folklore vol. 46Proverbs and Medicine: The Problem of Applied FolkloreLarisa Fialkova doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.46.fialkovavol46/fialkova.pdf2010 From Language to Mind 3
fl046FX000298Folklore vol. 46Tricksters Trot to America: Areal Distribution of Folklore MotifsYuri Berezkin doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.46.berezkinvol46/berezkin.pdf2010 From Language to Mind 3
fl046FX000299Folklore vol. 46"Our Beer is Better Than Theirs ": Sub-cultural Comics as a Joking Relationship with IdentityAimar Ventsel doi:10.7592/FEJF2010.46.ventselvol46/ventsel.pdf2010 From Language to Mind 3
fl047FX000300Folklore vol. 47 Name Signs for Hearing People Liina Paales doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.47.paalesvol47/paales.pdf2011
fl047FX000301Folklore vol. 47 From Conversation to Proverbs: Estonian ikka- and iks-constructionsKarl Pajusalu, Renate Pajusalu doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.47.pajusaluvol47/pajusalu.pdf2011
fl047FX000302Folklore vol. 47 The Ritual Year of the Icon of the Annunciation on the Island of Tinos, GreeceEvy Johanne Håland doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.47.halandvol47/haland.pdf2011
fl047FX000303Folklore vol. 47The History of Lapland and the Case of the Sami Noaidi Drum Figures Reversed Francis Joy doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.47.joyvol47/joy.pdf2011
fl047FX000304Folklore vol. 47Formulae for Expelling Illnesses/Diseases in Udmurt Charms and Prayers Tatiana Panina doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.47.paninavol47/panina.pdf2011
fl047FX000305Folklore vol. 47Funeral and Magical Rituals among the Komi Galina Misharina doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.47.misharinavol47/misharina.pdf2011
fl047FX000306Folklore vol. 47About Female Deities in the Mythology of Finno-Ugric Peoples Nina Yurchenkova doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.47.yurchenkovavol47/yurchenkova.pdf2011
fl048FX000307Folklore vol. 48 Chaotic Identities, Love and Fathering Stephen Williams doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.48.williamsvol48/williams.pdf2011
fl048FX000308Folklore vol. 48 Connecting Threads Mirjam Mencejdoi:10.7592/FEJF2011.48.mencejvol48/mencej.pdf2011
fl048FX000309Folklore vol. 48 The Discursive Suppression of Women: Female Evils as the Villains of the Motherhood NarrativeLeyla Önal doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.48.onalvol48/onal.pdf2011
fl048FX000310Folklore vol. 48Folk Narratives and Legends as Sources of Widespread Idioms: Toward a Lexicon of Common Figurative UnitsElisabeth Piirainen doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.48.piirainenvol48/piirainen.pdf2011
fl048FX000311Folklore vol. 48Images of Birds in Mordvinian Mythology Tatiana Deviatkina doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.48.deviatkinavol48/deviatkina.pdf2011
fl048FX000312Folklore vol. 48Rites Associated with Conjuring Rain in the Udmurt Calendar Cycle Tatiana Vladykina, Galina Glukhova doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.48.udmurtvol48/udmurt.pdf2011
fl048FX000313Folklore vol. 48The Tallinn Department of the Estonian National Museum: History and DevelopmentsPiret Õunapuu doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.48.ounapuuvol48/ounapuu.pdf2011
fl049FX000314Folklore vol. 49Introduction: World Routes in the Arctic Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.49.worldroutesvol49/worldroutes.pdf2011 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel World Routes
fl049FX000315Folklore vol. 49 Movement in an Insular Community: the Faeroe Islands’ caseToomas Lapp doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.49.lappvol49/lapp.pdf2011 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel World Routes
fl049FX000316Folklore vol. 49 Yuri Vella on the move: driving a Uazik in Western SiberiaLiivo Niglas doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.49.niglasvol49/niglas.pdf2011 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel World Routes
fl049FX000317Folklore vol. 49 Mapping Evenki Land: The Study of Mobility Patterns in Eastern SiberiaTatiana Safonova, István Sántha doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.49.evenkivol49/evenki.pdf2011 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel World Routes
fl049FX000318Folklore vol. 49Movement and Enlightenment in the Russian North Eva Toulouze doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.49.toulouzevol49/toulouze.pdf2011 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel World Routes
fl049FX000319Folklore vol. 49Siberian movements: how Money and Goods travel in and out of Northwestern SakhaAimar Ventsel doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.49.ventselvol49/ventsel.pdf2011 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel World Routes
fl049FX000320Folklore vol. 49Adapting Christianity on the Siberian Edge during the Early Soviet Period Art Leete, Laur Vallikivi doi:10.7592/FEJF2011.49.leetevallikivivol49/leetevallikivi.pdf2011 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel World Routes
fl050FX000321Folklore vol. 50Identity and Stereotypes: Humor ManifestationsRita Repšienė, Laima Anglickienė doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.50.identityvol50/identity.pdf2012 Anneli Baran From Language to Mind 3/2
fl050FX000322Folklore vol. 50“You’ve Lived in X Too Long, when...”: A View of the Worldthrough Comic Lists (Expatriates’ Humour on Yelenevskaya doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.50.yelenevskayavol50/yelenevskaya.pdf2012 Anneli Baran From Language to Mind 3/2
fl050FX000323Folklore vol. 50The Popular Nobel Prize Award Banquet: DistancedParticipation of an Interacting TV-audienceMarlene Hugoson doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.50.hugosonvol50/hugoson.pdf2012 Anneli Baran From Language to Mind 3/2
fl050FX000324Folklore vol. 50Humour Theories and the Archetype of the Trickster in Folklore:An Analytical Psychology Point of ViewAna Stefanova doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.50.stefanovavol50/stefanova.pdf2012 Anneli Baran From Language to Mind 3/2
fl050FX000325Folklore vol. 50Ethnic Humour: What do Portuguese People Laugh at?Pedro Martins doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.50.martinsvol50/martins.pdf2012 Anneli Baran From Language to Mind 3/2
fl050FX000326Folklore vol. 50The Joke Cycle Island of Cannibals: Structure, Functions,MessagesGrigor Haralampiev Grigorov doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.50.grigorovvol50/grigorov.pdf2012 Anneli Baran From Language to Mind 3/2
fl050FX000327Folklore vol. 50Visual Jokes about Christmas and Santa Claus on the Internet - Why and Why not?Guntis Pakalns doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.50.pakalnsvol50/pakalns.pdf2012 Anneli Baran From Language to Mind 3/2
fl050FX000328Folklore vol. 50Folklore Introduces: Ingrid Slavec Gradišnikdoi:10.7592/FEJF2012.50.introductionvol50/introduction.pdf2012 Anneli Baran From Language to Mind 3/2
fl051FX000329Folklore vol. 51Introduction: Dynamic Perspectives of Identity PoliticsArt Leete doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.51.Leetevol51/introduction.pdf2012 Art Leete Dynamic Perspectives of Identity Politics
fl051FX000330Folklore vol. 51Reproducing Identity through Remembering: Cultural Texts on the Late Soviet PeriodKirsti Jõesalu, Raili Nugin doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.51.joesalu-nuginvol51/joesalu_nugin.pdf2012 Art Leete Dynamic Perspectives of Identity Politics
fl051FX000331Folklore vol. 51Minority Identities and the Construction of Rights in Post-Soviet SettingsKristin Kuutma, Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Ergo-Hart Västrik doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.51.kuutma-seljamaa-vastrikvol51/minority.pdf2012 Art Leete Dynamic Perspectives of Identity Politics
fl051FX000332Folklore vol. 51Smoking Out Local Traditions? Identity and Heritage Production in Southeast Estonian Rural Tourism EnterprisesEster Võsu, Helen Sooväli-Sepping doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.51.vosu-soovalivol51/tourism.pdf2012 Art Leete Dynamic Perspectives of Identity Politics
fl051FX000333Folklore vol. 51Our Clock Moves at a Different Pace:The Timescapes of Identity in Estonian Rural TourismMaarja Kaaristo, Risto Järv doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.51.kaaristo-jarvvol51/kaaristo_jarv.pdf2012 Art Leete Dynamic Perspectives of Identity Politics
fl051FX000334Folklore vol. 51Native Spirituality in (Re)constructed Personhood:Observing and Filming Yuri VellaEva Toulouze, Liivo Niglas doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.51.toulouze-niglasvol51/toulouze_niglas.pdf2012 Art Leete Dynamic Perspectives of Identity Politics
fl051FX000335Folklore vol. 51The Churches were Opened and Lots of Missionaries Arrived:Dialogue between Komi Identity and FaithArt Leete, Piret Koosa doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.51.leete-koosavol51/leete_koosa.pdf2012 Art Leete Dynamic Perspectives of Identity Politics
fl052FX000336Folklore vol. 52Introduction to Borders and Life-StoriesTuulikki Kurki, Kirsi Laurén doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.52.kurki_laurenvol52/kurki_lauren.pdf2012 Tuulikki Kurki, Kirsi Laurén Borders and Life-Stories
fl052FX000337Folklore vol. 52Cultural Borders in an Autobiographical NarrativeTiiu Jaago doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.52.jaagovol52/jaago.pdf2012 Tuulikki Kurki, Kirsi Laurén Borders and Life-Stories
