Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3


Hindrek Tamm Jõelähtme (1937)

Sõitsine, sõitsine, vennikene,
sõitsine tüki Türgimaada,
natukese(-ga) Narvamaada,
poole ilma Pohlamaada,
ei näinud seda imeda,
mis nägin Nässu peressa.
Ärjad auksid, koerad kündsid,
tüdrukud tegid regesi,
naised raiusid rattapuida,
isa ärjal ikkepuida,
vanal targul tarvispuida,
koput(a)sid kodarapuida.
Mehed kõndsid kõrsutieda,
viinapiekrid piussa,
õllekannud kaendelisse,
õiksid kõrsi õlle peale,
laulsid kõrsi laua peal(e).

I rode, I rode, dear brother mine,
I rode a bit in Turkey,
a little bit in the lands of Narva,
half the world in Poland,
but I never saw such a wonder,
as I saw in Nässu farm.
The oxen were barking, the dogs were ploughing,
girls were building sledges,
women where hewing the axle,
wood for the plough on an ox,
household wood on the old nag,
they were knocking out wood for spokes.
The men were walking on the inn road,
beakers of spirits in their hands,
tankards of ale in their arms,
they shouted out for beer at the inn,
danced on the inn tables.

ERA, Pl. 66 B2 < Jõelähtme khk., Nehatu v. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1937. a. < Hindrek Tamm, 60-a.
[LP V d 2; CD2-19].