Lenda, lenda, lepatriinu!

Ingrid Rüütel: Aga kuidas see kiini1 ajamine nüüd oli?
Salme Pärg: Kiini ajamine. Zzz...
IR: Kes see niimoodi siis tegi?
SP: No, karjased.
IR: Misjaoks?
SP: Niimoodi oli, et teinekord oma karjased oma karjale ka tegid. Kui karja ei lastud kodu – a ku kari kõvasti hakkas kiini minema, võtsid sabad püst selga ja hakkasid jooksma kuskil – võibolla vilja või. Kiinis kõvasti käisid, parme oli palju, sis lasti kari varem kodu. Kari käib juba kiinis, ei saa enam mitte, ei söö enam, kari on kiini läind ja sis lasti kodu. Sis teinekord oma karja juures ise ka tegime nii tasa, tasem ära, et võibolla äkki kuulevad veel. Siis tegime zzz... parmu häält.
IR: A vahel siis tehti teise karjale ka?
SP: No teise karjale ka, kui teise kari kui juhtus nii oli metsa ääres, et teise kari metsa ääres rahulikult sõi, ja siis läksin metsa mööda tasakesi sinna karja juure. Muidugi siin nii kõvasti, kui olid karjased kaugemal kuskil mängisid Vaat siis tegime niimodi zzz.... Sis oli hea meel, kui vaatasime, kui juba mõni tõmmas, saba üks püsti, teine püsti, eks hakkasid sibama, sis panime ise ka jooksu oma karja juurde jälle.
1 kiin – paaniline jooksmine putukate eest põgenedes
Ingrid Rüütel: So, how was this kiini ajamine1 exactly?
Salme Pärg: Driving them into a panic. Zzz...
IR: Who did that then?
SP: Well, the herders.
IR: Why?
SP: It was like this – sometimes the herders did it to their own herd. If the herd wasn’t allowed to go home – oh, but when the herd started running frantically, tails raised, bolting somewhere – maybe into the fields or something... When they went into full panic because of all the horseflies, the herd would be let home earlier. When the herd was already in panic, they couldn’t eat anymore; the herd had gone into *kiin*, and then they were sent home. Sometimes we even did it deliberately with our own herd, quietly and carefully, just in case someone might still hear. We made the buzzing sound, like zzz... [imitating the horsefly].
IR: And sometimes you did this to someone else’s herd too?
SP:: Well, yes, to another herd too, if their herd happened to be grazing peacefully at the forest's edge. I’d sneak quietly through the forest to get close to their herd. Of course, not too loudly, especially if their herders were farther away, playing somewhere. Then we’d make that buzzing sound—zzz... It was quite satisfying to see when one tail went up, then another, and they started darting around. Then we’d take off running back to our own herd again.
1 kiin – panicked running caused by fleeing from insects, comparable to amok; kiini ajama – to drive into panic
„Sääsk ja hobune“ ja „Ämblik ja vähk“ August Jakobsoni raamatust „Ööbik ja vaskuss“.
Kuula siit:

Hobune sõi koplis, sääsk tuli lennates alt luha poolt. Hobune ei pannud sääske tähele ja sääsk küsis: “Külamees, kas sa mind ei näegi?” “Nüüd näen küll,” vastas hobune. Sääsk vaatas hobust väga tähelepanelikult - vaatas saba, vaatas selga, vaatas kapju, vaatas jalgu, vaatas keha, vaatas kõrvu. Väärutas imestades pead ja ütles: “Oi, oi, oled ikka, vennas, suur küll.”
“Olen, olen suur,” noogutas hobune.
“Sa oled ju, kaim, suurem minustki.”
“Olen, olen suurem sinuski.”
“Jõudu on sul kah vist päris palju?” küsis sääsk.
“No on palju, no on palju,” vastas hobune.
“Ega kärbsed tee sulle vist häda midagi?”
“Ei-noh, kärbsed küll mulle midagi häda ei tee.”
“Sõgelasedki vist... ei saa sinu vastu?”
“Ei-noh, sõgelased küll minu vastu ei saa.”
“Ega ole ju paremat palka parmudegagi?”
“Kus sa sellega, neh - ega ole paremat palka parmudegagi.”
Nüüd ajas sääsk rinna ette, uhkustas:
“Ole sa suur, mis sa oled, ole sa tugev nagu tahad - sääserahvas käib sust üle nagu poleks sind olemaski olnud!”
“Ei käi, ei käi!” ütles hobune.
“Käib, no käib!” jäi sääsk kindlaks.
