Oh minu kulla kiigutajad,
obejased oilutajad,
ärge kurjast kiigutage
ega valjust vaagutage!
Ma olen kuri kukkumassa,
mari olen maha langemassa.
Võeras mies on kiige pialla,
võeras laps on alla laua,
sie tuob kivid kiige alla,
lahutab paed lagejad.
Mul pole venda kiige pialla,
vennalast ei alla laua,
kes tuoks patjad kiige alla,
lahutaks linad lagejad.
Kui mina kukun, kes mind maksab,
kui mina kukun, kuldapriesi,
kui mina langen, laiapaatri?
Oh my golden swingers,
my silver swayers,
don't swing me violently,
nor rock me recklessly!
I am prone to fall,
a berry, I will fall to the ground.
There is a stranger on the swing,
a stranger's child under the boards,
he brings stones under the swing,
spreads out plates of flagstone.
I don't have a brother on the swing,
a child of my brother under the boards,
who would bring pillows under the swing
or spread out linens so broad.
If I fall, who will pay for me,
if I fall, the golden brooch girl,
if I come down, the girl with broad beads?
ERA, Pl. 82 B2 < Kuusalu khk., Kolga v., Tapurla k. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1938. a. < Miina Lambot, 70-a.
[LP II b 3; CD1-24]. Mirov, Rüütel, Tormis 1977, 27–28 (nr. 3).