Late autumn, time of dead souls and masked guests
Martin buries,
Catherine covers,
Andreas unravels,
Thomas slurps,
Peter closes with a stick.
Comment: The names are of various Saints whose calendar holidays are associated with the changing weather. St. Martin and St. Catherine bury the land under snow, St. Andreas brings a thaw, while St.Thomas causes the ice to melt and flow and St. Peter stops the flowing meltwater by blocking it with his stick.
Märt matab,
Kadri katab,
Andres harutab,
Toomas toristab,
Peeter pistab pulga ette.
Seletus. Nimed tähistavad pühakuid, kelle nimega seotud kalendripühade järgi saab jälgida talve saabumist. Mardipäeval sajab lund, kadripäeval külmetab, Andresepäeval sulab, Toomapäeval voolab vesi ja Peetripäeval külm sulgeb selle.
It was a foggy dark time around St Martin’s Day. The souls went home at that time.
Mardipäeva ümber udune pime aeg. Siis käinud hinged kodus sel ajal. —
In Nabala parish, Jüri municipality, it is believed that on St Martin’s Day the souls of dead people still visit the house to eat. This has not been heard of in Kurna village.
Jüri kihelkonnas Nabala valdas ustakse seda, et ära surnud inimeste hinged käia Mardi päeva ajal veel kottu süüa tahtmas. Kurnal pole seda kuulda olnud.
On St Martin’s night, meat was boiled and flour dumplings were placed at the end of the room for the Old Ghosts. One man had eaten them and pissed in the dish.
Mardiõhtu. Keedeti liha ja käkki ja pandi vanatontidele kambri otsa. Üks mees oli need ära söönud ja liuda kusenud.