Those whose souls belong to the Devil will begin haunting after death.
Kelle surnu hing vanapagana päralt see hakkavat peale surma kodu käima.
The Devil has stripped the skin from the dead and slipped into it, returning home. It is not the dead themselves who come home.
Vanakurat on võtnud surnu naha seljast, tükkinud surnu nahasse ja tulnud siis koju, ega surnu ise koju ei tule.
Anyone who wishes to see the devil or a revenant must look through a knot-hole in the coffin, between their legs backward, or through a horse's harness.
Kes kurjavaimu ehk kodukäijat tahab näha, see vaadaku läbi puusärgi oksaaugu ehk jalgade vahelt läbi tagaspidi ehk läbi hobuse rangide.
Revenants were believed to be those dead whose bodies were not dressed in the clothes they had wished for, or who were not properly washed after death.
Kodukäijateks arvati neid surnuid, kellele ei olnud peale surma pandud selga neid riideid, mida ta oli tahtnud või ei olnud korralikult puhtaks pestud.
The spirit must wander about, rattling and disturbing the house. It is the ghost of a wicked person, one who has no place to rest.
Peab kodu kolistama, see on kodukäija vaim. Üks kuri inimene, kel pole kohta kusagil.