fl052FX000338Folklore vol. 52Fear in Border Narratives: Perspectives of the Finnish-Russian BorderKirsi Laurén doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.52.laurenvol52/lauren.pdf2012 Tuulikki Kurki, Kirsi Laurén Borders and Life-Stories
fl052FX000339Folklore vol. 52One Life and Two Perspectives Separated by the Border. The case of Taisto HuuskonenTuulikki Kurki doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.52.kurkivol52/kurki.pdf2012 Tuulikki Kurki, Kirsi Laurén Borders and Life-Stories
fl052FX000340Folklore vol. 52Ethnicity, Cultural Identity and Bordering: A Tornedalian NegroAnne Heith doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.52.heithvol52/heith.pdf2012 Tuulikki Kurki, Kirsi Laurén Borders and Life-Stories
fl052FX000341Folklore vol. 52Borders and Borderlines. Interview with Associate Professor Stephen WolfeTuulikki Kurki, Kirsi Laurén doi:10.7592/FEJF2012.52.interview_kurki_laurenvol52/interview_kurki_lauren.pdf2012 Tuulikki Kurki, Kirsi Laurén Borders and Life-Stories
fl053FX000342Folklore vol. 53To what Extent are Jokes Reactional? (Based on a Joke Cycle about Yury Luzhkov’s Dismissal)Anastasiya Astapovadoi:10.7592/FEJF2013.53.astapovavol53/astapova.pdf2013 Folklore and Internet
fl053FX000343Folklore vol. 53Funny or Aggressive? Failed Humour in Internet CommentsLiisi Laineste doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.53.lainestevol53/laineste.pdf2013 Folklore and Internet
fl053FX000344Folklore vol. 53On the Role of Visualisation in Understanding Phraseologisms on the Example of CommercialsAnneli Baran doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.53.baranvol53/baran.pdf2013 Folklore and Internet
fl053FX000345Folklore vol. 53Click ‘Like’ and Post It on Your Wall!Chain Posts on Facebook – Identity Construction and ValuesPiret Voolaid doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.53.voolaidvol53/voolaid.pdf2013 Folklore and Internet
fl053FX000346Folklore vol. 53Death and Bereavement on the Internet in Sweden and NorwayAnders Gustavsson doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.53.gustavssonvol53/gustavsson.pdf2013 Folklore and Internet
fl053FX000347Folklore vol. 53The Peasant Poor and Images of Poverty: Finnish Proverbs as Discursive Representations of Cultural KnowledgeEija Stark doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.53.starkvol53/stark.pdf2013 Folklore and Internet
fl053FX000348Folklore vol. 53On Reality, Truth and Ideologies in the Case of Munchausen TalesEda Kalmre doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.53.kalmrevol53/kalmre.pdf2013 Folklore and Internet
fl053FX000349Folklore vol. 53Enigma as a Literary Device in Native American Folklore: Jarold Ramsey’s Analysis of Two Clackamas Chinook TalesDaniel J. Frim doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.53.frimvol53/frim.pdf2013 Folklore and Internet
fl053FX000350Folklore vol. 53Interview with Hungarian folklorist and ethnologist Mihály Hoppál on the occasion of his 70th jubileeNikolay Kuznetsov doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.53.kuznetsovvol53/kuznetsov.pdf2013 Folklore and Internet
fl054FX000351Folklore vol. 54We Believe! Online Representations of the Olympic Winner as a Mythic HeroPiret Voolaid, Liisi Laineste doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.54.voolaid_lainestevol54/voolaid_laineste.pdf2013 Piret Voolaid, Kalle Voolaid Sport culture, games and folk dance
fl054FX000352Folklore vol. 54Violence and Roughness in Traditional Games and Sports:The Case of Folk Football (England and Scotland)Laurent Sébastien Fournier doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.54.fourniervol54/fournier.pdf2013 Piret Voolaid, Kalle Voolaid Sport culture, games and folk dance
fl054FX000353Folklore vol. 54Betel Nut, Magic and Baseball: A Case Study of Puyuma Tribe in TaiwanJunwei Yu doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.54.yuvol54/yu.pdf2013 Piret Voolaid, Kalle Voolaid Sport culture, games and folk dance
fl054FX000354Folklore vol. 54Estonian Folk Dance: Terms and Concepts in Theory and PracticeSille Kapper doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.54.kappervol54/kapper.pdf2013 Piret Voolaid, Kalle Voolaid Sport culture, games and folk dance
fl054FX000355Folklore vol. 54Motivational Underpinnings of Estonian Folk Dance Practices among the Estonian Diaspora over TimeEha Rüütel, Iivi Zajedova, Angela Arraste doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.54.ryytel_zajedova_arrastevol54/ryytel_zajedova_arraste.pdf2013 Piret Voolaid, Kalle Voolaid Sport culture, games and folk dance
fl054FX000356Folklore vol. 54Traditional Children’s Games of BiharSarita Sahay doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.54.sahayvol54/sahay.pdf2013 Piret Voolaid, Kalle Voolaid Sport culture, games and folk dance
fl054FX000357Folklore vol. 54School Olympics in Estonia: New Chance of Life for Traditional Sports and Games?Kalle Voolaid doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.54.voolaidvol54/voolaid.pdf2013 Piret Voolaid, Kalle Voolaid Sport culture, games and folk dance
fl054FX000358Folklore vol. 54The Traditions of Fisticuffs in the North–West of Russia from the Early Middle Ages to the Modern EraDmitry Belyukov doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.54.belyukovvol54/belyukov.pdf2013 Piret Voolaid, Kalle Voolaid Sport culture, games and folk dance
fl055FX000359Folklore vol. 55Hulje: Calendrical Rites along a Small StreamMaria Petersson doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.55.peterssonvol55/petersson.pdf2013 Tõnno Jonuks, Ester Oras Archaeology of Religion
fl055FX000360Folklore vol. 55Archaeology and Ritual: A Case Study on Traces of Ritualisation in Archaeological Remains from Lindängelund, Southern SwedenAnne Carlie doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.55.carlievol55/carlie.pdf2013 Tõnno Jonuks, Ester Oras Archaeology of Religion
fl055FX000361Folklore vol. 55To Be or Not to Be... a Christian: Some New Perspectives on Understanding the Christianisation of EstoniaTõnno Jonuks, Tuuli Kurisoo doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.55.jonuks_kurisoovol55/jonuks_kurisoo.pdf2013 Tõnno Jonuks, Ester Oras Archaeology of Religion
fl055FX000362Folklore vol. 55Finding Folk Religion: An Archaeology of ‘Strange’ BehaviourSonja Hukantaival doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.55.hukantaivalvol55/hukantaival.pdf2013 Tõnno Jonuks, Ester Oras Archaeology of Religion
fl055FX000363Folklore vol. 55Sacrifice or Offering: What Can We See in the Archaeology of Northern Europe?Ester Oras doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.55.orasvol55/oras.pdf2013 Tõnno Jonuks, Ester Oras Archaeology of Religion
fl055FX000364Folklore vol. 55Materiality of Religion: Religion-Related Artefacts in Estonian Archaeological CollectionsTõnno Jonuks, Ester Oras, Kristiina Johanson doi:10.7592/FEJF2013.55.artefactsvol55/artefacts.pdf2013 Tõnno Jonuks, Ester Oras Archaeology of Religion
fl056FX000365Folklore vol. 56Social Meaning of Culture in a Stalinist Prison CampAimar Ventsel, Baurzhan Zhangutin, Dinara Khamidullina doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.56.ventselvol56/ventsel.pdf2014 History, myths, religion
fl056FX000366Folklore vol. 56The Dog, the Horse and the Creation of Man Yuri Berezkin doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.56.berezkinvol56/berezkin.pdf2014 History, myths, religion
fl056FX000367Folklore vol. 56A Place of Miracles: The Artistic Representation of Lourdes by Two Contemporary Directors: Lourdes (2009) by Jessica Hausner and Une femme nommée Marie (2011) by Robert HosseinTheo Meder doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.56.medervol56/meder.pdf2014 History, myths, religion
fl056FX000368Folklore vol. 56Golgotha on City Peripheries: The Passion Play in Bygdoszcz FordonKamila Baraniecka-Olszewska doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.56.baranieckavol56/baraniecka.pdf2014 History, myths, religion
fl056FX000369Folklore vol. 56A (Forgotten) Vernacular from Anatolian Villages: Guestrooms in Sivas TurkeyUğur Tuztaşı, Mehmet Uysal, Fatih Akdeniz doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.56.TUAvol56/TUA.pdf2014 History, myths, religion
fl056FX000370Folklore vol. 56What Influence Do the Old Sámi Noaidi Drums from Lapland Play in the Construction of New Shaman Drums by Sámi Persons Today?Francis Joy doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.56.joyvol56/joy.pdf2014 History, myths, religion
fl057FX000371Folklore vol. 57Concepts Around Selected Pasts: On ‘Mnemonic Turn’ in Cultural ResearchEne Kõresaar doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.57.koresaarvol57/koresaar.pdf2014 Anne Heimo, Ene Kõresaar, Pauliina Latvala History Culture and Selected Pasts
fl057FX000372Folklore vol. 57Corporate History Culture and Useful Industrial Past: A Case Study on History Management in Finnish Cotton Company Porin Puuvilla OyAnna Sivula doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.57.sivulavol57/sivula.pdf2014 Anne Heimo, Ene Kõresaar, Pauliina Latvala History Culture and Selected Pasts
fl057FX000373Folklore vol. 57The Use of History in Dracula Tourism in RomaniaTuomas Hovi doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.57.hovivol57/hovi.pdf2014 Anne Heimo, Ene Kõresaar, Pauliina Latvala History Culture and Selected Pasts
fl057FX000374Folklore vol. 57Traditionalisation for Revitalisation: Tradition as a Concept and Practice in Contemporary Sámi ContextsCoppélie Cocq doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.57.cocqvol57/cocq.pdf2014 Anne Heimo, Ene Kõresaar, Pauliina Latvala History Culture and Selected Pasts
