Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

Spring on the Field

Hindrek Tamm Jõelähtme (1937)

Mis te tühja muretsete,
juba rukkipia nähikse,
odraoras ju aljendab,
kaeraoras katab maada,
nisu tupesta tulebki,
ernes ehib riide'elle,
läätse säärile siakse,
kapsas käärib äile päile,
kaalik lehta kosuteleb,
nairis lehta lahuteleb!

Why worry about nothing,
already the heads of rye can be seen,
sprouting barley glows green,
sprouting oats cover the land,
wheat is emerging from its sheath,
peas are adorning themselves in clothes,
lentils are getting their legs ready,
cabbages are seething, wreathing,
turnips are strengthening their leaves,
swedes are unfurling their leaves.

ERA, Pl. 68 A2 < Jõelähtme khk., Nehatu v. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1937. a. < Hindrek Tamm, 60-a.
[LP V d 5; CD2-22].