Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

The Swing Wants Mittens

Marie Sepp Kolga-Jaani (1937)

Mis sina kihad, meie kiike,
mis sina ägad, meie häl´li?
Kiike kihab kindahaida,
äl´li äida säärepaelu,
aluslauda handemida.
Oot, oot, kiige, no-noh, kiige,
las mo õde saab mehele,
las mo venda võtab naese,
õde saab sõjapäälikulle,
vend võtab vene karjanaese,
siis saab kiige kindahaida,
aluslauda handemida,
äl´li häida säärepaelu.

What are you all a-flutter for, swing,
what are you groaning about, rocker?
The swing is all a-flutter for mittens,
the rocker is groaning to get good garters,
the bottom-board wants a gift.
Wait, just wait, oh swing, well now, swing,
let my sister be married,
let my brother wed a wife,
sister will be married to a warlord,
brother will wed a Russian herder woman,
then the swing will get mittens,
the bottom boards will get gifts,
the rocker will get good garters.

ERA, Pl. 49 B1 < Kolga-Jaani khk., Soosaare v. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1937. a. < Marie Sepp, 74-a.
[LP II b 4; CD1-25]. Viidang 1997, 19.