NB! Audio may not be available throughout video.
Some ten years ago, well, times were tough, the meat factory wouldn't take animals in and when they did, you didn't have a suitable vehicle. Then two men decided they would take a cow to town on foot, and so it came to pass and in order to remember it, I made this little song. The song is as follows, or shall we say, the event is as follows.
[Continues with reciting of the song, following the lengths of the syllables, stops at the end of phrases.]
Laimjala valdas tuntud mehed,
üks nüüd jälle kuulsaks sai.
:,: Räägib raadiu, ajalehed,
jalgsi lehma linna tõi.:,:
Hommikul kolmveerand seitse
algas meestel rännutee.
:,: Kalju ja ta Saku sõber,
nende mõte olnud see. :,:
Vissile pael pandi sarvi –
kaua ma sind lüpsma pean!
:,: Mul ei ole autut tarvis,
ise sinu linna vean! :,:
Mehed jalgrataste selga,
kiiremini nii läeb tee.
:,: Lehmal, sellel neli jalga,
järgi meil võib joosta see. :,:
Pool teed läinud päris hästi,
see läind päris lennates,
:,: aga lõpuks loom oli väsind
tapamajja rännates. :,:
Mitu korda tee peal oli
totu abi vajanud.
:,: Mehed olid mitu korda
tema püsti ajanud. :,:
Ahti Viilup* lubas teha
Kaljule ka erandi,
:,: sest et lehm oli tee peal kautand
kaalust pea et veerandi. :,:
Lubas raha kohe anda,
nõnda ütles Ahti suu.
:,: Need, kes autuga toond lehma,
ootavad need üle kuu. :,:
Kalju arvas ajalehes:
sõukest teed käiks igapäev,
:,: kahjuks rohkem lehmi pole,
järgmine reis ära jääb! :,:
*Ahti Viilup – the Saaremaa dairy and meat factory head at that time
Maidu Vallik, born 1954, Asva village, Alangu farm [Pöide parish], comes from Kungla village [Valjala parish], has lived in Turja village [Valjala parish]. Filmed by I. Rüütel in 2012. ERA, DV 535 [251].
Editors Janika Oras, Kadi Sarv
Translation into English Inna Feldbach, Olga Ivaškevitš
Selection of photos Aivo Põlluäär
Project co-ordinator Risto Järv
Web design Lorem Ipsum
Cover photo Ingrid Rüütel 2007 (private collection)
Ensemble Trad.Attack!
Ministry of Education and Research (projekt IUT22-4)
The European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies)
The Cultural Endowment of Estonia
ELM Scholarly Press, 2018
© and ℗ Estonian Literary Museum, 2018
© Ingrid Rüütel
ISBN 978-9949-586-57-8
[CD, DVD and textbook]
Sound production and CD mastering Jaan Tamm
DVD editing and mastering Jaan Kolberg
Editor Janika Oras
Translation into English Inna Feldbach
Design and text book layout Krista Saare
Print Kruuli Trükikoja AS
Replication Baltic Disc AS
Editor Asta Niinemets
Music transcription Ingrid Rüütel, Ludmilla Toon, Edna Tuvi
Notation editing Ingrid Rüütel, Edna Tuvi
Sheet music graphics Edna Tuvi
Texts transcription Erna Tampere, Ingrid Rüütel
Dialectic texts editor Ester Kuusik
Translation of summary Inna Feldbach
Layout and design Krista Saare
Print OÜ Greif Trükikoda