Field and pasture, cultivated plants
Where an uninvited wedding guest pisses, there nettles will grow; where a wedding singer pisses, there cabbages will grow.
Comment: In the old days, only relatives, musicians and singers were invited to the wedding, the latter preferably also from the relatives. All the others – neighbours and friends – were accepted as uninvited guests. The wedding singers should be married women, and their singing and personality was believed to have a significant impact on the neweds' future. (T.S.)
Kuhu lapuline kuseb, sinna tõusevad nõgesed; kuhu kaasik kuseb, sinna kasvavad kapsad.
Seletus: Vanemal ajal kutsuti pulma ainult sugulased, pilllimehed ja pulmalaulikud ehk kaasikud, eelistatavalt samuti sugulaste seast. Kõik teised – naabrid ja muud tuttavad – olid kutsumata külalised ehk lapulised. Pulmalaulikud olid abielus, enamasti juba eakamad naised, ning nende laulmisel ja isiksusel usuti olevat mõju pruutpaari tulevikule. (T.S.)
The hop whooped on the rod,
the cone bawled on the spruce:
"Come here, young men,
take me home in your sacks!
There I'll push to the barrel,
step into the beer anchor,
and roll to the vodka bottle.
I'll take mind from men's heads,
a coif from wise women's heads,
half a mind from boys' heads –
men will romp without a cap,
women dance without a coif,
boys without their half-boots."
Humal huikas lati otsas,
käbi kärkis kuuse otsas:
"Tulge siia, noored mehed,
viige mind kotis koju!.
Sealt m(in)a tükin tündrisse,
astun õlleankrusse,
veeren viinapudelisse.
Võtan meele meeste peast,
tanu tarkade naiste peast,
poole meelt poiste peast –
mehed mütsita müravad,
naised tantsivad tanuta,
poisid poolsaabasteta."
If you want the flax to grow well, look beautiful and give a good harvest, you must praise the flax enough during its growing and blossoming. I have heard praising like this:
Rise, flax flower,
grow, flax, my darling,
rise, flax, to flower branches,
grow, flax, to birch branches.
You can slide on flax,
make porridge from hemp.
Kui tahetakse, et lina peaks hästi kasvama, ilus välja nägema ka hääd saaki andma, tuleb lina kasvamise ajal, niisama ka õitsemise järgul küllalt kiita. Üht niisugust lina kiitmist olen kuulnud järgmiselt:
Tõuse lina lillikene,
kasva lina kallikene,
tõuse lina lilli oksa,
kasva lina kase oksa.
Lina pääl saab liugu lasta,
kanepist saab kulda kasta.