Vaidlesid nõnda hobune ja sääsk tunni, vaidlesid teise - kumbki ei andnud järele. Kuni hobune viimaks arvas:
“Mis seal ilma asjata tülitseda ja tühja tuult tallata - katsume jõudu!”
“Õige, õige, katsume jõudu jah,” nõustus sääsk, tõusis lendu ja hüüdis heleda häälega: “Meie mehed - kähku kokku! Meie mehed, kähku kokku!”
Oi, oi, oi, kus siis hakkas sääski lagedale lendama! Tuli neid kaasikust ja tuli neid kuusikust; ilmus neid laantest ja ilmus neid rabadest; kihutas neid kohale soodest ja kihutas neid kohale sonnidest. Ja igaüks, kes aga pärale jõudis, asus kohe hobusele kallale! Kui kedagi enam tulemas polnud, vaatas hobune üle õla ja küsis: “Kas kõik on siin?”
“Kõik siin, kõik siin!” vastas pealik-sääsk.
“Ja kõik ju tugevasti tööl kah?” küsis hobune.
“Kõik tööl, kõik tööl!” vastas pealik-sääsk.
Hobune laskis enda nüüd pikali, hakkas kõvasti püherdama. Püherdas, püherdas, püherdas, ega jätnudki enne, kui sääskede vägi surnud oli. Ainult üks soldat-sääsk pääses eluga. Tõusis vaeseke oma valutavate tiibade varal kuidagiviisi õhku, lendas pealik-sääse juurde, lõi kannad kopsudes kokku ja teatas:
“Pikali saime vaenlase! Oleks meil veel neli meest olnud, kes oleksid hobust jalust kinni hoidnud - kõik seadsin juba valmis, tahtsin just nahka hakata võtma.”
“Tubli, tubli!” kiitis pealik-sääsk ja kihutas tuhatnelja metsa teistele putukatele ja matikatele rõõmusõnumit teatama - sääserahvas võitis hobuse enda, sääserahvas on tänasest päevast peale kõige vägevam rahvas terves maailmas!”
One day a horse was out grazing in the field when a mosquito flew up to him. "Don't you see me?" the mosquito asked, seeing that the horse did not notice him.
"I see you now," the horse replied. The mosquito looked over the horse—he looked at his tail, his back, his neck and at both his ears, one after the other. He looked and he shook his head.
"You're terribly big, my friend, aren't you!" said he.
"Well, yes, I'm not what you'd call small, agreed the horse.
"I am much smaller than you."
"You are indeed!"
"And you must be strong, too?"
"Strong enough."
"I don't suppose a fly could get the better of you, could it?"
"Certainly not!"
"Nor a horse-fly?"
"Nor a horse-fly."
"Nor even a gad-fly?"
"No. Nor even a gad-fly."
The mosquito was pleased. "The horse is strong but I’m even stronger," thought he, and, sticking out his chest, he said:
"You may be big and strong, Horse, but we mosquitoes are stronger still. We need only light into you, and you 11 be done for. We'll win hands down!"
"No, you won’t!" said the horse.
"Yes, we will!" "No!" "Yes!"
They went on like that for an hour and then another, but neither would let the other have the last word.
"It's no use arguing," the horse said at last. We can have it out between us and see who wins!
"Yes, let’s do that!" the mosquito agreed. He rose from the horse's back where he had been sitting and called in a piping voice: "Hey, there, mosquitoes, fly here!"
And at this so many mosquitoes came flying toward him as cannot be imagined! From a birch wood they flew, and from a spruce grove, from the swamps, and the pond, and the river, and they all flew straight at the horse. They settled all over him and clung to his body, and the horse asked: "Well, are all of you here now?"
"Yes, all!" replied the first mosquito who was a bully if there ever was one.
"And has each found a place for himself?"
"Then hold on fast!" said the horse.
He flung himself down on his back, his hoofs sticking up in the air, and began rolling from side to side, and in less than a minute he had squashed all the mosquitoes. Of the whole mighty host only one little soldier was left alive, and even his wings were grazed; and, apart from him, the bully who had been sitting some distance away from the rest. That is always the way with bullies: they start a fight and then steal off and keep out of it. The little soldier who had only just managed to fly away from the horse now flew up to the bully, and, addressing him as if he were a general, reported:
"The horse is dead. Killed on the spot! Had we had only four more men we might have clung to his hoofs and skinned him."
"Good work!" said the bully, and off he flew hurriedly to the forest in order to tell the bugs and the gnats of the victory. For this was no joke!
The mosquitoes had vanquished a horse, so surely their tribe was the mightiest of all the tribes on earth!