Ancestral spirits/souls

The dead ask to drink

The caretaker of the Kuresaare churchyard (graveyard) went to a wedding in the village of Muratsi, leaving the maid at home to tend to the animals. Suddenly, at dusk, a number of spirits appeared in the room, all asking for water to drink. Because the girl didn't have enough water, the spirits started to strangle the girl. When the host found the maid half-dead on the floor that evening, he realised that there was no water in the troughs at the well for the dead. The troughs at the mortuary well must always be full of water - or the dead will come to strangle those in the room. There must always be a caretaker in the cemetery, who has already been baptized for the dead1, and who can tame the dead in the graveyard and send them to their graves with a blessed staff in hand.

Baptism for the dead – a non-biblical practice where a living person is baptized in lieu of a person that passed away.

Surnud nõuavad juua

Kuressaare kerguaidas (surnuaedas) läinud vaht Muratsi külase pulma, ümardaja jäenud koduse loomasid talitama. Korraga, kui videvik käes, ilmunud hulk vaimusid tuppa, kõik küsivad vett juua. Et tüdrukul vett polnud kõige hulga tarvis anda, hakand vaimud tüdrukut käegistama. Kui peremees õhtul ümardaja poolsurnult põrandalt leidis, mõistis ta ära, et kaevul (kajul) künädes vett surnute tarvis polnud. Alati peab surnumajas kajul künad vett täis olema - muidu tulevad surnud tuppa käegistama. Alati peab vaht surmale juba ristitud olema1 ja õnnistud kepiga, mis ta peab käes, aedas surnuid taltsutada ja hauda saata olema.

Surmale ristimine – mitteametlik tava ristida keegi elav inimene ristimata surnu asemel.

Riia < Pöide khk. Koguja Aleksander Valtin 1904. H III 31, 207/8 (3). Inglise tõlge: Taive Särg. Foto Saaremaa Muuseum SM F 3829:115 F

Grandfather's Ghost

There is a farm here. The wind broke the old-style building, where the threshing barn and dwelling were housed under the same roof.
 In the old days, when it still existed, the master went to thresh at night. He turned on the light and saw that grandfather had come to sleep in the thresh-house. The flail was in his hand and the master threw it on the floor where the grandfather was sleeping. At that time there were no windows yet - there was only a slat covering the hole in the wall. Then the grandfather disappeared with a thump. Who else it was, if not Old Devil.

Vanaisa vaim

Siin on üks talu. Tuul lõhkus rehetare ära. Vanasti, kui ta veel alles oli, siis peremees oli läinud öösel rehte peksma. Pannud tule üles ja näinud, et vanaisa on tulnud rehte magama. Terava otsaga ritv oli käes olnud ja peremees visanud selle põrandale, kus vanaisa magas. Sel ajal veel aknaid ei olnud – oli vaid üks laud augu ees. Siis vanaisa kadunud nagu kolksti minema. Aga kes see muu oli kui vanakuri. 


Kaarli Huma, snd 1853. Põlva khk, Võru v, Kääpa k. Koguja Ija Daniel 1937. ERA II 160, 321 (12). Eesti ja inglise tõlge: Taive Särg.