Jaagup Kilström with bagpipe at a recording session in Tallinn in 1936–1938. Photo by P. Parikas. ERA, Foto 8085.
Jaagup Kilström (1864–1945) was a fisherman from Leesi village on the Juminda peninsula. He was also the bell ringer at the church and the man who worked the organ bellows. As a boy he played the reed pipe. When he was 20 he made a bagpipe and learned how to play it. He learned the pieces he played from the older bagpipe players living in his neighbourhood. He was recorded in 1913 and 1932 onto wax cylinders and in 1936 eleven pieces were recorded from him at the National Radio onto the reportage discs. Jakob Kilström performed also on the tours that August Pulst from Estonian Theatre and Music Museum organized in the 1920’s and 1930’s to (re)introduce folk music. According to the notes made by August Pulst, Jakob was a serious individual of few words. He did not care too much about how the audience received him during performances (in those days the bagpipe was one of the main drawing cards on tours), often he would just say: “I’ll play some more!”