Tsilk, tsilk, tilgakõnõ, velĺo võti vele naase,
tsilk, tsilk, tilgakõnõ, velĺo võti vele naase.
Mullõ jäie mustakõnõ.
Kohe kuŕa ma panõsiq?
Lätsi ujja uputamma,
kuŕa nakaś külmämähe.
Tõiõ kodo kuiomahe,
panni petśo piislemmä.
Esiq kaie kavaluisi,
kaie ilma tarkuisi.
Nakas huulõq punõtamma,
nakas huulõq veretämmä.
Mullõ saie illos naane,
ilosap kui vele naane.
The folk group Lill reportedly learned the song from a tape received from Estonia, most likely from the record of Seto men’s songs Ülgeq ütte! The young female singers have confused the words and sing about velenaane (brother’s wife) instead of verrev naane (red wife). A young man marries a dirty wife and takes her to the stream. After bathing in the water and drying herself, the dirty wife turns out to be even prettier than the brother’s wife.
ERA, DV 641, 653, 654 < Haida k – Andreas Kalkun, Anu Korb, Tiit Sibul, Astrid Tuisk 2008 < Olga Matvejeva, Lidia Kondratjeva, Maria Ossipova, Maria Peterson, Anna Kutšerenko, Tatjana Medetskaja.
The yearly cycle
Family traditions
Improvisations and Lyroepic songs
Circle Game Song