Lähme kiigele kiikumaie!
Kas sie kiige kannab meida?
Kui ei kanna, ne kadugu.
Mis sina kriuksud, kiigekene,
augud, aluslauakene,
paugud, pealispuukene?
Kiige kriunub kinda'aida,
aluslauda ande'eida,
pealispuu punasi paelu.
Oot, oot, kiige, noo-noo, kiige,
las minu venda võtab naese,
teine vend tuob teise naese,
kolmas vend saab kosjas käinud,
siis saab kiige kinda'aida,
aluslauda ande'eida,
pealispuu punased paelad.
Let's go swing on the swing!
Will the swing hold us?
If it won't, let it be gone.
What are you groaning about, dear swing,
barking for, bottom-board,
popping for, over-beam?
The swing is groaning for mittens,
the bottom-board for alms,
the over-beam for red bands.
Wait just wait, oh swing, well now, swing,
let my brother take a wife,
my second brother bring a second wife,
my third brother go a-courting,
then the swing will get mittens,
the bottom-board alms,
the over-beam red bands.
Notice how the words have been modified to fit the special swinging rhythm: Lähme kiigele kiikuhumaie! Kas sie kiigehe kannahab meida?
ERA, Pl. 28 B2 < Jõelähtme khk., Viimsi v., Randvere k. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1936. a. < Mari Kilu, 84-a., Liisu Tamp, 65-a.
[LP II b 1; CD1-22].