Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

The Rich Man's Ox and the Poor Man's Crow

Helmi Vill Urvaste (1965)

Ülti siin ollõv suur talu,
ülti ollõv rikas rahvas,
ülti neil ollõv palju raha,
ülti tappõv ää ärjä.
Õs saa süvvä, õs saa müvväk,
õs k´ül´ge k´üläle andak,
õs lapõt lat´silõ jakak,
pehmet liha perrele.

Veli mul tapp vana varõsõ,
sai süvväs, sai müvväk,
sai k´ül´g k´üläle andak,
sai lapõ latsilõ jakak,
pehme liha perrele.
Pudsaist tek´k poodiüü,
kaalakarvust noorõme kapuda,
nõnanut´ust näiu k´ängäk.

It was said there was a great farm here,
it was said there was a rich folk,
it was said they had lots of money,
it was said they slaughtered a fine ox.
They weren't able to eat of it, they weren't able to sell it,
they weren't able to give a side of it to the village,
nor a bit of it for the children,
fresh meat for the family.

My brother, he slaughtered an old crow,
he was able to eat of it, he was able to sell it,
he was able to give a side of it to the village,
a bit of it for the children,
fresh meat for the family.
He fashioned a belt from its feathers,
from its neck feathers he made a young man's socks,
maiden's shoes from the tuft of its beak.

RKM, Mgn. II 1134 g < Võru raj., Antsla kn., Säre k. (Urvaste khk.) – H. Tampere Kirjandusmuuseumi ja Eesti Raadio ekspeditsioonil 1965. a. < Helmi Vill, 61-a.
[LP IV a 7; CD1-48].