fl057FX000375Folklore vol. 57From Bastions of Justice to Sites of AdventureGrete Swensen doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.57.swensenvol57/swensen.pdf2014 Anne Heimo, Ene Kõresaar, Pauliina Latvala History Culture and Selected Pasts
fl057FX000376Folklore vol. 57‘On Election Day the Husband Tied His Wife to a Table Leg to Stop Her from Voting’. Political Narratives, Gender and Archived Heritage in FinlandPauliina Latvala doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.57.latvalavol57/latvala.pdf2014 Anne Heimo, Ene Kõresaar, Pauliina Latvala History Culture and Selected Pasts
fl057FX000377Folklore vol. 57The 1918 Finnish Civil War Revisited: The Digital AftermathAnne Heimo doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.57.heimovol57/heimo.pdf2014 Anne Heimo, Ene Kõresaar, Pauliina Latvala History Culture and Selected Pasts
fl058FX000378Folklore vol. 58From Collecting to Studying the Folklore of Siberian Estonians and Latvians: BackgroundAnu Korb doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.58.backgroundvol58/background.pdf2014 Anu Korb Siberian Estonians and Latvians
fl058FX000379Folklore vol. 58The Symbols and Stereotypes of Siberia for Estonians and Their Historical BackgroundAivar Jürgenson doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.58.jyrgensonvol58/jyrgenson.pdf2014 Anu Korb Siberian Estonians and Latvians
fl058FX000380Folklore vol. 58Latgalian Emigrants in Siberia: Contradicting ImagesSanita Reinsone doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.58.reinsonevol58/reinsone.pdf2014 Anu Korb Siberian Estonians and Latvians
fl058FX000381Folklore vol. 58In the Beginning, This Was an Empty Place...Place-Related Narratives in Timofeyevka, SiberiaSandis Laime doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.58.laimevol58/laime.pdf2014 Anu Korb Siberian Estonians and Latvians
fl058FX000382Folklore vol. 58We Have Nothing to Do with Them~ They Live with Their Own Kind: Siberian Estonians’ Representations of the Neighbouring Turkic PeoplesAstrid Tuisk doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.58.tuiskvol58/tuisk.pdf2014 Anu Korb Siberian Estonians and Latvians
fl058FX000383Folklore vol. 58The Interrelationship of Religion and Magic in the Experience of Latvians in Timofeyevka, SiberiaAigars Lielbārdis doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.58.lielbardisvol58/lielbardis.pdf2014 Anu Korb Siberian Estonians and Latvians
fl058FX000384Folklore vol. 58The Funeral Culture of Estonians in the Minusinsk Region, Siberia, as a Representation of the Community and Its TransformationAnu Korb doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.58.korbvol58/korb.pdf2014 Anu Korb Siberian Estonians and Latvians
fl058FX000385Folklore vol. 58Seto Singing Tradition in Siberia: Songs and ‘Non-Songs’Andreas Kalkun, Janika Oras doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.58.kalkun_orasvol58/kalkun_oras.pdf2014 Anu Korb Siberian Estonians and Latvians
fl058FX000386Folklore vol. 58On Estonian Folk Culture: Pro et contraPiret Õunapuu doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.58.ounapuuvol58/ounapuu.pdf2014 Anu Korb Siberian Estonians and Latvians
fl059FX000387Folklore vol. 59Mezcal and Mexicanness: The Symbolic and Social Connotations of Drinking in OaxacaToomas Gross doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.59.grossvol59/gross.pdf2014
fl059FX000388Folklore vol. 59Fate Written on the Forehead in Serbian Oral NarrativesNemanja Radulović doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.59.radulovicvol59/radulovic.pdf2014
fl059FX000389Folklore vol. 59Matchmaking and Marriage Narratives of Israelis of Carpatho-Rusyn OriginIlana Rosen doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.59.rosenvol59/rosen.pdf2014
fl059FX000390Folklore vol. 59Compilation Contexts of Medieval and Early Modern Bulgarian CharmsSvetlana Tsonkova doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.59.tsonkovavol59/tsonkova.pdf2014
fl059FX000391Folklore vol. 59Who Murdered Joe Magarac?Ivan Kovacevic doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.59.kovacevicvol59/kovacevic.pdf2014
fl059FX000392Folklore vol. 59Jokes in IranBakhtiar Naghdipour doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.59.naghdipourvol59/naghdipour.pdf2014
fl059FX000393Folklore vol. 59Contemporary Research on the White Cloth as a Ritual Item in the Bulgarian Wedding: Anthropological ApproachRozaliya Guigova doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.59.guigovavol59/guigova.pdf2014
fl059FX000394Folklore vol. 59Chinese Perspectivism: Perspectivist Cosmologies in Zhuangzi and Journey to the WestErki Lind doi:10.7592/FEJF2014.59.lindvol59/lind.pdf2014
fl060FX000395Folklore vol. 60Introduction: Differentiation of Ritual Year(s) through Time and SpaceLaurent Sébastien Fournier, Irina Sedakova doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.60.differentiationvol60/differentiation.pdf2015 Laurent Sébastien Fournier, Irina Sedakova The Ritual Year
fl060FX000396Folklore vol. 60Circulation and Differentiation of Scottish Games and SportsLaurent Sébastien Fournier doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.60.fourniervol60/fournier.pdf2015 Laurent Sébastien Fournier, Irina Sedakova The Ritual Year
fl060FX000397Folklore vol. 60A Festive Bricolage: The Holiday Calendar in Slovenia Over the Last CenturyIngrid Slavec Gradišnik doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.60.slavecvol60/slavec.pdf2015 Laurent Sébastien Fournier, Irina Sedakova The Ritual Year
fl060FX000398Folklore vol. 60Political Rituals and Discourses: The Case of CarinthiaJurij Fikfak doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.60.fikfakvol60/fikfak.pdf2015 Laurent Sébastien Fournier, Irina Sedakova The Ritual Year
fl060FX000399Folklore vol. 60Politicising St. Martin and Constructing Heritage: A Case Study of a Small Town in CroatiaJuraj Belaj, Marijana Belaj, Petra Kelemen, Filomena Sirovica,doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.60.heritagevol60/heritage.pdf2015 Laurent Sébastien Fournier, Irina Sedakova The Ritual Year
fl060FX000400Folklore vol. 60The Age-Old Cossack Feast of the Protecting Veil: A Contemporary Interpretation of a Traditional Calendar DateNina Vlaskina doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.60.vlaskinavol60/vlaskina.pdf2015 Laurent Sébastien Fournier, Irina Sedakova The Ritual Year
fl060FX000401Folklore vol. 60Užgavėnės: A Rural and Urban, Religious, Socialist, and Lithuanian Festival of ShrovetideŽilvytis Šaknys doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.60.shaknysvol60/shaknys.pdf2015 Laurent Sébastien Fournier, Irina Sedakova The Ritual Year
fl061FX000402Folklore vol. 61Breaking the Code: Strategies of Alcohol AddictsTatiana Argounova-Low, Platon Sleptsov doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.61.argounova-low_sleptsovvol61/argounova-low_sleptsov.pdf2015 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel Drinking and Driving
fl061FX000403Folklore vol. 61The Sooner You Drink It All, the More Time You Will Have ThereafterKirill Istomin doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.61.istominvol61/istomin.pdf2015 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel Drinking and Driving
fl061FX000404Folklore vol. 61HangoverJoachim Otto Habeck doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.61.habeckvol61/habeck.pdf2015 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel Drinking and Driving
fl061FX000405Folklore vol. 61Monolingual and Bilingual Practices: Reversing Power Relations During a Festivity in PondalaLaura Siragusa doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.61.siragusavol61/siragusa.pdf2015 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel Drinking and Driving
fl061FX000406Folklore vol. 61Do You Respect Me?Drinking as a Social Catalyst in the Reindeer Herding Communities of European Russia and Western SiberiaStephan Dudeck doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.61.dudeckvol61/dudeck.pdf2015 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel Drinking and Driving
fl061FX000407Folklore vol. 61How to Enjoy a Teetotal All-Night Party: Abstinence and Identity at the Sakha People’s YhyakhEleanor Peers, Stepan Kolodeznikov doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.61.peers_kolodeznikovvol61/peers_kolodeznikov.pdf2015 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel Drinking and Driving
fl061FX000408Folklore vol. 61The Historical-Ethnographic Image of the Drinking Peoples of the NorthArt Leete doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.61.leetevol61/leete.pdf2015 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel Drinking and Driving
fl061FX000409Folklore vol. 61Reflections and Thoughts About the Social and Cultural Role of AlcoholNatalia Struchkova, Aimar Ventsel doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.61.discussionvol61/discussion.pdf2015 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel Drinking and Driving
fl061FX000410Folklore vol. 61Pentecostals and Charismatic Protestants in the Republic of Komi and Nenets TundraArt Leete, Piret Koosa, Laur Vallikivi doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.61.reportvol61/report.pdf2015 Art Leete, Aimar Ventsel Drinking and Driving
fl062FX000411Folklore vol. 62The Revenant on the ThresholdElif Boyacıoğlu doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.62.boyaciogluvol62/boyacioglu.pdf2015
fl062FX000412Folklore vol. 62Revived Shamanism in the Social Life of RussiaValentina Kharitonova doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.62.kharitonovavol62/kharitonova.pdf2015
