Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

The Bride Leaves Her Father's Home

Miina Lambot and Anna Paalberg Kuusalu (1938)

Neitsikäne nuorukane,
kui akkad kodund menemä
ja akkab ale tulema,
vesi silmist vieremäie,
akka enne eide kaela,
tagajärel taadi kaela,
verävällä venna kaela,
ouessa odede kaela!
Jumalaga, eide uksed,
jumalaga, taadi uksed,
venna vestetud veräväd,
ue oued ounapuised!
Tuld aga lüöväd tumma kapjad,
sädemida sälü sääred
peiu saaja soitajessa.
Oissa! Opp-oissa!

Maiden, young bride,
when you leave your home,
and sadness falls upon you,
water starts to flow from your eyes,
then first of all embrace your mother,
after that embrace your father,
at the gate embrace your brother,
in the yard embrace your sister!
God bless your mother's door,
God bless your father's door,
the gates your brother built,
your sister's yard full of apple trees!
The dark steeds strike fire with their hooves,
the colt makes sparks with its legs,
as they depart with the groom's company.
Hurray, hip-hip hurray!

ERA, Pl. 86 B1 < Kuusalu khk., Kolga v., Juminda k. ja Tapurla k. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1938. a. < Miina Lambot, 70-a., Anna Paalberg, 64-a.
[LP IV a 2; CD1-43]. Mirov, Rüütel, Tormis 1977, 59–60 (nr. 17).