“Ema” istub näoga seina poole, koob vööd ja laulab. “Tütred” seisavad ema taga ja laulavad järele: Kua vüüd koogulist jne. Ükshaaval tulevad kosilased, rikkad ja vaesed vaheldumisi. Dialoog ema ja kosilaste vahel. Ema annab tütred vaestele kosilastele. On mängitud ka ilma dialoogita, nii et iga kosilane varastab rea lõpust ühe tütre. Mängitakse, kuni kõik tütred on “kositud”.
The “mother” sits facing the wall, weaving a sash and singing. Her “daughters” stand behind her and sing following her lead. One at a time the suitors come, rich ones and poor ones alternately. There is a dialogue between the suitors and the mother. The mother gives her daughters to the poor suitors. The game was played without dialogue as well with each suitor stealing a bride from the end of the row. The game is repeated until all of the daughters have been “courted”.
Kua vüüd koogulist,
haara vüüd hangulist.
Imel pal´lo tütterida,
liiga linahiussid.
Tulõs kos´ak kost tulõsi,
olõs viinak kost veeresi,
ar´a üte ma annasi,
ar´a kat´si kallutas´.
Weave hook-patterned sashes,
quickly plait zig-zagged sashes.
Mother has so many daughters,
too many flaxen-haired ones.
Where ever suitors come from,
whoever brings spirits,
then I would give one away,
two I would turn away.
ERA, Pl. 22 A3 < Setu, Järvesuu v., Tonja k. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1936. a. < Anne Vabarna (eeslaulja), 58-a., ja koor.
[LP VII 1; CD3-1].