fl062FX000413Folklore vol. 62The Role of Folklore in the Formation of Latvian Visual ArtToms Ķencis doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.62.kencisvol62/kencis.pdf2015
fl062FX000414Folklore vol. 62Children as Prey: A Case of the Utmost. Contemporary Legends of Organ Theft, Children’s Disappearances, Kidnappings, and the Sexual Abuse of Children and AdolescentsVéronique Campion-Vincent doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.62.campion-vincentvol62/campion-vincent.pdf2015
fl062FX000415Folklore vol. 62Seeking Borders and Their Mythology in Western Thrace, GreeceEvangelos Avdikos doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.62.avdikosvol62/avdikos.pdf2015
fl062FX000416Folklore vol. 62Walter Anderson’s Letters to Joan Amades: A Study of the Collaboration between Two Contemporary FolkloristsCarme Oriol doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.62.oriolvol62/oriol.pdf2015
fl062FX000417Folklore vol. 62Identity Construction in Armenian Music on the Example of Early Folklore MovementBrigitta Davidjants doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.62.davidjantsvol62/davidjants.pdf2015
fl062FX000418Folklore vol. 62Ethnic and Cultural Aspects in the Development of Kazakh Theatres during the Independence Period: The Problems of Human ExistenceAskhat Mayemirov, Kabyl Khalykov, Bakhyt Nurpeis doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.62.kazakhvol62/kazakh.pdf2015
fl062FX000419Folklore vol. 62Scientific Contacts within Ethnology and Folkloristics between Sweden and Estonia. Personal Experiences and ConsiderationsAnders Gustavsson doi:10.7592/FEJF2015.62.gustavssonvol62/gustavsson.pdf2015
fl063FX000420Folklore vol. 63Prison Camp No. 29 for Prisoners of War from the Second World War on the Territory of Kazakhstan between 1943–1949Aimar Ventsel, Baurzhan Zhanguttin doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.63.camp29vol63/camp29.pdf2016 Aimar Ventsel
fl063FX000421Folklore vol. 63Resistance to Ideology, Subjugation to Language: A Workshop by Writer Gabit Musrepov under Soviet Totalitarian Censorship in 1928–1964Zhanat Kundakbayeva, Kamshat Rustem doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.63.musrepovvol63/musrepov.pdf2016 Aimar Ventsel
fl063FX000422Folklore vol. 63Between the East and the West: Reflections on the Contemporary Art of KazakhstanMadina Sultanova, Natalia Mikhailova, Dinara Amanzholova doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.63.artvol63/art.pdf2016 Aimar Ventsel
fl063FX000423Folklore vol. 63Slavic and Kazakh Folklore Calendar: Typological and Ethno-Cultural ParallelsGalina Vlasova doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.63.vlasovavol63/vlasova.pdf2016 Aimar Ventsel
fl063FX000424Folklore vol. 63The Development of Linguistics in Kazakhstan: New Approaches and Modern TendenciesSholpan Zharkynbekova, Atirkul Agmanova doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.63.linguistvol63/linguist.pdf2016 Aimar Ventsel
fl063FX000425Folklore vol. 63Peaceful Lifestyle or Innocuous Image: Islamic Branding Using Kazakh Proverbs on YoutubeErik Aasland doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.63.aaslandvol63/aasland.pdf2016 Aimar Ventsel
fl063FX000426Folklore vol. 63Can We Talk About Post-Soviet Science?Aimar Ventsel, Natalia Struchkova doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.63.discussionvol63/discussion.pdf2016 Aimar Ventsel
fl064FX000427Folklore vol. 64The Captive Khan and the Clever Daughter-in-LawYuri Berezkin, Evgeny Duvakin doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.64.khanvol64/khan.pdf2016 Hille Pajupuu, Renate Pajusalu, Mari Uusküla
fl064FX000428Folklore vol. 64From Listing Data to Semantic Maps: Cross-Linguistic Commonalities in Cognitive Representation of ColourMari Uusküla, David Bimler doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.64.colourvol64/colour.pdf2016 Hille Pajupuu, Renate Pajusalu, Mari Uusküla
fl064FX000429Folklore vol. 64Color Entrenchment in Middle-School English Speakers: Cognitive Salience Index Applied to Color ListingJodi L. Sandford doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.64.sandfordvol64/sandford.pdf2016 Hille Pajupuu, Renate Pajusalu, Mari Uusküla
fl064FX000430Folklore vol. 64Colour Symbols in Mari SongsNatalia Glukhova doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.64.glukhovavol64/glukhova.pdf2016 Hille Pajupuu, Renate Pajusalu, Mari Uusküla
fl064FX000431Folklore vol. 64Identifying Polarity in Different Text TypesHille Pajupuu, Rene Altrov, Jaan Pajupuu doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.64.polarityvol64/polarity.pdf2016 Hille Pajupuu, Renate Pajusalu, Mari Uusküla
fl064FX000432Folklore vol. 64The Estonian Language as Presented in the Great Soviet Encyclopaedia: Language Descriptions and IdeologyEkaterina Velmezova doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.64.velmezovavol64/velmezova.pdf2016 Hille Pajupuu, Renate Pajusalu, Mari Uusküla
fl064FX000433Folklore vol. 64Giants in TransmediaMare Kõiva, Andres Kuperjanov doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.64.giantsvol64/giants.pdf2016 Hille Pajupuu, Renate Pajusalu, Mari Uusküla
fl065FX000434Folklore vol. 65Introduction: Belief Narratives and Their ResearchReet Hiiemäe doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.65.introductionvol65/introduction.pdf2016 Reet Hiiemäe Belief Narratives
fl065FX000435Folklore vol. 65Discussing the Supernatural in Contemporary Finland: Discourses, Genres, and ForumsKaarina Koski doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.65.koskivol65/koski.pdf2016 Reet Hiiemäe Belief Narratives
fl065FX000436Folklore vol. 65Nonverbal Event as Part of Belief NarrativeReet Hiiemäe doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.65.hiiemaevol65/hiiemae.pdf2016 Reet Hiiemäe Belief Narratives
fl065FX000437Folklore vol. 65Meet the Demonological Character: Two Types of Narrative StructuresVictoria Chervaneva doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.65.chervanevavol65/chervaneva.pdf2016 Reet Hiiemäe Belief Narratives
fl065FX000438Folklore vol. 65A Broader and Deeper Idea of Fairy Tale: Reassessing Concept, Meaning, and Function of the Most Debated Genre in Folk Narrative ResearchVito Carrassi doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.65.carrassivol65/carrassi.pdf2016 Reet Hiiemäe Belief Narratives
fl065FX000439Folklore vol. 65Ghosts, Troubles, Difficulties, and Challenges: Narratives About Unexplainable Phenomena in Contemporary DenmarkKirsten Marie Raahauge doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.65.raahaugevol65/raahauge.pdf2016 Reet Hiiemäe Belief Narratives
fl065FX000440Folklore vol. 65Mediumship and the Economy of Luck and Fate: Contemporary Chinese Belief Trends Behind the Filmic FolkloreHuai Bao doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.65.baovol65/bao.pdf2016 Reet Hiiemäe Belief Narratives
fl066FX000441Folklore vol. 66Folk Costume in the Ritual Year and Beyond: Heritage, Identity Marker, and Symbolic ObjectIrina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.introductionvol66/introduction.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl066FX000442Folklore vol. 66Traditional Wedding Costume of the Mrkovići in Montenegro: Between Real Heritage and Folk Construction (Materials of the Russian Expeditions in 2012–2014)Alexander Novik, Andrey Sobolev doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.novik_sobolevvol66/novik_sobolev.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl066FX000443Folklore vol. 66Contemporary Traditional Clothing in MaramureşAnamaria Iuga doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.iugavol66/iuga.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl066FX000444Folklore vol. 66The Role of Ritual Traditional Clothing among Bunjevci Croats in Serbia in the Revitalisation of Annual Customs and RitualsMilana Černelić doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.cernelicvol66/cernelic.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl066FX000445Folklore vol. 66Beauty Elections in Slavonia: A Study of Traditional Costume CompetitionsMarija Gačić doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.gacicvol66/gacic.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl066FX000446Folklore vol. 66The Day of the Dead: One Ritual, New Folk Costumes, and Old IdentitiesRosa Isela Aguilar Montes de Oca doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.aguilarvol66/aguilar.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl066FX000447Folklore vol. 66Weaving the Past in a Fabric: Old Believers’ Traditional CostumeCristina Clopot doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.clopotvol66/clopot.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl066FX000448Folklore vol. 66Nekrasov Cossacks’ Festive Clothes: Historical Changes and Modern FunctionsNina Vlaskina doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.vlaskinavol66/vlaskina.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl066FX000449Folklore vol. 66Clothes as Symbolic and Magic Objects in Slavic Childbirth CustomsIrina Sedakova doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.sedakovavol66/sedakova.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl066FX000450Folklore vol. 66El Traje Fallero: A Carrier of Tradition?Urszula Wilk doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.wilkvol66/wilk.pdf2016 Irina Sedakova, Nina Vlaskina Folk Costume
