Souls’ migration
When someone dies, the window of that room is opened so that the soul can easily pass on. The wind blowing at that time can be called the soul wind.
Sureb keegi, siis avatakse surnutoa aken, et hing hõlpsasti välja pääseks. Tookordset puhuvat tuult nimetatakse hingetuuleks.
Somewhere on the farm, a woman was seriously ill. Someone else from that farm was outside. As they were coming home through the forest, a sudden strong gust of wind passed him. Arriving home they found the sick one dead. The gust of wind was believed to be the soul of the dead person.
Kuskil talus olnud naine raskesti haige. Sealt talust olnud keegi väljas. Koju tulles läinud temast metsa vahel mööda äkiline kõva tuulehoog. Koju jõudes leidnud haige surnud. Arvatud, et see tuulepuhang olnud surnu hing.
One mother noticed that when the baby breathed its last breath, it was as if a kind of wind had gone out of the window. The flower petals just rustled.
Üks ema pannud lapse suremise puhul tähele, et kui laps viimast korda hinge tõmbanud, siis ühtlasi nagu mingi tuuleõhk läinud aknast välja; lilledel lehed "lõhisenud" kohe.
The soul wandered around the room for a while as if it was saying good-bye, then it went away.
Hing uitas mõne aja toa ümbruses nagu jumalaga jättes, siis läks ära.
A man's soul will live forty days on earth after death, then it probably will be taken to heaven.
Inimese hing elada nelikümmend päeva veel maa peal pärast surma, siis vast võetakse teda taeva.
The souls of the dead used to go to the sauna to whisk.
Surnute hinged käinud vanasti saunas vihtlemas.
According to ancient lore, a certain little grayish butterfly was said to be a person’s "soul". It would fly around that person's sickbed before death, and visit the home of the deceased as a "soul" for some time afterwards, to see their relatives and old home. This is why one must be careful that no one kills this little grayish butterfly, as it would destroy one's soul. – The action of the little "soul butterfly" is said to be most clearly seen at the time of a person's death. If someone is about to die, open the smoke hole in the wall and put a bowl of water over the hole, but stay in a secret place and watch. – Then it would be plain to see how the soul, in the form of a grayish butterfly, is in the hands of a soul-saviour (probably an angel), who takes it through the water in the bowl, thus washing it clean of all sin, then puts it in a clean white rag, and takes it to God in heaven. – In the same way the soul would go to see its own home after death, and never fly upon any filthy thing.
Vanarahva jutu järgi peetud üht hahka liblikakest "hinge-liblikaks", kes olevat inimese "hing" ja lendlevat enne inimese surma tema haigevoodi ümber, ning hiljemgi käivat kadunukese "hingena" veel mõnda aega kodus, oma sugulasi ja oma vana kodu vaatamas. Sellepärast on siis vaja hoolega tähele panna, et keegi seda väikest hahka liblikat ei tapaks, see hävitavat ühe inimese hinge. Väikse "hinge-liblika" tegevus olevat kõige selgemini näha inimese suremise ajal. Kui keegi on hinge heitmas, siis tee pajaauk lahti ja pane vesi kausiga pajaaugu peale, aga ise jää kuskile salajasse kohta vaatama. Siis olevat selgesti näha, kuidas hing haha liblika kujul hingeviija (vist ingli) käes on, kes viib ta läbi kausis oleva vee ja nõnda kõigest patust puhtaks peseb, puhta valge räti sisse paneb ja siis taevasse Jumala juurde viib. Sel kombel käivat hing ka pärast surma kodus, omakseid vaatamas, ja ta ei lendavat kunagi ühegi räpase asja peale.
Sometimes during sleep a person's soul comes out from its mouth in the form of a mouse. Sometimes you can notice how the mouse moves inside the human body. It is said that there is a mouse of life in the body.
Inimese hing tulla vahel magamise ajal inimese suust välja hiire näol. Mõnikord võida inimese kehas tähele panna, kuidas hiir siis liigutab. Öeldakse, et kehas on eluhiir.
When a kind of small piece under the skinflutters occasionally (usually around the eye), it is a life-bug. When the bug moves, the person starts to feel more alive.
Kui inimesel naha all nagu miski väike tükike vahetevahel liigutab/väriseb (enamasti silma ümbruses), see on elulutikas. Kui lutikas liigutab, siis inimene hakkab elavamaks minema.
When a bachelor dies, his soul goes into the bird that sings like this: "Chick in the head, tuft on the head".
Kui vanapoiss ära sureb, läheb ta hing linnu sisse, kes nii laulab: "Putt pea lutt, pea otsas tutt".
A bitter wind, believed to be the soul of a self-hanged person.
Vile tuul, milles arvatakse poonud inimese hing olevat.