Mängijaid on kaks paari, seisavad vastastikku. Esimene paar, kes seisab käsikäes, küsib esimese värsiga. Teine vastab ja laseb seejärel esimese paari endi vahelt läbi minna oma kohale tagasi. Järgnevad küsimused teiselt paarilt ja vastused esimeselt paarilt. Esimene paar lõpetab värssidega 7–8. Viimase värsi ajal läheb teine paar välja vaatama.
Four players stand facing each other in two pairs. The first pair standing hand in hand asks with the first line of the song. The second replies and lets the first pair pass under their arms back to their original spot. Then the second pair asks the questions and the first pair answers them. The first pair finishes with lines 7 and 8. At this point the second pair goes out to look.
Mis ti, sandi, saisatele,
juuli kuldse väräja?
Mi saisame väräjin.
Värre katski.
Millege ti parandõti?
Siige, kullagõ, vereve niidige.
Kost sa, sit´t, sii sait?
Veli eilä Riiast tõi,
ku ei usu, tulõk kae!
What are you wretches standing here,
rejoice for the golden gate?
We are standing in the gate.
The gate is broken.
What will you repair it with?
With silk and gold and blood red yarn.
Where did you, you shit, get the silk from?
Brother brought it yesterday from Riga,
if you don't believe me come and look!
RKM, Mgn. II 802 g < Tallinn < Sangaste khk. – H. Kokamägi, I. Rüütel Kirjandusmuuseumi ekspeditsioonil 1962. a. < Helene Kukk, 68-a.
[LP VII 10; CD3-10].