fl067FX000451Folklore vol. 67IntroductionJanika Oras doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.67.introductionvol67/introduction.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl067FX000452Folklore vol. 67Literary Kalevala-Metre and Hybrid Poetics in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century FinlandKati Kallio doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.67.kalliovol67/kallio.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl067FX000453Folklore vol. 67Words, Forms, and Phrases in Estonian Folksongs and HymnKristiina Ross, Ahti Lohk doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.67.ross_lohkvol67/ross_lohk.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl067FX000454Folklore vol. 67Towards a Typology of Parallelism in Estonian Poetic FolkloreMari Sarv doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.67.sarvvol67/sarv.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl067FX000455Folklore vol. 67Star Bride Marries a Cook: The Changing Processes in the Oral Singing Tradition and in Folk Song Collecting on the Western Estonian Island of Hiiumaa. IHelen Kõmmus, Taive Särg doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.67.kommus_sargvol67/kommus_sarg.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl067FX000456Folklore vol. 67Regilaul in the Political Whirlpool: On Collecting Regilaul in Northeast Estonia in the Second Half of the 1950sLiina Saarlo doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.67.saarlovol67/saarlo.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl067FX000457Folklore vol. 67Mari and Marie: Performativity and Creativity of Two Estonian Singers in the Late Nineteenth CenturyJanika Oras doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.67.orasvol67/oras.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl067FX000458Folklore vol. 67Emotional Transpositions: Interpreting Oral Lyric PoetryNiina Hämäläinen doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.67.hamalainenvol67/hamalainen.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl067FX000459Folklore vol. 67Clothes as Symbolic and Magic Objects in Slavic Childbirth CustomsIrina Sedakova doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.sedakovavol67/sedakova.pdf2016 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl067FX000460Folklore vol. 67El Traje Fallero: A Carrier of Tradition?Urszula Wilk doi:10.7592/FEJF2016.66.wilkvol67/wilk.pdf2016 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. I
fl068FX000461Folklore vol. 68Introducing Setos on Stage: On the Early Performances of Seto Singing CultureAndreas Kalkun doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.68.kalkunvol68/kalkun.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. II
fl068FX000462Folklore vol. 68On the Relict Scales and Melodic Structures in the Seto Shepherd Tune Kar´ahäälŽanna Pärtlas doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.68.partlasvol68/partlas.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. II
fl068FX000463Folklore vol. 68Historical Skolt Sami Music and Two Types of Melodic Structures in Leu′dd TraditionMarko Jouste doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.68.joustevol68/jouste.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. II
fl068FX000464Folklore vol. 68Star Bride Marries a Cook: The Changing Processes in the Oral Singing Tradition and in Folk Song Collecting on the Western Estonian Island of Hiiumaa. IIHelen Kõmmus, Taive Särg doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.68.kommus_sargvol68/kommus_sarg.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. II
fl068FX000465Folklore vol. 68Where Do Songs Come From? An Attempt to Explain Some Verses of RegilaulAado Lintrop doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.68.lintropvol68/lintrop.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. II
fl068FX000466Folklore vol. 68How Old Is Runosong? Dating the Motifs of Burial-Related Folk Songs by Using Archaeological MaterialPikne Kama doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.68.kamavol68/kama.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. II
fl068FX000467Folklore vol. 68The Motif of Apple in Different Cultures and Its Usage in Anatolian Folk SongsAhmet Emre Dağtaşoğlu doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.68.dagtasogluvol68/dagtasoglu.pdf2017 Janika Oras Oral Singing Traditions. II
fl069FX000468Folklore vol. 69Introduction: The Social and Political Dynamic of Conspiracy Theories, Rumours, Fake News, and Belief NarrativesEda Kalmre doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.69.introductionvol69/introduction.pdf2017 Eda Kalmre Rumours and Conspiracy Theories
fl069FX000469Folklore vol. 69Rumor, Humor, and Other Forms of Election Folklore in Non-Democratic Societies: The Case of BelarusAnastasiya Astapova doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.69.astapovavol69/astapova.pdf2017 Eda Kalmre Rumours and Conspiracy Theories
fl069FX000470Folklore vol. 69The Image of the West in Conspiracy Theories in Slovakia and Its Historical ContextZuzana Panczová doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.69.panczovavol69/panczova.pdf2017 Eda Kalmre Rumours and Conspiracy Theories
fl069FX000471Folklore vol. 69The Beast Computer in Brussels: Religion, Conspiracy Theories, and Contemporary Legends in Post-Soviet CultureAlexander Panchenko doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.69.panchenkovol69/panchenko.pdf2017 Eda Kalmre Rumours and Conspiracy Theories
fl069FX000472Folklore vol. 69Rumour and Humour in #WhereIsPutin and #PutinUmer: Global Media and the Cult of PutinLiisi Laineste, Eda Kalmre doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.69.laineste_kalmrevol69/laineste_kalmre.pdf2017 Eda Kalmre Rumours and Conspiracy Theories
fl069FX000473Folklore vol. 69Women-Snipers from Chechnya to Ukraine: A Post-Soviet War LegendAmandine Regamey doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.69.regameyvol69/regamey.pdf2017 Eda Kalmre Rumours and Conspiracy Theories
fl069FX000474Folklore vol. 69Representation of the Snowden Scandal in the Estonian Media: The Construction of Threats and FearMari-Liis Madisson doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.69.madissonvol69/madisson.pdf2017 Eda Kalmre Rumours and Conspiracy Theories
fl069FX000475Folklore vol. 69Zeroing in on Performance 2.0: From Serialization to Performative EnactmentsAntti Lindfors doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.69.lindforsvol69/lindfors.pdf2017 Eda Kalmre Rumours and Conspiracy Theories
fl069FX000476Folklore vol. 69Riddles and HumourAnnikki Kaivola-Bregenhøj doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.69.kaivola_bregenhojvol69/kaivola_bregenhoj.pdf2017 Eda Kalmre Rumours and Conspiracy Theories
fl070FX000477Folklore vol. 70“Small Places, Large Issues”: Between Military Space and Post-Military PlaceElo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.introductionvol70/introduction.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl070FX000478Folklore vol. 70After the End of “Little Moscow”: Memories, (Re)Construction, and Appropriation of Space in WünsdorfChristoph Lorke doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.lorkevol70/lorke.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl070FX000479Folklore vol. 70German Democratic Republic of the 1970s–1980s through the Eyes of Soviet Officers (Oral Stories)Evgeny V. Volkov doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.volkovvol70/volkov.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl070FX000480Folklore vol. 70“Invisible Places, Hidden History”: The Role of the Former “Russian Airport” in Telling Stories about the Front in the South Vértes RegionIstván Sántha doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.santhavol70/santha.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl070FX000481Folklore vol. 70Life with Soviet Troops in Czechoslovakia and after Their WithdrawalProkop Tomek doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.tomekvol70/tomek.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl070FX000482Folklore vol. 70The “Degraded” Landscape of a Post-Soviet Military Base in Poland: Outside vs. Inside ViewDominika Czarnecka doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.czarneckavol70/czarnecka.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl070FX000483Folklore vol. 70Mārciena – between Legacy and NostalgiaIlze Boldāne-Zeļenkova doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.boldane_zelenkovavol70/boldane_zelenkova.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl070FX000484Folklore vol. 70Values, Substantiality, and Passage of Time: Representations and Reinterpretations of Military HeritageDagnosław Demski doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.demskivol70/demski.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl070FX000485Folklore vol. 70From the Borderland of the Iron Curtain to European and World Cultural HeritageMelinda Harlov-Csortán doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.harlov_csortanvol70/harlov_csortan.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl070FX000486Folklore vol. 70Contemporary Transformations of Ethnology/Anthropology in Russia: An Invitation to Further DiscussionDmitriy Funk, Irina Nam doi:10.7592/FEJF2017.70.discussionvol70/discussion.pdf2017 Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Dominika Czarnecka, Dagnosław Demski Small Places, Large Issues
