Call for papers

The 14th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) will be held in July 26-31, 2005, in Tartu, Estonia.

The central topic of the Tartu Congress will be Narrative Theories and Modern Practices.

The program will include plenary sessions, workshops, thematic panel sessions and forums. The publications and periodicals issued since the 13th congress will be displayed. Poster presentations will introduce research centres and disciplines.

Various fields of research have been concerned with the study of narratives and performance in the past dozens of years. This has brought along searches and experiments in folklore studies and linguistics, ethnology and psychology, social anthropology and medical science, geography and fine arts.

During the last ten years the focus has been on communication in the Internet, and the relationship of media and oral narrative tradition. Oral history, identification of self and ethnicity through narratives, links between fiction and reality, moral issues, the second life of narratives in printed publications and archives have inspired scholars to study new and traditional folk narratives.

We welcome all scholars who are working in the field of folk narratives. The themes of the congress sessions are:

  1. Theoretical Schools in Narrative Studies
  2. Narrative Genres: Continuity and Changes
  3. Public and Private
  4. Networks and Networking
  5. Cross-Cultural Communication
  6. Mapping and Preservation

For further information, and also if you wish to set up a panel, forum or round-table discussion, please contact the local organising committee by mail, e-mail or fax:

by e-mail:

 Some preliminary 

 Bibliography workshop 


by fax: 3727- 377-706
contact address: ISFNR 14, Vanemuise 42,

Due date for registration is October 1, 2004 (NB! December 1, 2004 at the latest!), and due date for abstracts is April 15, 2005.

News About Organizing Call for papers Registration Participants Abstracts Tartu ISFNR
News About Organizing Committee Registration Participants Abstracts About Tartu About ISFNR