Maria Koert in 1958. Photo by H. Tampere. ERA, Foto 3406.
Maria Koert’s (1880–1970) home, Mustjala Parish in the western part of Saaremaa was among the last areas where regilaul was still found. When she got married she went with her husband to the tiny farm of Silla in the village of Ninase. On a collecting expedition in 1958 Herbert and Erna Tampere interviewed Maria Koert quite extensively. They described her as a nimble, very warmhearted and outspoken individual. Her songs were being recorded as late as 1961 during the Saaremaa expedition of the folklore archives. Altogether 22 regilaul have been preserved from Maria. However, she especially loved the rhymed songs she had learned from her parents as a child, which at the time of the collecting expeditions were already disappearing from traditional use.
Eesti rahvalaule ja pillilugusid.
Teaduslik antoloogia. Tekstid ja kommentaarid Herbert Tampere, Erna Tampere ja Ottilie Kõiva. Toimetanud Ingrid Rüütel. Tallinn, 1970.
[+ 5 LP-s: Firma “Meloodia” Tallinna Heliplaadistuudio]
Sound engineering and restoration Heino Pedusaar
Sound recordists Vaike Neeme, Tiiu Oja
Editor of recorded material Joann Juštšuk
Eesti rahvamuusika antoloogia.
Koostanud Herbert Tampere, Erna Tampere, Ottilie Kõiva. Helisalvestusi Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiivist 3. Tartu, 2003.
[3 CD-s and booklet]
Sound engineering and CD mastering Jaan Tamm
Editors Janika Oras (texts), Vaike Sarv (melodies), Ergo-Hart Västrik (translations)
English translation Harri Mürk
Transcription of music Vaike Sarv, Krista Sildoja
Music notation Edna Tuvi
Dialect consultations Ellen Niit, Andreas Kalkun
Commentaries and appendixes Janika Oras, Kadri Tamm, Liina Saarlo
Map AS Regio, Liina Saarlo
Photo design Indrek Tenno, Liina Saarlo
Design and lay-out Hele Hanson-Penu, AS Triip
Project co-ordinator Ergo-Hart Västrik
Eesti rahvamuusika antoloogia.
Online edition.
Editors Janika Oras, Kadi Sarv
English translation Kait Tamm (foreword to the online edition)
Selection of photographs to the online edition Liina Saarlo, photo design Andrus Kalkun
Project co-ordinator Risto Järv
The artwork of the online edition of the anthology is based on Christi Kütt’s tapestry “Wedding Guests” (2002).
The online edition was supported by Estonian Ministry of Education and Science (Project IUT22-4), Ministry of Culture (programme “Heliloomingu tellimine ja muusikaalased väljaanded”, Commissioning and publishing music) and Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Estonian Literary Museum Scholarly Press, 2016
℗ Estonian Literary Museum, 2016
ISBN 978-9949-586-00-4
Web design Lorem Ipsum
Introduction to the Publication
Songs, Game Songs and Instrumental Tunes
Herding Shouts and Songs
Harvest Songs
Domestic Chores
Songs for Calendar and Feast Days
Calendar Songs
Swinging Songs
Lullabies and Children’s Songs
Nursery Songs
Children’s Songs
Wedding Songs
Laments for the Dead
Song and the Songster
Home, Youth, Love
Orphans, Slaves
Nature, Work, Fun, Mockery