fl071FX000487Folklore vol. 71Eating Out and In Between: Observations from the Pop-Up Restaurant Scene in EstoniaEster Bardone, Anu Kannikedoi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.bardone_kannikevol71/bardone_kannike.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl071FX000488Folklore vol. 71Reinventing Habsburg Cuisine in Twenty-First Century TriesteDaša Ličen doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.licenvol71/licen.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl071FX000489Folklore vol. 71The Taste of “Estonianness”: Cookbooks as Part of Nation-Building in EstoniaLiisi Laineste doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.lainestevol71/laineste.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl071FX000490Folklore vol. 71Traditional Culture and Contemporary Economy: Constructing Cultural Heritage Through Bread-MakingIvanka Petrova doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.petrovavol71/petrova.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl071FX000491Folklore vol. 71Cooking with Humour: A Study of Belarusian Humorous Folklore about Family Cooking TraditionsAnastasiya Fiadotava doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.fiadotavavol71/fiadotava.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl071FX000492Folklore vol. 71The Meaning of Food in the Novel Peony in LoveDorota Brzozowska doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.brzozowskavol71/brzozowska.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl071FX000493Folklore vol. 71Emotion Meets Taste: Taste-Motivated Emotion Terms in EstonianEne Vainik doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.vainikvol71/vainik.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl071FX000494Folklore vol. 71Translation of Menus: Labour of Sisyphos, Squaring the Circle or Marrying Water and Fire?Władysław Chłopicki doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.chlopickivol71/chlopicki.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl071FX000495Folklore vol. 71The Spiritual Significance of Komburongo in the Folk Beliefs of the Dusunic Peoples of North BorneoLow Kok On, Solehah Ishak doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.low_solehahvol71/low_solehah.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl071FX000496Folklore vol. 71‘Wondrous Dressing’ with Celestial Bodies in Russian Charms and Lyrical PoetryAndrei Toporkov doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.toporkovvol71/toporkov.pdf2018 Liisi Laineste Culinary culture
fl072FX000497Folklore vol. 72Introduction: Belarusian Folklore StudiesTatsiana Valodzina doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.introductionvol72/introduction.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl072FX000498Folklore vol. 72Reflexes of Ancient Ideas about Divine Twins in the Images of Saints George and Nicholas in Belarusian FolkloreSiarhei Sańko doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.sankovol72/sanko.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl072FX000499Folklore vol. 72On the Borders of Ethnolinguistic Equivalence: Belarusian-South Slavic ParallelsNikolai Antropov doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.antropovvol72/antropov.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl072FX000500Folklore vol. 72Contemporary Recordings of Belarusian Folk Biblical and Non-Biblical Etiological Legends in the Comparative-Historical AspectElena Boganeva doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.boganevavol72/boganeva.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl072FX000501Folklore vol. 72The Norm and Its Deviations in the Context of Childhood Semiotics: The Belarus Tradition against the Slavonic BackgroundTatsiana Valodzina doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.valodzinavol72/valodzina.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl072FX000502Folklore vol. 72Worldview of Belarusian Folk Song LyricsYanina Hrynevich doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.hrynevichvol72/hrynevich.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl072FX000503Folklore vol. 72The Pleiades in the Belarusian Tradition: Folklore Texts and Linguistic Areal StudiesTsimafei Avilin doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.avilinvol72/avilin.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl072FX000504Folklore vol. 72The Problems Associated with Studying Folk VerseJury Paciupa doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.paciupavol72/paciupa.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl072FX000505Folklore vol. 72Patriotism and Love in the Context of the Estonian Western DiasporaTriinu Ojamaa doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.ojamaavol72/ojamaa.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl072FX000506Folklore vol. 72Continuity and Revitalisation in Sacrificial Rituals by the Eastern UdmurtEva Toulouze, Ranus Sadikov, Laur Vallikivi, Liivo Niglas, Nikolai Anisimov doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.72.udmurt1vol72/udmurt1.pdf2018 Tatsiana Valodzina Belarusian Folklore
fl073FX000507Folklore vol. 73Introduction: The Cultural Heritage of the Isonzo FrontJurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.73.introductionvol73/introduction.pdf2018 Jurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik The Heritagization of the Isonzo Front
fl073FX000508Folklore vol. 73Historical Introduction: The Experience and Memory of Trenches Near the Soča RiverMarko Štepec doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.73.stepecvol73/stepec.pdf2018 Jurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik The Heritagization of the Isonzo Front
fl073FX000509Folklore vol. 73Memorialization of the First World War in the Landscape of the Julian AlpsJaka Repič doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.73.repicvol73/repic.pdf2018 Jurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik The Heritagization of the Isonzo Front
fl073FX000510Folklore vol. 73From the Hinterland: Commemorating the Centenary of World War I in BohinjTatiana Bajuk Senčar doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.73.bajukvol73/bajuk.pdf2018 Jurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik The Heritagization of the Isonzo Front
fl073FX000511Folklore vol. 73Knowledge of Place in Three Popular Music Representations of the First World WarMiha Kozorog doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.73.kozorogvol73/kozorog.pdf2018 Jurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik The Heritagization of the Isonzo Front
fl073FX000512Folklore vol. 73Learning by Collecting: Amateur Collectors and Their Shifting Positions in the Isonzo Front Heritagization and Tourism AdaptationBoštjan Kravanja doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.73.kravanjavol73/kravanja.pdf2018 Jurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik The Heritagization of the Isonzo Front
fl073FX000513Folklore vol. 73Continuity and Revitalisation in Sacrificial Rituals by the Eastern Udmurt
Part II. Collective Sacrificial Rituals by the Bashkortostan Udmurt: Revitalisation and Innovation
Eva Toulouze, Ranus Sadikov, Laur Vallikivi, Liivo Niglas, Nikolai Anisimov doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.73.udmurt2vol73/udmurt2.pdf2018 Jurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik The Heritagization of the Isonzo Front
fl073FX000514Folklore vol. 73Multi-Dimensional Borders in NarrationTiiu Jaago doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.73.jaagovol73/jaago.pdf2018 Jurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik The Heritagization of the Isonzo Front
fl073FX000515Folklore vol. 73Metaphorical Integrations in Kurdish RiddlesRahman Veisi Hasar, Ebrahim Badakhshan doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.73.kurdishvol73/kurdish.pdf2018 Jurij Fikfak, Božidar Jezernik The Heritagization of the Isonzo Front
fl074FX000516Folklore vol. 74Creativity and Humor in the Online Folklore of the 2014 Elections in HungaryKatalin Vargha doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.74.varghavol74/vargha.pdf2018
fl074FX000517Folklore vol. 74Gay Clowns, Pigs and Traitors: An Emotion Analysis of Online Hate Speech Directed at the Swedish-Speaking Population in FinlandKarin Sandell doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.74.sandellvol74/sandell.pdf2018
fl074FX000518Folklore vol. 74Constructing Alien Space in South Slavic Oral LyricAna Vukmanović doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.74.vukmanovicvol74/vukmanovic.pdf2018
fl074FX000519Folklore vol. 74Folk Mystic: A Narrative of a Polish Highlander Cunegonde SiwiecTomasz Kalniuk doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.74.kalniukvol74/kalniuk.pdf2018
fl074FX000520Folklore vol. 74Dynamic Musicscapes in Northern Greece: A Roma Case StudyChristos Papakostas, Dimitris Goulimaris, Maria Douma doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.74.greecevol74/greece.pdf2018
fl074FX000521Folklore vol. 74On a Possible Characteristic of the Governing System of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten)Tarmo Kulmar doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.74.kulmarvol74/kulmar.pdf2018
fl074FX000522Folklore vol. 74Heritage on Demand: Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage Initiative in Croatian ContextMarijana Hameršak, Iva Pleše doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.74.croatiavol74/croatia.pdf2018
fl075FX000523Folklore vol. 75Contemporary Deposits at Sacred Places: Reflections on Contemporary Paganism in Estonia and FinlandTõnno Jonuks, Tiina Äikäs doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.75.jonuks_aikasvol75/jonuks_aikas.pdf2019
fl075FX000524Folklore vol. 75The Muong Epic Cycle of "The Birth of the Earth and Water": Main Themes, Motifs, and Culture HeroesNina Grigoreva doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.75.grigorevavol75/grigoreva.pdf2019
fl075FX000525Folklore vol. 75The Travelling Girl and Her Helpful Siblings: An Unnoticed Boreal Tale and the ATU IndexYuri Berezkin doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.75.berezkinvol75/berezkin.pdf2019
fl075FX000526Folklore vol. 75What Does the Storyteller Sing? On Transcribing the Epics of South Siberian TurksDmitriy Funk doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.75.funkvol75/funk.pdf2019
fl075FX000527Folklore vol. 75Social and Political Criticisms Embedded in Chinese Myths and LegendsHE Xiyao doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.75.xiyaovol75/xiyao.pdf2019
fl075FX000528Folklore vol. 75Context- and Belief-Related Aspects of Estonian RiddlesPiret Voolaid doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.75.voolaidvol75/voolaid.pdf2019
fl075FX000529Folklore vol. 75Representing Sexuality through Folklore: Erotic Folktales and Online Jokes as "Mirrors" of Gender HierarchiesAleksandar Takovski doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.75.takovskivol75/takovski.pdf2019
fl075FX000530Folklore vol. 75Reluctant Entrepreneurs of the Russian Far East: Another View on the Economic Strategies of EntrepreneursAimar Ventsel doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.75.ventselvol75/ventsel.pdf2019
fl075FX000531Folklore vol. 75"I Exist Therefore You Exist, We Exist Therefore They Exist": Narratives of Mutuality between Deities (Yul-Lha Gzhi Bdag) and Lhopo (Bhutia) Villagers in SikkimKikee D. Bhutia doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.75.bhutiavol75/bhutia.pdf2019
fl076FX000532Folklore vol. 76Introduction. Komi Folklore Studies:Connecting PointsLiudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.introductionvol76/introduction.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl076FX000533Folklore vol. 76Perm and Ob-Ugric Relations in Terms of Folklore DataOleg Uliashev doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.uliashevvol76/uliashev.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl076FX000534Folklore vol. 76Some Motifs in Komi Legends about the Creation of the WorldPavel Limerov doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.limerovvol76/limerov.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl076FX000535Folklore vol. 76Zaum (Beyonsense, Educanto) in the Komi Tradition of Incantations: Revisiting the Issue of OriginsAnatoly Panyukov doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.panyukovvol76/panyukov.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl076FX000536Folklore vol. 76Aspects of Studying the Verbal Level of Cattle-Breeding RitualsLiudmila Lobanova doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.lobanovavol76/lobanova.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl076FX000537Folklore vol. 76Calling Upon a Domovoi in the Children’s Game Tradition of the KomiAleksey Rassykhaev doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.rassykhaevvol76/rassykhaev.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl076FX000538Folklore vol. 76Tradition of Christmas Youth Gatherings at the Vishera River (Komi Republic)Galina Savelyeva doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.savelyevavol76/savelyeva.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl076FX000539Folklore vol. 76Christmas in the Traditions of Russian Mining Settlements of the Komi Republic (as Per Records of the Early Twenty-First Century)Yulia Krasheninnikova, Svetlana Nizovtseva doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.krasheninnikova_nizovtsevavol76/krasheninnikova_nizovtseva.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl076FX000540Folklore vol. 76Historical Folklore Prose of the Russian Metallurgical Traditions of the Komi RepublicYulia Krasheninnikova doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.krasheninnikovavol76/krasheninnikova.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl076FX000541Folklore vol. 76Kazakh Diaspora in Kyrgyzstan: History of Settlement and Ethnographic PeculiaritiesBibiziya Kalshabayeva, Gulnara Dadabayeva, Dauren Eskekbaev doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.76.kazakhvol76/kazakh.pdf2019 Liudmila Lobanova, Nikolay Kuznetsov Komi Folklore Studies
fl077FX000542Folklore vol. 77Animals, Tale Types, and Belief Narratives in Argentinean FolkloreMaría Inés Palleiro doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.77.palleirovol77/palleiro.pdf2019 Mirjam Mencej Human-Animal Relationships
fl077FX000543Folklore vol. 77Playing with Nezumi Toys, Dreaming of Unattainable Utopia: Unique Portrayals of Nezumi in Japanese Folk TraditionFumihiko Kobayashi doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.77.kobayashivol77/kobayashi.pdf2019 Mirjam Mencej Human-Animal Relationships
fl077FX000544Folklore vol. 77What Can the Mythical Frog Tell Us? The Symbolism and Role of the Frog in History and ModernityJelka Vince Pallua doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.77.palluavol77/pallua.pdf2019 Mirjam Mencej Human-Animal Relationships
fl077FX000545Folklore vol. 77The Werewolf as a Religious and Ethnic Other in a Herzegovinian LegendMirjam Mencej doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.77.mencejvol77/mencej.pdf2019 Mirjam Mencej Human-Animal Relationships
fl077FX000546Folklore vol. 77Belief Narratives of Spirit-Animals: A Case Study on Estonian Contemporary FolkloreReet Hiiemäe doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.77.hiiemaevol77/hiiemae.pdf2019 Mirjam Mencej Human-Animal Relationships
fl077FX000547Folklore vol. 77Cockroaches: From Belief Narratives to the Contemporary Visual Practice of Catherine Chalmers, or How Cockroaches Have Survived on Earth for More than 320 Million YearsSuzana Marjanić doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.77.marjanicvol77/marjanic.pdf2019 Mirjam Mencej Human-Animal Relationships
fl077FX000548Folklore vol. 77Listening to the Elder Brothers: Animals, Agents, and Posthumanism in Native Versus Non-Native American Myths and WorldviewsTok Thompson doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.77.thompsonvol77/thompson.pdf2019 Mirjam Mencej Human-Animal Relationships
fl077FX000549Folklore vol. 77The Wolf: Human/Non-Human Relations on the Basis of Etiologies and Verbal CommunicationMare Kõiva doi:10.7592/FEJF2019.77.koivavol77/koiva.pdf2019 Mirjam Mencej Human-Animal Relationships
fl078FX000550Folklore vol. 78Conceptual Alignments and Debates in the Study of Mobility and Migration:An IntroductionTriinu Ojamaa, Leena Kurvet-Käosaar doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.introductionvol78/introduction.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl078FX000551Folklore vol. 78The Kosovo Conflict and the Changing Migration Patterns of the Gorani Community: Continuities and ShiftsIvaylo Markov doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.markovvol78/markov.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl078FX000552Folklore vol. 78From Mobility to “Exile”. Shifting Co-Presence: Narratives of Bulgarian-Syrian Families in BulgariaDesislava Pileva doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.pilevavol78/pileva.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl078FX000553Folklore vol. 78Uncertainties of Transnational Belonging: Homeland Nationalism and Cultural Citizenship of Lithuanian Immigrants in the USAVytis Čiubrinskas doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.ciubrinskasvol78/ciubrinskas.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl078FX000554Folklore vol. 78Emotional State and Inequality among Lithuanian EmigrantsDainius Genys, Ilona Strumickienė, Ričardas Krikštolaitis doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.lithuanianvol78/lithuanian.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl078FX000555Folklore vol. 78Estonian Diaspora in Sweden: An Analysis of the Collection “Life Destinies” at the Swedish Nordic MuseumMaija Runcis doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.runcisvol78/runcis.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl078FX000556Folklore vol. 78Traces of Trauma in Estonian Women’s Life Narratives of World War IIMaarja Hollo doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.hollovol78/hollo.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl078FX000557Folklore vol. 78The Task of a Cultural Researcher: Telling the Story of Siberian EstoniansAnu Korb doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.korbvol78/korb.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl078FX000558Folklore vol. 78Deportation and the Crises of [Early Modern] Europe: A Brief Historical IntroductionStephan Steiner doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.steinervol78/steiner.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl078FX000559Folklore vol. 78Through the Apulian Streets: The Liminal Space-Time of the Holy Week’s ProcessionsVito Carrassi doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.78.carrassivol78/carrassi.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000560Folklore vol. 79Towards New Methodologies in Migration and Diaspora Studies:An IntroductionLeena Kurvet-Käosaar, Triinu Ojamaa doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.introductionvol79/introduction.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000561Folklore vol. 79An Ethno-Cultural Portrait of a Diaspora in Central Russia: The Formation and Culture of the Eastern UdmurtEva Toulouze, Nikolai Anisimov doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.toulouze_anisimovvol79/toulouze_anisimov.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000562Folklore vol. 79Seto People in the Expedition Diaries and Literary Works of a Russian Émigré Leonid ZurovIrina Belobrovtseva doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.belobrovtsevavol79/belobrovtseva.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000563Folklore vol. 79Situating Oneself Within the Estonian Language and World Literature: Ivar Ivask’s Relational Ways of Self-UnderstandingAija Sakova, Marin Laak doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.sakova_laakvol79/sakova_laak.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000564Folklore vol. 79Literary Biographies Without a Fixed Linguistic AbodeElina Mikkilä doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.mikkilavol79/mikkila.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000565Folklore vol. 79Graphic Aspects of Mobility: Folkloristic-Ethnological Drawings as a Starting Point for Discussing Mobility and BordersKari Korolainen doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.korolainenvol79/korolainen.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000566Folklore vol. 79German Migrants in Bulgaria and Their Social NetworksTanya Matanova doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.matanovavol79/matanova.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000567Folklore vol. 79Where the Structural Meets the Personal: Mother-In-Law Humor Between a Joke Cycle and Joking Relationships in BelarusAnastasiya Fiadotava doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.fiadotavavol79/fiadotava.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000568Folklore vol. 79Symbolic Capital as a Resource of Promotion of Provincial Cities: An Analysis of Place Branding Strategies of Ural Urban DestinationsAlexey Britvin, Irina Britvina, Liudmila Starostova, Marc Compte-Pujol doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.uralvol79/ural.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl079FX000569Folklore vol. 79“Still, I Can Hardly Believe It”: Reactions, Resources, and Religion in Conversations about Sexual Abuse of Children among Laestadians in FinlandUlrika Wolf-Knuts doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.79.wolf_knutsvol79/wolf_knuts.pdf2020 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar &Triinu Ojamaa Migration and Diasporas
fl080FX000570Folklore vol. 80Rituals of Social Legitimization in the Lithuanian Childbirth Customs System: Traditions and InnovationsRasa Paukštytė-Šaknienė doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.paukstyte_saknienevol80/paukstyte_sakniene.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000571Folklore vol. 80The Structure and Genesis of One Type of Magic Spell Against Children’s Insomnia among Slavic PeoplesTatiana Agapkina, Andrei Toporkov doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.agapkina_toporkovvol80/agapkina_toporkov.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000572Folklore vol. 80Unlived Life: The Death and Funeral of a Child in Slavic Traditional CultureIrina Sedakova doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.sedakovavol80/sedakova.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000573Folklore vol. 80Child in the Natal Narratives of Modern Ukrainian Mothers: Folkloric Symbols and Frequent MotifsOksana Labashchuk, Halyna Derkach, Tetiana Reshetukha doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.ukrainevol80/ukraine.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000574Folklore vol. 80“How I Gave Birth” (and Why I Am Writing about It): Women’s Narratives of First Childbirth Experiences from Internet PublicationsNatalia Gramatchikova doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.gramatchikovavol80/gramatchikova.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000575Folklore vol. 80The Birth of a Child as Experienced and Narrated in the 1990s FinlandLena Marander-Eklund doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.marander_eklundvol80/marander_eklund.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000576Folklore vol. 80The Rite of Male Circumcision among the Muslim Population in the Western BalkansAlexander Novik doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.novikvol80/novik.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000577Folklore vol. 80A Local Midwife or a Doctor? Two Systems of Knowledge in Birthing Practices of Russian Old BelieversNatalia Dushakova doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.dushakovavol80/dushakova.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000578Folklore vol. 80Taking Hold of the Future: Active Childbirth Practices and Beliefs in Romania (in the Home Country and in Migration)Adina Hulubaş doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.hulubasvol80/hulubas.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000579Folklore vol. 80“Coming into the World: From Spirits to the Spirit”. The First Childhood Museum in RomaniaAnamaria Iuga doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.iugavol80/iuga.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl080FX000580Folklore vol. 80Jews in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Russian FederationAnastasia Kharlamova, Alexander Novik doi:10.7592/FEJF2020.80.kharlamova_novikvol80/kharlamova_novik.pdf2020 Irina Sedakova &Nina Vlaskina Birthlore and childhood
fl081FX000581Folklore vol. 81Instead of Introduction: How Old Is Sacredness?Tõnno Jonuks doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.81.introductionvol81/introduction.pdf2021 Tõnno Jonuks History matters
fl081FX000582Folklore vol. 81Technology Creating a New Human: The Alchemical Roots of Transhumanist IdeasKurmo Konsa doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.81.konsavol81/konsa.pdf2021 Tõnno Jonuks History matters
fl081FX000583Folklore vol. 81From Nature Romanticism to Eco-Nationalism: The Development of the Concept of Estonians as a Forest NationAtko Remmel, Tõnno Jonuks doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.81.remmel_jonuksvol81/remmel_jonuks.pdf2021 Tõnno Jonuks History matters
fl081FX000584Folklore vol. 81Sustaining and Substituting the Sacred: Coin Trees in Britain and IrelandCeri Houlbrook doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.81.houlbrookvol81/houlbrook.pdf2021 Tõnno Jonuks History matters
fl081FX000585Folklore vol. 81A Joke, Mockery, or Something More? The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster – an Invented Religion or a New Movement?Siarhei A. Anoshka doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.81.anoshkavol81/anoshka.pdf2021 Tõnno Jonuks History matters
fl081FX000586Folklore vol. 81Buried Alive: The Phenomenon of Apparent Death in Estonian TraditionEda Kalmre doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.81.kalmrevol81/kalmre.pdf2021 Tõnno Jonuks History matters
fl081FX000587Folklore vol. 81Jizō in Action: The Role of Jizō Statues in Temple Atmosphere, Seen through the Eyes of Sendai Temple AbbotsAlīse Eishō Donnere doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.81.donnerevol81/donnere.pdf2021 Tõnno Jonuks History matters
fl081FX000588Folklore vol. 81Legends of Places as Part of the Sustainable Development of RegionsBarbara Ivančič Kutin, Monika Kropej Telban doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.81.ivancic_kropejvol81/ivancic_kropej.pdf2021 Tõnno Jonuks History matters
fl082FX000589Folklore vol. 82Introduction into Health-Related Folklore and Its Research: From First-Hand Experiences to Second-Hand Narrating ModelsReet Hiiemäe doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.82.introductionvol82/introduction.pdf2021 Reet Hiiemäe Health & Pandemic
fl082FX000590Folklore vol. 82Vernacular Reactions to COVID-19 in Estonia: Crisis Folklore and CopingReet Hiiemäe, Mare Kalda, Mare Kõiva, Piret Voolaid doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.82.estoniavol82/estonia.pdf2021 Reet Hiiemäe Health & Pandemic
fl082FX000591Folklore vol. 82The General, His Fandom, and a Participatory PandemicAngelina Ilieva doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.82.ilievavol82/ilieva.pdf2021 Reet Hiiemäe Health & Pandemic
fl082FX000592Folklore vol. 82COVID-19 and the Traditional Culture of the UdmurtsNikolai Anisimov, Galina Glukhova doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.82.anisimov_glukhovavol82/anisimov_glukhova.pdf2021 Reet Hiiemäe Health & Pandemic
fl082FX000593Folklore vol. 82Faith in the Times of COVID-19: Integrating Religion in the Fight against COVID-19 in TanzaniaThomas J. Ndaluka, Magolanga Shagembe, Jonas Kinanda, Vendelin Simon doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.82.tanzaniavol82/tanzania.pdf2021 Reet Hiiemäe Health & Pandemic
fl082FX000594Folklore vol. 82Online Coping with the First Wave: Covid Humor and Rumor on Dutch Social Media (March – July 2020)Theo Meder doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.82.medervol82/meder.pdf2021 Reet Hiiemäe Health & Pandemic
fl082FX000595Folklore vol. 82Early Days of the Novel Coronavirus: Public Response in Social Media during the First Month of the OutbreakMaris Kuperjanov doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.82.kuperjanovvol82/kuperjanov.pdf2021 Reet Hiiemäe Health & Pandemic
fl082FX000596Folklore vol. 82From “Unbelievable Stupidity” to “Secret Clues for Staying Healthy”: CAM Landscape and Boundary-Work in Estonian and Finnish Mainstream Media in April 2020Reet Hiiemäe, Terhi Utriainen doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.82.hiiemae_utriainenvol82/hiiemae_utriainen.pdf2021 Reet Hiiemäe Health & Pandemic
fl082FX000597Folklore vol. 82“Doctors Just Don’t Care about People!” How Medical Specialists Are Depicted in a Vaccine-Critical Estonian Facebook GroupMarko Uibu doi:10.7592/FEJF2021.82.uibuvol82/uibu.pdf2021 Reet Hiiemäe Health & Pandemic